Census Population Figures Released

On December 27, the Census Bureau released estimates of 2020 population for each state. Ten states are expected to lose one U.S. House seat. Seven states are expected to gain one or more seats. See this article.


Census Population Figures Released — 120 Comments

  1. Approx –

    USA Rep gerrymander seats = 435 x State Pop / Total Pop

    Exact – Method of Equal Proportions

    How many ILLEGAL INVADERS will be counted for *representation* ??? —

    TOTAL EVIL corruption/SUBVERSION/OVERTHROWING of USA Const. by RED communist Donkeys —

    all good Lenin/Stalin/Mao robots.

  2. Here is the problem, counting people who are in the country illegally will give more representation, and taxpayer funds, to leftist areas, who in turn vote in disproportionate numbers to increase the welfare state, and enact more gun control laws. These people shift the country in a more socialist/communist direction, which is exactly why the Marxists and their globalist puppetmasters want them here. Since they violated the law in coming here, they should not be counted, nor should any offspring they have while here (who have been granted citizenship under the misinterpretation of Birthright Citizenship, and there is a US Supreme Court ruling which said that anyone granted citizenship by mistake or fraud, should be stripped of it and deported).

    Does anyone reading this think that if they, as Americans, sneaked into another country, or overstaid your VISA there, that they would grant you political representation and taxpayer funded handouts? If so, you are delusional. Why is this happening in the country where we live? Because there are traitors and subversives operating in high levels of the government we live under, as well as in other positions of influence in our society.

  3. And Andy thoroughly outs himself as a gullible idiot… Most “illegals” have shown themselves to be fiscal and social conservatives (why do you think they’re fleeing their own countries), they’re just not nationalists. You’ve bought the nationalist xenophobic propaganda and now you’re just regurgitating it.

  4. The 14th amendment, section 2, says, “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.”

  5. 14-2 part — the whole number of persons in each State —

    including ILLEGAL INVADERS in each State ??? — INSANE NONSENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How many ILLEGAL INVADERS into the USA in 1866-1868 during 14 Amdt ratification ???

    Little wonder that Trump thinks himself as god with ALL power in the USA — more INSANE NONSENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The SCOTUS super-MORONS did their standard INSANE subversion of 14-2 and the below in the June 2019 Citizen-Census case op.

    Invasion-Invaders Jan 2019
    USA CONST – almost DEAD

    Art. I, Sec. 8, cl. 15. The Congress shall have Power *** To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; ***

    Art. I, Sec. 10, para. 3. No State shall *** engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

    Art. IV, Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.


  6. History note for Grade E/F history students —

    END of Roman Empire due to multiple invasions of eastern BARBARIAN tribes from 180 AD to 476 AD.

    END of olde England — due to 1066 INVASION of Normans.

    Fall of how many regimes due to ILLEGAL invaders ??? —

    esp olde North American Indian Tribes 1607-1890 — those white devils from overseas and their kids — attacking/invading west to the Pacific Ocean and beyond.

  7. LEGAL population in 14-2 = USA Citizens in 14-1 and LEGAL foreign folks — via 1776-1789 State laws and treaties and 1789 and later USA laws and treaties.

    esp Brits via 1783 Peace Treaty, French via 1803 LA Purchase, Spanish via 1819 FL Treaty, Mexicans via 1848 Peace Treaty, etc. — PROVIDED each foreign adult took an oath to obey State/USA Const and laws and treaties.

    THIS stuff ain’t atomic physics — except for SCOTUS MORONS and the retard/insane mass media.

    Try to be an illegal invader, civilian or military, into Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. and see what happens.

  8. @MV,

    If someone from Canada is in Miami on April 1 ready to board a cruise ship are they counted? They purchased the bonus land excursion, arriving the evening of the 31st, and departing the morning of the 2nd, are they counted?

    Are Canadians not persons? Are they not in the United States? Do you have the text of the 14th Amendment?

  9. How about a mere BILLION Chinese tourists/spies going to Europe via railroad SF,CA to NY,NY on Census count Day ???

    LEGAL to count ONLY LEGAL foreign residents having USA residences *IN* a State, etc.

    Too many CON LAW REALLY STUPID folks to count on this list ???

    See 1790 Census Act – USA Marshals and their appointees counting local resident folks for MONTHS.

    How many killed/injured 1790 census folks via criminal Indians, bears, wolves, etc. — in the olde super-dangerous *wild west* ???

    The *modern* ONE day census count is part of the New Age INSANITY for INSTANT results.

  10. @DR,

    You are suggesting that “counting the whole number of persons in each State” can not and should not be interpreted literally?

  11. Jim, American Indians were not originally counted, and black people were only counted as 3/5 of a person, and this waz only done as a compromise to appease people who lived in states with large numbers of black slaves.

    Also, keep in mind that when the Constitution was written, travel was a lot more difficult, as in it was a lot harder, and in a lot of cases practically impossible, for people the founders did not want as citizens to get here.

  12. The Wyoming Plan would distribute representatives more fairly. Under that plan, the least populous state, currently Wyoming, would get one representative, and every other state a multiple thereof. It is estimated that this would increase the number of seats by 120-150. By freezing the number of seats at 435, the smaller states have disproportionally more seats. This was done in 1910 because there was only room for that many seats in the chamber. This can be remedied by remodeling the chamber, and putting additional seats in what is now the lobby area.

  13. Indians not taxed were not counted because they were/are not considered U.S. Citizens. They are citizens of their own indian nations. Illegals are citizens of their home countries thus the same counting logic should apply.

  14. @Andy: To be precise, slaves were only counted as equivalent to 3/5 of a free person under the original Constitution (for apportionment and direct tax purposes; direct taxes wound up not being used). Free black people counted fully as free persons.

