Lincoln Chafee Attends Libertarian National Committee Meeting, Becomes Lifetime Member

Former Rhode Island Governor and U.S. Senator Lincoln Chafee attended the recent meeting of the Libertarian Party national committee.  Here is a news story from Rhode Island which interviewed him about that.


Lincoln Chafee Attends Libertarian National Committee Meeting, Becomes Lifetime Member — 89 Comments

  1. Oh no, here we go again! If Chafee, or someone like him, wins the LP’s presidential nomination, or vuce presidential nomination, it will be the 4th presidential election in a row where the Libertarian Party does not have a real libertarian on its presidential ticket.

    I am betting that the usual suspects in the LP, as in the people who brought us the likes of Bob Barr, Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, etc…, will all be lining up behind Lincoln Chafee now. Perhaps one or more other charlatans will pop up and run for the LP’s presidential and vice presidential nomination between now and when the voting takes place at the convention.

    If the LP can’t nominate actual libertarian Libertarians to be on its presidential ticket anymore, perhaps will have outlived its usefulness as a vehicle for promoting liberty.

  2. How many death threats, bribes and purges for LP folks in the marginal 2016 Prez/VP EC areas ???

    Divide and conquer stuff by RED commies.

    More LP or more Greens in the 2020 EC WAR – so-called *battleground* areas.

  3. Andy- if by “someone like him” you mean Mark Sanford I agree. I think the jury is still out on Justin Amash.

  4. I agree with you about Sanford. Lincoln Chafee/Mark Sanford as the LP’s presidential ticket would be truly cringe worthy.

    I am not completely sold on Amash as a presidential candidate for the LP, but he has a much better record than Chafee and Sanford, and he’d be better than anyone who has been on the LP’s Presidential ticket since 2004. Regardless of the merits or demerits of Justin Amash, last I heard he is running for reelection to the US House seat he occupies as an independent, and is not running for President.

  5. Chafee would certainly be better than Amash or Sanford. Sick and tired of coercive social conservatives and reactionaries pretending to be the guardians of a distorted libertarian purity. That cancer needs to be cut out from every last molecule of the party and movement.

  6. LOL! The predictable troll posts pop up right after my comments. Tell us “Rod,” what is your last name, and what is the state LP affiliate where you are a member? I have been reading and posting at this site for many years, and I know, and know of, a lot of people in the LP, and I do not know who you are. It would not surprise me if “Rod” is posting under a fake name and an IP anonymizer.

    Lincoln Chafee has ZERO background as a libertarian. I looked up his record in office after he switched his voter registration to Libertarian several months ago, and he was far from being a libertarian. Now, after going his entire life with ZERO background as a libertarian, he joins the Libertarian Party, and wants to go straight to the top of the party’s ticket. I say no way. This is another Bob Barr/Gary Johnson/Bill Weld/etc…, conman/ruling establishment shill hijacker. I’m sure the usual suspects in the LP who were cramming Bill Weld down our throats will be fawning all over this clown. Some of them already are.

  7. People I’d vote for over Chafee:

    Pretty much anyone who has declared they are seeking the LP nomination right now, including Vermin Supreme, who I consider to be a joke candidate, but if the LP nominates Chafee, the party will turn into a bigger joke than it already is, so give the choice between Chafee and Supreme, I’d take Supreme, because at least Supreme is not pretendung to be a serious candidate. The only thing Chafee is serious about is severely watering down, and screwing over, the Libertarian Party and movement.

  8. Lincoln Chaffee has not said he is running for President. His demurral may be a polite way of saying “thanks for thinking of me” or he may actually want to, but there is not enough information to know at this point.
    He was the only Republican Senator to vote against Bush Jr’s war in Iraq, and he is pro-choice on abortion. Yes he does have a record with some views and policies that libertarians would object to, and I don’t particularly want him to run for President. But Ron Paul endorsed Pat Buchanan for President i 1992 because of the earlier Iraq War; Buchanan is a coercive social conservative, and he opposes free trade and wants a crackdown on immigration, so I think if antiwar is the only issue, Lincoln Chaffee is preferable to a Pat Buchanan type candidate.

