Texas Bill to Require Convention Party Nominees to Pay Filing Fees is Amended to Make it Easier for a Party to Remain on Ballot

Texas Representative Drew Springer (R-Muenster) has amended his HB 2504.  Originally the bill only said that nominees of parties that nominate by convention must pay filing fees.  On May 9, Springer amended his bill to say that a party remains on the ballot if it polled as much as 2% of the vote for any statewide office in any of the last five elections.

If this amended bill became law this year, the Green Party would be restored to the ballot, because it polled over 2% for a statewide race in 2010.  Thanks to Wes Benedict for this news.


Texas Bill to Require Convention Party Nominees to Pay Filing Fees is Amended to Make it Easier for a Party to Remain on Ballot — 8 Comments

  1. Special thanks to Wes Benedict for the information which could help the Green Party of Texas.


    For all those who supported the adoption of the one-party system in the California State and the national L.P.s (single-winner election districts using AppV and RCV), the United Coalition USA is apologizing to you for implying that your approval of such voting systems implicates you as racist. Not many people understand that when only the biggest faction can win in a one-party system that racial minorities get excluded.

    Just because you don’t understand the math doesn’t mean your work is tainted with racism.

    We’re looking inside and out for the correct diplomatic rhetoric by which we can define the situation of the appearance of “institutionalized racism”, but we’re not doing a good enough job to bring the correct message.

    Please be patient. Learning diplomacy takes effort, the desire is there, but our message needs to be refined.

    When we all get along and work for the good of the whole, nothing can stop the United Coalition USA, even when we trip on our own shoe laces.

    Thank you very much for your patience and understanding as we try to repair the damage.

    –James Ogle [One]
    (Not affiliated with Google One)

    Bringing the three-party system to POTUS in 2020 one Elector at a time.

  2. Gee – perhaps some TX Elephant math genius noted that the Greens drain votes from RED Donkeys — aka divide and conquer.

  3. JO –

    the damage dates from the gerrymander formation of the English House of Commons in the late 1200s —

    top regime hacks wanted local agents for tax purposes.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.



    PR and AppV

  4. Nowhere in the U S Constitution, the ultimate authority on all state election laws, does it make the ballot the property of a state government, aka, the duopoly political parties.

    Voters owned the ballot until the 1880s when the secret ballot reform was used to confiscate the ballot from the public by monopolizing its production. It was a Taking without just compensations to the voters. All fees and quotas, monetary or laborious petitions, are an illegal direct tax to impose censorship of the ballot and deny voters their freedom to choose. All states use rigged ballots to slant elections for the duopoly parties. All ballot access laws should be abolished as unconstitutional and violations of fundamental human rights.

    Can this be litigated? That’s to be determined. A voter uprising? TBD.

  5. DFR —


    PUBLIC Electors/Voters, Nominations and Elections

    according to PUBLIC Consts/laws.
    BAAAAAAD olde days before secret ballots and official primaries —

    TYRANT bosses controlling regimes — vote for MY hacks or get purged – lose job or worse.

    — often DEATH for black wannabee voters in ex-slave States.

  6. HB 2504 was passed on 3rd Reading, on a party line vote 77:57.

    The underlying bill is a mess, leaving a lot to the SOS.

    It does not state when the filing fee is due, or when an in lieu of petition is due, or when it may be circulated, or if there is a restriction on signers.

    Currently, party nominees do not personally file with government election officials. Instead, the party officials certify the nominees.

    For county and precinct offices, the fee is paid to the county judge, but the nominees are certified to the county clerk.

    It would be a lot simpler if all candidates paid a fee to the county election officials at the same time,like is done for special elections. If nobody gets a majority, hold a runoff.

  7. The Green Party had a candidate that received 2% of the vote 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016, so under the bill would be qualified through 2026.

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