Rocky De La Fuente Drops His Ballot Access Appeal in Arizona

In 2016, Rocky De La Fuente sued Arizona over its independent presidential primary ballot access law. It required almost twice as many signatures as were needed for a new party in 2016. The independent presidential petition requirement was 35,514 signatures, but the party petition was 20,119. Courts in Alabama, Florida, and North Carolina had held that it is unconstitutional for a state to require more signatures for a single independent candidate than for an entire new party.

Also, the Arizona independent presidential petition had not been used since 2008, and the U.S. Supreme Court has said that ballot access procedures that are seldom used are probably unconstitutional.

The case moved very slowly, but finally in 2019, a U.S. District Court Magistrate upheld the law. De La Fuente appealed to the Ninth Circuit. However, on January 9, 2020, the Ninth Circuit dismissed the appeal because De La Fuente had failed to file his opening brief by the deadline.

This had been De La Fuente’s only ongoing ballot access case that relates to getting on the ballot in the general election.


Rocky De La Fuente Drops His Ballot Access Appeal in Arizona — 147 Comments

  1. I suggested that Rocky use his finances to join Top Ten and help the Reform party get full ballot access to level the playing field. And run for it’s nomination.
    But nobody listens to me.

  2. The so-called *leaders* of third parties and election reform folks are too paralyzed, arrogant and/or really stupid by not trying to get the richer non-establishment candidates to do voter const amdt election reform petitions in the 18 States having such petitions.

    The ANTI-Democracy gerrymander oligarchs in such 18 States are trying their evil rotted worst to STOP ALL reforms — think 1789 France, 1917 Russia, etc. conditions.

    ZERO new in politics in 6,000 plus years.

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  3. All the people you have pretended to be their friend all these years just so you can spy on them for various covert operations are going to figure it out sooner or later, paulie.
    Prof. Phillies might have detected the fix in for your fake candidate Vermin in NH.. Is Darryl in it too?
    The first thing Darryl did after infiltrator Tiffany Briscoe stole the BTP nomination in 2011 was get on RT, Russian tv channel. Yes, the Russkies were involved in US elections even back then. Then he failed to remove her for cause so I had to call for a vote to remove her. Then he declared the BTP defunct. Not me. I tried to revive it with a new name, Lexington Green party.
    Your biggest dupe was/is Tom Knapp.

  4. The real question is why the opening brief was not filed by the deadline? What was the deadline?

  5. Robert Milnes

    What is BTP? What is Darryl full name? How is appearing on RT involved in US Elections?

  6. How many trolls/agents/spies/juveniles have files/dossiers on each other ???

    See olde Spy vs Spy in olde MAD magazine.
    Adults —

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  7. Robert Milnes, it’s just your paranoia running away with you….


    Darryl Perry. And “Boston Tea Party.” Not to be confused with the historical event of the 1700s or the Greater Boston Tea Party, a local affiliate of the national Taxed Enough Already protest movement also named after that historical event, this BTP was created by Tom Knapp in 2006, then revived in 2008 by a small handful of Libertarians who were unhappy enough with the Bob Barr-Wayne Root ticket to try to start their own party. With a bit of money from presidential candidate Charles Jay, a professional rival of Wayne Root’s in the sports gambling tout business, they managed to get on the ballot in three of the easiest states (TN, FL, CO) two of which I helped with because they paid me and they were right next door to my larger job in Alabama qualifying Barr, Nader and Baldwin for the ballot.

    That was the highlight of this “BTP.” Aside from that it existed as a yahoo email list and a website discussion forum for a few years, mainly LARPing as a political party. Having no ballot access anywhere their “candidates” consisted of a few endorsements of other parties’ candidates in a few local races around the country.

    For 2012 they nominated a presidential ticket based on what turned out to be fraudulent credentials; a semi-literate community college student passed herself off as a college trustee and businesswoman with the help of a then teenage illegal immigrant, who since then left the country, who pretended to be her online. After the fraud was exposed the nomination was withdrawn, and she student went on to be James Ogle’s girlfriend, or perhaps wife (I’m not sure if he put a ring on it or not). They then nominated another presidential ticket with a cockamamie plan of getting ballot for all 50 states from drunk tourists on the Vegas strip. Predicatbly, and as I predicted, they got ballot access in zero states. At that point, then national chair Darryl Perry performed a mercy killing of this undead corpse of a botched partial birth abortion of a political party.

    Robert Milnes, with all the practical wisdom and sanity he shows in all other things, has ever since been pining away at reviving this non-existent party, whose presidential nomination he unsuccessfully sought, but under another equally silly name – the Lexington Green Party – not to be confused with the Green party of Lexington, KY, Lexington, MA, or any other Lexington.

    Unfortunately for Robert, there is nothing to revive. If he wants to revive it, all he needs to do is stick up a website forum (he could call it Lexington Green Party, Boston Tea Party, Milnes Party, or whatever he wants) and he’ll have everything the BTP had when it folded or would have now. As usual, Milnes doesn’t do even that much, instead whining that other people don’t do what he fails to do himself. In fact, that is 100% of his shtick, and always has been.