  9. This is good news, we need to be an open and welcome community to people that come to us with a genuine interest in the Party. What might happen in the future could be another matter, but this is good.

  10. ANY chance for ANY 2020 LP Prez candidate to get 4 plus pct of ALL votes due to

    RED donkey commie vs Trump fascist ???

    REPEAT of 2016 PCT math ???

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  11. Pat Buchanan never ran as a Libertarian. Pat Buchanan ran in the Republican primaries in 1992. Big difference.

    I looked up Lincoln Chafee’s record several months ago when news came that he switched his voter registration to Libertarian. He was bad on a bunch of issues, including gun rights. I weight issues, and I consider gun rights to be among the top 4 issues, and maybe even the #1 issue.

    Furthermore, Lincoln Chafee has ZERO background as a libertarian activist. He never even endorsed Ron Paul. Now he pops up in the LP and wants to go straight to the head of the class. This is not the way it should work.

  12. LOL! Typical response from Brandon.

    Was that you in one of the pictures I saw of Lincoln Chafee posted on the Lincoln Chafee for Virginia 2020 Facebook page? I think the pictures were taken at the recent LNC meeting in Miami, FL.

  13. I just love how much certain libertarians love to try and stand up to the “fake libertarian” nominees the LP has been allegedly pumping out the past few cycles without looking at the results and growth in the LP there’s been since the nominees have made their case. If we’re getting the libertarian message out there, it’s going to translate into votes, and votes translate into new members of the party. And new, active, energized members of the party, combined with a coherent electoral strategy can ONLY be a good thing for the LP and for the message of liberty, which some people on this thread so vehemently try and defend.

    We’re tryna get ourselves in government in order to shrink government, people. Hate Gary Johnson all you want. Michael Badnarik didn’t get us a massive spike in growth by simply throwing liberty words at people and hoping they’ll stick.

    And the fact that Lincoln Chafee is actually ATTENDING party meetings and joining up with people and LEARNING is, in my opinion, a MASSIVE improvement on Bill Weld.

  14. Wow, I’ve made it people I’ve been declared an enemy by Andy and he now sees my face anywhere he looks. Look out Liam he’ll be seeing you too in random videos. Also, I’ve never met Andy so I wonder who’s picture he thinks I am. Hopefully someone handsome.

  15. LOL! Now another troll, this time named “Liam,” pipes into the discussion. Probably another fake name and an IP anonymizer.

    Gary Johnson did not grow the LP. Dues paying membership is less than half of what it was 18-19 years ago. The number of elected Libertarians is maybe 1/3 of what it was 16 years ago.

    Johnson ran under far more favorable conditions than Badnarik, or any other LP presidential candidate, ran under.

    Also, the purpose of the LP is not to get votes for the sake of getting votes, it is to promote the Libertarian platform and philosophy, and by this criteria, Johnson did poorly.

  16. Brandon, I am not sure if it was you in the picture I saw with Chafee on Faceboom or not, that is why I asked.

    I am pretty sure I saw your picture at, and it is possible I have seen you at a meeting or convention, but I am not sure.

  17. Andy, to someone who’s willing to gatekeep the Libertarian Party, declining membership numbers should be a good thing. They’re not real libertarians, right? They wouldn’t be if they left the party.

    Also, if the purpose of the LP is not to get votes, then why should you care if the number of elected libertarians is 1/3 of what it once was?

    Even if either of those statements were true, why should you care? Why run candidates at all?

  18. Watch out, Andy likes to stalk people who disagree with him and then he demands they debate him. Just ask Mr Weld. Other than that he’s right about Chaffee. I just hope he doesn’t start stalking him.

