Pennsylvania Republican Voters Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Rule that State Courts Cannot Strike Down Laws Concerning Presidential Elections

The U.S. Constitution says in Article II, “Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislative thereof may direct, a Number of Electors…”.

On November 27, some Republican voters in Pennsylvania asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Bognet v Boockvar, 20-740. In this case, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had extended the deadline for postal ballots to arrive, beyond the deadline mentioned in statutory Pennsylvania law. The legislative leaders want the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that the word “legislature” in Article II means that state court, federal courts, and even the Governor, have no authority over laws governing presidential elections.

The U.S. Supreme Court already ruled in 2015 that the word “legislature” really means all the entities of state government that have authority to determine state election laws governing congressional elections. That case was Arizona State Legislature v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission. Here is the new cert petition. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Pennsylvania Republican Voters Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Rule that State Courts Cannot Strike Down Laws Concerning Presidential Elections — 28 Comments

  1. You are grossly misinterpreting this, Richard. The Secretary of States are not part of the legislative process. “The United States District Court for the District of Arizona, dividing two to one, rejected the Legislature’s complaint, finding that prior Supreme Court decisions “demonstrate that the word ‘Legislature’ in the Elections Clause refers to the legislative process used in [a] state, determined by that state’s own constitution and laws,” and that the lawmaking power in Arizona “plainly includes the power to enact laws through initiative”.[2]”

  2. Possible SCOTUS action this weekend or during next week — even with no response yet.

    Interaction of 2 USC 7 and 3 USC 1.

    Again – ABS ballots = substitute for in person voting on Election DAY [poll closing time DEADLINE].


    PA Election code

    Section 1417. Persons Receiving Highest Number of Votes to Be Declared Elected.–
    Except as otherwise provided by law, the persons receiving the highest number of votes for any office at any election shall be declared elected to such office, up to the number required by law to be elected thereto.

    Standard plurality UOS

    Electoral college stuff in Art 25.

  4. Men, the winning way is put a female name for #1 ahead of our own name, the plan for limited voting brings the three-party system.

    No other way but multiple winner election districts under ranked choice voting (RCV) and the single transferable vote (STV).

    The United Coalition USA has been bringing the correct math for pure proportional representation since 1992 before Google brought the one-party voting system dictatorship psychology of “click the go” and “click the ad”.

    No way to Google, Facebook and LNC approval voting (AppV).

    Two-party systems use plurality voting.

    Three-party system requires limited voting.

    No way to the losing ways of one-party and two-party voting systems that the party bosses protect with Robert’s Rules of Order, single-winner election districts, censorship and insider boss control.

  5. change of topic to California. 53 of the 58 counties in
    California failed to place the instructions covered by CA Election Code 13205(b) on the ballot. Even though it was effective law on 1 January 2020 under AB 623. The counties that complied with placing the quoted instruction of 13205(b) on the ballot were Alpine, Inyo, Kern, Nevada, and Santa Barbara only.

    CA Elections Code 13200 directs that the flawed ballots that do not place the instructions covered under CA Elections Code 13205(b) shall not be “cast or counted”.

    Even though Nevada County did place the instruction covered under CA Elections Code 13205(b) on its ballots
    the county failed to place “respective offices” to the names of the party nominated candidates of the six qualified parties, therefore CA Election Code 13200 would require Nevada County be excluded from the casting and county of its county ballots also. Now we are down to only four counties in California that could legally be counted, viz, Alpine, Inyo, Kern, and Santa Barbara.

  6. Trump v Biden in such 5 counties ???

    Trump M-A-Y win in CA ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and be elected Prez ???!!!!!!!!!!

    B 306 – 55 = 251
    T 232 + 55 = 287

    More retroactive machinations ???

    Stay tuned.

  7. LOL… The “genius” Google employee demon rat is finally asking the question about California that I answered repeatedly for weeks if not a month which caused him to disparage my intelligence and spread fake news about me using drugs whereas in fact I am completely clean and sober. The fact remains CA will go for TRUMP as will PA and many other states the fake news media is claiming will go to Joseph Stalin Biden and commie la Harris. Bottom line TRUMP stays. Like HE said Biden would have to prove he got 80 million votes to be allowed to take office and that WILL NEVER happen. Most of those votes were fake so Biden could never prove that to TRUMPS satisfaction. Therefore TRUMP never leaves. Simple. Now that you finally caught up about California take all the time you need to process all the rest of it and learn to cope with it.

