19-Year-Old Candidate for Chicago Alderman Gets on Ballot After Challenge Withdrawn

On December 15, David Krupa, a 19-year-old college student running for Chicago alderman, 13th district, got on the ballot.  He had needed 473 valid signatures and had submitted 1,703.  But then his opponent, who is backed by the Chicago Democratic organization, submitted 2,700 affidavits from voters who had claimed they had signed for Krupa and that they now wanted to withdraw their signatures.  Only 187 of those voters had actually signed for Krupa.  The move got so much bad publicity for the organization, it fell apart.  See this story.  Thanks to Jim Riley for the link.


19-Year-Old Candidate for Chicago Alderman Gets on Ballot After Challenge Withdrawn — 5 Comments

  1. It happened that the Cook County State’s Attorney met with the Chicago Tribune editorial board. Kim Foxx said, “this is an intriguing story, we’re eager for the conversation” She wnt on to say that she couldn’t just rely on John’s column (BAN posted a link to the column last week).

    John Kass the columnist said that she could pick up the phone and have the elections board send the documents over. The elections board said that Foxx could come there and get them. “They’ve been waiting for her for more than a week.”


    Short answers:

    NO, YES

  2. How many DEAD/PHANTOM voters from 1960 Prez election in Chicago [causing Prez JFK election) are still signing petition sigs, withdrawal sigs and even voting sigs ???

    Only the RED Donkey Devil-in-Chief knows for sure ???

  3. @DR,

    A TV station did a FOIA request for the 2700 signatures withdrawal affidavits and went door to door. The reporter looked quite bulky, perhaps he had a vest under his jacket, and the voters didn’t want to be on camera. Some said they thought they were signing a “signature verification”.

    “Just sign on this line”
    “What’s this ‘pay to the order of” mean?
    “It means nothing. Besides it is blank”
    “OK, just checking”
    “Yeah, blank checking” (chuckles) “you can’t trust nobody these days”
    “You’re not a nobody, you’re a ward heeler”
    (pulls himself, brings in his stomach) “I guess I am somebody. How do you like my suit and this fancy bootineer?
    “It makes you look real swell” (signs 3×5 inch sheet of paper)

  4. What persons in the Chicago regime are NOT AL Capone type door-to-door EXTORTION FELONS ???

    When will the STATIST looters in the Chicago regime bankrupt the regime ???

    — see NY City, Detroit, etc.

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