In California, some qualified parties let independents vote in their presidential primaries, but others don’t. Assembly bill 681, by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, requires that county election officials send three notices to all voters in advance of the presidential primary, telling them which parties allow independents to vote in their primaries. At least one of the notices must be sent electronically. On April 24, the Assembly Appropriations Committee declined to pass the bill, and put it on the suspense file.
NO extremist primaries.
PR and AppV
Another excessive measure to waste the taxpayers money! ONLY those voters registered NPP would need to be notified about the ballot qualified parties permitting them voting in the parties Presidential primary, and THAT can be done with a notation on the sample ballot that each voter receives in the mail. Also, requiring one of the 3 notices to be sent electronically is totally ridiculous. It presumes the every single voter registered NPP is willing to provide an active e-mail address to their County Recorder’s Office which, of course, will never happen and anyways is absolutely unenforceable. Will be interesting to see which of the Big 3 or small 3 parties decide to allow NPP voters in their Presidential primaries in March, 2020.
Hi Richard,
Assembly Bill 681 is one of several hundred bills to be put on the suspense file. Tune in May 16 when the Assembly Appropriations Committee will advance many (if not most) of these bills on suspense to the full Assembly floor.