  15. WALTER ZIOBRO- Why not just expand the House of Representatives to one member for every 30,000 citizens as was the original Constitutional mandate? Special interests would have a really tough time controlling THAT many elected representatives. Technology today can support this number using online tools.

  16. JR wrote –
    You are suggesting that “counting the whole number of persons in each State” can not and should not be interpreted literally?

    14-1 **in/reside** and 14-2 **in** go together.

    *in* = RESIDE IN.

    SOME ***common sense*** in 1866 debates about 14 Amdt.

    What about those mere billion Chinese tourists/spies passing thru on census count days ???

    Appointed SCOTUS MORONS beyond hope — Elect ALL judges — remove retard MORONS.

    JB –
    The few surviving American Indians were made USA naturalized Citizens in 1924 and 1940 USA laws.

    JK –


    One more SCOTUS mess — about direct taxes – 1798 [Naval War with France, War of 1812 and in 1861 Civil War.

    Direct tax = tax on ASSET(S) — person/s HEAD [Asset ONE] and mere other property types.

    See 1798 law – tax on slaves with land property tax adjustments in slave areas.
    WZ – USA H Reps – Mob scene since 1873 – due to 14-2 math.

    TOTAL mob scene in UK House of Commons 650 robots — 600 scheduled in future.

  17. The long term trend is that whites will be a minority in the USA just like everywhere else, the sooner the better but either way it won’t be long . Your days are numbered and the republiklans are foolishly trying to bank off white nationalist fear of becoming a minority and being race mixed out of existence.

    The fear is foolish because it’s actually going to be a good thing and there’s nothing to be scared of . It’s no different than when past generations of American know nothing activists. Nationalists and xenophobic bigots feared immigrants from Ireland and Germany, then China, then Italy, Russia, Poland, etc.

    The strategy is foolish because what they fear will happen anyway, even if they slow it down slightly, and they will brand themselves to future generations as a party for white bigots only which will be a shrinking minority of people.

    No border walls, Muslim bans, concentration camps on the border, not even a full scale ethnic cleansing campaign or holocaust will prevent the inevitable. Your race is over. You lost. A new global Asian led millennium is dawning. You are being replaced, but not by the Jews. Putin might be your friend, but that won’t change anything.

    The sooner you all get through the stages of grief and coping and finally accept and embrace the new reality the better.

  18. @DR,

    14-1 is just making state citizenship derivative of US citizenship. You forfeit your state citizenship when you move to another state, and acquire citizenship in the destination state.

    Persons who do not have US citizenship don’t have state citizenship.

    If we are counting residents, then only persons who have lawful residency should be counted.

    Is the 14th Amendment void for vagueness? Is the vagueness doctrine vague because it is based on the 14th Amendment.

  19. Ironic and sad that a party which began by fighting to free slaves, preserve the union. And reconstructed the south to try to end white supremacist rule will end it’s days as the new know nothing party, the last refuge of racist nationalist of the dying white race as it slowly fades away.

  20. In the United Kingdom, even tourists visiting those countries are counted in the census. I happened to be on vacation in England once on census day, and I was included in that census. That was very surprising to me. The census records in the United Kingdom are not open to public viewing for 100 years, so I will never get to see myself listed in that census.

  21. Common sense would suggest that if the intention was to have other exceptions aside from “Indians not taxed” there would have been some reference to the additional persons excepted from being counted in the census. Common sense would also suggest that had the intention been to restrict the census to citizens then the wording would have been to count the citizens but of course it instead requires “counting the whole number of persons” with the aforementioned sole exception of just those Indians that are not taxed.
    One would think that individuals who regularly denounce judges for failing to apply common sense or plain meanings would have a more solid grasp of this plain common sense reading of the constitutional mandate.

  22. Richard, The UK is definitely NOT the example the USA should be following. Been there, done that. (my ancestors)

  23. Nice troll post from “Art”. Are you posting from a troll center, or do they let you troll from home? Do we know you under different fake names? Do we also know you under your real name?

  24. Demo Rep “How many ILLEGAL INVADERS into the USA in 1866-1868 during 14 Amdt ratification ???”

    None. The US didn’t have any immigration laws until 1875.

  25. 14-1 first sentence — to OVER-RULE 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford — AND make USA 1866 Civil Rights Act constitutional.

    Who besides me has actually read the debates in the olde 1866 congressional Globe about the 14th Amdt And 1866 CRA ???

    Also- NO need for any Census –

    Voters vote = REAL representation.

    Uniform POSITIVE definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA = USA citizen, 18 Plus years olde —

    repeal ALL of the Negative stuff in 14-2,15,19,26 Amdts.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

    What about those mere billion Chinese tourists/spies passing thru the USA on census count days [ on top of the millions of illegal invaders – allegedly taking up a residence / inhabitantcy in the USA ] ???

    If hoards of 1939-1945 WW II Axis ENEMY forces [and their invading family members] had invaded/occupied parts of the USA on 1940 Census Day, would they have a right to be counted in the 1940 USA Census ???

    See Japan occupied parts of USA Philippines Is, Wake Is, Guam Is, Alaska Terr. etc. in 1941-1945.

    Too many really stupid folks on this list — all qualified to join the other hack MORONS on SCOTUS.

  26. Result of the mess-

    USA almost in the status of the olde Balkans area prior to WW I —

    IE totally ready to blow up.

    Expect TOTAL war between Spanish illegal invaders and legal domestic blacks – CA, TX, FL, etc.

    — to make olde 1960s Euro white/black urban riots seem trivial.

  27. In this case the UK gets it right. Count everyone. Andy is the troll, my real name is art and I am telling the truth. Too bad you live in denial.

