Level the Playing Field Expects to Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Presidential Debates Case

Level the Playing Field expects to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its presidential debates case, Level the Playing Field v Federal Election Commission. There is no expectation that the case will move quickly enough to affect the 2020 presidential election.


Level the Playing Field Expects to Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Presidential Debates Case — 46 Comments

  1. I asked previously who is Level the playing field, the plaintiff in this case.
    I tried several searches. Lots of youth soccer. Little politics.
    Richard, do you know?

  2. Peter Ackerman is the leader of Level the Playing Field. He was the main backer of Americans Elect in 2011 and 2012. He wants a centrist party. He is wealthy.

  3. Well, everybody.
    The developer of Top Ten/Six =Level the Playing Field AND
    The Progressive Libertarian Alliance Strategy (PLAS)
    has been successfully suppressed.
    The Courts, political parties, yes including the GP and LP
    must be strongly infiltrated by spies and saboteurs i.e. corrupted. The LP convention was clearly rigged.
    Now the GP convention on July 11, appears to be rigged also.
    Rigged to lose when they could win with PLAS.
    PLAS has been suppressed for many years now.
    Somebody has choreographed the GP convention
    So Hawkins wins and there is no PLAS.
    NO fusion ticket.
    Of course this case will not get ruled on in time for the 2020 debates.
    After the election it will get denied.
    Meanwhile, the GP and LP COULD have controlled their own destiny by getting into the debates
    DESPITE the unfairness, BY simply following a PLAS fusion ticket campaign.
    The PLAS ticket would gradually get an increase in polling at least to 15%.
    But NOooooooooooooooo. None of this.
    No PLAS, No Bob Milnes, no fusion ticket, no nonviolent revolution via elections.
    Just politics as usual.
    The duopoly continues.
    Gridlock. Status Quo.
    The pressure cooker lid is on.
    The only relief I see is if the delegates at the GP convention manage to DEMAND PLAS.
    Otherwise politics as usual.
    The conventions are rigged.
    The fix is in.

  4. Well, thank you Richard.
    That answers a lot of questions for me!
    Is wealthy Ackerman involved with the developing centrist phenomenon Reform/Alliance parties along with wealthy Rocky?
    Because somebody stole Darcy Richardson from MY plans for a winning fusion ticket, Richardson/Jorgensen for 2020.
    Rocky/Darcy loses. Jo/Spike loses. Howie/Angela loses. BUT….. Darcy/Jo WINS with PLAS!
    But no.

  5. Peter Ackerman has no connection with any minor party that exists nowadays. When he backs a party, it is very effective. When he backed Americans Elect in 2011-2012, it qualified itself as a party in 29 states by June 2012. And it didn’t even have a presidential nominee.

  6. Of course it won’t. Here in Texas, the federal suit related to HB 2504 and broader issues isn’t going before district court until next year.

  7. Richard,
    Well then, is Ackerman on some kind of idealistic crusade?
    I do remember Americans Elect. It made a splash at the start of the cycle but seemed to just fizzle out.
    This is consistent with Duverger’s Law. That there is not room for a third centrist party for long.
    So what is Ackerman trying to accomplish now?
    Maybe trying to set things up for Reform/Alliance for 2024?

  8. Heaven forbid that any third party candidate appear in any Presidential debate in 2020. Both major parties have built a house of cards with their weak and incoherent Presidential candidates, that even allowing a third voice to be heard is dangerous to the fragile coalitions that they have each hobbled together.

  9. I note the posting of an article in IPR about runner up Dario Hunter’s misgivings about the upcoming GP convention.
    Also I note 2 comments. Both by Socratic Gadfly critical of Hunter.
    FYI readers here, Socratic Gadfly banned me from commenting on his website quite some time ago. This is consistent with a general suppression of me and my campaign and PLAS by the powers that be.

