“Libertarians for National Popular Vote” Organizes

On May 28, a new group to help work for the National Popular Vote Plan was announced. It is “Libertarians for the National Popular Vote”. It will do what it can to extend support for the plan. The advisory board consists of Gary Johnson, Lincoln Chafee, Ed Lopez, Kevin R. L. Martin, and Michael Melendez. Here is the group’s website.


“Libertarians for National Popular Vote” Organizes — 66 Comments

  1. Very impressive board also and great logical arguments in a nice crisp very well done website.

  2. This is a bad idea, in my opinion. The President was never intended by the Founding Fathers to be elected via national popular vote. This takes more power away from the states, or at least the low and mid populations states, and gives it to the federal (ie-national) government. This means that a presidential candidate could focus their campaign in the highest population states, and in particular, in the large metro areas of the highest population states, and win the election, even if they lose everywhere else. Considering that the large metro areas tend to be hotbeds of leftism, and considering that leftists lead the charge for more gun control laws, this is not good for gun rights, and a bunch of other issues.

  3. It was never intended to be winner take all by state. Read the website linked in the article. It took 79 years before that happened. Only 3 states had that system originally. Right now a presidential candidate could just campaign in battleground states and that happens frequently. Under NPV they would have to campaign everywhere.

  4. Under NPV each vote is equal whether urban, suburban, small city or big city, rural, small state or big state, battleground state or deep blue or red state. If an overwhelming majority of rural, suburban and small city voters voted for one candidate or party under NPV no amount of big city votes could outvote them since there are not enough of those. Rightists lead the charge for many bad laws as well so it’s false to claim leftists or rightists are better for freedom.

  5. Ranked choice voting for Presidential electors would be a better goal for Libertarians. It would maximize the potential for Libertarian votes, both on first and second rounds. The National Popular Vote scheme doesn’t remedy the most profound weakness of plurality voting: you can still get a minority winner.

  6. One more statist front group.
    Uniform definition of voter in ALL of the USA
    ONE election Day
    EQUAL ballot access via one voter secret nom pets
    ALL mail secret ballots
    PR and AppV – pending Condorcet

  7. Proportional representation of electors within states. Johnson, Nader and others would have had electoral votes.

  8. :Mike on May 30, 2020 at 9:28 am said:
    Good leaders good libertarians good idea.”

    So you think that Lincoln Chafee is a good libertarian. LOL!!!

  9. I do. So is Gary Johnson. Unlike you. Your crazy far right and racist/antisemitic ideas are not libertarian. You are a paleo/Alex Jones/alt right cult nut job. There are lots of you circling around the fringes of the Ron Paul supporters and LP unfortunately. Real libertarians are Reason, Cato, etc. Not your nut job paleo/conspiracy movement.

  10. The CURRENT R-O-T—





    DATA- FEC, FEDERAL ELECTIONS, 2014, 2016, 2018
    2017 AL – SEN SPECIAL

    ALL 99 Houses in the 50 State legislatures [and many larger local legislative bodies] are ANTI-Democracy minority rule mini-copies of the USA H Reps — about 30 pct minority rule in each — with much, much, much worse extremist primary math.
    ONE result —
    LAWLESS TYRANT execs/judics.

    Too many law, polisci and media math/law MORONS to count since 1776 —

    who LOVE monarchs/oligarchs in CONTROL.

  11. Ranked choice voting for electors can work several different ways within each state: 1. Votes are transferred until a candidate has 50%+ votes overall, and gets all electors. 2. Condorcet tallying is used until a Condorcet winner is determined. 3. Electoral votes are distributed to Congressional districts (+2 at-large “Senatorial” electors). and votes are transferred within districts (and 2 overall), until a candidate gets 50%+1 in any district, and wins the electoral vote of that district (Maine will use this method this year) 4. Votes are transferred until all remaining candidates have 1/n of the vote, n being the total number of electors in that state, which would effectively be proportional voting.

  12. “A Name on May 30, 2020 at 10:36 am said:
    I do. So is Gary Johnson. Unlike you. Your crazy far right and racist/antisemitic ideas are not libertarian. You are a paleo/Alex Jones/alt right cult nut job. There are lots of you circling around the fringes of the Ron Paul supporters and LP unfortunately. Real libertarians are Reason, Cato, etc. Not your nut job paleo/conspiracy movement.”

    Who are you, and if you are a new poster here, how would you know this?

    Isn’t it odd how supposedly different posters keep popping up here and spew forth the same lines of propaganda?

  13. it would alleviate a lot of unnecessary posting in this group if posters simply used their true, full names, as I do.

  14. I never said I was a new poster here. Although it doesn’t take long to pick up the info needed for anything I said either. It’s none of anyone’s business who I am. I am not demo rep. I don’t get the impression that demo rep is even capable of a different personality and style, nor do our views have much in common. Oddly, Andy keeps going on about lines of propaganda whenever anyone disagrees with him, but himself spews lines of propaganda constantly.

