Puerto Rico Statehood Referendum Passes

The Puerto Rico ballot measure for statehood won with 52%. Of course, it is up to Congress to decide whether to admit Puerto Rico.


Puerto Rico Statehood Referendum Passes — 12 Comments

  1. These folk just needed to give up by this point, and just accepted regarding if the Democratic politicians were really serious about advocating their unironically semi-racist and outdated idea of being fully annexed by the US. Is still lean as symbolically their statehood, rather than literally doing it.

  2. What percent of PR folks now in a USA State/DC ???

    ie – only poor and stupid left in PR to be wiped out by killer hurricanes ???

  3. Demo Rep-

    As a Puerto Rican I resent your racist statement. Mr. Winger, please remove his obvious RACIST remark. There is no tolerance for that

  4. IMO, Puerto Rico ought to consider becoming an “associated state” like Micronesia, allow residents the option of keeping their US citizenship, repeal the Jones Act, and have their own trade policy.

  5. PR – SHOULD merge with other smaller pop Carib Sea Islands to surround RED commie Cuba–

    United Caribbea

  6. PR wouldn’t need to merge with anyone. With associated state status, open shipping after trashing the Jones Act, and free trade with the other Caribbean islands, PR could be a local economic power.

  7. Carlos, I interpret his comment differently than you do. To me the comment says the most thoughtful Puerto Ricans have moved their residence to one of the 50 states. So it isn’t a blanket statement about Puerto Ricans.

    I feel fortunate to have visited Puerto Rico twice, and I found it extraordinarily beautiful, especially in the interior which has lots of mountains and tropical foliage. Also I have known some Puerto Rican attorneys who were gifted legal analysts and also historians.

  8. I’m with Carlos. That comment is very racist, calling Puerto Ricans stupid and who knows what else because they love their island and choose to stay. Demo Rep should at minimum apologize.

    If this site tolerates racism, I no longer find it credible.

  9. Too many English MORONS unable to detect questions from statements –

    part of New Age of being politically correct — ie being dumb and dumber.

    Did 1918 Russia communists have RED terror ???

    1918 Russia communists did have RED terror.

  10. Put me in the “Demo Rep is a racist” column. Richard, please ban him. Please don’t tell me you support racism.

  11. Demi rep is a mentally feeble nutbar, but banning people for not being politically correct is wacko even for Google. He is actually completely correct that Puerto Ricans who have not left the island tend to be low iq even for Puerto Ricans in general. Beyond that, racial differences in intelligence have been scientifically documented by libertarian scholars such as Charles Murray, Roger Roots, Richard Spencer, Eric Dondero, Christopher Chase Rachels and too many others to count. Only politically correct left wing Marxists and fellow travelers try to sweep any discussion of the mountains of data and evidence for such differences under the rug. This is one of the main reasons TRUMP won and is winning again.

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