  10. Hunter’s misgivings about party preferential treatment of Hawkins and unfairness of the convention is consistent with my allegations that the powers that be have put the fix in for Hawkins/Walker in order to insure it goes to a losing ticket rather than a PLAS ticket that COULD win.
    And Gadfly’s comments in my view make him at least complacent and duplicitous.
    Hawkins is also in my view, which I have stated before, at best a dupe of the powers that be.
    They do not need Hawkins to join a conspiracy against PLAS. It serves their purpose to manipulate his nomination. Also they do not care that Walker is a person of color. As long as the vp nominee does not make a fusion ticket. She is actually preferably a person of color to divert recognition of her role as a place holder.
    I hate this filthy politics. But unfortunately, I am pretty good at figuring it out.

  11. Walter Z.
    Kind of like 2016. The third parties did get a slight bump.
    And we are looking at 2 possibilities based on historic precedent to reach the 15% threshold.
    One, Ross Perot 1992. Centrist Reform party. We are looking at Rocky/Darcy Reform/Alliance parties.
    Two, Teddy Roosevelt, new Progressive Party 1912.
    If Wilson had bolted the democratic party, I believe the Progressive party could have won.
    Wilson/Roosevelt? Roosevelt/Wilson?

  12. Socratic Gadfly,
    Did you say Texas?
    Are you anywhere near Bayside? William Saturn says he lives there.
    Do you know him? Can you stop by and visit him?
    Do you know of any photo of him?
    Has anyone ever met him?
    Has anyone ever met you, Gadfly?

  13. I’ve worked hard for Green Party electoral efforts since before Jill Stein asked me to join the Party in 2010 [after I had worked independently for her Gubernatorial campaign here in Massachusetts]. (In the early 1990s, I worked for several Green Parties in various parts of the US, Parties much more focused on the climate crisis than the current GPUS is. The Green Party of the United States was founded the following decade by Howie Hawkins & others.)

    Robert Milnes, I like your PLAS (Progressive Libertarian Alliance Strategy) concept – Richard may remember that I organized and hosted the IGLO (Independents, Greens, Libertarians, and Others) Debate in April 2011 [the first Presidential Debate of the 2012 election season], including:
    ~a Green Party officer sent by Jill Stein to represent her,
    ~Libertarian George Phillies,
    ~Vermin Supreme (who then finished third in the 2012 New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Primary, and also did well this year as a Libertarian),
    ~Pirate Party members,
    ~a local elected Independent, and…
    ~legendary poet & Political Prisoner John Sinclair (who John Lennon wrote a song about), who founded the White Panther Party [alternatively called the Rainbow Peace Party] to support the work of the Black Panthers:
    Sinclair’s activism at the 1968 Democratic Convention (& his arrest there) point up his solidarity with the Youth International Party (the Yippies).
    The IGLO Debate also presented letters of support we’d received from three of this country’s most prominent Socialists:
    Cindy Sheehan, Cornel West, and Robert Meeropol (son of the Rosenbergs).

    I’m a Cannabis Hemp/Drug Legalization activist and a Greenhouse Gas emissions researcher. In the latter role, the United Nations Environment Programme will present my speech about stopping and reversing Global Warming at its Pacific Island Nature Conference this autumn.

    Now, with context established:
    The relationship of PLAS/IGLO to this year’s Presidential Election is largely irrelevant, as the Democratic & Republican nominees keep trying to out-Fascist each other, while Hawkins follows their lead toward the Right, and replicates the Biden/Trump stage act, that of the crazy-talking dumb guy.

    (Of the Big 4 Parties, Libertarian nominee Jo Jorgensen will be by far the farthest Left; and as a professor, she’ll be the only one not looking idiotic.)

    Jimmy Dore, the news-reading Leftist comedian, pointed out eight months ago that Hawkins (with his Russiagate McCarthyism) is probably trying to destroy the GPUS, by getting the nomination despite his McCarthyism, thus making the Party appear to be a bunch of stupid and mentally ill CNN zombies.

    And, irony of ironies, Dore’s writer Ron Placone will perform comedy at the GP’s online Convention next week.

    All of Hawkins’ Primary opponents for the nomination have said publicly that the Party tilted [rigged] the nominating process.