  15. “Mode Rep on May 30, 2020 at 12:25 pm said:
    NPV is the way to go.”

    If your goal is to destroy what is left of the right to keep and bear arms and go into full blown socialism.

  16. “A Name on May 30, 2020 at 12:48 pm said:
    Alarmist nonsense not backed by facts or evidence, as per usual Andy.”

    So are you saying that major metropolitan areas do not tend to be leftist enclaves?

  17. NPV doesn’t solve the fundamental problem of plurality voting. You can still get a minority winner.

  18. @ Quincy: In interesting idea. But, NPV requires that it only take effect if a sufficient number of states with a majority of electoral votes join the compact. Ranked choice voting doesn’t require that. Maine has already implemented RCV without any cooperation from any other state. In fact, RCV could be successfully implemented with just a handful of swing states. That alone might be sufficient to assure a majority popular vote winner across the country. And, RCV is the most rational choice for a swing state. It would actual ENHANCE the electoral power of those states that adopt it.

  19. We do need npv it’s true. No more electors electing no good racist right wingnut republicans when the people voted no on them. The only times since 1980 when a republican president who wasn’t an incumbent got elected it was only through the electoral college. Clearly they are not who the people want.

  20. In the last 100 years republicans won the president as non incumbents in 1920, 1952, 1968 and 1980. And only thanks to electoral college, a hold over from slavery in 2000 and 2016.

    Democrats win as non incumbents, 1932, 1960, 1976, 1992, 2008. More times without the fake college of alabaster knowledge.

  21. The people keep voting for democrats but the phony college keeps giving the degree to republicans, which they did not earn.

  22. Sorry. Same old Demo Rep.

    TOO many imposters/trolls/agents/morons to count on BAN.

    ANY rational folks on BAN capable of detecting the posted ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander math — with resulting TYRANT laws, TYRANT execs and TYRANT judics ???

    NPV — RED communist attempt to overthrow the 14 Amdt —

    having voters OUT of a State determine results IN a State.

    PR and AppV pending Condorcet.


  23. Why do the national popular vote advocates push for a state compact that only gets triggered when a sufficient number of states sign on, rather than just pushing for a proportional allocation of electoral votes in swing states? They might be able to start to effect the outcome of the election if they got one or two swing states to allocate their electoral college delegates proportionally.

  24. “Dee” is a typical far leftist, If you don‘t agree with someone, call them a racist. Can’t use legitimate arguments on why you disagree, because that actually takes thought.

  25. Racism is a reality from the time the electoral college was created for racist reasons they today police killing black men like its hunting season year round. From overseer to officer 400 years of slavery and Jim crow it ain’t gone away over night just because it’s not legal anymore didn’t stop it happening. Red lining , school to prison pipeline, racism is all around us. You want to sweep it under the rug, guess what you can’t. Red baiting though now that’s some out of date nonsense besides that it’s just not reality, democrats are to the right of conservative parties in EURope and nothing like communist but for anyone under 40 today the ussr is just something from a history book any way. But if you are a minority soon to be majority in this country racism is a fact of life every single day. You can be a doctor lawyer or professor doesn’t matter sooner or later some ignorant ass white police or person will remind you what they think you are. And it became worse ever since trump been in office thanks to the racism and slavery founded electors college of slavemaster knowledge.

  26. Dee —

    Putin- the 1999-2020 Russia killer in chief with pre-1991 USSR engraved in his evil statist control freak brain.

    Too many racist 2020 MORON Donkeys to count.

    Reality checks —

    Looters in latest round of looting —

    pct black ???, pct white ???

    More square miles [esp stores/factories/homes] being abandoned by whites to get the HELL AWAY from blacks —

    left to kill/loot each other in ghetto death zone areas.

    See Detroit 1950-2020 — circa 70 [repeat 70] pct population loss

    — killed off by the 1967 Detroit RIOT/Rebellion [subpart of 1964-1975 UN-declared Vietnam WAR] —
    3 stooge hacks – Donkey Mayor, Elephant Gov, Donkey Prez — circular firing squad.

    Different hacks now in 2020 New Age riot zones – same statism.
    PR and APPV

  27. “Dee” is using leftist race bsiting smear tactics. Do some research. This is all out of the Communist playbook.

  28. Unfortunately, Andy shows no signs of having read the Npv links above. This whole discussion is off track as a result.

  29. Who is “Ulysses,” another character played by Paul, along with “Dee” above?

  30. Ulysses is the greatest, you ignoranus. Why haven’t you read the links? Afraid to consider the arguments for a viewpoint other than yours?

  31. You are the one played by rightwing racist republicans Ron and rand Paul you Nazi Alex Jones kkk fruit loop. You are so dumb and crazy they don’t even let you in at the trump rally even after you found your teeth. You really should crawl under what ever rock you were hiding under since the ussr came down.

  32. The website claims “the National Popular Vote represents the ultimate devolution of power from central authorities”

    The ultimate results could be concentration of authority in the president. Is that something libertarians desire?

    Russia uses the national popular vote to elect their president.

