Easthampton, Massachusetts Voters Pass Ballot Measure for Ranked Choice Voting

On November 5, the voters of Easthampton, Massachusetts, approved using ranked choice voting for most city office. Thanks to David Cary for this news.


Easthampton, Massachusetts Voters Pass Ballot Measure for Ranked Choice Voting — 8 Comments

  1. Stalin-Hitler-Washington

    RCV example —

    means ZERO to New Age Dumb/Dumber/Dumbest ever math RCV SUPER MORONS.

  2. This one is good news. Massachusetts is the only State that has state-wide election statutes for pure proportional representation (PPR) from what I understand.

    The Libertarian One 2020

    Bringing the 539-party system to the 538-member Electoral College.

  3. @joogle/DR,

    Massachusetts has different forms of city/town governance, such as strong mayor, city council with city manager with mayor elected from city council, representative town meeting, and town meeting.

    Cambridge has a city council with a city manager, with a twist that the city council is elected by STV.

    But that option has been removed from statute. Cambridge is grandfathered in. No other city can adopt it, and STV is stuck with a weird algorithm.

    The legislature adopted a special law amending the city charter of Easthampton, with the condition that the changes be approved by the voters.

  4. EG, when a person registers a domain name, they can tell anyone a story as to that particular moment in time.

    The question “what is a joogle”, the answer “I don’t know what a joogle is but a google is a number” happened in Usenet and is permanent record as is the announcement one week later by Brin “I just named my search engine google.com, come check it out […]”.

    I am an artist, not a programmer, so should the archives exist I don’t have the time and skills to locate it.

    When Cameron Spitzer announced he had Brin turn traffic away from my name Brin turned traffic from my online rag “The Parliamentarian” and that traffic went to Robert’s Rules of Order.

    I was disappointed because Robert’s Rules of Order use a 2/3rds threshold and the new math is 50% plus one vote.

    Now after twenty-five consecutive years of conducting vote counting on paper ballots I can articulate the correct math for both names and decision-making.

    As it turns out I’ve been counting correctly as volunteer vote counter.

    Not “go” ogle, that’s a plurality vote, plurality votes bring a two-party system.

    Instead use “1” ogle.

    The Libertarian One 2020

    Voting now going on for the new pure proportional representation Electoral College by paper ballots only:


    There is a link on my campaign page that Brin didn’t delete because it was a post in alt.politics.republicans and he missed deleting that one from Google Groups. I will try to post the link here as a follow-up. It was announcing Harry Browne the Libertarian was ahead but the final count isn’t there. Exactly 350 voters ranked the 125 U.S. Presidential candidates correctly and Harry Browne the Libertarian won.

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