    It’s not just his McCarthyism and the apparent dishonesty involved in getting the nomination. When Hawkins mentioned Bradley Manning late last year, a reporter on the recording corrected him, saying “Chelsea”. Hawkins immediately retorted “Whatever he calls himself now”. It’s Hawkins’ climate science denial too, and the corporate scams he pushes to further that anti-science climate deception. But his all-too-frequent antisemitic dog whistles alone should disqualify him from getting the Green nomination.

    The fact that The Economist magazine [a Republicrat rag] celebrated Hawkins getting the nomination – and his not being a serious candidate – shows just how badly the Green Party got taken this time.

    So, unlike it was with previous Green Party standard bearers, under Hawkins the Greens are accepting an insincere, anti-intellectual, anti-science, antisemitic, transphobic packaging.

    I’ll discuss Hawkins’ climate science denial and his antisemitic writings in more detail in succeeding comments and/or in an article, if there’s interest.

  14. Norman Bie,
    Thank you for the compliment about PLAS.
    You are a breath of fresh air. But I am disappointed in myself to say that I have not heard of you. As you say, perhaps Richard has. Please help me out by linking to something about you.
    If you comment here again, be prepared for harassing comments about me and/or PLAS such as by “Pig Vomit” above.
    Richard has not done anything about it. I believe they are by paulie Frankel of Independent Political Report, a longtime nemesis.
    I am anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic.

  15. However I am quite familiar with many of the things you mention.
    I remember there was several such debates in the timeframe of 2011-2012. The only one I was able to attend was in Swarthmore, PA in early 2012.
    Yes Prof. Phillies, L-MA was a candidate then. Vermin Supreme also. paulie was very zealously supporting VS for the LP nomination this year. ON the VP candidate Spike Cohen won.
    Your criticisms of Howie are very interesting. William Saturn just posted a critical video by Dario Hunter in IPR.
    Perhaps you might join my efforts to get the GP delegates to demand that the GP adopt the PLAS Strategy.
    Then select a nominee who supports PLAS. Then to complete the fusion ticket, nominate Jo Jorgensen.

  16. If the delegates require a candidate to support PLAS, that might disqualify Hawkins.
    I have suggested myself, Darcy Richardson, Kevin Zeese.
    Perhaps you might throw your hat in.

  17. Jo Jorgensen for vp on the GP fusion ticket.
    If she accepts, that might compel the LP to conduct another nomination convention.
    They jut might get with the program and nominate the GP ticket!

  18. Yes, by all means, write such an article.
    I could publish it or repost on my blog.
    Or perhaps William Saturn would post it at IPR or one of his sites.

  19. I’m anti Israel govt. You believe shooting random jews in a synagogue or knife attacks against random jews on the street are self defense. There is a difference.

  20. Click on Robert’s name and scroll down to load older articles , look for amicus curiae brief. It’s for the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter who Robert believes acted in self defense. Clearly nothing antisemitic about that. I’m sure Hawkins is way more antisemitic.

  21. Give it up, paulie.
    Ask any Palestinian about random violence.
    Let’s let a jury of Mr. Bowers’ peers decide, shall we?
    Again, I think my Sinai proposal is very fair.
    Egyptian and Palestinian border guards.
    UN Peacekeeping Force. Naval blockade.
    Desalination plants. Solar and wind renewable energy.
    Plenty of sun and warm climate.
    The jews could police themselves.
    Be free of the hatred and violence.
    That they bring on themselves.
    Because God dealt them a bad hand-no homeland.
    So the Zionists plot for centuries
    When and where to steal someone else’s?

  22. Bob- if you have inherited some money I encourage you to sell whatever you have in New Jersey and move to Northern California. You could pan for gold and live well. In Top Two California you might even be able to pitch PLAS to a more willing audience.

  23. I know very little about Hawkins, but he may have my vote just because Jorgensen is pathetic and Blankenship seems shady. Maybe de la Fuente will be on my ballot?

