Eleventh Circuit Reverses Decision that Gave Relief to Florida Ex-Felons Who Can’t Afford to Pay

On September 11, the full Eleventh Circuit reversed the U.S. District Court, and said ex-felons still can’t register to vote in Florida until they have paid all fines, restitution, and court costs, whether they can afford to do so or not. Here is the 200-page decision in Jones v Governor of Florida, 20-12003.

The vote is 6-4. Judge William Pryor wrote the majority opinion.


Eleventh Circuit Reverses Decision that Gave Relief to Florida Ex-Felons Who Can’t Afford to Pay — 11 Comments

  1. FATAL loophole in 14-2 Amdt —

    too many 1866 Elephant MORONS to count.

    Blacks in jail / fined for existing in ex-slave States —

    little wonder why 2020 BLM riots.

  2. Great show today and next two days on www dot ae911truth dot com.

    Today we heard about one of the five Holy Grails, the anthrax attacks killing five and which also targeted two US Senators in 2001. The anthrax attacks were psychological so to generate fear for accepting Patriot Act.

    Certain US government military bases and the FBI are exposed by new evidence with Grand Jury specific to those attacks which were dropped after one good husband and father was wrongly accused and then “committed suicide”.

  3. So How many attacks are 666 Trump Tyrant and his top gangsters plotting to happen before 1 Oct 2020 —
    to panic the voters to keep him in POWER ???

    See rigged 2003 Iraq War setup. Fake threat [PACK OF LIES} of Saddam WMD in Iraq aimed at USA.
    Worked — Bush II elected in 2004.

  4. The United Coalition USA has been bringing the correct math since 1992 to end one-party voting systems and in 1997 the founder of Google launched off our backs and deleted our data from Usenet and created inferior Google Groups from the new censored version where my name was targeted.

    We have carried on for 28 years.

    Most political parties like the Libertarian Party use one-party and two-party voting systems where new ideas and new voices are a threat to their insider Old Boy Network.

    Noe our team seeks unity with those who want to break out.

    Go Ogle/Jamison [One/Black Panther] 2020


    Women, racial minorities, third parties and independents might benefit when the math of pure proportional representation is used instead of what the party bosses brought.

    Unfortunately no party bosses understand what needs to be done because they only know how to protect their positions under one-party voting systems as being demonstrated every year to my team.

  5. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind proponents of this movement if they genuinely believed that ex-felons should have their voting rights restored for the sake of democracy. The truth is that they’re only doing this because they know very well that such people are mostly likely going to vote for the Democrats, and are just being selfishly political about it.

  6. Longtime reader, the movement to gain the vote for ex-felons goes back the the late 1960’s, and some of the proponent civil rights attorneys who work on this have been doing so for 50 years. They mean what they say. This entire mess was caused Justice Rehnquist in the 5-4 decision of Richardson v Ramirez, 418 US 24 (1974). The 4-justice dissent has a plausible explanation of why the 14th amendment, section 2, does not necessarily mean that the Constitution permits disenfranchisement of ex-felons.

  7. How many felons due to very selective prosecutions and FALSE rigged evidence – esp in still rotted ex-slave States ???
    Con Amdt part –

    USA Elector — USA Citizen, 18 yrs olde on election days, be registered 28 days before election days. PERIOD — NOOOOOO crime/mental machinations.

    LOTS of rotted stuff in USA/ALL State Consts.

  8. Richardson v Ramirez was a 6-3 or 7-2 decision, depending how you characteriz Douglas’s dissent.

    Marshall mischaracterizes what happened in Oregon v Mitchell, which would do again in Tashjian.

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