  19. Why run candidates at all? – Liam

    The Socialist Labor Party still exists but stopped running presidential nominees after the 1976 election. I don’t think that’s a very good model to follow on a lot of levels.

  20. Liam, there are lots of people out there who I’d call legitimate libertarians who are not members of the Libertarian Party. Some of them left the LP in disgust, others have never been members of the LP.

    Look at all of the support Ron Paul received in the Republican presidential primaries in 2008 and 2012. He did this while running a campaign with a message that was more radically libertarian than that of any LP presidential ticket since 2004. This proved that there is a big market for a stronger libertarian message than what the LP has given the public on its last three presidential tickets.

    Also, LP dues paying membership reached its peak during the Harry Browne days, and he had a hardcore libertarian message.

  21. I did a search for Lincoln Chafee, because I was looking for information about him running for the LP’s presidential nomination, and I found a Facebook group called Virginia Libertarians for Lincon Chafee 2020, or so.ething lime that. There were pictures on there from the recent LNC meeting Chafee attended, and I saw someone in one of the pictures I thought might have been Brandon, but I was not sure, which is why I asked.

  22. Apparently there are a lot of paranoid and semi-literate people here. How hard is it to read this and tell me what you find so objectionable? Sounds really good on a broad range of issues, not just war,and open minded on the very few remaining ones.

    Yet the same supposed guardians of libertarian purity (hah!) have no problem with people who support big, huge, massive government on a whole host of social issues, then twist themselves into gordian knots trying to explain how those positions are the “true libertarian” vary Nortiews or how it’s just temporary until we get to some kind of feudalist anarchatopia or how those issues are just not important.

    Phooey. Screw off with your hare brained cult. Take Alex Jones, Stephen Molyno, Augustus Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, “Andy,” Rockwell, Hoppe, Gary North, and the rest of the cult whackos with you. You don’t get to play Grand Inquisitor or grand wizard any more. Just drink the kool aid already and just disappear. Or just put on the jackboots and armbands and raise your right hand, since you’re pretty much there in your mental state already.

  23. Liam, there’s no point in an LP candidate getting votes if they severely water down, and out right run against, multiple platform planks, and more importantly, the philosophy. Candidates who do that might as well run as Democrats or Republicans or be independents who are not members of the Libertarian Party.

  24. Hey, “Rod” is back, posting under a fake name, and likely an IP anonymizer as well, posting the same drivel we have heard here from multiple posters before, which is probably “Rod” under different fake names.

  25. Andy the dry cleaners called, they say your sheets are all nicely starched and ready to be picked up. You can go ride around waving the confederate flag with a Ron Paul sign in the back of a rusty pickup and yell Alex Jones craziness thru a megaphone while you spit chewing tobacco all over the place but please stop calling yourself a libertarian.

    ” there’s no point in an LP candidate getting votes if they severely water down, and out right run against, multiple platform planks, and more importantly, the philosophy.”

    Unless they’re the issues you disagree with the platform on or think are not important, no matter how many other people disagree about their importance, right Andy?

  26. Hey, “Andy” is back posting under just a first name, same as me, and posting all kinds of speculation and drivel but still failing to address what’s so terrible about

    Is it because Andy already knows everything and can’t be bothered to read a short newspaper Op Ed? Or does he need the official Alex Jones spin before he can opine?

    It’s not that long. Read it. What do you find so objectionable?

  27. In Andy’s ideal world, Nathan Norman would be president, fracking Siberia and terraforming Mars. Unfortunately for Andy, Nathan Norman is supporting the reelection of Trump.

  28. The trolls are really earning their money today. We’ve got “Liam,” “Rod,” and “Egyptian God,” hey, that rhymes! Are use guys or gals posting from different troll farms, or does the group or agency you work for let you post from home? Are you different trolls, or one person trolling under three fake names, or maybe one person using two fake names, and another person under a different fake name?

    I’m sure you trolls will have a lot of work over the next year.