  24. I came to Ballot Access News yesterday because it is a valuable and informative site to which I have occasionally turned for decades. Richard Winger is a brilliant journalist and an influential activist, and his documentation of alternative politics here is a great boon to our society and to political activists like myself.

    Thank you, Robert Milnes, for your kind comments about my post. (I am not familiar with your writings aside from this page.)

    The post I made here yesterday was responding specifically to the Progressive Libertarian Alliance Strategy idea.

    It is my opinion that Jo Jorgensen is more honorable and significantly more Progressive than Howie Hawkins on some important issues, ergo, to me, this year’s Libertarian Presidential ticket already IS a Progressive-and-Libertarian coalition. If the General Election were held today, I would proudly vote for the Jorgensen-Cohen ticket.

    Full disclosures:
    I endorsed Dario Hunter for President earlier this year, on the day of the Massachusetts Primary Election, when his Vice Presidential candidate Darlene Elias informed me that Hunter had picked her as his running mate. I voted for Hunter-Elias in the Primary that day, and I let many other Greens know of my endorsement in time for them to vote too, then I helped the campaign to the extent that I could. Also, I have known Vermin Supreme (his real name) for about 30 years. I find both Elias (Green Party) and Supreme (Libertarian Party) to be sincere, dedicated, and conscientious.

    Now I’ll address what I perceive to be antisemitic dog whistle writings by Howie Hawkins, but first let me be clear:
    Opposing actions of the Israeli Government is not antisemitic, and that wasn’t what I was referencing here yesterday.

    Hawkins has cast aspersions on Progressive Jewish Billionaire philanthropist George Soros, which antisemitic people often do, and the Anti-Defamation League watches for such signs potentially indicating bigotry. The worst Hawkins post I’ve seen on this order is on the site for one of his Gubernatorial runs. In that one, he says Soros’s son met with other “elites” at an exclusive Long Island location, and in that paragraph, at least six of the “elites” Hawkins is harpooning are Jewish.

    That alone wouldn’t be enough to garner the charge I leveled above. It’s his frequently repeated effusive praise for the America First Committee’s Norman Thomas, who opened for Charles Lindbergh’s infamous Des Moines speech that claimed that the Jewish people were trying to get the US into World War II.

    Most people under 60-years-old know very little about the America First Committee (which supported appeasing Hitler even after his attacks on Denmark, Norway, and England). The AFC and its accompanying America First movement were and are widely understood to be antisemitic (as well as virulently anti-Communist).

    So, when Donald Trump trumpeted the slogan “America First” in his Inaugural speech on January 20, 2017, and when he named his first proposed official budget “America First”, people in the know recognized that Trump was emitting a ‘dog whistle’ signal to attract antisemites.

    Hawkins self-identifies as an “ecosocialist”, and Norman Thomas got the Socialist Party’s Presidential nomination many times, providing Hawkins an excuse to drop Thomas’s name again and again, and yet again, as a person worthy of respect and even veneration. Charles Lindbergh was a friend to both Norman Thomas and Adolf Hitler.

    On September 11, 1941, when the AFC’s Lindbergh and Thomas team descended on Des Moines, Iowa, Charlie Chaplin’s condemnation of Hitler’s antisemitism and his Concentration Camps [in Chaplin’s film “The Great Dictator”] was already two-years-old. Norman Thomas obviously knew about the Concentration Camps too.

    Months earlier, at the Madison Square Garden America First rally in May 1941, Thomas had to cross a picket line of Jews and others screaming “Nazi!” at him, for supporting Lindbergh’s Hateful spectacle. Two years earlier, Lindbergh and 20,000 others had famously attended a Nazi rally at the same venue. That night, at the earlier rally, a Jew was beaten and stripped by the Nazi mob. Thomas obviously knew about the Nazi rally too.

    After the September 11 Des Moines speech, within days, newspapers across the country and around the world condemned Lindbergh’s Racism. This time, Norman Thomas did so too. But Thomas had no plausible deniability to back any claim that he didn’t know about his friend’s antisemitism before that, because all of the other famed members of the AFC were also outspoken antisemites, and some were also well known for their Racism against Blacks.