  8. Libertarians for Giuliani was started by Eric Dondero years ago when Rudy was running for President, but I doubt this poster us Eric Dondero. This poster is obviously role playing, trying to make Trump supporters, and right libertarians, including ones who have never been Trump supporters look bad. This person is clearly on here to troll, and in their current incarnation, they are posing as a fanatical right winger in order to smear people who do not support the leftist agenda. Who would do this? Well, it could be just about anyone, but I do know that Paul used to make like of Libertarians for Giuliani (which was indeed quite ridiculous, given that Giuliani was far from being a libertarian, and being that at the time, Giuliani was running in the Republican presidential primary, and one of his opponents in that primary was an actual libertarian, in Ron Paul), and we also know that Paul has been caught trolling here, and at IPR, pushing a leftist narrative, so it would not surprise me if “Libertarians for Giuliani” is Paul. If it is not Paul, whoever it is is likely somebody who has been trolling here, as well as at other websites that cover minor parties and independent candidates, for a long time.

  9. Give it up troll. You have been pushing this same line of bs constantly just like your paymasters Google, Soros and Satan pay you to do. In reality I’m a real rightist and real libertarian just like Giuliani and TRUMP. It is true I am not Eric Dondero but I am not Ron or Rand Paul or any other Paul. I don’t know what a website is but I have never been on one in my life. I have been on this Google search term for a few months. This is Google property like all their search terms which as a Google employee you know full well. You are the one who is on here to troll but the only one you are making look bad is yourself and your employer Google as well as their master Soros and his master Satan. Minor party and independent candidates are a total waste of time and will be banned next year. To be completely honest I paid zero attention to them before this year and very little this year. They used to play spoiler but that’s over with. There will be no more third or second parties only TRUMP AND LOYAL TRUMP SOLDIERS AND WORSHIPPERS LIKE ME. Now you can go tell Google, Soros and Satan you failed once again like always and accept their punishment for being a bad slave before you receive mine for serving the wrong masters, as I punish your masters and all their other slaves soon.

  10. AB 623 in CA amended CA Elections Code 13205(b) effective 1 January 2020 to read: “To vote for all of the electors of a party, mark the voting target next to the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates of that party. A mark of the voting target next to the name of a party and its presidential and vice presidential candidate is a vote for all of the electors of that party, but for no other candidates.”

    That instruction is required to appear on all of the 58 county ballots in California. However only 5 counties placed that instruction on its county’s ballot, viz., Alpine, Inyo, Kern, Nevada, and Santa Barbara., The other 53 counties failed to post that instruction, so in those counties CA Elections Code 13200 is triggered, viz., the ballots shall “not be cast or counted”.

    It should be noted that the Nevada County ballots were also flawed because those ballots failed to state what office the candidates were running for between POTUS and VPOTUS so that violates CA Elections Code 13241
    and the Nevada County ballots shall no be cast or counted.

  11. How many States have ***required*** voter instructions on ballots any more ???

    Most have just —- vote for N [or vote for not more than N].

    CA gerrymander hacks, being on statist drugs, love to have more words on ballots ???

  12. I like children in the same way my Daddy Biden does : )


  13. Santa Barbara County ballots were also flawed even though they were one of the five counties out of the 58 that placed the instruction covered under CA Elections Code sub-section 13205(b) on its ballot, because the printed the ballots in the wrong size type a violation of Chapter 3 of the CA Elections Code and therefore triggers CA Elections Code section 13200 on not lawfully casting and counting the Santa Barbara County Ballots.

  14. Why hasn’t Mark Heisenberg seidenberg contact the top libertarian media and lawyers about this such as Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Lew Rockwell, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, oan news, newsmax, Maria bartolomo, Lou Dobbs, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump Jr, Donald TRUMP Sr, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, etc?

