California Secretary of State Posts List of Declared Presidential Write-in Candidates

On October 23, the California Secretary of State posted the list of presidential write-in candidates:

1. Brian Carroll of the American Solidarity Party
2. Mark Charles, independent
3. Joseph Kishore, Socialist Equality Party
4. Brock Pierce, independent
5. Jesse Ventura, independent

Presidential candidates do not need to give permission for write-in filing. The write-in filing is done by groups of candidates for presidential elector. Thanks to Mark Seidenberg for the list.


California Secretary of State Posts List of Declared Presidential Write-in Candidates — 10 Comments

  1. This is unclear as to party. The SOS does not say that Carroll or Kishore filed under the area of coverage within CA Election Code section 13205(d).

  2. Abolish the super-timebomb EC.

    Elector = USA Citizen 18 plus years old by Election Day
    Register by 28 days before Election Day.

    ALL of USA areas.

    Repeal ALL the negative stuff in USA Const – 14-2, 15, 19, etc.

    PR and AppV

  3. The United Coalition USA had filed more than 750 consecutively ranked names as Electors before the California State deadline on the 20th, I did it myself, the 750+ names for the 2020 PPR Electoral College.

    We are pleased that our work made it in time into the State’s archives for a few years.

    Our paper ballots as submitted reflect our web page and we are hopeful that our team continues on November 4th with notarizing every new name from day one as required by California State.

    Many of our elected members including company and parliament store President Daniel Davenport [UN] are collaborating as a team to seek punitive damages in the USA vs Google Antitrust Lawsuit which had imitated our name, they turned traffic to one-party voting, used plurality “click the go” and have blocked coast-to-coast unity for more than 23 years 1997 to 2020.

    Our team will continue the search through November 3rd, our team is showing the way with the correct math not like what the identity theives of Google, and we hope to display the unity phenomena soon.

    Should parties, independents and other write-in names, should they have been harmed by the winner-takes-all search engine Google, please be sure to coordinate.

    We can bring the item “USA vs Google Antitrust Lawsuit” to the team.

    More news to come over next twelve days and updated here:

  4. Trivia: Jesse Ventura got the ‘Ventura’ part of his ring name from Ventura, California.

    Was Kayne unable to file as a write-in for President in CA as a result of the AIP nominating him for VP? or did they just not find 55 electors?

  5. my apologies: Kanye.

    Just sorta interesting how the Socialist Equality Party filed as a write-in but Kanye doesn’t.

  6. Ironic with this listing, considering that I commented elsewhere before that Kanye wrote his name on the ballot. I guess he’s only being counted as the VP to Rocky.

  7. BH, to our knowledge, there is no bar to Kanye’s candidacy as a write-in or other party candidate by his presence on the AIP ticket.

    We believe that the reason he did not qualify as a write-in is that no list of electors was submitted on his behalf. I even tweeted to him that requirement after he made his public complaint about our nomination.

    Here is the link to the official write-in list:

  8. Under Article the First, Congress/Electors increase, from 538 to around 4,910. Every Congressional District is being increased by a factor of almost ten and the voters get one vote per multi-winner Congressional District under limited voting.

    Remember, limited voting using “Xs” brings semi-proportional representation, while using numerals brings pure proportional representation (PPR). By coincidence our team has used PPR since April 1st 1995.

    Started by the combination of Green and Environmentalist Party USA PACs and combining those two Presidential campaign into the “” had really helped attract Roseanarchists, Pot, Boston Tea, Wxyz New Day and other odd parties proclaimed by Electors like Anarchist and so forth. With 539 seats, anyone ranking their name #1, is guaranteed to be a party with whatever word(s) they write beside their own name so there is a possible 538 “parties”.

    Should any holders of Electors wish to vote or to bring your 2020 Electors, for example Honorable Jo Jorgenson is a member but doubtful she will unite with us, all voters and sets of Electors are also welcomed and a signup as Elector automatically counts as a single #1 vote for the Elector’s name.

    Right now is when we can unite under a single stack of paper ballots and November 4th is a new beginning with new improvements and new Electors who replace the old.

    All the Electors in one political party (538), won’t fill all the “seats” on the United Coalition USA 4,911-party national team under the Droop Quota, and so welcome every Elector from every party while we also still allow new Electors to replace the 2020 ones as we move towards 2024.

    Any Libertarians or other partisans and independents should look at the guidelines for the Los Angeles County Mini-state as the example we want to simultaneously bring to the State and national levels. The County level is much smaller and our Electors in Los Angeles number around 100 with about 21 new “Info. Not Avail,s.” on our mailing list. Dues-paying Libertarians may affiliate from any state according to Mark Herd [Libertarian], him a resident and 2022 L.A. City Council candidate.

    See the new guidelines as approved for Los Angeles County Mini-state

    United Coalition USA

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