  29. Holy cow. Andy keeps trolling and inventing conspiracy theories and spinning. Meanwhile there’s still this.

    I understand that Steve Molynut and Alex Jones have not told Andy to read it and maybe he thinks the Lizard Space People and George Soros will comandeer his phone, pee in his cornflakes and twist his tighty no-longer-whities into an atomic wedgie if he reads it.

    But what about the rest of you? Help me out here. What’s so objectionable? C’mon folks. Have at it. Let it fly.

  30. ” Unfortunately for Andy, Nathan Norman is supporting the reelection of Trump.”

    Don’t worry, Andy probably will end up making some kind of twisted excuse for supporting it too. Or maybe Don Blankenshit.

  31. “Rod,” a person can say anything. Bob Barr, Wayne Root, Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, etc…, had nice things to say when they came into the party as well, but of course this did not make any of it true. Actions speak louder than words, and going by his actions, Lincoln Chafee was far from being a Libertarian while he was in office, and he’s got ZERO background of being a libertarian activist. Then he joins the party out of the blue, and automatically wants to be at the top of the party’s ticket for the presidential election. The Libertarian Party was successfully conned and subverted at the last three presidential nominating conventions, let’s not let it happen again. Just say no to Lincoln Chafee.

  32. Here’s who I voted for in every presidential election in which I voted:

    1996 – Harry Browne (Libertarain Party)

    2000 – Harry Browne (Libertarian Party)

    2004 – Michael Badnarik (Libertarian Party)

    2008 – Ron Paul (I cast a write in vote for him in the general election, and some Ron Paul supporters filled out the paper work for him to be an official write in candidate, which was required in this state in order to have the write in candidate’s votes tallied and reported by the state election officials.)

    2012 – None Of The Above (I literally wrote None Of The Above on the ballot for President.)

    2016 – Darrell Castle (Constitution Party; Castle was more libertarian than Gary Johnson, and Bill Weld, as well as anyone who has been on the LP’s presidential ticket since Badnarik in 2004. I probably would have voted for any of the main contenders for the LP presidential nomination in 2016, had they been nominated instead of Johnson, and I might have even held my nose and voted for Johnson if he had been paired up with a more principled VP nominee (maybe Larry Sharpe), but Bill Weld being added to that ticket, at the insistance of Gary Johnson, killed any chance of me doing that, and I never really cared for Johnson anyway.)

    What will I do in 2020? I don’t know.

    I am hoping that the LP finally nominates a ticket I can support, which, if it does, will be the first time in 16 years, but if it nominates somebody like Chafee, I may not vote, or maybe I will cast a write in vote for None Of The Above again, or maybe I’ll vote for another minor party or independent candidates, if there is one I find acceptable.

    Heck, if the LP nominates Lincoln Chafee, or someone like him, people might as well vote for Trump, or maybe even whoever the Democrats nominate, as it really won’t matter much at that point, as nominating a candidate like Chafee defeats the purpose of even having a Libertarian Party.

  33. I’m such a threat to the ruling establishment, that they sent “Egyptian God” and two other trolls here to attack me, or is that just the same troll, also posting as “Rod” and “Liam”? Regardless of this, the fact that I am being attacked by trolls is a sign that I am correct, and effective.

  34. Yes, Andy, everyone is here just for you. Also, my picture was on the website?!! Please tell the link cause that would have been awesome, and unless you live in NY you’ve never seen me at a meeting.

  35. Troll “Andy” brayed, probably from an IP anonymizer at a troll farm or his parents basement AKA top secret Alex Jones team command bunker and mens rights activist tri county HQ/meeting space: “Regardless of this, the fact that I am being attacked by trolls is a sign that I am correct, and effective.”

    Or there’s just people laughing at you because you are nuts, Andy the 40 year old virgin. No one cares about the right wing authoritarians you voted for the last few elections or which one you will vote for in 2020. Write in Alex Jones or David Icke or Augustus Invictus, whatever, no one cares, OK? No one except you cares what the voices in your head say. They do care what ex-governors running for president say, at least some people do. People can change their minds, even ex-politicians running for an office they have practically no chance to win.

