Libertarian Party Being Formed in Israel

According to this story, a new party, described as libertarian, is being formed for Israel’s upcoming election. It stands for separation of church and state, making it unique in that nation. The name of the party will be the New Liberal Party.


Libertarian Party Being Formed in Israel — 15 Comments

  1. ISRAEL regime –

    about 95 plus percent accurate PR math —

    BUT top party hacks pick robot candidates and

    FATAL Parl system — top hacks having both legis and exec powers.

    See current CRISIS in regime – 2 elections in 2019 – unable to form a govt – possible 3rd election.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  2. They, along with a decent left-wing/humanist party, would be the best thing to happen to Israel (in addition to its current war criminal leadership getting hauled off to The Hague). They desperately need a titanium clad wall put between church and state there.

  3. See now olde book —

    Outline of History by HG Wells —

    chapter on monarchs and top religion folks in olde regimes – esp in olde Middle East

    see also – Blackstone’s Commentaries [1760s] — just in time for 1775-1784 USA Revolutionary WAR

    chapter on Brit monarch also being the head of the Church of England [Anglican religion since 1500s – King henry 8 — his purge/looting of olde Catholic church]

    >>> USA Const 1 Amdt – NOOOO church-state stuff language.

    STONE AGE stuff continued in Japan to 1945 in WW II — Japan god-monarch/emperor

    Obey Japan god-monarch/emperor — go to WAR and die for such god-monarch/emperor KILLER/ENSLAVER.

    A-bombs on wrong targets in Aug 1945 — should have been A-bomb 1 on Hirohito’s head, A-bomb 2 on Japan Military HQ, etc. — KILL killer/enslaver monarchs/oligarchs to the max.

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  4. 100 persons are required to register a party.

    There are 136 registered parties. The 135th translates to “An impetus for individual freedom”, but it appears the list is alef-bet-ized, and it is near the end of the list because it starts with tav. So perhaps the new party is not added to the registry as of yet.

    Parliamentary elections have a 3.25% threshold so not all parties run. I think for a registered party all it takes is to submit a party list. Israel uses closed lists, and voters vote for a party. Parties have letters associated with them, like NYSE ticker symbols. Older parties have a single letter (you could imagine D and R, and P might be for Prohibition. Parties sometimes choose a leader’s initials, so the 1912 Progressives might have chosen TR. A voting booth has trays of slips of paper with printed letters on them. A voter goes into booth, and selects one and places it in an envelope and seals it.

    Zehut styles itself as a libertarian party. It received 2.74% of the vote in April 2019, missing the threshold. For the September 2019 election it made a deal with Benjamin Netanyahu to support Likud in exchange for a ministry, and didn’t run in that election. Presumably the new party is in response to that decision, and might also want to shed some of the more nationalistic aspects of the party.

  5. Nomination and Election of INDIVIDUAL candidates — separate from party tyrant boss CONTROL.

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  6. yeah and the Costa libertarian party quickly became a prolife, antigay, conservative party.

  7. @Michael Skaggs …. You have the Liberal Democrats in Australia. The Free Democratic Party in Germany (they’re a little more classical liberal, but still close), and a similar thing with the Democratic Movement in France. The LibDems in the UK are close too but a little more egalitarian than most would feel proper to call classical liberals.

  8. @Michael Skaggs and Aiden,
    There is also the Radical Party in Italy. (They were the ones that had a porn star elected to parliament as one of their candidates) They supported free-market economics and were socially liberal ie separation of church and state, decriminalizing all drugs and prostitution, supported free speech, gay rights, no-fault divorce etc. They first got elected back in the early ’70s. They never got a large percent of the vote but some of their members, Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino, have been quite influential in Italian politics.

  9. Most of these cited parties are part of the right-libertarian movement.

    Turkey has a left-libertarian party. cant recall its name off hand, but it won some council seats.

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