Common Sense Party Hopes to Qualify for California Ballot

A new party in California called the Common Sense Party is attempting to qualify for the ballot. It needs about 70,000 registered voters. The deadline is in October 2019 if it wants to be involved in congressional and legislative races in 2020. If it only wants to be qualified for the presidential election, the deadline is July 2020. Here is the party’s web page.


Common Sense Party Hopes to Qualify for California Ballot — 9 Comments

  1. It better have a heck of a lot of money to pay for voter registrations or petition signatures.

  2. A bogus front of the Elephants — to divide and conquer the RED communist Donkey hoards in CA ???

    NOT even a PO Box ???

  3. It appears to be part of the attack on the American Independent Party. In a September 2018 Calmatters column, Tom Campbell, Quentin Kopp, and Steve Poizner were indicated as being involved in creating a new party.

    The concept of a party being qualified to “participate” in a Top 2 election is non-sensical. The Washington litigation made clear that a party preference of a candidate was a personal political expression, and therefore 1st-Amendment protected.

    In essence, Debra Bowen and Alex Padilla have decreed that only more popular views authorized by the State of California may be expressed. Candidates who have a less popular viewpoint are muzzled and forced to bear the false expression of not having a party preference. They are not even permitted to have nothing appear next to their name.

    California should only require a minimal number of registrants (50 or 100), and a tangible party organization:
    (1) bylaws;
    (2) party officers who legally act on behalf of the party;
    (3) republican form of governance, that is, officers chosen by registrants;
    (4) biennial state convention;

    A political party can be thought of as being analogous to a corporation. The state’s interest is only to ensure that a corporation is ultimately responsible to its shareholders. It can’t care what products or services the corporation provides, or whether the corporation is profitable or not. California can not care what the platforms of political parties or which candidates the party recruits or supports.

    Padilla’s blurting out that the reason to vote for him is to assist Diane Feinstein in passing a $15 minimum wage is reprehensible. That is not the job of the SOS.

  4. Yet another example — to have

    NOOOO primaries, caucuses and conventions.
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  5. E – 154 is October 1, 2019 for the March 3, 2020 direct
    primary in California. 0.33 of 1 % due date is October 1,

    Jim Riley why does it appear that this party is part of an attack of the American Independent Party? What is the nature of the attack?

  6. This party is simply trying to provide California voters an alternative between alt-right Republicans and Socialist Democrats. No other agenda.

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