  15. Thank you for sharing your honest opinions and thoughts Google employee of the month Cody QUIRK.

  16. Google employee Andy Gonzalez brags that he supports known burn loot murder Marxist ho horgensen. Therefore Andy Gonzalez is in favor of antifa, Soros, Satan, Stalin Biden, burn loot murder etc just like ho horgensen and the rest of the Marxists. He pretends to be a rightist and a libertarian but if he actually was he would be for TRUMP not Marxist ho horgensen. He pretends to be pro white and pro confederate yet supports Marxist ho horgensen. Therefore you can tell he is actually a leftist and a fifth column fake libertarian just like the fifth column fake libertarians he supports. He is not a genuine libertarian like TRUMP, Augustus invictus, Wayne Root, RAND Paul, Bob Barr, Chris cantwell, Hans hoppe, Gary North, Ollie north, Rudy Giuliani, Pat Buchanan and all other real libertarians support the greatest libertarian of all TRUMP. Andy Gonzalez is not what he pretends to be. Like all other Google employees he is a leftist demon rat socialist commie troll serving Soros and Satan. This includes the demon rats in the cubicles next to him at Google such as Cody QUIRK and demon rat. They are trolling this Google search term and putting up impersonating comments as well as changing and erasing my comments but they can’t ban me no matter how much they keep saying they will ban me which is fake news.

  17. Hmmm.

    Does the BAN resident troll Trump fanatic moron get extra cheese from its puppet master Trump for using longer and longer fake names such as —

    Simple objective proof that etc etc etc ???

  18. 1. The “name” box is just another comment box no different than the other comment box and there is no more need for it to be short or consistent than the other comment box.

    2. I am a prophet of TRUMP. It is YOU demon rat who is a resident troll idiot along with your fellow Google employees Cody quirk and Andy Gonzalez.

    3. Your master Soros and his master Satan will lose badly to my master TRUMP. No cheese for you.

  19. 4. You Google demon rats can’t BAN me no matter HOW much you try. Not from this Google search term nor any other Google search term. I may as well OWN Google for how much success you satanic demon rats have in BANning me. I BAN ALL YOUR BANS YOU LOSER SATANIC DEMON RAT TURDS!

  20. Thank for more laughs — via the BAN Resident Trump troll moron.

    Sorry paranoid troll —- I have NOOO Google connection – other than using it for searches.

    What country will harbor Trump and his trolls after noon 20 Jan 2021 with various USA / State / Interpol arrest warrants, etc. for Trump and trolls ???

    Will Trump and trolls loot the USA treasury on their way out ??? —
    as in many banana republic regime changes.

    IE will Pence be acting prez for a few minutes/hours on such 20 Jan 2021 ???
    with DefCon MAX in DOD.
    Stay tuned.

  21. 1. You Google demons can’t ban me.

    2. YOU are the resident troll idiot.

    3. YOU are a slave of Google, Soros and Satan and you work in a Google cubicle next to cody quirk and Andy Gonzalez.

    4. TRUMP stays. There will never be any other president or election. TRUMP will be God Emperor for life. TRUMP is perfect and immortal. HE will live and rule forever.

    5. Soon there will be no more countries. They will all be our colonies and the personal property of TRUMP like everything else in the universe.

    6. Pence will not be president. Neither will anyone else. TRUMP will be EMPEROR.

    7. The U.S. Treasury will be property of TRUMP like everything else. TRUMP will be the GOD who owns everything forever.

    8. YOU will be in hell with Satan and Soros receiving the worst punishment Satan can conceive for being a bad slave at Google. FOREVER.

  22. Donald Trump won the election bigly. Trump is a time traveling googolplex times Graham’s number dimensional chess master who met with primordial polar Nordic spacefarers and unlocked the secrets of all the universes and timelines through a wormhole inside a black hole and came back to save mankind and manliness from demonic space lizards, new world order illuminati, antifa trannies, race mixers and feminazis directed by Soros. He demolished the sleepy ratlike mind numbed zombie Biden and the unlikable communist monstress Harris. Now the fake news is spreading lies that Biden won. As if. Don’t let them get away with it. Biden is the loser. Trump is the winner. Pass it on.

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