  36. Brandon, weren’t you on the Libertarian National Committee at one point? I thought I had seen you listed as a Region Alternate, or something like that.

  37. Brandon, I have been attacked by trolls online for many years, both here, and at several other sites. I know how these trolls operate, and they frequently pop up under different names, repeating the same talking points.

  38. “Rod,” you must really care, because you keep popping up and trolling me. If nobody cares, then why bother responding? The truth of the matter is that you, and the people you work for, know that I am right, so you come to forums like this and try to slander me, and distract people from the truth bombs I am dropping. The last thing you and your handlers want is for my message to take off.

  39. I have never been part of the LNC in any capacity. Now I really want to know who you thought was me.

  40. You’re only good for a laugh, “Andy”. I’d tell you to take your meds but you wouldn’t listen so it’d be pointless. In the meantime I am still waiting for an actual substantive response to what LP members who are dead set against Gov Chafee seeking their nomination have against the positions he lays out there. If you don’t have a less obviously laughable response than Andy, he’ll take your nomination in a cake walk if he wants it.

    By the way, the only bombs you are dropping are stink bombs – in these comments as well as quatting on the local street corner as you preach Alex Jones Q Anon gospel with veins popping in your neck and forehead and spit flying in all directions from your face.

  41. “I have never been part of the LNC in any capacity. Now I really want to know who you thought was me.”

    Was it the boogie man?

  42. “Rod,” actions speak louder than words. Lincoln Chafee was an elected Governor and US Senator. His record was far from being a libertarian, and he has ZERO record of being a libertarian activist. Then he shows up in the LP, claiming to be a born again libertarian, and he wants our presidential nomination. I say to hell with that.

  43. Brandon, I thought maybe I’d heard your name as an LNC alternate in the past. That’s why I asked.

  44. “Andy,” I’ve heard what you have to say. I’d like to hear what sane people think. Hopefully they will stop by and tell us.

  45. Need a mini-super-computer to keep track of —

    REAL LP folks

    ALL others- esp. trolls, domestic hackers, foreign hackers, foreign agents [esp Russians], USA agents [FBI, NSA, CIA, XYZ], State agents [secret police, das, informants, etc.], outer space critters, etc.

  46. There is a Virginia For Lincoln Chafee 2020 facebook page. It has one photo of Lincoln Chafee from the recent LNC meeting. That photo has only one person in it besides Lincoln Chafee. And that person is… Nick Sarwark.

    However, there is a Lincoln For Liberty facebook page which has a photo of Chafee and about 2 dozen other people who attended the meeting.

  47. Lincoln Chafee received an F rating (F, as in Failure) from the NRA. He’s even proud of his F rating, saying that he support “common sense” gun control legislation, which is what all gun grabbers say.

    Keep in mind that the NRA (the National Rifle Association) has an easier ratings system than does GOA (Gun Owners of America), so to get an F rating from the NRA, one was to be pretty bad on the right to keep and bear arms.

    Like I said above, I weight issues, and I consider gun rights to be one of the top 4 issues, and a strong argument can be made that it is the number 1 issue.

    The fact that the NRA gave Chafee an F rating on gun rights is reason enough by itself that he is unfit to be a Libertarian Party candidate.

  48. Of course Sarwark is there. He was the guy who continuously propped up and defended Bill Weld. Weld, by the way, attended meetings and the convention both in 16 and 18, and also became a lifetime member as I recall. What’s he doing these days?

    I left the LP because it has become too much of a sellout organization that will take and candidate who plops down $25 and has some sort of name recognition. Actual beliefs mean squat. Don’t be surprised is Chafee is on the board in 2020, if he doesn’t run for president or is defeated in the nomination process.

    I didn’t vote for Johnson, and would certainly not vote for Chafee.