    In the succeeding years, Darryl Perry moved to New Hampshire, and for a year or two was the state chair of the Libertarian Party there. Robert appears to think he still is, but that is inaccurate. Brian Shields won another term as chair of LPNH on Saturday. Vermin Supreme won the straw poll of LPNH members, and Supreme supporters, including Shields and Vice Chair Manzo, won all the leadership position in LPNH.

    And now you know…the rest of the story. LOL

  8. Mark, not so fast paulie. Ever since Darryl appeared on RT I became suspicious of him. I have been suspicious of paulie for a lot longer than that. I am the one who ran against Briscoe. Then I did some investigative reporting and found her to be fraudulent. Darryl exonerated her but I insisted for an election to remove her. Successfully. Whereupon her campaign manager Pierre Crevaux, who turned up from under a rock in S. Florida associated with the republican party, protest too much that her campaign had nothing to do with the Russians OR DONALD TRUMP. This was in 2012!
    Now paulie is pushing hobo/clown candidate Vermin Supreme Boothat for the 2020 lib. nomination. Thereby defeating PLAS by default vis a vis the Libertarian party. I suspect the ballot has been stuffed in his favor in NH. I have long suspected the lp nomination is rigged by packing the convention with republican operatives.
    Any other questions?
    However I am running for the Green party nomination. Howie Hawkins has already been given the fix for that.

  9. I ran against Charles Jay in 2008. I did not know about him and WAR Wayne Allan Root or his contributions to BTP, which would explain a lot.
    Before that I tried to get the LP to nominate the possible PLAS ticket of Senator Mike Gravel and Mary Ruwart.
    When that didn’t happen, I asked Mary, a radical, to bolt the LP and join my possible ticket. She emailed me a polite no. That was of course 2008.
    I wonder if Tom Knapp knows paulie’s low opinion of BTP, his creation.
    You sure have Tom duped about you, paulie. He chose you over me! What a dupe! LOL!

  10. I endorsed the possible PLAS ticket of Darcy Richardson/Tom Knapp in 2018 for the Reform party nomination.
    Now I endorse them for the GP nomination, second to me.
    I also ask Rocky to join Top Ten and get the Reform party on all ballots to level the playing field. And run for their nomination.
    Any other questions, Mark?

  11. ” I am the one who ran against Briscoe. ”

    One of several to get a single digit number of votes in a meaningless online poll for a party with zero states ballot access that year (or any year except 2008) . Oh yeah they did have one in person meeting once, in Denver CO following the close of the 2008 LP national convention. You were not there. Congratulations on your major accomplishment, Robert.

    “I wonder if Tom Knapp knows paulie’s low opinion of BTP, his creation.”

    Tom throws out lots of experiments, and sees if any of them take off. Unlike Milnes he at least makes an effort to make his ideas happen and then sees if other people pick up on them or not, and when they don’t he moves on. Milnes just whines that no one else won’t do what he won’t do himself and never moves on.

  12. “Both Vermin and Hawkins are getting a lot of publicity in IPR, from which I am banned.”

    Correct. Everyone is getting what they have earned there. As long as I can help it that’s how it’s going to stay.

  13. “Now paulie is pushing…candidate for LP nomination”

    I have a number of candidates I like to varying degrees. I am not endorsing anyone before the national convention, and may or may not pick one there. I haven’t been selected as a delegate, and may not run for that. Been a national convention delegate 8 times and have yet to attend a national LP convention as just a reporter only. I have done that at plenty of state conventions and other party conventions. But not yet LP national. If I attend as just a reporter I will not issue endorsements even during the convention.

    My state’s delegation may be competitive this year so I may not win a delegate spot even if I run for it. And even if I am a delegate I can still choose to skip the presidential vote and let an alternate vote instead. Or vote, but keep it confidential.

    So, no decision yet on whether I will endorse someone at the national convention. But I’ll definitely not endorse before then.

    If I am a delegate and thus have a token, I’ll stick with my practice of hanging on to it to see who needs the most to make or break getting into the debate and/or being nominated thresholds.

  14. Which pre-skooool juvenile has the most slanders or rumors per post ???
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  15. No, paulie. You have been pro Vermin for at least the past month. I have followed IPR since its beginning.
    There has been a LOT of pro Vermin posts and also pro Hawkins. They used to be posted by Kevin Zeese. However I emailed Kevin and called for a Boycott/Strike of the LP and GP. Haven’t heard anything from Zeese since.
    You are good at spin, that is for sure. As good as Tom Knapp and I compare him to a washing machine!
    No, people are starting to listen to me. Your schtick is getting old and washed up.

  16. Once again, I have not endorsed any candidates for LP nomination. You can believe whatever you want to believe. I’ll work with more than one campaign to help them be all they can be if they want my help. They all still have plenty of time to up their game between now and May and will receive the level of support they earn from me by then.

    Kevin has a lot of things to do in the real world and with many other publications. IPR is not his priority. Neither are you. People are starting to listen to you? Which people? You are deluding yourself yet again.

  17. Reading between the lines, one can see that the extensive ballot status of the Libertarian Party is motivating various actors, both within and outside the party, to manipulate the nomination of its candidates.