    Maybe you don’t get it yet. You will. Even if you are really slow and stupid. Like a large percentage of Caucasians. It is a scientific fact Asians are smarter and had highly advanced civilization while European still lived in caves.

    Now Asia is rising again, and Asians and Africans and people of mix races are quickly forming majorities or soon to be majority in every continent and in every nation. This is good, it is as it should be. Overdue but better late than never. Embrace it or be mad about it, but it’s happening either way.

    The gop choosing to be mad about it , too bad so sad for them. This ensure they soon will go the way of dodo birds. Woolly mammoths. Neanderthals, cromags ,csa , third Reich and American know nothing party. Those who fail to evolve, evolve to fail .

  28. Demo Rep “1875 law – to limit LEGAL immigrants coming in.”

    Yes. Prior to 1875 every immigrant was a legal immigrant because there were no laws prohibiting immigration. The 1875 law made it illegal for some people to immigrate. That new illegality is what created the potential for “illegal immigrants.” So, in 1866-1868, there were no illegal immigrants because all immigration was legal.

  29. Art – if Asians are so much smarter and more advanced than Europeans, what is the need for Asians to rise again?

  30. Jim — more NONSENSE –

    LEGAL immigrant or illegal invader.

    MILLIONS of foreign civilian/military folks from ANY nation or stateless pirate base just showing up and entering the USA in 1776-1789 and then in 1789 onward ???

    NOOOO control of/over USA/State nation-state borders prior to 1875 ???

  31. Jim, there were clearly laws in place which limited citizenship to only those of European ethnicity. The 1790 Naturalization Act said that only “free white persons of good character” could become American citizens, and the general trend after this was for more restrictive policies, up until the 1965 Immigration Act, which was pushed by leftist/Marxists, and which lies had to be told in order to get it passed.

    Travel was extremely difficult back in the 1700’s and 1800’s, and most non-Europeans had no way to get here (a lot of them did not likely even know that this country existed). When Chinese started showing up, the response ended up being the Chinese Exclusion Act. Those who want to use this for guilt tripping and gaslighting, keep in mind that Chinese people excluded Europeans, and everyone else, from their country. China today is almost all Chinese.

    All countries have immigration policies that are biased in favor of the people who founded whatever country.

  32. Europeans had a brief few centuries when they used technology and trade and slaves they took from other parts of the world and colonized most of the rest of the world and took resources through imperialism. To the small white mind this is all of history. Ignoring thousands of years before. But this short anomaly is ending.

    Look just a short time earlier and they were in dark ages, dying from plagues because their religion superstitions did not allow them to see their own naked bodies to wash them selves. All of the culture they got after that was due to trade with the far east, theft from the middle east in the crusades, and then their conquests in Africa, Asia and the Americas.

    Their time is drawn to a close. Former colonies are catching up. Dollars will not last as world reserve currency. Other economies are coming up. They are being surpassed in education and technology. Their own countries are all becoming minority white thanks to the legacies of slavery, imperialism, colonialism and conquests.

    All the races are mixing . Travel and trade and immigration are common now. The era of white superpowers dominating the globe has ended. You will not do anything to change this, try as you may.

  33. Art is a racist.

    Back to the actual topic, while I see the benefits of one rep per 30,000 I would be worried about excess costs. Congressmen make too much as it is, not even including benefits.

  34. I am a racist? Lol. I am for blending all the races, Andy is what?

    Compare China immigration policy to us a? Was China created by European invaders taking land by force from natives and engaging in ethnic cleansing and holocaust? Did China get built by millions of African slaves and their descendants living with systemic discrimination to this day ? Don’t forget about the millions who died in the middle passage.

    Perhaps China had American “coolies ” built the railroads that connect the country. Oh wait no, that was not China either.

    So USA has a lot of Latinos. But then again a big chunk of USA was taken in war from Mexico and already had a lot of Mexican people living there. Then they keep bringing in more as menial labor and season labor ever since.

    Are you upset about all the Latin Americans, Caribbean American, central American, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, middle east and other immigrants in USA? Read a bit about the history of what USA has done in and to all those countries.

    You may look at what European countries have done in the last few centuries all over every part of Asia and Africa. So you are becoming minority in the countries you think are your own, even the ones you stole from natives like Australia, New Zealand and the Americas? You have no one to blame but yourselves and your short sighted policies of conquest, slavery, resource theft, imperialism, colonialism and exploitation.

    But that comes from the short view of history and the limited white mind. Do not compare yourselves to China. China has been there for many thousands of years and did not have to do those thing. You are not China and never will be.

  35. @RW,

    Based on the UK 2011 Census questionaire, they were just accounting for bodies. If you were a visitor from elsewhere in the UK the form requests the address within the UK. If it were an earlier census, they may have administratively excluded you, then updated their form based on Americans co,plaining about the violation of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 14th, and 15th amendments.

    The US does similar accounting, there are quite likely some persons staying in hotels who do not have any other usual residence. They would be expected to fill out a form. The hotelier might be expected to inquire of all guests whether they have another residence. Depending on how it was posed Charles Windsor might have no recollection of being part of the US Census.

    The UK does not allocate political power based on the census. Constituencies are redistributed on the basis of electorate.

    If the US had identity documents it would be easier to take censuses, and make sure that eligible persons were registered to vote.

  36. Congressman make too much? Then stop paying them. 10,000 congress can meet via secure connection computers, and hold other jobs. They don’t need to travel to dc and back and forth. They don’t need to raise millions to get elected and reelected. They don’t need to meet year round. Perhaps they should get 100 dollar a year each like New Hampshire legislature.

  37. Who? And Andy is the one trolling. He is probably also “me” and “Egyptian god”

    Funny how he and his sock puppets accuse me of being racist and trolling when that is actually him. Very trumpian of him.