  49. “This guy’s a bigger LINO than Johnson and Weld.”

    His article in the Boston Globe is really good.

    “Trump is more libertarian than Lefty Lincoln.”

    That’s ridiculous. Trump isn’t even any more libertarian than Putin or Mussolini. He may be about as libertarian as Kim Jong Un.

  50. ” I weight issues, and I consider gun rights to be one of the top 4 issues”

    Other people weigh issues differently than you. Your personal preferences don’t determine anything more than your one delegate vote, assuming you are a delegate. You don’t get to speak for everyone and it’s laughable to imagine that you represent libertarian purity. That is you do except on the issues where you disagree or where you just say the issues are not important. Well, Chafee presumably does the same, except he deviates on different issues than you do. So what? And that’s assuming his views have not and won’t change.

    It’s also crazy and stupid to say that people who have been in office can only be judged by what they did back then and can’t change their mind, whereas people who have never been in office should be judged only by their words and should be presumed to really mean it and follow thru if they were to get elected. How do you know? They are untested and may be lying, or just not know what they are up against if they were to find themselves actually in office. They may just be talking a good game too. A preference for people just because they were never in office is perverse and stupid.

  51. Additionally, since neither the ex-governors nor the people without a political resume are remotely likely to win the presidency as LP candidates, what they say should be more important than what you think they would do since it’s highly unlikely they will get to do it. If Chafee talks a good game now he would do his job if he seeks and gets the nomination, even if he is lying. I’m open to the possibility he is genuinely changing his mind but even if it’s a publicity stunt it’s still OK as long as he runs on issues like the ones he talks about in the Boston Globe article.

    Being an ex-governor gives him a bigger platform and more people willing to listen to what he has to say. Most people will not pay much if any attention to the LP candidate regardless but relatively more will pay relatively more attention if it’s a governor, senator or someone like that. That would mean relatively higher vote results and better ballot access coming out of the election for the following one, more votes down ticket and more members and money for the party right after the election. Of course it would remain to be seen whether the party gets better at retaining them than they were with those who supported Johnson and other past nominees.

  52. Darcy Richardson has said on many forums that in his opinion the political polarization has become so extreme in this election cycle that it probably won’t matter all that much who minor parties nominate. With the “this is the most important election ever” BS being promoted by Demorepublicrats, most special interests and the media the age old bane of alternative candidates, the “wasted vote” syndrome, will kick into overdrive and suppress vote totals for minor parties and independents. Sadly, I agree with him.

  53. Really familiar writing style from “Rod”. You sure we haven’t seen you here before, “Rod,” under different names, maybe even your real name sometimes?

  54. I am not a Libertarian Party member, but have had experience dealing with dysfunctional people around third parties. So I have two comments, each of whom is directed at both ‘sides’ of this debate.

    1. I think Lincoln Chafee is a dud as a candidate. I think he is a very, very nice man and it would be great to have a cup of coffee with him or be his friend. Frankly, he is too nice for politics. The Libertarians need more of a fighter.

    2. The people who demand total fidelity to some ‘pure’ libertarianism don’t understand how politics works. There are not, nor will there ever be, a majority of the American public that supports a pure libertarian message. However, with a larger following and a more successful party, libertarian ideas can make their way into public policy. But, yes, they will be watered down. You aren’t getting to be able to drive without licences, sorry.

    2b. The point of political parties is to win elections. If you just want to have it be about promoting an ideology, start a think tank or a PAC.

  55. Nobody here is demanding 100% “purity,” and perfection in a candidate, and we all probably have different ideas about what those thing mean.

    Some of us are just demanding that if somebody is going to run as a Libertarian, they ought to actually be a libertarian, and Lincoln Chafee fails this test, and it is not even by a close margin.

    Nobody is going to win the 2020 presidential race by running as a Libertarian Party candidate. So this is not about winning, it is about spreading a libertarian message, and building the Libertarian Party, and Lincoln Chafee is not qualified for that job.

