
Biden Popular Vote Margin Over Trump is Now an Eyelash Away from Six Million Votes — 14 Comments

  1. Laughing my ass off at you, Richard. You are such a fool for believing and disseminating this BS. Tick, tick, tick…

  2. TO CA math troll moron–

    Biden more than 6 million [perhaps 6.66 million] over Trump with all CA votes counted ???

  3. You keep contradicting yourself. First you acknowledge CA will go RED then you deny it. Just like one minute you say you use multiple fake names ,you being the resident idiot troll demon rat, then you claim demon rat is your real legal name, then you go back and forth . That is not surprising because you serve Satan who is the father of all lies and demons of mental disease. In other words demon rat you are just like all other Google employees. A total piece of crap.

  4. …believes the 6 million lies enough about the 6 million fake Biden Stalin votes so enough with these ooga booga Soros Satanist commie Google fake news lies about Joe Stalin Biden winning because we know it’s a lie and you know we know so give up we are on to you.

  5. Talk about election fraud that favored Joe Biden, but do it in a manner that sounds crazy and extremist, to give the impression that everyone who talks about election fraud that favored Joe Biden is an extremist nutcase. Nice smear tactic, troll. Did you come up with this on your own, or did this come out of your How To Troll handbook?

  6. AP —

    California · President
    From The Associated Press
    99% reporting · The Associated Press has called this race · 55 electoral votes · Learn more
    Vote % Vote count
    Joe Biden
    Democratic Party
    Donald Trump
    Republican Party
    Jo Jorgensen
    Libertarian Party

    — The troll can try and detect the Biden MINUS Trump math.
    Howie Hawkins
    Green Party
    Roque De La Fuente
    Alliance Party

  7. You are the crazy and extremist nutcase troll resident idiot, not me. No one with any sense buys your game news 6 million lies about the fake phony Biden Stalin dominion votes.

  8. Fake game. You are lame. You are insane and have no brain. The Biden Stalin election fraud is in vain. You won’t succeed. You will only bleed.

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