Virginia Legislator Will Seek Re-Election as a Write-in Candidate

Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas has said he will run for re-election as a write-in candidate in the November 2019 election. He was left off the ballot because he filed his declaration of candidacy with the wrong office. He is a Republican and his district is heavily Republican. The only name on the ballot will be the Democratic nominee, Ann Ridgeway.

The last time anyone was elected as a write-in to the Virginia legislature in a general election was in 1989. Thanks to Daniel Sachs for this news.


Virginia Legislator Will Seek Re-Election as a Write-in Candidate — 18 Comments

  1. I got the impression he had submitted his consent to an incorrect e-mail address, and thus it was not received in time.

    Under Virginia’s turkey of a nomination system (it’s hokey) parties can nominate a candidate, who has to separately send his consent.

    Virginia should adopt Top 2 to simplify the procedure for all candidates.

  2. CL-

    NOOO election tyrant regimes are super-*efficient*

    — succession by FORCE – see olde Weatern Roman Empire.

    Lots of Emperors killed off by palace guards – new killer took over.

  3. @me,

    Top 2 eliminates the disparate paths to be on the ballot, including segregated partisan primaries. Generally, this means that ballot qualification will be easier. If “other” candidates want to be on the ballot in a conventional system, the in’s establish barrier’s to the out’s.

    A conventional system also tends to result in interference by the government in party affairs including keeping records of poltical affiliations of voters.

    Why do you advocate for the status quo?

  4. Jim, every country in the world with at least 1,000,000 population, that has elections, lets political parties nominate candidates for at least some offices. There is only one exception, Iran. Do you think the entire world (except for Iran) is wrong to use partisan elections?

  5. more/less govt for 6,000 plus years —

    IE PARTISAN laws- esp taxes/spending — esp since 1929 – mere 90 years and counting.

    PR partisan – legis
    AppV NONPARTISAN exec/judic

  6. Which of these countries keeps a record of party affiliation of voters, and conducts segregated primaries on their behalf?

    In most of the world, legislative candidates are essentially independents. Though often political parties are permitted to give permission to use their label next to a candidates name.

    France essentially uses Top 2.

  7. Using France as your support for Top 2 shows how bad it really is.

    Top 2 takes choice away. You can’t even write in a candidate in California, so you are stuck with two terrible candidates.

  8. In France, very party and every candidate is permitted to participate in elections. The presidential election is an election. If someone gets 50%, he or she is elected. De Gaulle won his presidential election with a majority, so there was no run-off.

    France provides that if no one gets a majority for president, then there is a run-off. So France is like Louisiana, and is not a top-two system. The California and Washington preliminary events are not elections because no one can be elected at them. They are just extremely severe ballot access barriers to the election itself.

  9. @RW,

    The 1956 French presidential election was not a popular election. Every popular election under the 5th Republic has gone to a runoff.

    In the 2017 parliamentary election, only four of 577 constituencies were won outright in the first round.

    There is not a sou’s worth of difference.

  10. Another reason the French system is not similar to top-two is that in parliamentary elections, candidates can run in the run-off if they choose to, even if they didn’t place first or second.

    De Gaulle was elected in 1958, not 1956.


    One more monarchy regime — posing as a *democracy*.

    De Gaulle went thru the 1933-1940 FATAL ROT of the French Third Republic –

    copied Hitler’s regime in 1958.

    Europeans have FATAL monarchy ROT/TYRANNY in their brain damaged skulls

    – esp in France with DARK AGE olde regime Kings, Napoleon I, Napoleon III, De Gaulle.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP.

  12. @RW,

    You are correct that it was 1958 when De Gaulle was elected in an indirect election. He was re-elected in 1965 in a popular election (in a second round).

    It is quite rare to have more than two qualifiers to the second round because the threshold of 12.5% is based on registrations, not votes cast. There was only one triangulaire in 2017. You are correct that candidates may withdraw.

    If I were going to permit more than 2 candidates to advance, I would let n candidates advance, where n is the smallest number such that the n leading candidates received more than n/(n+1) of the vote. I would then let other candidates to combine their support to advance, and would let candidates other than the top 2 to withdraw.

    This would repeat for as many rounds as needed to produce a winner.

  13. AppV NONPARTISAN exec/judic – pending Condorcet.

    Advanced ROT in Europe due to *parliamentary* regimes

    — same HACKS having top executive jobs and being law-makers.

    See esp. FATAL ROT in 1933-1940 in the French 3rd Republic.

    Continued in 1946-1958 French 4th Republic.

    Now 1958-2019 monarchy French 5th republic.

    Some regimes appear brain dead hopeless – ie FRANCE, UK, Italy, etc.

    Will the USA bail out the Europe rotted regimes a 3rd time in any WW III ???

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