  38. Muslims and Jews were far more involved in the slave trade than Europeans, and it was in fact Europeans who ended the slave trade.

  39. I am Andy? Hmmm… if you want to believe that, I can’t stop you.

    Art, you are a racist. You hate white people. Just admit it. You are the one saying posters hate other races, when at least to my knowledge not one has said so. You are as much of a troll as Ogle and Demo Rep.

  40. Republiklowns should not be too excited how “red” states are gaining population. Those states are changing demographics and will not stay “red” so their white nationalist strategy will still backfire on them and render them a permanent minority party. Once that happens they will probably collapse and fracture.

    Much like discussed above about the European strategy in the grand scheme it is short sighted. Yeah it got that trump but that will probably be it for them.

    It is probably too late for them to live down this embarrassing turn to white nationalist ideologies they took with trump. If it is not yet, it very soon will be .

  41. Art is the cyberpig. He is the man-behind-the-curtain who banned Nathan Norman, Robert Milnes, and Andy from IPR. He is rabidly racist against white people.

  42. @DR,

    The Constitution specifies the class of individuals who elect representatives (I.2.1). Congress has time, place, manner authority over congressional elections (Article I, Section 4). Congress should mandate that equal numbers of electors choose each representative.

  43. I don’t hate white people. There is nothing to hate there. They played themselves with a short sighted strategy much as gop is doing to itself now trying to make hat with dead end white nationalist ideologies.

    I could pity them but they did it to themselves. So I don’t hate or pity. I acknowledge reality. They had their time,and that time is ending. The white race will be blended out of existence
    The republican party will become a permanent minority and probably fracture into multiple parties.

    It’s just reality. Hate it or love it it’s the way it is. Asia will become dominant again this century, and this millennium. Only starting now. Global travel, trade and immigration will only increase. You won’t stop it

    If you are not Andy it’s remarkable how you have failed to see how he is a troll and a racist along with many other comments above. Yet you call me a racist for noticing your racism?

    How illogical. I think the simplest explanation is you are most likely him. If you are not, you suffer from the same mental disease.

  44. Andy/Egyptian god, sorry, I don’t know who any of those people are or what “ipr” is. Andy is the only name I recognize there.

  45. But, it’s funny how your different personalities think I must be someone else, but they each think I’m a different person. What’s up with that?

  46. Art (xaulie banali) is having health problems which probably leads to the kind of delusions we see above.

  47. Also all of your personalities seem to think I hate white people. What’s there to hate? Their time is over. They will become a minority, no longer ruling ant country, and will intermarry and interbreed with other races more and more . In a century or two there will be no white race, and it won’t take any wars or massacres or anything… Just natural trends which can’t be stopped whether you like them or not.

  48. We all thought xaulie would give up trolling after he almost died of sepsis. It seems he can’t let it go.

  49. My health is excellent Andy. I don’t know about yours. But obviously you admire to he an African god when you’re a racist euro American mortal. Talk about delusions !

  50. Xaulie’s racism, delusions, and trolling destroyed IPR and now it is an irrelevant site sadly.

  51. Let me guess… I bet Andy the fake Egyptian god is the kind of white supremacist who is super obsessed with black men’s penises
    He’ll probably deny it but come on…

  52. I’m honestly curious as to what percentage of the US Economy Andy thinks are “troll centers” cause he throws that claim around a lot. If anyone out there is actually part of one, how much do they pay and can you work from home?

  53. What is ipr? Who is xaulie? Can you please translate your ravings into English or some other language that enough people speak to be included on Google translate?

  54. The middlemen were not who drove the slave trade , the customers were. Duh. Slavery incidentally has not ended . These days it’s called criminal justice, ironically enough.

  55. What questions Brandon? I have no idea whether anyone is paying Andy the fake Egyptian god for his trolling. He may only wish someone would. I very much doubt “troll centers” make up any significant part of any country’s economy. Is that the question you had for me? If not, what was it?

  56. JR – the SCOTUS math MORONS got into the pop per gerrymander district junk in the 1964 USA Rep gerrymander case.

    It then infected the State/local gerrymander districts in 1964 and later cases.

    See updated USA Const Annotated — SCOTUS Const law ops.

    NOOO detection YET of ANTI-Democracy gerrymander math —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged packed / cracked gerrymander areas

    = 1/4 or less CONTROL = OLIGARCHY

    — with much worse primary math if no incumbents.

    ALL of USA/States political history since 1776.


    – A TOTAL failure to follow up on Gray v Sanders, 372 U.S. 368 (1963) in the 1964 SCOTUS gerrymander cases.
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP
    Troll postings –
    which color has killed off the highest pct of the SAME color ???

    white/white, black/black, yellow/yellow, brown/brown, red/red

    UNEQUAL killer rates in the various LAWLESS killer regimes since olde report of Cane killing Abel in that olde book ???

    Europe – de facto brain dead – after the 2 World Wars ???

  57. All sorts of black gangsters captured/kidnapped other blacks in Africa and sold them to rotted Spanish and English slave biz for transportation to N and S America – slave ships into 1800s.

    Many slaves died on such slave ships and were thrown overboard — REAL survival of the fittest.

    Slave monarchs/oligarchs in many areas forced slaves into slave work – crops, etc.

    How many slave oligarchs in the 1787 top secret Fed Convention ??? —

    protecting their EVIL special interest CONTROL over slaves — well known slave sections in USA Const.

    NOW – various special interest gerrymander oligarchs enacting laws for CONTROL of all sorts of stuff – Fed, States, Locals.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  58. Folks should look at

    Moore v Illinois, 55 U.S. (14 How.) 13 (1852)

    to get some idea of the power of the STATE regimes to NOT allow many folks [domestic or foreign) into such States before the 1861-1865 Civil War.