  18. Can we please stop with the cyberterrorism and manipulation of primaries to show Vermin Supreme winning rather than the rightful winner Robert Milnes?

    Vermin is a self declared fascist. Do you really want the headline Libertarian Party nominates self declared Fascist for President?

  19. That would be you, not Vermin, but since it came out that you lied about your age and won’t be eligible til 2028, we can be assured we won’t ruin a self declared fascist at least until then. It seems equally unlikely that we’ll run someone like Milnes who wants to kill all the Jews, either.

  20. There are an awfully lot of conspiracy theorists here, you guy could form a group to fight back against the shadow government-illuminati-fake bird-moon truthers

  21. I never said I wanted to kill all the jews, paulie.
    Where, when did I say I wanted to kill all the jews? Proof, please.
    No, the exact opposite is on display right here at BAN comments.
    I proposed that the U.N. require all jews to be moved to Sinai; Relocate the indigenous Bedouins. Permission from Egypt. Desalination plants etc. Allow the Palestinian refugees to return home.
    I’m sure WordPress would shut down The PLAS Place if I said that.
    You should not say something very inflammatory like that without evidence at least or proof.
    Richard should ban you from commenting here in the least.

  22. Not everyone understands satire. And who decides what is satire? Was Augustus Invictus satirical? What about Vernon Frankel?

    Regardless, the optics are not good for the party to nominate a self described fascist whether satirical or not.

  23. “Vermin Supreme is a self declared fascist” is a truthful statement.

    “Robert Milnes wants to kill all the Jews” is a false statement.

    Paul gets five pinocchios.

  24. I never said you endorsed Vermin. I believe I used the word “support”. You have posted many comments in IPR supportive of Vermin’s candidacy. You elaborate a rationale that I guess makes sense to you but not me or any serious person who appreciates all the hard work and expense in getting full or near full ballot access like the LP does. Not to throw it away on an absurd hobo/clown candidate. You actually have a lot of balls to support that.

  25. Lol, ok. The trolling is getting excessive.

    Vermin is antiracist. And antifascist. Vernon Norman is a fascist. Milnes has expressed positive thoughts about working with Nazis such as Vernon /Nathan Norman Rockwell. And support for the synagogue shooter and stabbing Jews.

    I support lots of candidates: vermin. Behrman, until she just withdrew Kim ruff; hornberger is solid on positions right now but I’m not a fan of what he did vis a vis Browne and lpva in the day, or his stated position then that building party infrastructure is unimportant. I like Jorgensen but her willingness to discuss sex work plank could be improved.

    Chafee is better than some past crossovers, but I don’t want 4 crossovers in a row. If amash crosses over that’s not as good,but still better than Barr.

    Please, keep telling me how you know better than I do who I support. Lol.

    Speaking of having balls. Milnes lecturing me on the hard work of ballot access.

    Now that’s some irony there. About as much as fascists like Vernon Norman saying it looks bad that vermin ironically called himself a friendly fascist.

  26. What did Horny do with Browne (Michael?) and the LPVA that was so wrong?

    What did Jorgensen (strong Scandinavian name) say or not say about prostitution?

  27. There was a scandal during the Browne campaign when it came out that Perry Willis was covertly supporting Browne while being an LNC office staffer. Willis was later censured for this by the LNC. Jacob Hornberger got in the race for the 2000 presidential nomination pretty early, but he dropped out a few months into it, but the he jumped back in the race at the 2000 National Convention in Anaheim, CA, and attempted to derail Harry Browne. I actually don’t think the Perry Willis scandal made that big of a difference, because Harry Browne was clearly the best candidate in 1996 and in 2000. He ran a better campaign than any of his competitors for the nomination, and he was the best speaker and writer, and he was strong on issues and philosophy. If Hornberger was really serious about running, he should not have dropped out of the race, and dropped back in it at the convention, in my opinion. He also could have thrown his support to one of the other main candidates for the 2000 nomination, in Don Gorman, Barry Hess, or Dave Hollist, but I think it would have been a mistake to nominate anyone other than Harry Browne. Hornberger showed up at the convention with basically nothing (as in no campaign staff, no money raised, etc…) and he expected people to vote for him to be the nominee, which I thought was absurd.

    Hornberger ran for US Senate in Virginia in 2000, but he ran as an independent, not as a Libertarian Party candidate. I think he left the party after the 2000 National Convention, and/or there was some kind of bad blood between him and some people in the LP of VA. I am pretty sure he ended up getting less than 1% of the vote in that race.

  28. Hornberger got 7.1% in his US Senate race.

    And there was more shady stuff going on between Browne and the LNC in the run up to the 2000 convention. The LNC was giving away copies of Browne’s book to national party donors while claiming it wasn’t showing favoritism because Browne was not yet an officially declared candidate. Browne waited until like 2 months before the convention before he officially declared, even though he had been raising money since the 96 campaign ended and everyone knew he was running. Perry Willis (Executive Director at the time) wasn’t the only person in the bag for Browne, although he might have been the only one being secretly paid by the Browne campaign. LNC member Sharon Ayres had been Browne’s campaign manager in 96, and her husband, David Bergland, was the national party Chair.

