Working Families Party Completes Petition for Party Status in New Mexico

The Working Families Party has finished its petition for party status in New Mexico. As a new party, it will nominate by convention. This is the first new state in which the WFP has sought party status, since it petitioned in Oregon a decade ago.


Working Families Party Completes Petition for Party Status in New Mexico — 14 Comments

  1. They will probably skip the presidential line there then and focus on other office.

  2. I have no idea why they would petition their way onto the ballot in New Mexico. Most of the leading Democrats in the state are from the progressive wing of the party. WFP nominees would certainly siphon left wing votes away from them. In 2018 the GOP became all but extinct in NM losing their only congressional seat and they lost enough seats in the legislature to be unable to stop any legislation the governor wants. Like I said, no clue why they would waste time and resources in NM.

  3. Could this be another instance of the GOP paying to get another party on the ballot like they did with the Green party in Montana?

  4. The Working Families Party did not need any help from the Republicans to finish their petition drive. It is only 3,483 signatures.

  5. I don’t understand this either. Isn’t the WFP just a shell for the democrats?

  6. They only challenge the democrats when they feel individual nominees become too moderate. If nm democrats no longer feel much opposition from the republicans they may start to govern more as a moderate to nonideoligical party of power. The wfp would then function as a pressure group from the left to get democrats to adhere to more progressive policies and nominate more progressive candidates in the primaries or face wfp candidates in the fall. On the other side they may face former republican legislators switching to become democrats to stay in office and pushing the party in a moderate direction.

  7. Are they part of the evil corporate deception of working class people that goes by united parliament and various other names and refuses to answer all questions by its callous and outdated refusal to acknowledge more than two genders?

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