    Moore lead to 1857 Dred Scott v Sandford.

    See later with later 1868 14-1 Amdt – esp PI and EP clauses.

  59. “Art” hasn’t commented on any other post. He comes here to spew his racist crap, and double posts, like he is talking to himself. Keep showing your craziness- I need a laugh.

  60. @DR,

    The Congress is not subordinate to the Supreme Court.

    Congress is fully capable of determining that districts from which representatives are elected have equal number of voters.

    A simple enforcement mechanism: Excess voters in districts with above average number of voters, divided by average number of voters = representatives lost under 14-2. Representatives from lowest vote districts not seated.

  61. “Me” aka Andy the fake Egyptian god, keep laughing at your projection of your racism on me. I am multiracial and naturally antiracist. I don’t hate people and being part white myself I don’t hate any part of myself or any of my ancestors. I appreciate and honor them for intermarriage, immigration, and diversification of their gene pool and cultural heritage, something proven to bring benefits in every way and on every level and which I hope to see for all the rest of you who have not been so Fortunate yet.

    It is true I am a novice here, I found these comments through a search on this topic. I also have not been very politically active beyond voting and occasional donations until I got more active with the Yang campaign.

    Some of you idiots or more likely just one seem to think I am someone else or paid to be here or some other such craziness as you project your racism and trolling on to me. I have nothing to do with any of that. I do however enjoy reading history. You may be well served to do the same.

  62. @DR,

    Reread ‘Wesberry v Sanders’ (again).

    “3. The constitutional requirement in Art. I, § 2,that Representatives be chosen “by the People of the several States” means that, as nearly as is practicable, one person’s vote in a congressional election is to be worth as much as another’s.”

    “The apportionment statute thus contracts the value of some votes and expands that of others. If the Federal Constitution intends that, when qualified voters elect members of Congress, each vote be given as much weight as any other vote, then this statute cannot stand.”

    Also read Footnote [2/4] of Justice Harlan’s dissent:

    “The Court’s ‘as nearly as is practicable’ formula sweeps a host of questions under the rug. … Is the number of voters or the number of inhabitants controlling?”

    The number of votes per congressional district in California varied from 145% to 48% of the ideal, an almost 3 to 1 difference (2.98). If we total the surplus votes cast in the overpopulated districts by the average number of votes per district it is equivalent to 5.25 districts. Congress doesn’t sit representatives from the five smallest districts (CA-16, CA-21, CA-35, CA-40, and CA-46), and permits California to hold new elections when the vote debasement is mitigated.

  63. More research needed-

    1776-1789 STATE Const/laws about –

    State citizen or legal foreign residents
    State naturalization,
    State immigration to State or to other States.

    At the 1789 Fed level immigration comes via the Fed commerce clause and treaties.

  64. Also –

    Any STATE Census laws in 1776-1789 — esp in 1784-1789 after 1783 USA-Brit Peace Treaty.

    ANY such laws involve counting temporary folks in State – foreign or other State ???

    Major guess-timates for getting initial 65 USA Reps in 1-2-3.

  65. @DR,

    Each State is entitled to determine the electorate for its legislature, subject to later congressional requirements of the 14th, 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments. See also 9th and 10th amendments.

    The electorate for Congress is the same as for the larger chamber of the legislature.

    Congress has commanded that representatives be elected from districts.

    Congress may require that those districts have similar numbers of voters.

    In 2018, one congressional district had 342K voters and another 115K. The California statute thus contracts the value of some votes and expands that of others … then this statute can not stand.

  66. Now I am Egyptian God? Next “Art” will say I am Demo Rep, or Richard Winger himself.

    Do you support Yang just because of his Asian heritage? If so, that’s a stupid reason, just like it would be if you supported someone just because they were white, or black, or whatever.

  67. JR

    AFTER Wesberry case- exact pop/district NONSENSE –

    Nov 2020 – 10.5 plus years after 2010 Census Day


    UNIFORM POSITIVE definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA —
    repeals ALL of the negative stuff in 14-2, 15, 19, 24, 26 Amdts

    EQUAL votes to elect each legislator-

    PRE-Election candidate rank order lists of other candidates
    Surplus votes down
    Lowest loser votes up

    — pending PR Exact math via Condorcet

    Congress is full of gerrymander RED Donkey communists

    — who do not give a damn — except for ANY scheme that gets them TOTAL power over everybody and everything

    — Gerrymander Comms [CA, MI], RCV in gerrymander districts [ME], NPV, etc.

  68. Also –

    some States have state/local gerrymander hacks elected for 4 year terms in NOV 2020 — to END OF DEC 2024



  69. @DR,

    No case has not directly addressed the issue. In Missouri and New Jersey the States claimed to be equalizing population. The SCOTUS ruling was that equality was not as equal as practicable.

    The fundamental principle of ‘Wesberry v Sanders’ is that one person’s vote be as equally valued as that of another. Equal population is a crude measure. Equal number of voters is better.

    We have high quality data after every election, that would permit adjustment of districts as necessary, such as is done for Australian divisions.

    Congress has manner authority over Congressional elections and may mandate equal electorates for voting purposes. It has enforcement authority under 14-2 to penalize non-compliant states. One problem with judicial decisions on redistricting is that the judiciary is drawing districts. Just order the state to not hold illegal elections rather than fixing them which is a legislative function.

    Your solutions require a myriad of constitutional amendments that are unlikely to happen.

  70. @DR,

    Alabama elects its legislature every four years. After remand on ‘Reynolds v Sims’, the district court drew districts that were used in 1966 and 1970. The court retained jurisdiction and drew the districts for 1974.