    Hornberger addressed some of the criticisms against him last month here:

    I don’t think he’s handling it well. He’s still trying to “win” by claiming the Browne campaign acted unethically. He ought to just say “Mr. Browne is no longer here to defend himself and there is no point to carrying on with this 20 year old dispute.”

  29. I just looked up the 2002 US Senate race from Virginia. The Democrats did not run a candidate for that office that year. Hornberger came in third place, as there was another independent candidate who received 9.7% of the vote (it was a three way race).

    I do recall something about LP National giving away Harry Browne’s books to donors (his books were really good though), and yeah, that was inappropriate since Browne was a candidate, but even so, Hornberger barely had a campaign, and then he dropped out for months, and then dropped back in at the National Convention. There were other candidates there besides Browne who actually did run campaigns and actually did some work for the nomination in Don Gorman, Barry Hess, and Dave Hollis, but of course Browne had the most active campaign. I did not really like that Hornberger jumped back in the race, after doing very little in his campaign, and then dropping out for months, and then showing up and expecting delegates to nominate him when there were 4 other candidates on stage who actually did work for the nomination, and, like I said above, he had no campaign team and had raised no money, and had little name recognition outside the LP.

  30. I’d have to go back to check the records, but I thought David Bergland did not become the National Chairman until the 2000 National Convention. Wasn’t Steve Dasbach the National Chair prior to the 2000 election, or was he the Executive Director? This was a long time ago, but I am pretty sure Dasbach was the Chair at some point during that time frame. Maybe it was Bergland, and then Dasbach. I’d have to check the records.

  31. LOL! There is Andy’s comment tell again!
    Ever notice, when he posts a comment, the very next comment is him making a correction in the previous comment?
    Recently someone in IPR-not Andy- did that several times. IIRC it was William S. Saturn.
    Now, why would Andy post several comments in IPR where he got banned by Warren Solomon Redlich, owner Fuhrer, under William S. Saturn’s name?
    More important, HOW?
    Like I said, I suspect WSS is an online persona run by the Israelis. Able to be made use of by whoever is authorized.
    That would make Andy an Israeli operative.

  32. Andy and paulie have reportedly worked together a lot over the years getting petition signatures. And partied in various motels, booze, dope, hookers. Whatnot.
    Reminds me of several of the Saudi 9/11 hijackers who reportedly partied it up before revealing themselves as the homicidal/suicidal jihadists they really were.
    Kind of like the recent Saudis involved in the friendly fire killing of 3 naval personnel at Pensacola NAS. Internet jihadi sites, porn including child porn.

  33. Really? Mr. Milnes what does any of this have to do with the topic of this thread? I don’t think we much care about alleged personal lives of posters here at BAN.

  34. I made a correction because I misspelled the name of Dave Hollist. It was actually the spell check on the device I am using that caused the misspelling as the same thing happened here.

    I have not posted anything at IPR in a very long time. I got “banned” for pointing out the hypocrisy of many Jews for pushing for “open borders” and unlimited, unrestricted immigration into countries founded and built by Europeans, while at the same time supporting a walled ethno-state with a DNA test backed Jewish only immigration policy for Israel, which is part of an admitted “divide and conquer” strategy. I also pointed out, in the name of fairness, that not all Jews supported this, and I cited the late libertarian, Murray Rothbard, as well as Brother Nathanael Kappner (ethic Jew who converted to Christianity), as a couple of examples, but I pointed out that a a group, a majority do support this policy. So rather than attempting to post a rebuttal to my arguments, or prove anything I said was not accurate, or to even show that I violated any IPR policy (which I did not), the response was to “ban” me, much like how the ADL and SPLC push for censorship. I was actually getting sick of IPR anyway. I still look at it once in awhile to help keep up with the news, and the site has really gone downhill since I have been gone (which is poetic justice).

    Now as for wild parties, never happened. Other than a few beers (maybe one to three for me), I never got drunk or “wasted” or “stoned,” and I only saw Paul drunk once or twice. I never solicited a prostitute. Paul did once in awhile, but never while I was in the same room, and it was not like he did it all the time. This has been wildly exaggerated.

  35. More or less booze and drugs for the several pre-skoool / junior high skoool political MORONS on this list ???

    — so they can pass out and NOT post their trollings on this list.

  36. This conversation has taken a nasty turn but let’s get the record straight. Paulie has told many lies about Nathan Norman that turned out to be projection. Are the rumors true that the prostitutes he solicited were transgendered?

  37. I do not believe he was ever with a trans prostitute. I doubt he would have any interest in that.

  38. So what’s the deal with Jo Jorgensen? I never got an answer about what was wrong with her views on prostitution.

  39. Consti Lib, I am a lot like William Holden in Stalag 17. After taking a beat down and having a lot of his stuff pilfered and stolen. He starts looking around and noticing the hanging light cord gets knotted by SOMEBODY sometimes.
    Turns out that is a part of an elaborate mail system between the planted agent and the guard including hollowed out chess queens. That puts you and everybody here in the position of being just another schmuck stuck in the POW camp. And it is a war out there, to be sure. Political war. The cause of battlefield war.

