Hillary Clinton Files Brief, Explaining Why Tulsi Gabbard’s Defamation Lawsuit Should be Dismissed

On March 13, Hillary Clinton filed this 26-page brief, explaining why Tulsi Gabbard’s defamation lawsuit should be dismissed. The case is Gabbard v Clinton, s.d.N.Y., 1:20cv-558.


Hillary Clinton Files Brief, Explaining Why Tulsi Gabbard’s Defamation Lawsuit Should be Dismissed — 14 Comments

  1. How long has HRC been a RED donkey communist ??? —

    before or after the alleged 1964 Gulf of Tonkin event ??? –

    used as an excuse for the LBJ Vietnam War ???

    Is every politics word out of the the HRC nonstop scheming brain/mouth/hand INTENTIONAL ???

    Jury fans — state of mind is a FACT question in disputed cases.

    More later after the usual suspect parrot moron troll responses.

  2. Couldn’t read much past the first half of this egregious attack on free speech and association, particularly since Clinton is cloaking this attack of hers in a supposed defense of her own free speech and association rights, thus perverting the whole First Amendment and turning it into a means to justify political intimidation by government officials and major political figures against dissidents and opposition figures. And she’ll probably win too, since the judge won’t want Clinton starting to call them a Russian agent too. #McCarthyism

    And DemoRep, the answer is never. She’s never been a “Red donkey communist”. Communists tend to be left-wing (with varying degrees of social authoritarianism or libertarianism) on the political spectrum, not right-authoritarian. She has far more in common with the Republican far-right than she does anyone on the left.


  4. The judge may rule in favor of Hillary because they fear ending up on the Clinton Body Count.

  5. Does anyone have an idea of how many years ago the cheese slipped off the cracker for Demo Rep?

  6. Only 4 posts so far by the resident parrot MORON of ever changing fake names.

    Time for max alert-

    TYRANTS and their parrot MORON hacks love crisis times to overthrow regimes.

    RED communists in Russia in Oct 1917-Jan 1918.
    Black/brown nazis in Germany in Feb-Mar 1933.


  7. While I disagree a lot w/Hillary Clinton, I think she lays out the items for a successful defense clearly:
    Statements of opinion;
    Public figure (and I do agree on the guesstimate of WHY Gabbard filed).

    Personally, I don’t think Gabbard is at all a “Russian tool.”

    BJP/RSS tool? Entirely different matter.

    The difference between who Tulsi Gabbard is and the Tulsi Kool-Aid is huge. I don’t get why so many alleged progressives drink the Kool-Aid when its untruth is clear. https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2019/01/drinking-tulsi-gabbard-kool-aid-and.html

  8. Clinton is a red commie
    So is anyone blue
    Everyone here’s a red commie
    And demo rep is one too.

  9. BAN blog doesn’t mention this, but on an interesting side note, apart from whether or not Clinton’s statements are worthy of a defamation claim (and millions of dollars in damages), I found in Clinton’s lawsuit these stark references to third parties —

    Hillary Clinton… was the 2016 Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States. One fundamental question that emerged during and after the 2016 presidential election was whether the Russian government interfered in the election. That question prompted investigations by both the legislative and executive branches into the extent of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including Russia’s use of social media to interfere with the election.(1) A related issue was the impact of third-party candidates on the result of the 2016 election.(2)

    (2) see Report of the Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate, on Russian Active Measures Campaigns and Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election, pp. 33–34 (Vol. 2) … noting that certain Russian Internet Research Agency accounts focused their efforts at denigrating Secretary Clinton and supporting Green Party candidate Jill Stein). Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party nominee, won 3.28% of the popular vote, and Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee, won 1.07%. … The votes that Stein won in Michigan and Pennsylvania exceeded Trump’s margin of victory in those states.
    . . .

    During the interview, Secretary Clinton and (David) Plouffe (Obama’s campaign manager) discussed President Trump and the Republican Party’s strategy in 2016, and their opinions on that party’s likely 2020 strategy. Plouffe observed that “one of the reasons he [Trump] was able to win is the third party vote,” …

    Clinton: Yeah, she’s a Russian asset, I mean, totally. And so, they know they can’t win without a third party candidate and, so, I don’t know who it’s going to be but I will guarantee you they’ll have a vigorous third party challenge in the key states that they most need it.

    After reading lawsuit pleadings I’d say Clinton most likely meant Gabbard is a Russian asset (though Clinton may have been referring to Stein). Of course the lawsuit claims that Clinton did obviously refer to Gabbard as being a Russian asset that Russia (and Republicans) will push to be a third-party candidate (for Green Party if Stein isn’t).
    Well, at least the likes of Hillary Clinton, one of the political elites, fleetingly recognizes/mentions parties other than the top two. :>)
    Did Greens & LP publish a news release challenging the inferred notion that third-parties main quality is to gum up the works for the holy top-two parties?

  10. Marc Elias paid for the Steele dossier out of money received from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

    Clinton was a dupe of the Russians. It is unknown whether she is guileless or willing.

  11. Any body run a lie/stress detector on ALL of HRC comments about anything A to Z ???

    How much did HRC help in getting REAL Democracy into the ex-USSR areas in 1993-2001 while WJC was Prez ???

    Result – killer tyrant monarch Putin in 1999 — says quite enough.

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