Michael Feinstein Op-Ed Advocates that the California Citizens Redistricting Commission Include At Least One Member from a Party Other than The Democratic and Republican Parties

Michael Feinstein has this op-ed in Fox and Hounds Daily, making the case that the California Citizens Redistricting Commission ought to include at least one member from a party other than the Republican and Democratic Parties.


Michael Feinstein Op-Ed Advocates that the California Citizens Redistricting Commission Include At Least One Member from a Party Other than The Democratic and Republican Parties — 9 Comments

  1. The editorial is incorrect in that it lumps voters registered with other “non-qualified” parties in with NPP voters. California statute makes no such distinction, and neither does the selection panel.

  2. JR – not clear

    undercover Donkeys now have a Bolshevik tendency to LIE re their party connections

    — goes back to Lenin commies in 1905-1917 in Russia.

  3. @DR,

    California requires non-changing party affiliation for 5 years.

    Are you suggesting that they are deep plants?

  4. JR —

    YES — DEEP plants —
    see such liars getting on the 2011 CA gerrymander commission.

    Results – Elephants near extinction in CA.

  5. See sites like ballotopedia and wiki about the 2011-2012 CA gerrymander commission members.

    Some detail stuff was mentioned many months/years ago on BAN.

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