  40. Andy, you have been caught and outed.
    BTW, I explained this to Kris Lesiak about a couple of months ago.
    Haven’t heard from him since.
    Haven’t heard from Kevin Zeese in a while either.

  41. Jo Jorgensen seems like a nice lady, and from what little I recall of her as Harry Browne VP running mate in 1996, she did a good job, but let’s face reality, she’s an answer to a trivia question that even most libertarians today would not be able to answer. What little fame she gained from being the LP’s VP nominee has long since faded. She disappeared from the spotlight for over 22 years. I did not even know if she was still in the party. So she’s another candidate with practically no money and no name recognition. I think the controversy is she made some comment about sex workers rights, and some people think it is too much of a fringe issue, and I suppose they are fearing that she’d talk about it on the campaign trail if nominated. I think the bigger problem with her as a presidential candidate is that she’s got close to zero name recognition and money, and she practically disappeared for over two decades. I follow this stuff pretty closely, and I had not heard anything about her since 1996. If I don’t here anything about you, and you are involved in alternative politics, that is a good sign you are obscure.

    Out of the declared candidates for the LP’s presidential nomination that I’d say are actually libertarian Libertarians, who I’d say are Adam Kokesh, Jacob Hornberger, Arvin Vohara, and Dan Behrman, the only one who I’d say has actually run a campaign of any significance so far, and who has any kind of name recognition, is Adam Kokesh, so as it stands right now, I think he should be the nominee.

    I do not consider Lincoln Chafee to be a legitimate libertarian, so he is automatically disqualified. I doubt that Vermin Supreme is really a libertarian as well, but regardless of this, he’s a circus clown/sideshow attraction/court jester. He would not be like nominating a comedian like Doug Stanhooe or Dave Smith, which I would not oppose. He’d be like nominating Krusty the Clown or Sideshow Bob. The LP needs a candidate who can educate and educate and inspire lots of people, like Harry Browne or Ron Paul, not an opportunistic attention seeking party hopping goofball performance artist with a boot on his head. If it came down to Chafee, or some other establishment shill, and Vermin Supreme, and I knew NOTA would not win, I would vote for Vermin, but that would be the only scenario where I’d vote for him.

  42. Chair:

    1993 – 1998 Dasbach
    1998 – 2000 Bergland
    2000 – 2002 Lark

    Dasbach was Executive Director 1998 – 2002.

  43. Andy, Jo Jorgensen is one of several known genuine libertarian women I have contacted over the years for the vp slot on my ticket.
    Did you get instructions from your handler to bad mouth her?
    And say you would be willing to vote for Vermin?
    Your story about the defective spellcheck on your device is lame.
    Did somebody else use your device and William S. Saturn’s name?

  44. I did not think I was bad mouthing Jo Jorgensen. I said she did a good job as the LP’s VP candidate in 1996. I just pointed out that she has no name recognition and no money today, and has not had a very active campaign, and would therefore not be the best choice to be the LP’s presidential candidate in 2020.

    I said I would only vote for Vermin Supreme if it came down to him and some ruling establishment shill fake libertarian like Lincoln Chafee.

    I do not know William Saturn other than seeing him online.

  45. Jo Jorgensen told me she had to decline getting into politics again due to her job at Clemson University.
    I forget the rather convoluted excuse. Perhaps she has disentangled herself from that circumstance.
    NOBODY knows William S. Saturn other than seeing him online.
    ANY PLAS ticket will start out with problems, but as soon as people start understanding it has a viable chance to WIN, it will get HUGE support.
    I am willing to keep an open mind as to your degree of culpability in this situation.
    Some explanations would help.
    How do you explain your commenting tell associated with comments on IPR under WSS name?
    Why were you really banned from IPR-really-by Warren Solomon Redlich, owner Fuhrer?

  46. I have nothing to do with anything ever posted by William Saturn.

    I already told the story of the banning? Bogus reason to be banned, huh? Really cowardly debate tactic to prevent somebody from speaking rather than a) rebutting their argument, preferably with facts, reason, and evidence, or b) concede that your debate opponent is correct. I broke no policies. It us poetic justice that the site has declined since then.

  47. Oh, as for the prospect of Justin Amash as a candidate for the LP’s presidential nomination, which may, or may not happen, I am not completely sold on him, but he is much better than Lincoln Chafee, as unlike Chafee, Amash at least has a record that is pretty libertarian. Amash recently became an independent, but he us still widely identified with the Republican Party. I would prefer that the party not run a 4th Republican retread in a row, but unlike the last 3 LP presidential tickets, Amash at least has a record that is plausibly libertarian. Chafee went from Republican to independent to Democrat, which is at least a different path, but he was far from being a Libertarian while in office, and he has done nothing to exonerate himself, therefore he is unacceptable. Sure, Chafee has a few things on his record that could be considered libertarian, or quasi-libertarian, but a few things does not cut it, as on net, he was just another big government politician. The fact that Chafee was encouraged to run for thr LP’s presidential nomination by Bill Weld is not a good sign.

