Lyndon LaRouche Dies

On February 12, Lyndon LaRouche died at the age of 96. LaRouche was once a member of the Socialist Workers Party, but he formed his own party in 1973, the U.S. Labor Party. It placed nominees on the ballot in 1974, 1976, and 1978. LaRouche was the party’s 1976 presidential nominee. He polled 40,043 votes.

In 1979 he dissolved his U.S. Labor Party, and started having its members run in Democratic primaries. He himself ran in Democratic presidential primaries in 1980, polling 177,784 votes in those presidential primaries. LaRouche supporters have been running in Democratic primaries for various offices ever since, and a few of them have won Democratic nominations for U.S. House and state office. Two of his followers won Illinois Democratic primaries in 1986 for Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State.

LaRouche did not run for president in the general election of 1980, but he did run in the general elections of 1984, 1988, and 1992 as an independent, even though he had also run in Democratic presidential primaries in all those years. In the general election, he polled 26,333 votes in 1992; 25,562 votes in 1988; and 78,807 votes in 1984. In the general election of 1984, he was the only third choice on the ballot in Texas and Virginia. No minor parties got on the ballot in those two states that year.

LaRouche and his organization won several important election law court precedents. In Texas, he won a decision from the Texas Supreme Court saying that states may not bar candidates from a presidential primary ballot just because they have been convicted of a felony. That will be a noteworthy precedent if any state passes a law keeping presidential candidates off the ballot if they don’t reveal their income tax returns. LaRouche v Hannah, 822 SW 2d 632 (1992).

In New Jersey and Utah in 1984, he won decisions striking down the early petition deadlines for independent presidential candidates (both of them were in April). In California, he won a state court decision that said when the state puts candidates on presidential primary ballots automatically if they are discussed in the news media, the state must not be too stringent in its definition of “news media” (the LaRouche organization had its own weekly newspaper).

By running in 1992 presidential primaries and then in the general election as an independent, LaRouche set nine precedents that “sore loser” laws don’t pertain to presidential primaries. He set these precedents in Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin. LaRouche created more such precedents than anyone else in history except for John B. Anderson, who set them in Connecticut, D.C., Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon. However, since then, Alabama, Arkansas, and Michigan have chosen to ignore these precedents, and the Ohio law has been altered to specifically bar “sore losers” in presidential elections.

LaRouche’s death means that the sole surviving presidential candidate from the 1976 election is Jimmy Carter.


Lyndon LaRouche Dies — 15 Comments

  1. “LaRouche’s death means that the sole surviving presidential candidate from the 1976 election is Jimmy Carter.”

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he outlived everyone who ran in 1980 as well.

    Hell, given his luck I wouldn’t be surprised if he outlived humanity.

  2. I used to think LaRouche was a huge whack job when I believed the lying corporate deep state media. Larouche was a ground breaker. He was defiant as hell to the government. His policy papers if you read then back in the 70s until today were way more correct than the pundit class. Larouche called out free trade laws and corporate undermining of our middle class. Larouche was a big critic of the Federal Reserve and Alan Greenspan. He called the collapse and bailout of the real estate market. He fought for Glass-Steegal regulations (which still hasn’t materialized) to reign in banks. He exposed our nation’s intervention in foreign countries and toppling of countries. Larouche fought hard against the war in Iraq. He exposed the lies of Rumsfeld, Powell and Bush. He was vindicated over and over. He understood the Israel and Jewish lobby influence in our foreign policy. Make no mistake we are beholden to this lobby and their lies.
    Larouche became basically a political prisoner because of Mueller and then U.S. attorney William Weld. Yes the Deep State. He was discredited forever because of this. When years went by I picked up the Larouche literature and though they called his followers ‘cultists’ at the end of the day they were right and the deep state media, corporate globalists, and industrial military complex led people to believe the lie. I was a victim of their lies too. In his last couple of years Larouche became a supporter of Trump. I a Trump supporter of Trump. I supported Ralph Nader and Ron Paul. Why? The common theme is the outsider see the ruling class as all on the same team. Democrats, Republicans, media, military, deep state have all created us false choices but they are the same choices. Larouche actually knew Trump is not the ruling class. Trump is not perfect but he is the closest thing to an outsider in my lifetime. He has the Establishment on eggshells. I think the LaRouche movement will move on with his wife and followers. Hopefully as outsiders they will keep exposing the ruling class for their malfeseance. Like I usually end up saying “Larouche Was Right Agaaaaaain”

