Bills in Three States to Move Presidential Primaries Earlier

Bills have recently been introduced in Oregon, Texas, and Washington, to move the presidential primaries to earlier months. The Oregon bills, HB 2107 and HB 2279, move the entire primary from May to March.

The Texas bill, HB 725, moves the entire primary from March to January.

The Washington bills, SB 5273, SB 5229, and HB 1262, move the presidential primary (but not the primary for other office) from May to March. Thanks to FrontloadingHQ for this news.


Bills in Three States to Move Presidential Primaries Earlier — 6 Comments

  1. Good grief. This is getting ridiculous. Maybe be should just hold all the primaries on the same day with the mid term elections and just get on with it. Then would could have the nominating conventions just before Christmas and have nearly two full years of Presidential campaigning with the party nominees already known.

  2. @Walter Ziobro
    Excellent point. Perpetual campaigning detracts from ability to learn real info about candidates and their positions since early competition for name recognition yields only simple slogans and memes.

  3. Or better yet, how about just ELIMINATE the primaries and have the government get out of the process altogether. Parties can nominate by convention at their own expense anytime they choose. DONE! KISS.

  4. Jeff, great idea. Walter, Gene: You are right. Endless campaigning causes people to focus on the campaign while govt’s influence and power continue to increase.

  5. The Prez primary machinations are due to the USA Prez becoming an elected lawless TYRANT since the 1932 election — State hacks are trying to get a *friendly* tyrant in their evil rotted States.

    See the end ROT of the Roman Republic in 120 BC to 27 BC.

    Abolish the evil rotted Electoral College and ALL the rotted primaries/caucuses and super-rotted hack conventions.

    PR and AppV

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