West Virginia Bill for Runoffs in State Supreme Court Elections Advances

On January 17, the West Virginia House Judiciary Committee passed HB 2008. It changes the election system for Justice of the Supreme Court. Currently the state holds non-partisan elections for that office in November of even years. The bill would move these elections to the May primary, and if no one received at least 40%, there would be a runoff in November.

In 2018, there were two vacancies on the court. At each election, ten candidates filed, and the winners were seated even though neither had received as much as 40%. Here is a copy of the bill.


West Virginia Bill for Runoffs in State Supreme Court Elections Advances — 4 Comments

  1. Sane regimes have the top 2XN in nonpartisan primaries go to general elections —

    eg — nominate top 4, elect 2

  2. Thanks for contributing absolutely SQUAT again, Demo.

    At the November 6, 2018 General Election in West Va., 36.01% was the highest vote total, so it appears that that was the reasoning for the 40% threshold in this new legislation. West Virginia State Supreme Court Justices are elected in two divisions. Here are the results:

    JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS – Unexpired Term, Division 1
    TIM ARMSTEAD 26.05% 131,296
    JOANNA I. TABIT 22.21% 111,915
    CHRIS WILKES 13.10% 66,037
    MARK HUNT 12.05%60,705
    RONALD H. HATFIELD, JR. 7.77% 39,155
    JEFF C. WOODS 4.84% 24,378
    HIRAM ‘BUCK’ LEWIS, IV 4.03% 20,303
    HARRY C. ‘BO’ BRUNER, JR. 3.57% 17,994
    ROBERT H CARLTON 3.56% 17,964
    D.C. OFFUTT, JR. 2.82% 14,193
    TOTAL VOTES: 503,940

    JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS – Unexpired Term, Division 2
    EVAN JENKINS 36.01% 182,133
    DENNISE RENEE SMITH 13.92% 70,394
    JEFFREY KESSLER 11.88%6 0,077
    JIM DOUGLAS 9.41% 47,609
    ROBERT J FRANK 5.88% 29,751
    JIM O’BRIEN 5.69% 28,766
    BRENDEN D. LONG 4.04% 20,443
    MARTY ‘REDSHOES’ SHEEHAN 3.69% 18,639
    WILLIAM SCHWARTZ 3.62% 18,291
    TOTAL VOTES: 505,716

  3. WV — STONE AGE regime created by Lincoln Union Army FORCE in 1863 — one more of Lincoln’s TYRANT actions during the horrific Civil WAR I — mainly to protect railroads to west from rebel Confeds — and to get 2 more Elephant robot USA Senators.

    Sham fraud VA Legislature small faction in northern VA [Union Army occupied] approved the division of VA.

    SCOTUS robot Elephant HACKS upheld the sham fraud after the Civil War —

    one more part of the ROT in the USA political history.

    PR and AppV — regardless of all math/political MORONS.

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