  3. You failed to mention the anti-semitism that Larouche was famous for. Huge omission.

  4. Michelle Vinson so you are telling me that when he or anyone correctly calls out Israel and Jews for their meddling in our foreign affaits and their meddling in other countries then we are just “anti-semities”? You guys are just weak sauce. That is all you have. You can’t guilt or manipulate me. Those days are ending. Israel and Jews for that little country and population has more influence per capital than any group of people on this Earth. So even that Rep. Omar had it right, “It’s all about the Benjamins”. Yes remember Jews and Israel have no influence at all. Michael Bloomberg today just promised $500M to take out Trump. Remember Jews have no influence and you can’t say it’s about the Benjamins because oooooohhhh…. you just might be called an anti-semitie. My life is so over. How shall I live with my conscious? More people know now, maybe time to shut the “anti-semitie” labels down.

  5. I remember Lyn Marcus (also known as Lyndon LaRoache)’s organization bringing together the Left in Los Angeles in the early 1970s (before the so=called “US Labor Party”) because they were using Nazi tactics of disrupting meetings and beating activists. It is no wonder that AS is now saying it may be time to shut down “anti-semetic” labels. Read the “newspaper” and you will find it is totally wacky, espousing that the Queen of England is a drug dealer, etc. It does NOT deal with real issues. I will always consider this man to be a modern-day Nazi unless proven otherwise.

  6. Back in the 1990’s whenever I tried to speak to people about the Libertarian party more than half would say,”I know all about the Libertarian party, it was founded by Lyndon LaRouche”. No matter how much I explained the truth, no one would believe me and then they would get upset with me for denying LaRouche was a Libertarian. That drove me nuts.

  7. @Robert Stock we fought wars in Iraq and meddled in countless countries to overthrow leaders we didn’t care for. Larouche was against all these wars and over throwing of governments. How many of our soldiers have died for this Globalist agenda? How many of their civilians died for this Globalist agenda? We are still in Syria for who? We are always invoking war in Iran for what reason? Now we are talking about the overthrow of Venezuela? Whose children are to be sent for these endless wars? Larouche was against all these interventions. He believed we could do better. Remember us “outsiders” weren’t the politicians who decided to send children to die in foreign nations. Maybe you should have more perspective about the deaths of millions by our military and leaders than worry about some alleged meeting back in the early 70s in Los Angeles.

  8. Any LL comments about the minority rule gerrymanders in the USA/State/Local regimes ???

    How many FBI, CIA, etc. files (XXX feet thick) on LL to be shredded asap ???

  9. I recall that at one time TIME magazine identified Lyndon LaRouche as a Libertarian. In spite of protests from the Libertarian Party, TIME never issued a retraction or correction.

  10. Correction my last comment should have been directed to Casey Peters not Robert Stock. Sorry Robert

  11. Always Something: My post was about my frustration that so many people I spoke with in the 1990s mistakenly thought LaRouche was the founder of the Libertarian party. Even after being told he wasn’t. I did not say if I agreed or disagreed with LaRouche. And I won’t say in this post either.

  12. To all who falsely accuse this human being of anything, let me personally write that Larouche was instrumental in stopping a Nazi Russian fascist dictatorship takeover of the United States starting in 1983 that would have eliminated entire populations of a variety of religions not associated with the Russian or Byzantine Orthodox Churches all the while still promoting a peaceful solution while his\m and his wife life were in danger. Creating enormous amounts of wealth and success while repeatedly educating the citizens of policies, threats, poetry, food safety, farming, single payer healthcare, uplifting culture, and stopping a nuclear war that elections often ignored. Sure, individuals were ignored while their energy was spent on pushing policy and teaching. The only reason why there was a new generation born after 1989 was because of the sacrifices and services this man trained others to perform. Look at the genocide the State of NY just passed and then look at your children and see whose side everybody is really on.

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