    Maryland also elected its legislature every four years. In a companion case to ‘Reynolds v Sims’ the SCOTUS said it was OK to wait until 1968.

  71. NOW –
    MULTIPLE ANTI-Democracy gerrymander oligarch regimes —

    BOTH houses of USA Congress – ALL houses of ALL 50 State legislatures and MANY local legis bodies.

    Each —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    Top 2 primary States —

    1/2 PLUS votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 PLUS CONTROL — but more NON-votes in 2D/2R districts.

    Totally delusional to expect ANY of such OLIGARCH bodies to become magically *democratic* —

    — like dreaming that 1860 slave States would end slavery with election Of Lincoln.

    All rotted skoools, univees, media — brain dead about such ANTI-Democracy math.

    NOOO hope with SCOTUS — filled with 9 robot party HACKS
    — Rucho 2019 gerrymander DISASTER 10,000 times worse than 1857 Dred Scott
    — with HACK counterparts in most State supreme courts.

    Last hope — 18 States with voter pets for State Const Amdts
    — being subverted nonstop by the gerrymander oligarchs and HACK courts
    — leaving guess what — see 1761-1775 and then 1775-1784.

    TOTAL danger now with KILLER LUNATIC DJT —

    all sorts of TYRANT machinations with fake/rigged domestic and foreign *emergencies* via USA Congress laws, treaties and so-called executive agreements with rotted foreign regimes.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  72. I support Yang because he has the best ideas u ever heard from any political candidates in any party in any election ever. It figures a racist troll such as “me” aka Andy the fake wannabe Egyptian god would see no reason for me to support him besides being Asian.

    The reason why I think “me” Andy and the fake Egyptian god are all the same racist troll is simple, they say the same things. Thus there is no reason to guess anyone else here is that same person, because no one else is saying what he/they do. It’s possible more than one person here believes that crap, it just doesn’t seem likely.

    I don’t think this person is being paid to troll. It’s possible, but again it seems more likely it’s the proverbial 40 something year old 400 pound white male virgin with repressed bisexual fantasies, racial and sexual insecurity, social anxiety, assburger syndrome, living in parents basement and trolling full time.

    He probably has a sociopath personality and political ideas to match, some mix of far right and liberlooneytooneytarian social and economic Darwinian ideology hypocritically sprinkled with right wing snowflake whining.

    There’s a pretty good chance that he listens to rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Fox news, Sinclair / one American news, rt, and various more extreme far right, alt right and racist or even neo Nazi propaganda. Most likely reads and reposts stuff like that a lot as well.

    He probably also hates feminists and blames them for his lack of female sex slaves to which he feels entitled by virtue of being born white and male. He hates people from other countries, races, religions and cultural heritage because he thinks they are taking away the jobs and women he was never going to get anyway. He hates lgbt people even though he is closet bisexual himself.

    This is highly likely to be the real person behind me aka Andy the fake Egyptian god.

  73. Keep it up, this is hilarious! “Art” is way off his rocker, like most trolls!

    You never said which ideas specifically you like of Yang’s, besides the fact he is of Asian heritage.

  74. Xaulie (Art) is mad because someone told him at IPR to get off his lazy fatass and create the January 2020 open thread.

  75. I’m not Art. I don’t think Andy is “Egyptian God” (Nathan Norman) either, although dL at IPR, like Art here, seems sure he is. No idea about “me;” could be one of them, or not.

    “….destroyed IPR and now it is an irrelevant site sadly.”

    Is that why you keep trying to sneak back in?

    “….mad because someone told him at IPR to get off his lazy fatass and create the January 2020 open thread….”

    Why would I be mad? I’ve done my share of that. Now it’s other people’s turn. They’ll either do it or they won’t. If someone wants me to be responsible for it, they can pay me. Otherwise it’s not my responsibility unless the mood happens to strike me.

    “banned Nathan Norman, Robert Milnes, and Andy from IPR.”

    Nope. I’ve actually argued for less restrictive moderation policies than a lot of our editors and owners did for many years. We got many requests to ban those people over the years and they got a lot of warnings, quarantined threads and all kinds of steps before they were finally banned. I did enforce the policies that the editors reached as a group, and every once in a while still do, but rarely. These days that’s mostly dL and any number of other people.

    In Andy’s case I was the only reason he was still allowed to post there for many years. Both of the last two owners wanted to ban him from day one. It took a long time but eventually the last straw broke the camel’s back, I got out of the way and let IPR’s owner, Warren Redlich, know I would no longer stand opposed to whatever his decision would be. It was immediately to do what he and the owner before him had wanted to do all along.

    “He is rabidly racist against white people.”

    Says the swastika guy. The US government classifies me as white, although white nationalists like yourself do not.

    “Andy/Egyptian god, sorry, I don’t know who any of those people are or what “ipr” is. Andy is the only name I recognize there.”


  76. Art is a troll, not a racist. With all of the USA’s problems, no one could seriously favorably compare China against it, with all of China’s organ harvesting, forced sterilizations, and mass incarceration of men while quartering soldiers in the homes of incarcerated men with wives.

    The peak of Chinese influence in the world has already passed. Like Japan and much of Europe, China is now in a population death spiral. By 2100 it will be down to 650 million people. Its economic bubble will pop sooner or later and then what does it have going for it?

  77. Art does sound like a troll. And at least somewhat racist, though not more than some people here. As for China they do face a lot of problems, but losing population is not one of them. They have been using authoritarian measures to limit population growth for several decades and could easily end this policy.

    A bigger demographic issue for them is gender imbalance. Chinese culture favors male heirs, so many families illegally killed female infants so their one child allowed by the government could be a son. This has now added up to way too many men as opposed to women. This causes all sorts of social unrest and could create a lot of pressure to go to war.