  48. How many of the above trolls work for the DNC /RNC/ White House/ CIA/ NSA/ FBI/ Putin/ etc. ???

  49. ROBERT MILNES – A week ago you related that you considered cutting off your own father’s face at his funeral. (Post titled Lincoln Chafee Formally Announces Presidential Candidacy Today at National Press Club)

    That sounds insane to me and I think it would to most people. Consider seeking psychiatric help.

  50. Jim,,,Jim-paulie,
    It is no secret that I believe the Israelis have conducted covert operations in USA. I have written much about it at The PLAS Place. Faking death in various ways and fake funerals among many kinds of dirty tricks. Murdering someone and disguising it as something else. Or kidnapping someone and substituting a mannequin or wax dummy or cremated remains another.
    I was suspicious but was not sure which was going on with my father. So I decided to not confront the situation then and there. But I am certain about Nancy Benson, PhD. So I called for her exhumation. I do not think her dead body is in her grave because I think she was kidnapped. A mannequin of sufficient quality to fool mourners in her place and buried.
    So I will ask the readers, “Do you think the Israelis are capable of such political dirty tricks to bolster its survival?” I certainly do and I think most would agree with me. So, where are these kidnapped people? Probably Israel.
    And I am hoping the 82nd Airborne is preparing a rescue mission. Despite Mr. Trump’s support of Israel.
    If someone wants to exhume my father to determine by autopsy whether he was murdered or if it is a mannequin, you have my consent.
    The grave is in Harleigh Cemetery, Camden, NJ, where Walt Whitman is buried. In The Garden of Honor for veterans.

  51. My Captain does not answer, his
    lips are pale and still;
    My father does not feel my arm, he
    has no pulse nor will;
    The ship is anchor’d safe and
    sound, its voyage closed and done;
    From fearful trip, the victor ship,
    comes in with object won;

    Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread,
    Walk the deck my captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

  52. And a Happy 314th Birthday to Benjamin Franklin who was buried just across the Delaware River at the Christ Church Burial ground …

    … Unless, of course, there’s actually a mannequin in the grave and he’s been forcibly converted to Judaism and is currently living in Tel Aviv.

  53. Silence dogood, what kind of a smart assed name is that? Paulie?
    No, I never implied that a kidnapped person could live beyond human capability like 314 years.
    Forced conversion to Judaism? Interesting.
    On January 17, there was ZERO hits at The PLAS Place. Hmmmmm. Recently I have received very brief, matter off fact emails from Kevin Zeese and Darcy Richardson. And Holly Hart.
    Hart is a Green party official in Iowa. No mention of condolences about my father. No mention of Iowa politics!
    So I am suspicious that my website and emails are being tampered with.
    And I am concerned about Kris Lesiak.
    Dr. McFarland is the same age as my father 90.
    Nancy is 4 years older than me at 71.
    My father’s brother, my Uncle Fred the Marine, is 94, if he is still alive.
    My Uncle Bill is the same age as me.
    Kind reader, ponder this.
    Abraham Zapruder was in a hugely advantageous position to film the JFK assassination. AND he happened to have a top of the line at the time polaroid camera.
    AND he was jewish. Coincidrnce?
    Yes, that would mean the Israelis had advance notice of that assassination. In 1963.

  54. Like Andy, milnes seems to think that I am all sorts of anonymous, pseudonymous or new commenters who I’m not. They’re both also oddly obsessed with Jews ~ about 1 percent of the us population and less than that globally~ and Israel, also less than 1 percent of world land,resources or population. Odd obsession to have. I have about 80 percent Jewish ancestry and relatives in Israel yet I care about either one less than either of them.

  55. Jim, good try, but you are far from the first person to suggest milnes needs psychiatric help. He won’t get any though. He’s firmly convinced his delusional fantasies are real.

  56. Kind and fair reader, have you noticed the commercials on tv recently for The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews? Specifically mentioning Ukraine, it requests donations for poor, often sick, elderly jewish Holocaust victims left behind the mass exodus of jews from Europe to Occupied Palestine and the USA. From reactionary religious fundamentalists and liberals. Consider this: about 36% of American billionaires are jewish. Why don’t THEY get these poor, sick, elderly out of Ukraine? Note that the poor, often sick and elderly are virtually by definition worthless and useless to some. Can’t work or reproduce and cost money for assistance. BUT they CAN rake in piles of cash from donations from Americans! IFCJ a scam?

  57. The issue with Jorgensen was that she said she would ignore the sex work plank and refuse to discuss it. She has made clear she does agree with it.

    Vermin supreme is an actual libertarian both big and small l and has made clear he plans to run a serious campaign this time unlike his past satirical runs in the establishment party primaries. He’s doing well in l.p. Straw polls and using his name recognition from the satirical past runs to leverage coverage outside l.p. Circles, especially among young people and those coming from the left, for his serious l.p. Run.

    Kokesh and vohra have, sadly, become too friendly to the alt right.

    Hornberger sounds good on issues now. Unfortunately he narced to the fec on Browne, ran against the lp for Senate in 2002, and said party building does not matter in the past .

