Hawaii Bill to Delete Last Four Digits of Social Security Number on Petitions is Defeated in Committee

On February 1, the Hawaii House Judiciary Committee defeated HB 167, which would have removed the column on petitions for the signer to place the last four digits of the signer’s Social Security number.


Hawaii Bill to Delete Last Four Digits of Social Security Number on Petitions is Defeated in Committee — 14 Comments

  1. A shame. Identity theft is a real problem. Birth dates are a key piece of information for that crime but are readily available on public access voter registration lists, for example here in W.Va. Also in the Mountain State, the last four of SSN, along with name and b-day is all that is needed to alter a voter registration via online: https://ovr.sos.wv.gov/Register/Landing . Identity theft criminals collect information from a variety of sources and string it together. To defeat crime, one must think like a criminal. But, alas, the Hawaii legislature did not do that.

  2. There has never been a case where a person’s identity has been stolen because they signed a petition or filled out a voter registration form anywhere in the country. Even so, this has been used to spread parinoia in order to scare people into not signing petitions.

  3. HI – one of the top 5 EVIL WORST 2019 gerrymander regimes —

    State Sens – 24 RED Donkeys- 1 Elephant

    State Reps – 46 RED Donkeys- 5 Elephants

    PR and AppV

  4. @ Andy – How do you know there has never been a case? My point is that identity thieves are data miners and collect information from a variety of sources. One would have no idea from exactly where they got a SSN, but could have gotten the last four digits from a petition form and then compared that information with another source to verify/isolate another important piece of information. A correlating source may just list ages of potential victims and the petition b-day will allow process of elimination to target them.

    As far as birthdays, there is absolutely NO REASON to require that information on a petition form. If they are duly registered, the county clerk/SOS will be able to find the signer’s name (if printed legibly) in their database and in the case of multiple voters with same/similar names, then be able to identify the particular signer from their signature.

    There is a reasonable expectation that addresses are public so there is minimal risk having that on a form, but the SSNs, ANY PART of them, are completely unnecessary.

  5. JB-

    the HACK make-up of a regime has ZERO to do with the regime’s actions ???

    — perhaps ONLY for political math MORONS —

    almost too many to count on this list — esp super-moron RED communists.

  6. Yes, Demo. We all know that Hawaii is a blue state. But Republican legislatures are equally guilty in other states. For example consider Pennsylvania where no minor party has ever qualified statewide. You’re preaching to the choir and just wasting space here with all of your immature “HACK/MORON” posts.



    The junk media (esp national media – TV, internet, etc) is even more moron stupid than the folks on this list about gerrymander rot —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    Take a poll of folks on the streets (when weather is warmer) —

    1. Are a bare majority of the members of each house of legislature of this State elected by a bare majority of the Voters ???

    2. Do you know what a gerrymander is ???

    3. Do you know what Proportional Representation is ???

    Report back ASAP.
    PR AND APPV — regardless of ALL dismissive political math MORONS.

  8. Well… well… well… Demo Rep I am a real new age juvenile who has voted in every election since 1964! Guess what? I know where the Caps lock key is! Apparently you don’t!

  9. Will CL be doing the 3 question poll of his/her local ADULT folks ???

    or better yet – doing the gerrymander math in his/her home State and educating the local media ???

  10. Jeff, I have been following this stuff closely for close to 19 years, and I have researched this issue. I have yet to find even one documented case of identity thrft from a petition or voter registration.

  11. I do agree that asking for the last 4 digits of an SSN, even if it is optional, should not be on a petition, or a voter registration form for that matter.

    Every state I have seen that asks for date of birth on a petition it is actually optional. It can be used to help find people on the voter rolls if their address is illegible.

  12. CL-

    olde calendar ages – possible senile brains

    see the top 3 olde POWER-MAD HACKS in Devil City-

    Pelosi, McConnell, Trump.

    See demise of olde USSR due to decades of senile olde top commie hacks.

    How many States have olde age limits for officers – esp judges ???

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