    All the more so if jim is correct about the economic bubble popping there.

  78. Bad loans [NOT repaid] = CUT in REAL savings = CUT in capital investments

    esp 1929-1933 part of Great Depression I and 2007-2012 Great Depression II.

    Bad loans often due to rigged low low low interest rates.

    Really fatal to let checking account [demand deposits] to be loaned out [as in 1921-1929]
    >>> massive bank failures in 1931-1933 – crash in BOTH checking and saving accounts.

    NONSTOP USA inflation since 1933.

    1933 dollar now worth about 5 cents – purchasing power.

    ALL due to statist govt machinations to RIG the economy since 1914 Fed Reserve Act.

  79. Lol. You are Art. That’s why you stopped posting as him when you showed up as yourself.

    The only swastika I see on IPR-X is in “symbolism in leaked kendall jenner photo” and it’s not promoting the swastika, just reporting on it.

  80. Nope. And I have no idea why or whether he stopped posting. It has nothing to do with me. Anyone can look at your tag cloud or scroll down your page and find your Nazi, fash, white nationalist garbage. But nice try.

    Speaking of nice try, on your wiki and IMDb were you born in 1991 or 1981, and in CA or pa? Lol

  81. Changes may have been made to get the age over 35 on wiki.

    1981, 1991, what does it matter?

    IMBD is wrong about the place of birth though. Nathan Norman may have spent a large amount of time in CA but he’s Sranton through and through.

  82. Go back up and read the posts by “Art” (probably a paid troll, possibly JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League}, possibly somebody we know, maybe somebody we don’t) and replace his talk about people of European ancestry with any other people. Do this and somebody will call you a “racist” and a bunch of other nasty sounding names, and in this case, they’d be correct. “Art” is a disgusting vile lowlife and a hypocrite, and a coward on top of this.

    Keep this in mind, “Art,” most of the world’s technological advancements came from people of European origin, and people of European origin built the most prosperous, and the freest, countries in the world. Look at a list of first world countries, you know, the ones with the highest standards of living. They are almost all in Europe, or countries founded and built by people of European ancestry (such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand), and even the few exceptions, such as Japan, rely on technology that was invented by Europeans (the Japanese did not invent automobiles, or airplanes, or computers). Israel would not exist if not for welfare checks from the USA, and the Balfour Declaration from the British, and like Japan, they rely on technology, such as automobiles and airplanes, invented by people of European origin.

    It should be pretty clear what “Art’s” agenda is. “Art” is an enemy of Western Civilization, and should treated accordingly.

  83. Me aka Andy the fake Egyptian god, the reason I didn’t make additional comments since my last one was that there was nothing to respond to. You just keep repeating the same nonsense I already replied to. For example you keep saying I only support Yang because he is Asian. I already told you it’s not. He has the only forward looking approach to incorporate the impacts of evolving technology on economy and society into government policy. I never said my support for him has anything to do with his ancestry. You keep assuming that with zero evidence. You never even asked me why I support him nor is it my duty to tell you, but you insist it must be just because of his ancestry even when I tell you it’s not. You are just projecting your racism on me.

    Then you follow that up with an explicit white supremacist screed about how white people built everything ignoring how they pretty much stole all of their ideas from other countries they invaded or occupied, slaves they took from all over the world, resources they stole through colonialism and imperialism and mercantilism and slavery.

    This is your so called western civilization, a brief blip on the radar of eastern civilization – real civilization, unlike your false one. But in that blip you have managed to exploit all the party’s people and resources to the point of creating a climate crisis which threatens all our survival and every other species on this planet. Nice going, bozos.

    Freest countries? For whom? Not for the African slaves they imported and killed by the millions, not for the natives of all the Americas and Oceania they holocaust, ethnically cleansed, killed and enslaved by millions. Not for Asian “coolie” labor or even your own white immigrants. Not for peasants, serfs, indentured servants, sharecropppers, slave labor in company towns, or the reserve army of the unemployed. Not for those ever living in fear of joining their ranks. “Free” only for a tiny ignorant elite who think they built everything their ancestors stole and claimed undue credit for, and feel entitled to remain the global 1 % forever. Well guess what…your time is up. Learn to deal with it like everyone else.

    And oh yeah. You didn’t build that.

    By the way, nobody except you and a few other crazy white people shares your obsession with Jews and Israel. Personally I couldn’t care less. You did steal your religion from them like you stole everything else you claim to have built but that’s about it. And you did kill 6 million of them just like you killed hundreds of millions all over the world for 2000 years or more. And took their country like you took so many others. But they are not as special as you or they think.

    But in light of you obsession about them it’s not surprising to hear you have swastikas all over your website. I have not seen that site but I did take a look at your so called independent report and it was a stupid wasted time site about lunatic fringe wasted vote parties. Who cares? Waste of 14 seconds to even look at it. What a bad joke.

  84. Then there is Jim. At least give him credit for recognizing I am not racist. Funny how he doesn’t see Andy the fake Egyptian god or other people earlier converge thread are racist though. Do they gave to literally fly the confederate flag and swastika in your face? If paul is to be believed and I don’t know if he can be, this same Andy the fake Egyptian god jerkoff does that too on his iprx site.

    Jim, you confuse Asian civilization with the current government of China? What do you think about Hong Kong, Taiwan, south Korea, Singapore, ..? Or all the government’s of China for 6000 years before this one? You think China will have this government forever?

    Your notion of a demographic crisis in Asia is curious. Compare growth rates for population or economy in east Asia, Europe, and USA in last few decades.

    Economic bubble? Andy the wannabe Egyptian God’s so called western civilization is the ultimate economic bubble and it’s just about ready to pop. It’s your peak of influence on the world which has already passed.

