New Mexico Bill for National Popular Vote Advances

On Sunday, March 10, the New Mexico Senate Rules Committee passed HB 55, the National Popular Vote Plan bill. Now it goes to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Thanks to Rick Lass for this news.


New Mexico Bill for National Popular Vote Advances — 20 Comments

  1. My view is that NPV is a dumb idea that doesn’t eliminate problems, but, rather, trades one problem for another. But aside from that, I fail to see how adopting this would be in the interest of a swingish state like New Mexico.

  2. Thanks for the wikipedia link. Looks like 172 of 270 electoral votes to trigger the compact so far. There are bills in the legislature in more than enough states to trigger it but I don’t know how many of those bills have a real chance of passage. Does anyone here have a good sense of that?

    If the electoral college advantage accrues to Democrats rather than Republicans – I understand this almost happened in 2004, although I don’t think it will happen in 2020 – we may see a flip with Republican states adopting it. However, I would also not be surprised if the states already in the compact would start withdrawing at that point.

  3. @ Bill Forrest – It is only blue states who are interested in this since it ties in with their ploy to pad the vote numbers with illegals, felons, and 16-year olds.

    Red states would be foolish to even think about NPV, but should be working on a compact of their own for district election of presidential electors – to be either triggered when all fifty states have such a plan in place or paired with blue states with matching electoral votes.

  4. Perhaps if anyone could remember why states even exist anymore this whole “problem” would go away.

  5. Theoretically, could a bunch of red states have a compact to automatically award all electoral votes to the GOP nominee regardless of vote? Both that and the NPVIC would disregard their own state’s vote.

  6. @ Brandon – exactly. The states can select PEs any way they want. Actually, “appoint” is the operative word: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…”

  7. The best option for any state not in the compact to influence the outcome of the total popular vote would be to use approval voting. Each voter would get more than one vote, and no would could determine how many approval votes any one voter used. If NPV passes, I highly recommend approval voting for President in swing states.

  8. I-10-3 No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, *** enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, ***.

    DOA in the Elephant USA gerrymander Senate ???

    Sorry — any such compact can NOT subvert 14-1 / 14-2

    — having votes OUTSIDE a State determine results INSIDE a State.

    The whole evil NPV mess — ONE MORE RED communist scheme to subvert thee USA Const by a *statutory* type fix.


    RED communist W/E coast States – fascist middle States

    — see which collapses first.

  9. Here is how red and blue states could pair up to enact district elections of presidential electors:
    Alaska (red): 3
    Hawaii (blue): 3

    Washington (blue): 8
    South Dakota (red): 3
    Nebraska (red): 5

    Oregon (blue): 7
    Idaho (red): 4
    Montana (red): 3

    Nevada (blue): 6
    Utah (red): 6

    Colorado (blue): 9
    Wyoming (red): 3
    Kansas (red): 6

    Minnesota (blue): 10
    North Dakota (red): 3
    Oklahoma (red): 7

    Illinois (blue): 20
    Indiana (red): 11
    Alabama (red): 9

    Virginia (blue): 13
    West Virginia (red): 5
    Kentucky (red): 8

    New York (blue): 29
    Missouri (red): 10
    Tennessee (red): 11
    Louisiana (red): 8

  10. “@ Bill Forrest – It is only blue states who are interested in this since it ties in with their ploy to pad the vote numbers with illegals, felons, and 16-year olds.”

    LOL, funny comedy. As for the reality: Felon disenfranchisement is antiquated and should have been done away with long ago. A 16 year old voting age is probably a good idea too. No human being is illegal, but I don’t think non-citizens should vote. Republicans and Repubsymps blather about this virtually nonexistent phenomenon endlessly while ignoring the Republican-allied voter suppression and electronic voting fraud which are both far more widespread.

  11. Blue states may currently be more interested thanks to the 2000 and 2016 elections but as I understand it 2004 almost had the same thing happen in favor of the Republicans.

  12. @ Bill – correct. In ’04, Bush only won Ohio by about 120,000 votes. If Kerry would have squeaked it out, the EV count would have been identical to that of 2000 but with Dubya at almost 3 million more popular votes.

  13. The person to get elected with the smallest popular vote percentage in recent memory was Bill Clinton, who only got 43% in 1992. Since this was the highest plurality vote that year, NPV would not have changed the outcome. Ranked choice or approval voting might have produced a different outcome.

  14. WHY is there ANY obsession with the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander Electoral College SUPER-TIMEBOMB ???

    Esp. after 1860 — with about 750,000 plus DEAD in 1861-1865.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA – including Devil City and 3rd class colonies.

    PR and AppV – pending Condorcet.

  15. (1) Apportion presidential electors among the United States and their territories on the basis of citizens over the age of 18, with at least one elector per 50,000 persons.

    Result: citizens residing in territories will be able to vote for president, the senatorial disproportionality will be eliminated, and the relevant population (voters) will be recognized.

    (2) Require electors be elected, and grant Congress time, place, manner authority over election of presidential electors (the same authority they have with regard to Congress). Congress might require district election, or proportional elections. Qualification: Citizen over 18, resident of state at tim of election.

    Result: Congress is likely to require consistent ballot access; avoids locking election methods into the constitution; and permits better proportionality because of the larger number of electors (Wyoming would have at least 9 electors, California at least 499 electors)

    (3) Presidential electors meet as single body and choose president by majority vote. Meeting may be physically separate, if simultaneous communication is communication is established.

    Result: Electoral college will be seen as deliberative body, and avoids risk of dumping election into House of Representatives.

    (3a) Optional, move start of term of Congress to January 20.

    (4) Eliminate office of Vice President.

    (4a) Have separate electors for Vice President.

    (4b) Have electors choose, president, vice president, and cabinet by prportional method.

  16. ABOLISH the Electoral College and ALL of its machinations – esp gerrymander machinations.

    VP – Dept head when not Acting Prez or actual Prez.

  17. Replace the U.S. Constitution with the UN Charter. Who needs nation-states anyway?

  18. Are ALL the *nations* *united* ???

    Since when ???

    Sorry – KILLER/enslaver monarchy/oligarchy BARBARIAN regimes vs alleged peaceful Democracy regimes

    — 6,000 plus years and counting.

    PR and AppV

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