New York Reporters Fail to Report that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Rationale for Tougher Ballot Access is Bogus

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to defend his plan to make it more difficult for groups to be qualified parties in New York by saying that if the state is going to give public funding to candidates, all candidates and parties on the ballot must have substantial public support.

None of the New York news sources have mentioned that New York is in the Second Circuit, and in 2010 the Second Circuit ruled it is constitutional to give public funding only to nominees of parties that polled at least 20% of the vote in the last gubernatorial election. The case was Green Party of Connecticut v Garfield, 616 F.3d 213. Here is a November 29 news story from the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, which shows that the Governor continues to say that all parties and candidates will receive public funding under his proposal. He also implies that parties themselves receive public funding, but that is not true.


New York Reporters Fail to Report that Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Rationale for Tougher Ballot Access is Bogus — 6 Comments

  1. One more EVIL deceptive robot party HACK wannabee TYRANT.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP in ALL regimes.

  2. How many place guards in NY — wanting a new tyrant ???

    See olde short-lived Roman tyrants/emperors.

  3. American journalists generally dont have much interest in the numerous details of election law.

    Its not malicious per se, just reflects how political campaigns get covered; i.e. the two way, horse race.

  4. American media — USELESS – Too evil STUPID to detect ANTI-DEMOCRACY

    1. UNEQUAL ballot access laws
    2. MINORITY RULE GERRYMANDER legislative bodies – esp with extremist plurality nominees and later plurality winners.
    3. PARTISAN execs/judics.
    4. TYRANT violations of Separation of Powers

    — A FATAL sports winners/losers mentality

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

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