  85. Interesting tidbit on tv the other day. Your elite USA universities have to discriminate against Asian applications because otherwise they would become majority Asian. In NYC which is only 15% Asian, the most elite competitive high school, Stuyvesant, is 75% Asian because admission is based solely on test results.

    Peak of influence? Not even close. Your western domination of the world is ending. Good riddance to it.

  86. Yang2020.com much better web site, read policies and blog, donate, join local meet up. MATH Make America Think Harder. Are you too stupid to look it up on your own and realize his policies are exactly what this country and the world needs without having to have it spoon fed to you like a toddler who just crapped in his diaper and had not been changed yet?

  87. Read about human capitalism at yang2020 you barbarians. Why is this not obvious to everyone? It is a shame someone has to come along and explain it to your do called civilization. Read about Medicare for all and the dividend. If you are even capable of understanding it with your failing school systems and stunted mental development.

  88. Also you should watch the last democratic Debate. Yang was absolutely brilliant as almost everyone who watched realized yet you have the stupid audacity to say I can only be for him because he is Asian. How dare you. You are the people who are destroying this planet, the only one we have.

  89. “Art’s” posts are getting into spam territory. He might be worse than Ogle.

    Yang is a big government guy. Pass. Speaking of your boy, I just read he won’t be on the ballot in Ohio. His campaign can’t even get the rules od each state correct! So much for that technology thing.

  90. His posts are just as nonsensical, but he has oh, I don’t know, maybe a few thousand comments to go to catch up to joogle in the spam department. Agreed yang is a big government guy and a pass. I wouldn’t make a big deal about their Ohio screwup though. Ballot access laws are Byzantine.

    There’s a certain arrogance among some big government technocrats who think they have a monopoly on data driven policies. They would be well served by reading Mary Ruwart’s healing our world, the works of Julian Simon, and familiarizing themselves with Mises and Hayek on the failures of socialism and the calculation problem of central planning.

  91. Nathan Norman is not running for president. Maybe he’ll wait until 2028 to run again and use his real birth year.

  92. Wow, what a bunch of idiocy from you Looney toons looneytarians. While it is an honor to be compared with the brave and wise Greta Thunberg… Realistically I am not in her league. She is a real world changer, like Andrew Yang, Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, Gloria Steinem, Margaret Mead and people of that caliber.

    Big government? Socialism? Give me a break with your idiotic buzzwords. Yes, government needs to be bigger. But more importantly a whole lot smarter. Extremes of capitalism and socialism are obviously not the answer, anyone with any sense knows the real answer is in between as you can read at yang2020.com about human capitalism. Just read it.

    Your small government capitalism is such hypocrisy. First you use big government to conquer countries, enslave millions, carry out genocide and ethnic cleansing and imperialism and colonialism, prop up industries and bail out bankers and billionaires. Then you want to pretend the redistributed property and opportunities you created is just the natural order of a free market. What nonsense.

    When it comes time to curb pollution and save the planet you cry big government. When it comes time to create equal educational and vocational opportunities or protect workers and consumers you cry big government. When it’s time to build housing and infrastructure for all but the wealthy it’s big government to you. When it’s time for a citizens dividend you’d rather have people go to soup kitchens or just starve. You want to call Medicare for all big government.

    Well, go stew in your hate. We are not going back to the “small government” of robber barons and pinkerton guards. We won’t go back to the wild west or the antebellum south, the “small government ” of Indian genocide, slavery, Jim crow , manifest destiny, lebensraum, witch trials, crusades, inquisition, come to think of it when was this small government?

    Where did the exist distribution of property come from? Did everyone pull them selves up by bootstrap and mix labor with land? Did European people “discover” a few continents where no one lived and build everything themselves? What a crock.

    You only want small government when it’s time to right those wrongs and mitigate them, or even to save the only planet home we have. Take yourselves and your small government to the moon and leave your space suits at home, you Looney tune lunatics.

  93. Hey “Art”, how bout giving specific plans of Yang’s instead of buzzwords and spamming us with his website. Explain his specific points and why you think they are so great. Otherwise, you are nothing but another spammer troll.

    You never explained how and why his campaign missed the Ohio primary ballot. Not very bright of them.

  94. Super easy to be a statist TOTAL CONTROL freak —

    see olde Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Mao TYRANT regimes in 1900s.

    How many dead/enslaved during their regimes ???

    New Age wannabee TYRANTS raving to get POWER — esp 2020 RED Donkey communist Prez candidates.

    Standard MORONS/useful IDIOTS in/out of such regimes who love such TYRANTS.

  95. Art “Your notion of a demographic crisis in Asia is curious. Compare growth rates for population or economy in east Asia, Europe, and USA in last few decades.”

    I mean, have you looked at the demographic profile of these countries? Countries tend to have a consumption led economy when the population is pyramid shaped, with lots of young adults buying stuff. When there is a population bulge of people in their 50’s and people are at their peak earnings power and there are a lot of skilled, highly productive workers, the economy tends to be export and investment led. That’s where China, Europe, and Japan are now, with Japan being the most advanced. And when that bulge hits retirement age and the population pyramid is completely inverted… your economy is fucked, because all of those people are demanding retirement income and there are too few workers to support them. Either the consumption of the young is sacrificed, making them slaves of the elderly, or grandma starts eating cat food for dinner. But somebody is going to have a shit standard of living.

    Here, I put the charts together for you:


    As for what I think of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea… I think they would be provinces of totalitarian China if China thought it wouldn’t have consequences from the US and Europe. China needs the US and European export markets to keep people employed and not rioting.

  96. Art

    Being all outraged that anyone dares to disagree with you, or calling anyone who does stupid, does not make your argument any stronger. It doesn’t necessarily make it weaker either, but it does make it seem that way.

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