Chicago Petitioners Sue City Over Restrictions in Millenium Park, Chicago’s Leading Tourist Attraction

Millenium Park is Chicago’s best-attended tourist attraction. It opened in 2004 and is known for its outdoor art, venues for concerts, and for having the world’s largest roof-top garden. Last year, some petitioners sued Chicago over the city’s severe restrictions on petitioning in the park. Swart v City of Chicago, n.d., 1:19cv-6213.

The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge John Blakey, an Obama appointee.


Chicago Petitioners Sue City Over Restrictions in Millenium Park, Chicago’s Leading Tourist Attraction — 9 Comments

  1. How many tourists —

    Chitown ???
    Ill-out of Chitown ???
    Out of State/world ???

    MP near 1968 Chitown cop Riot / convention ???

    Pets/circulators even more RED communist than RED communist Chitown regime ???

  2. Who are the petition circulators who filed this lawsuit? I have been trying to get people in the Libertarian Party to do stuff like this for years, but nobody does much of anything about this stuff, which is quite frustrating.

  3. @Andy,

    The original plaintiffs were students at Wheaton College who sought to evangelize. Security officers stopped them. After a few encounters, the parks department established new rules, that would limit solicitation to one corner of the park, along with sidewalks, but excluding most public spaces where people might congregate. It also said that solicitors could not disrupt enjoyment in the park (this is particularly related to the Bean, a large reflective sculpture. After some negotiation, they removed that limitation. The park includes a large pavilion used for outdoor concerts etc., that happens to be named for the current governor of Illinois, along with the Great Lawn, which adds to potential sesting (4000 + 7000).

    But the new rules retained the quarantine to a limited area, which resulted in the current lawsuit which was filed last September. At an early hearing former-governor Pat Quinn appeared representing political petitioners. The judge asked if he wanted to intervene and he said that he did, and the judge set a new court schedule.

    The City of Chicago is delaying.

  4. See the now many SCOTUS 1 Amdt cases about speech, press, assemble, petition in PUBLIC areas in the Const Anno.

    Must sue for $$$ damages to bankrupt all uncon HACKS and their tyrant machinations.

  5. I don’t know how Millenium Park, with all it’s tourists, would go for a petitioner. I remember we sent a contingent of petitioners to Blues Fest in Chicago twenty years ago. They all came back shaking their heads muttering something like, “Buncha twelve-year-old felons from Finland”.

  6. I will say that I have petitioned at some places/events in Chicago where I did not do well, either because a large percentage of the people there were from others states or were not American citizens, or it was just difficult in general to get people to stop. Regardless of this, the issue here to me is not really so much about how many petition signatures one can potentially get at whatever location, but rather it is about a general issue of freedom of speech. One of the biggest obstacles Libertarians or any other group that is doing a petition drive faces is being run out of locations that carry public foot traffic by the police, security guards, venue managers, or etc… I am glad to see that the people above are taking action to fight this blatant violation of 1st amendment rights. I just wish that the Libertarian Party would take action like this. The typical response from people in the Libertarian Party when these situation happen is for them to stick their tales in between their legs and run away like cowards, or to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches. Back in 2018, Dan Reale, who was (is?) the State Chairman of the LP of Connecticut, filed a lawsuit after he and some other LP petition circulators were illegally run out of a public festival in a public park while gathering signatures for ballot access, and they won a $37,000 settlement. They proved that Libertarians can win these cases. Libertarians around the country should be following their example, but so far nobody else in the LP has bothered to do anything about this stuff.

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