    Fascist publications in the early 1940s listed Thomas as a speaker at AFC events, in hopes that adding his name would bring credibility. But Socialist publications from the same period harshly condemned Norman Thomas for working with the Hateful Right-wing demagogue. Socialist newspapers in the early 1940s said that Thomas had disgraced himself beyond repair by being an America Firster.

    Speaking of political parties, today many people think of Socialists and Communists as being quite similar to each other [the Green Party contains Socialists and Communists (besides many people who don’t self-identify that way)] but back then, Norman Thomas, the Socialist Presidential candidate, was also a rabid anti-Communist.

    After the AFC fell apart – resulting largely from Des Moines-speech fallout – Norman Thomas turned his attention to conducting a Purge of the ACLU, an organization in which he had become quite powerful. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn had founded the organization three decades earlier, around the time that she was instrumental in attaining the right to vote for women.

    But Norman Thomas accused Elizabeth Gurley Flynn of being a Communist. She was a Feminist, and a Human Rights icon, but she was indeed a Communist, and Thomas’s Purge made her belief in Communism so famous that she was imprisoned for it. Thanks to Norman Thomas, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn became a Political Prisoner and was sentenced to years of hard labor, for her political beliefs. The ACLU was so ashamed of Thomas’s Purge that it reinstated Flynn posthumously, after Thomas’s death.

    As I mentioned, most people under sixty – and certainly most Greens – don’t know about America First, much less Norman Thomas. But, just as Hateful antisemites were drawn to Donald Trump when he blew the America First dog whistle, Howie Hawkins with his antisemitic America First dog whistle can hope for similar results. Most Greens don’t know who Norman Thomas and America First are, but lots of antisemites do.

  25. Geez, Norman. Just how old are you?
    Based on your writing here, I can see why the powers that be chose Howie for the fix for the Green nomination.
    I think you should try to be among the speakers at the GP convention.
    Write that article!

  26. Give it up, paulie..
    Israel is played out.
    Everyone can see it for what it is.
    A terrorist state on stolen land.
    Quite comparable to ISIL.
    Leave the Palestinians alone.
    Leave Americans alone.
    Leave the people of the world alone.
    Pack up and go to Sinai.

  27. I don’t care who you think I am, nor am I interested in having a conversation with you. I was talking to Citizen Norman Bie. You’re the subject of the conversation, not who I am talking to. And I already mentioned I don’t like the Israeli state and believe it should be dissolved, so you are barking up the wrong tree. I’m specific asking Citizen Norman Bie what he thinks of your advocacy for shooting, stabbing and deporting Jews and how he would compare your level of antisemitism with Howie Hawkins’ level of antisemitism. The question is not about Israel and it’s not posed to you.

  28. PV, Pig Vomit, Penis Violator,
    So what? You “mention” that you do not like the Israeli state and think it should be dissolved. Israel is a huge, international, very longstanding urgent problem. You mentioning that is not making it go away.
    Go away to where? The jews are not going to give up on their desire for Israel.
    Maybe they think they can takeover Uganda, Germany, USA, Russia.?
    Do you think Norman Bie is Citizen Norman? Nathan Norman? I don’t get it.
    Why is his opinion of me so important?

  29. Now I have read what I was asked to read. Many of those statements are overtly antisemitic, worse than Hawkins’s. I oppose all antisemitism. I would not have used the acronym PLAS had I known of its potentially antisemitic connotation.

    Walt, I recognize the sentiments you expressed above. I’m a Leftist and a Green, so I would understand a Hawkins vote in protest, or supporting LaFuente-Richardson.

    But despite my being an adamant Party Man, I won’t vote for Howie Hawkins, even though I know it would help my Party’s ballot access opportunities. That’s because of what I perceive as his dishonesty, climate science denial, transphobia, McCarthyism, antisemitism, and his stage act as just another crazy-talking dumb guy.

    I know that Hawkins won’t win. It is also highly unlikely for Jo Jorgensen to win, and I have disagreements with some of her plans. I very much appreciate that she wants to get the US off of Fossil Fuels.

