According to this story, seven presidential candidates have submitted petitions to be on the ballot in Minnesota. The only ballot-qualified parties in Minnesota are Democratic-Farmer-Labor, Republican, Legal Marijuana Now, and Grassroots-Legalize Marijuana Parties. The latter two are not expected to nominate anyone for president. For other parties, 2,000 signatures were required to place a presidential nominee on the ballot.
The petitions are for Rocky De La Fuente (Alliance); Howie Hawkins (Green); Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian); Alyson Kennedy (Socialist Workers); Gloria La Riva (Socialism & Liberation); independent Brock Pierce; and independent Kanye West.
In other presidential ballot access news, according to the secretary of state’s website Brock Pierce has qualified for the ballot in Alaska. Not sure if that had been reported on BAN yet or not.
Constipation Party was supposedly petitioning there according to their website. Apparently another failure:
Is Jeff Becker really calling the Constitution Party the Constipation Party, or is this an imposter? I ask because I thought Jeff Becker was q Constitution Party member.
I am pretty sure that the Constitution Party did qualify for the 2020 ballot in Alaska.
I believe Mr. Becker was talking about Minnesota, which was indeed a failure for the Constitution Party. In Alaska, we’ve had no confirmation as to who the CP placed on the ballot for president.
Is Jeff Becker still a member and supporter of the Constitution Party?
Yes it is me. You know the old saying about the best conservative is a liberal who has been mugged? I don’t know what you’d call a conservative who has been mugged, but now you know how I feel after spending years trying to build that party. They are full of **** and truly are constipated.
@Cody, the URL has Minnesota colored in as gold indicating petitioning in progress. But apparently none were turned in according to this post. Perhaps you have your states mixed up as the CP already has access in neighboring Wisconsin.
@Andy – I formally left the CP four years ago as evidenced by my Independent voter registration since then. However, I have been in communication with them on a regular basis – just a consummate optimist I guess. I am now finally able to see the forest through the trees.
The Constitution Party ended up abandoning the effort to get on the ballot in Minnesota because it looked like they would not make it, so they pulled the plug on it.
The Constitution Party is going for the ballot in at least one more state for this election, and I believe they will make that state.
On another note it is great to see the Reform Party slowly rebuilt itself. They have allied themselves with the Alliance Party itself the successful merger of several centrist parties such as the modern Whig party. Apparently any talks of merger with other parties will happen only after the 2020 Presidential election is over. I doubt that Reform party will completed merge with Alliance party. Maybe they can have same relationship as Angela Merkel’s party in Germany, CDU with CSU or like Gloria de Riva’s political parties that support her in all of her Presidential elections.
By the way congratulations to Alyson Kennedy. Surprised that not many people here have mentioned her. She may get ballot access to Minnesota despite her not bring as prominent on the political scene as some of the other parties or individuals. She is also not a local like the free marijuana party. She is also pending in some other states like in Vermont. May end up having ballot access to over. 50 electorates.
“The Constitution Party is going for the ballot in at least one more state for this election, and I believe they will make that state.”
I thought they already had ballot access in Louisiana?
Not enough registered voters in Louisiana. You’d think they’d try to get enough, but with how the party is crumbling lately, I’m not surprised they haven’t.
As Mr. Quirk’s doctor I can confirm he is not being truthful and has been constipated multiple times since 2013.
No. I use monster condoms for my magnum dong.
With all due respect I’m almost start to miss dep rep’s comments when l read yours, Cody and Mantis.
How many folks want to forget ALL of the posts of the resident TROLL MORON having a 100 pct constipated so-called pre-skooool brain and other mini-body parts — who also loves to use multiple fake names — with posts to other fake names of itself ???
Did such troll make it into the Senate’s various Trump-Russia reports — as one more troll on Putin’s troll farm of gangster hacks ???
It was my understanding that CP-Mississippi (ballot qualified) voted to disaffiliate. Did that not happen? Or more to the point, what up ballot is CP-MS running for 2020?
Further, it is a stretch to claim “access” in New Mexico (also ballot qualified). CP-NM placed Tittle/Fakes as their up ballot ticket.
I’m sure national CP elite will try to spin it, peaches & cream, ooobie doobie, and all that. But the “access math” is less than favorable for the national CP, politely put.
CP national Chairs Frank Fluckiger and Jim Clymer were on the CP West Virginia’s conference call a week ago Monday and they certainly did spin it (their anemic ballot access). Syrupy was the adjective that came to my mind. They also confirmed that Don Blankenship, as their presidential nominee, will be on their Executive Committee for life. In my late great John McLaughlin voice, “bye bye.”
“Blankenship, as their presidential nominee, will be on their Executive Committee for life.”
Unfortunately, insular inbreeding “to keep wealth and power in the family” never works out well; Habsburg jaw and all that.
What’s the state’s deadline for certifying them?
“Blankenship, as their presidential nominee, will be on their Executive Committee for life.” – I’m sure that’ll never come back to bite them