    Aside from vermin I like Dan taxation is theft Behrman, and Jorgensen probably after that. Kim ruff was good but dropped out.

  58. My support for trans folks and the sex work plank is ideological,not personal. I have employed sex workers and dated one not as a customer in the past, none trans.but my support is not based on personal preference, just as with drugs. I am actually clean and sober now as of December, but still see ending victimless crime laws as a top issue for me.

    Some people have vastly exaggerated how much I drank or used illegal drugs or saw sex workers in recent years. Most of that was actually decades ago.

    Although I am no longer friends with or associated with Andy I can confirm I’ve never seen him with sex workers, trans dates professionally or otherwise, or any dates of any kind professional or amateur. He has verbally expressed interest in women only for that purpose and claimed he had actually been with some many years ago, but not that I know of in the 15 years or so I knew him. I’ve never seen him use illegal drugs, other than pot once and not to the point of getting high, or for that matter hard liquor. He does drink craft beer for taste but I never saw him drunk on that either.

  59. If you and Andy are quarantined to Sinai the issue becomes moot.
    And take online persona William S. Saturn, a program in an Israeli supercomputer, with you.

  60. Andy isn’t Jewish. His last name is I think of Dutch origin, although a lot of Jews do have that same last name.

    The odds of milnes fantasies about Sinai or anything else coming true are far outweighed by the odds of milnes being committed to a loonie bin or prison psych ward.

  61. Kind and fair reader,
    Ever notice how USSC Judge Sirica kind of went poof! and suddenly died? Well, shortly thereafter Judge Merrick Garland, a jew was nominated. IF Oilybomber had succeeded, that would have made the USSC from 2/9, ,22 to 3/9 33% jewish. paulie says jews are about 1% of US population. Probably closer to 2%. Anyway 33% is a huge overrepresentation of jews.
    Now, what if Sirica was turned into a mannequin? i.e. kidnapped?

  62. How? There’s video of you from 2007 or 8, and I spoke with someone who claimed to be you on the phone a few years ago. But there’s no way to know If you were turned into a mannequin and substituted for with a computer program for your web comments.

  63. Cultural and religious tradition of book learning and working harder than other people to overcome discrimination. It so happens that book learning and academic success has now become important in financial achievement unlike the past when land and ancestry were paramount.

    Additionally, Christians handicapped themselves for this new system because for centuries they defined all interest as usury and banned Christians from banking , while at the same time banning jews from owning land.

    As professions, business and academics became more important and land ownership less this helped Jews become more successful. It didn’t however stop the pogroms, holocaust, or lots of other things, including the synagogue shootings and stabbings that psychos like milnes still celebrate and encourage today.

  64. Saying the same stuff just makes it easy for a computer program to take over. Although I did not notice the jew hating comments until the last few years from milnes.

  65. “mannequins in a coffin can’t talk.”

    True. But in Ubik half life corpses in coffins can communicate until completely overcome by decay. Suggested reading: Ubik by Philip K. Dick

  66. “Silence dogood, what kind of a smart assed name is that?”

    Mr. Milnes apparently is not a very learned individual.
    Suggested reading: Carl Van Doren’s extensive biography of Benjamin Franklin

  67. Kind and fair reader,
    Have you noticed how many of the actors in the Trump administration and Congress and the Impeachment fiasco are jews?
    Start with Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. Ivanka converted. Kushner. Dershowitz. Steve Mnuchin. Michael Cohen. Gary Cohn. Schumer.

  68. “Why are jews hated so much everywhere they go throughout history”

    This comes from jealousy of Jewish success from unsuccessful Gentiles like Mr. Milnes.

  69. The U.N made a HUGE mistake by the apartheid partitioning of Palestine.
    The Pope made a HUGE mistake by exonerating the jews for the killing of Jesus.

  70. I was not charged with stalking.
    It was 18 USC Section 876.
    And yes it was a mistake.
    I gave the dhs/fbi enough material to concoct and spin a case against me.
    Then saddled me with a jewish defense counsel. In a corrupt court.
    I now know I was a goner before I even stepped foot in the courtroom.

  71. I say Deborah Knapp was not pregnant as she announced on the air. She was reading psychoanalytic letters from me and developed neurotic symptoms. First a lisp, devastating for an anchor. Then announcing she was pregnant.
    Proof of this could be a maternity/paternity test for Alicia Bonilla.
    I say neither Henry Bonilla, former Congressman from TX nor Deborah Knapp are her biological parents.

  72. BDS Boycott, Divest, Sanction is not good enough. It continues the existence of Israel.
    We want the U.N. to rescind the resolutions creating apartheid Palestine.

  73. A woman can’t pregnant from a cum stained letter.

    Robert Milnes, you are NOT the father!

  74. The partition of Palestine was for the benefit of Palestinians. Jews won a revolution against UK occupation and would have had control of everything west of the Jordan river, which was the original UK partition of Palestine. Arabs immediately attacked from all sides and were beaten back 4 times in 1948 to 1973. Palestinians voluntarily fled Israel. Jews were expelled in retaliation from basically all of the Muslim world.