    Her plan to do that by turning to Nukes is something I’m very much against; but I know there is a Libertarian constituency out there familiar with Carbon-Neutral energy from Hemp-derived fuels, and I hope those Libertarians will push her campaign in that ‘greener’ direction.

    I can see that one of the Legacy Parties’ candidates – either Tweedledum or Tweedledee – will probably win the 2020 Presidential Election, setting our country up to be led by a Fascist for the next four years; and that if the winner is TweedleDem Biden (TweedleD-Del.), then most of the Democratic Party and Mainstream Media will largely ignore or deny Biden’s far-Right record.

    Aside from the Greens, other Leftist Parties will each only be on the ballot in a very small number of states, leaving me to conclude that our best hope for a non-Fascist Presidential victory this year is to vote for and organize for the Libertarian Presidential ticket.

    I’m pretty old, and my father was pretty old when I was born. My father and his brother were both anti-Hitler activists before WWII; therefore, as a child I was lucky enough to be taught about the America First Committee/movement and its alliance with other far-Right factions in this country.

  30. No, Norman, there is nothing anti semitic about PLAS.
    You fell for paulie’s trick of saying my anti Israel writings are anti Semitic, you old fool.
    I bet your seeing anti Semitism in Howie’s writings is probably off too.
    Just to criticize Israel and discuss the desperate, virtually suicidal tactics of stab, shoot or run over Israelis is not per se anti Semitic.
    paulie is extremely adroit in matters if politics. Plus he probably has an equally adroit handler.
    And connections to Zionist think tanks. And Israeli supercomputers.
    They KNOW PLAS will work. Why else expend so much time and effort against me?
    I knew you were too good to be true.
    Breath of fresh air! LOL!

  31. Of course Howie is not going to win. Or Jo.
    Or any other than the dem or rep. That is Duverger’s Law.
    In AT LEAST the last 100 years or more.
    You are just pointing out the obvious.
    I put a lot of thought into PLAS.
    And over the years I have taken a lot of crap over it.
    Norman, you are a dime a dozen Green loser.

  32. Norman Bie,
    I did find some info about you by search.
    I believe Richard is jewish. Richard correct me if I am mistaken.
    I have been commenting on BAN for several months now. Don’t you think Richard would have banned me by now if I was making anti semitic comments?
    Also my blog is on WordPress since 2011 I believe. Wouldn’t WordPress have shut me down by now if my posts were anti semitic?
    The Green party is composed largely of minorities and people of color. It is zealously anti racist. Don’t you think Howie would have been called out by now if he were anti semitic?
    So, my question to you is why do you see anti Semitism where there is evidently none?

  33. The Pittsburgh shooter thing, Bob. That’s really over the top!

  34. No it isn’t.
    Briefly, no pun intended,
    Israel is an apartheid, theocratic, counterrevolutionary terrorist state, comparable to Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and the Levant.
    The jews internationally zealously support Israel.
    Therefore the jews are international terrorists.
    We shall see what the US District Court does with this Brief.

  35. “the jews are international terrorists.” – Robert Milnes

    Be better Robert

  36. “We shall see what the US District Court does with this Brief.”

    Didn’t you hear? They used it to wipe their asses.

  37. Brandon,
    No, I stand by everything I have written about the jews and Israel.
    There is more in the brief and the defense it proposes, like the self defense and defense of others.
    And the relevance of Duverger’s Law.
    And the Mossad known to be international killers.
    And the international terrorism of Israel’s “amson Option”.
    And the US vetoing UN attempts at remedy of the Palestinian situation.
    “The Plight of the Palestinians.”
    And how I am looking forward to the possibility of going up against the powerful US Attorneys.
    After losing twice in US Courts when I should have won.

  38. Well, this thread seems to have gone to crickets.
    I was hoping Norman Bie would return and engage.
    Also Andy, Egyptian God. And even J.O. Ogle.
    The banned from IPR people.
    I did see Andy comment on the very new thread on Kanye.

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