U.S. District Court Judge Explains Why He Enjoined the California Tax Returns-Ballot Law on September 19

On October 1, U.S. District Court Judge Morrison England issued a 24-page opinion, explaining why he had orally enjoined California’s new tax returns-ballot bill on September 19. The judge says the law violates the Constitution in multiple ways: it adds a qualification; it violates voting rights; it violates equal protection; and it is preempted by a federal law that already requires federal employees (including President Trump) to fill out certain financial disclosure forms. It violates equal protection because it doesn’t apply to independent or write-in candidates.

There are five cases combined, but the case listed first in the opinion is the one that was filed first in the eastern district. Jerry Griffin, the first-named plaintiff in that particular case, is a registered Republican voter. Therefore, almost by a random process, this case will probably go down in the history books as Griffin v Padilla.

The opinion says that the law’s proponents have exaggerated when they have said that all presidential candidates starting in the 1970’s revealed their tax returns. Among the presidential candidates listed in the opinion who didn’t release them is Ralph Nader. Also the opinion points out that President Gerald Ford never released his tax returns, although he did release a summary of his tax returns.


U.S. District Court Judge Explains Why He Enjoined the California Tax Returns-Ballot Law on September 19 — 5 Comments

  1. Will the arrogant powermad RED communists in the CA regime appeal to USA 9 Cir Ct App and / or SCOTUS ???

  2. Count the now standard various vague adjectives and adverbs in the op.

    A mere law is constitutional or UN-constitutional on its face — Const text v mere law text.

    Same for the acts/omissions of exec/judic officers.

    None of the *likely* stuff >>> mystification of injunctions.

    Keep suing for $$$ damages to BANKRUPT ALL HACKS – legis, exec and judic — who SUBVERT the USA Const. — on top of trying to get them put in a Fed jail for 200 plus years for rebellion, subversion, etc.

    At least the election law case has moved along with some speed — due to the Nov 2019 deadline day in the op.

    See earlier FAILURE to declare ALL secession stuff UN-constitutional in 1860-1861 —

    before the shooting started in Apr 1861.

    AFTER the 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1866 — SCOTUS did declare the secession stuff Uncon – FATAL LATE.

  3. Good stuff in op –

    Threw the Con Law kitchen sink at the CA morons – multiple Con law section violations.

    NOT done in most cases — but should be done in ALL cases.

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