    In addition to reading comprehension, history is not milnes strong suit.

  75. Also, almost all Jews today immigrated or descended from people who immigrated in the last few generations. A hundred years ago almost all Jews lived in Europe, the middle east and north Africa. Today, almost all in the US and Israel. Those who were lazy, stupid or weak pretty much didn’t make it since immigration takes some effort.

    And the same was true in 20 centuries of diaspora as Jews were repeatedly forced to move country to country, killed or converted. There was effectively no birth control until very recently so projected Jewish population now would be over 200 million. Instead it’s probably less than A tenth of that. Weak, lazy or stupid Jews ended up being converted or killed. Being converted was the path of least resistance, at least until Stalin and Hitler.

    So, all those Christians, Muslims and pagans over two millennia unknowingly did Jews a favor, applying something they did not understand, Darwinian selection.

  76. @5:22 pm This comment sounds a bit better than that previous one. 20 centuries of diaspora because jews followed the money and power of the elites who gave them special treatment and privileges. Low population growth from low birth rate is more like it. Low birth rate is associated with a high standard of living. Which gets back to association with the elites. Add in consequences of that i.e. violence, would explain low population growth which is a jewish/Israeli problem to this day. Thank God because if there were 200 million instead of 20 million jews in the world, dealing with them might be near impossible without protracted race war. But hopefully the jews will listen to reason and leave Palestine for Sinai. A good life could be had there, without constant hatred and violence. And if you do not engage in covert operations against progressives and rightists. That is how you got my attention.
    And you cannot have a standing army or nuclear weapons. A self policing force is appropriate. Surrounded by a U.N. peacekeeping force. Stay away from everyone because the jews are toxic to the people of the world including yourselves.

  77. Nobody knows what you’re trying to accomplish by posting links to people on FindAGrave. What are you trying to say?

  78. Milnes, laugh all you want but historical facts are what they are, not what you imagine them to be. Jews had no high standards of living until recently ; they were generally impoverished and certainly had no special treatment except in the negative sense. There was no such thing as low birth rates before the 20th century either, since effectively birth control did not exist. They had lots of kids like everyone else, many of whom died as babies or young children, like everyone else. The reason why there aren’t 200 million Jews has nothing to do with birth rates.

    No one is going to the Sinai, that’s one of your delusions. The partition of Palestine was in fact for the benefit of Palestinians as Israel had won a war of independence and if it has not sought un recognition or a peace its neighbors refused could have kept everything west of the Jordan right then. Palestinians left voluntarily because all the Arab propaganda was that Jews would slaughter them. Those were lies. They did not all leave, and the ones who stayed were not slaughtered.

    My comments are not amending each other, the earlier ones are still true. It’s too bad you are so wrapped up in your fantasies you can’t or won’t study actual history or accept the real answers to your questions.

  79. I have evidence that I was expected to attend the Libertarian National/Nominating Convention in 2016 in Orlando. There was to be a covert terrorist attack at the Convention by a perpetrator who would announce it was an attack against the LGBT Caucus at the convention. But I believe that I and PLAS was the primary target.
    Then after the convention, well, why waste a perfectly good terrorist attack? The attack was redirected a few days later, at The Pulse Club.

  80. Clueless sheep, “read The Age of !Surveillance by Frank J. Donner. Imagine my surprise a year after reading it I found myself getting “snitch=jacketed” at a federal halfway house.
    Note that surveillance and covert operations are by definition secret. Agents are professionals. They are experts at keeping themselves clean even when” sheep dipping”/

  81. Are you saying you are a member of the LGBT community? I always thought you favored female news reporters.

  82. Robert, are you sure it was snitch jacketed and not straight jacketed? Well maybe you have more than one jacket.

  83. Silence,

    Per my research, Mr. Milnes masturbates in front of his tv and believes news reporters are watching him through his t.v. set and responding. He also believes his orgasms cause time travel.

  84. I knew about that Gandalf but apparently I was mistaken. I thought Milnes masturbates only to female reporters but apparently he masturbates to both male and female reporters. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, so long as he does it in private and cleans up the mess afterwards.

  85. I honestly have not seen anything about him masturbating to make reporters. It doesn’t matter to me what their gender is but the only names I’ve seen him mention appear to be female.

  86. Unless you’re saying Milnes is Atum, the first Egyptian God who created the early universe through the act of masturbation.

  87. I am hoping the Israelis and Egyptians have or will agree to the Sinai relocation of world jewry. Relocating the Bedouins to surrounding areas. Israel must give up its standing army, navy and air force equipment to USA. And nuclear weapons. They can take police equipment and private or commercial ships and planes. They must give up their hostages/political prisoners.
    This would include any Americans kidnapped leaving behind a fake funeral.
    They could be brought on board the Bataan.
    Hostages and political prisoners of Israel would be rescued.
    All this accomplished DESPITE Trump.

  88. Typo, male not make. Even an Egyptian nut should be smart enough to understand that from context.

  89. According to Wikipedia, Theodor Herzl, considered the founder of Zionism, considered Arish area as homeland for the jews. Only because first choice Palestine, was blocked. Also Uganda was considered.

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