  56. CO-

    about 6 PCT of 2016 voters did NOT vote for either of the main EVIL statist control freak MONSTER Prez candidates – ie BOTH got under 50.00 PCT.

    Place your bets- higher/lower/same PCT in 2020 ???

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  57. Rod, if you’re looking for a straight response, I’d say Lincoln Chafee’s op-ed doesn’t have anything objectionable in it on particular issues. More peace, less corruption – great. Certainly no issue in the article that rules him out, no red lines crossed yet. But Tulsi Gabbard could have written the same article. The thing is, there are libertarian issues but there is also libertarian temperament.

    What I’m not seeing (yet) in Chafee is a broad-spectrum libertarian attitude, an instinct that freedom is valuable for its own sake and should be the starting position from which one negotiates policy. And there is his record which (maybe) can be walked back but can’t just be ignored up front. I’d have to hear a lot more to be convinced.

    BTW, in my opinion Gary Johnson did have a libertarian temperament, even though he was occasionally outrageously wrong on specific issues like hijabs and Nazi cakes. He had no carefully constructed philosophy, and that led him to shoot from the lip. But he did have the general idea down and that’s more important that nailing every last issue.

  58. So “Rod” says we should focus on some fluff piece from Chafee rather than looking at his actual record as an elected official, and his lack of any history as a libertarian activist, and that said fluff piece is all the proof we need the Lincon Chafee has changed his mind, and is now a born again libertarian, so he should automatically go straight to the top of the Libertarian Party’s ticket.

    It was this line of thinking that got us Bob Barr, Wayne Root, Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, etc…

    Follow the line of thinking espoused by “Rod” here, and the Libertarian Party will waste a fourth presidential in a row.

  59. What if Chaffee didn’t run in 2020, stayed a Libertarian, endorsed the Libertarian Zone and then ran for president in 2024? Would he then get your support and avoid getting stalked by you?

  60. He’d have to do several years of penance as a hardcore Libertarian activist before I would even consider him.

  61. How about the usual suspects form a website ONLY for 2020 LP Prez candidate machinations ???

  62. “He’d have to do several years of penance as a hardcore Libertarian activist before I would even consider him.”

    See, this is the exact kind of goalpost keeping that is excluding potentially helpful figures from growing the party.

  63. Imagine if Andy had been in a position of power when someone like Larry Sharpe wanted to get involved with the party. Since he admits he voted for Obama in 2008 I’m sure Andy would say he was an infiltrator and needs to serve some “penance”

  64. Lincoln Chafee is not a helpful figure for Libertarians, and neither were Bob Barr, Wayne Root, Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, and others like them.

  65. Larry Sharpe was not an elected official when he voted for Obama. Larry Sharpe admitted that he did not know much about politics, or even pay much attention to politics, back then. He said he voted Republican, and voted for Nader in one election, as well.

    Larry Sharpe and Lincoln Chafee are not in the same category.

  66. “He’d have to do several years of penance as a hardcore Libertarian activist before I would even consider him.”

    Consider him as a candidate for stalking?

  67. “Egyptian God” is a long time troll, who uses different names, and is likely working for some government agency, or government connected agency.

  68. I do have a list of suspects as to who “Egyptian God” is, assuming it is somebody I have met, or at least heard of, and one of my top suspects, and maybe even my top suspect, is a former Libertarian Party State Chairman. Yes, that’s right, I suspect a former LP State Chairman of trolling online for years under different fake names and IP anonymizers. I don’t think this particular suspect is active in the LP anymore, and has not been for awhile.

  69. Any free market contract awards to find and purge the anti-LP trolls, agents, spies, etc. ???

    See olde —- Wanted – Dead or Alive posters — on olde 1950s-1960s TV westerns.

    Now – FBI / NSA/ CIA / DOD / State cops Persons of Interest — suspect perps.

    Revive the olde 1980s A-Team and/or 1960s Mission Impossible teams to hunt folks down ???

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