    Wouldn’t a plural chief executive like in Switzerland be better?

  33. “Mike on May 31, 2020 at 11:14 am said:
    NPV does not change the power of the president, only the means of election.”

    Yes, and it would shift the balance of power in who gets elected President, as well as who wins the primaries, and which issues get pushed, even more in the favor of large metropolitan areas, which are hotbeds of leftism, as they are filled with lots of Social Justice Warriors, welfare recipients, government employees, and foreigners. This is meant to shift the country in an even more Marxist direction.

  34. ALL of the major legislative bodies in the USA are ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander oligarch regimes.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy.

    NOOO surprise having worse and worse tyrant LAWLESS execs/judics.

    The 240 plus years of USA ROT is akin to the ROT in the olde Roman Republic — in its final 120 BC – 27 BC ROT — into the Aug. Caesar tyrant Empire regime.

    NOOO shortage of MORONS who love killer tyrants

    — 1917 Lenin, 1922 Mussolini, 1929 Stalin, 1933 Hitler, 1949 Mao, etc etc.

    — esp when ANTI-Democracy legislative bodies totally break down.
    PR and APPV – pending Condorcet.

  35. Is there a way to join this group? I did not see it on their site, but maybe I missed something.

  36. “Dee” shows yet again how hateful the far left is. Notice how he/she provides zero evidence, just name calls.

    Wasn’t Democrat Robert Byrd a KKK leader at one point?

  37. I’m not seeing a way to donate on their website either. What’s up with that?

  38. I am glad to hear they support the NPV but they should really rethink the Libertarian part. From what I have learned they are even worse than the Republicans, hard as that may be to imagine.

  39. Libertarian-Insider-Boss-Control
    By James Ogle [One]

    The Party bosses and insiders want the Delegates to think that there is no competition and that there is only one female name from which to choose for US President.

    It’s a single-winner election district power grab.

    Men, female representation on the L.P. 2016 Electoral College is around 18%, the party bosses don’t want women to have nominating power by attaining 33.33% plus one vote, and the Electors will need pure proportional representation (PPR) to assert that power to nominate.

    The party bosses have snuffed out pure proportional representation of female names on the Electoral College. See 18% levels of female names, nine States plus DC, are 100% male Electors, by clicking this link:


    Now that the party bosses have convinced everyone that there is no competition from female Prez candidates, though several are known to still be vying including Demetra Wysinger and Sorinne Ardeleanu, the bosses aren’t going to be favorable to any debate and they just want to stay small and keep choices to the two they had picked.

    The bosses don’t want the 539-party PPR Electoral College but there is no other way to win.

    Our work isn’t done because we might WANT to see more choices and comparisons, choices which were denied, possibly even more attractive choices than we were allowed to see.

    The bosses are making sure to prohibit comparisons among candidates, debate gets snuffed out under the one-party boss system and that puts an end to competition.

    The one-party systems (RCV in single-winner election districts) are already in place in SF, Oakland, Maine, and other regions are in the works. The “Libertarian Party Ranked Choice Voting Caucus” is also bringing the one-party system.

    The one-party system coupled with censorship in Facebook makes the fascist policies towards women even more unacceptable in 2020.

    Men, we need to pour it on more than ever with this plan for the female take-over of the L.P. because we cannot let the Libertarian Party bosses lead us into another year of two-party politics.

    All those wanting the 539-party system must start bringing a female name ahead of theirs and a female name after their own name.

    We absolutely must find a way to bring the 539-party pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College in 2020.

    Libertarian One 2020

  40. One of the most popular arguments in favor of the Electoral College is that it helps maintain America’s dominant two party system. Remember that when you’re defending the Electoral College while being an independent or third party member. You’re literally against your own interests.

  41. Electors can be apportioned by congressional district, as is already done in Maine and Nebraska.

  42. The Congressional District Method is such a bad idea. One, it makes Presidential Elections susceptible to Congressional gerrymandering. Two, despite some people calling this method proportional, it’s far from it.

    For example, Obama won Pennsylvania in 2012 with over 50% of the popular vote. However, if Pennsylvania had used the standard Congressional District Method (that Maine and Nebraska use), Obama would have only received 7 of the 20 Electoral votes (35%) from the state.

    Also, if Pennsylvania had used the modified version of the Congressional District Method (where the last 2 Electoral votes go to the candidate who won more congressional districts, instead of who won the statewide popular vote), which has been proposed multiple times over the years in state legislatures by Republican legislators seeking to further game the system in their favor, Obama would have only received 5 of the 20 Electoral votes (25%) from the state, despite the majority of voters in that state clearly voting for Obama.

    The Electoral College needs to end. Every proposed “reform” to it only seems to make the system worse. It’s also the reason we have a dominant two party system. Without it, regionally-successful minor would rise up in areas where one of the two major parties is unable to provide adequate opposition. That’s what happens in other countries that, despite having FPTP elections, don’t have electoral colleges.

  43. Why not proportional representation per each state, or ranked choice voting if possible?

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