Louisiana Will Hold Special Elections for Two Vacancies in U.S. House on March 20

Louisiana will hold special elections for U.S. House in the 2nd district and the 5th district on March 20. Both seats are vacant. Congressman Cedric Richmond will resign to join the Biden administration, and Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died on the evening of December 29 from covid. He was only 41 years old. See this story. Probably no one will get a majority in either seat, and there will be run-offs on April 24.


Louisiana Will Hold Special Elections for Two Vacancies in U.S. House on March 20 — 42 Comments

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_Count_Act


    ALl the post 1876 machinations in the congress were UN-constitutional.

    NOOOO judicial power in the Congress hacks to rule on legality of ANY EC 12 Amdt votes.

    GET an innocent 10 year old to count and add the EC votes – get SCOTUS to instantly review the count/addition.
    ALL more reasons to ABOLISH the EC and ALL the ROT with it.

  2. Candidate/incumbent replacement lists–

    NOOO more special elections for legis folks.

    Legis bodies MUST BE 100 pct full at ALL times —
    to esp deal with exec machinations.

    NOOO vetoes.
    Part of TOTSOP.

  3. Is that how he actually died, or was there another condition? We all know how the numbers have been fudged.

  4. CV 19 vaccine shots for ALL candidates — ANY priority ???

    ALL Congress hacks got shots already —

    except for Stone Age anti-vaccine morons ???

  5. Not surprised Demo Rep wants to force vaccines down people’s throats. What about the person who developed Bell’s because of it? Remember when people were getting sick and dying from the swine flu vaccine? Demo Rep is a MORON.

  6. I know a ton of people who had the Chinese virus, including myself, but nobody that even came close to dying from it.

  7. Richard’s article is just a repost of the AP. Wait and see if more news, real news, comes out.

  8. Pct of DEAD D v DEAD R voters from CV-19 so far ???

    — any top secret reports in Devil City – esp at DNC/RNC bunkers ???

    Vaccines being rigged to go to politically correct areas FIRST to LAST ???

    Morons / trolls unable to detect ??? in questions ???

    For NON morons/trolls-



  9. Hey RETARD, at least four people developed Bell’s palsy from the vaccine. Even Snopes, a website you probably worship, reported it as true. You think that’s safe?

  10. Pretty obvious that the Chinese communists created their virus to provide cover for stealing the U.S. election for their agent Biden. They also used it to bolster their position economically against us. Funny how it impacted them less than anyone huh? Not falling for it.

  11. It also appears there have been at least two deaths from the vaccine. That’s safe? Demo Rep really is a moron.

  12. I like DemoRep’s incumbent and replacement list system. I would improve it by having voters vote for two.

  13. Demo Rep’s idea is moronic just like him. Vacant offices aren’t necessarily a bad thing. What if we had NOTA and that won?

  14. How many D commie / R fascist plots to infect R / D hacks respectively —

    in ALL govts in the USA ???

    Go trolls/morons and find out the truth and report back ASAP.

    How many general or specific conspiracy plots about vaccines ???
    PR and APPV

  15. Hey MORON, several articles were posted about these dangerous “vaccines”. Maybe you should learn how to read English. Apparently you flunked first grade.

  16. It’s a tossup between Demo Rep and Robert Stock for biggest MORON on this site. Milnes and Ogle aren’t far behind.

  17. ANTI- math / science / conlaw trolls/morons are too evil pre-skoool stupid

    so have ZERO substantive to barely type about the un-equal ballot access laws, minority rule gerrymanders, exec/judic partisan hacks and many fatal SOP defects in the USA —

    so — following the orders of their puppet masters [Putin, Xi, etc] they bother messengers with their many fake names and junk posts.

    Will Trump steal the desk, chair, etc. in the Oval Office on his way out to Russia / China / Iran / N Korea / etc. ???
    EQUAL nom pets
    PR and APPV

  18. Notice how MORON Demo Rep never replied on how the vaccines are dangerous. He either knows it’s true, or is too much of a MORON to come up with a good reply.

    Notice how Demo Rep can’t write a coherent sentence? He probably did fail first grade.

  19. EVERYTHING is possibly dangerous — liquid / solid / gas / electromagnetic / radioactive / biological / etc.

    Troll morons [with their moron multiple fake names] top the list as BIO-mental dangerous with their junk moron posts

    — esp their NON-comments about UNEQUAL ballot access laws and ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders.

    PR and APPV

  20. “Probably no one will get a majority in either seat, and there will be run-offs on April 24.”

    Louisiana is another state that could benefit from ranked choice voting.

  21. Demo Rep is going off the deep end. Masks don’t work, but he is too much of a MORON to realize that. At least I think that’s what he said. It’s hard to tell in his rambling, incoherent posts,

  22. Perhaps the troll morons can go to work with CDC since they claim to be so bio-disease/vaccine smart ???

    perhaps get a Nobel Prize in Biology ???

  23. Good luck on your job application there, troll moron with a fake name “demo rep”. I think you’re kind of reaching there hoping you get the prize thingy but good luck anyway. Nothing wrong with setting your sights high. Like the black preacher down the road here says, you must first believe, then you might achieve.

  24. Nobel Prize means nothing. Obama won one for winning an election, then decided to bomb several countries.
    Demo Rep would win the Nobel Prize for retardedness.

  25. 2020 troll morons never heard of anon names in 1761-1789 in Brit colonies – later States / USA.

    Cato – Publius etc.

  26. Troll moron demo rep always talks about troll morons with fake names even though he is one himself. And good point about the Nobel prize, Pat. If it was worth a damn they would have scrapped Obama’s and gave one to Trump.

    Btw, not that it matters, but Jeremy is my real name.

  27. Average age of troll moron 20 years olde or less.

    knowledge – that of 4 year olde or less.
    Regardless of ALL troll mrons —

    PR and APPV and TOTSOP

    BAN is a good testing ground for REAL reforms —

    putting up with wave attacks of troll moron posts — NOT discussing election stuff.

  28. Demo Rep is so defensive when he is called out on his nonsense. He isn’t credible.

  29. Esp love those criminal stalking type troll morons

    — with their fixations about names and messengers

    — and NOT the structural election ROT in the USA —

    UNEQUAL definition of Elector/Voter
    UNEQUAL ballot access laws
    UNEQUAL caucuses / primaries / conventions
    UNEQUAL votes for winners [and total district votes] in minority rule gerrymander systems
    Partisan HACK execs/judics
    Multiple FATAL SOP defects.

    6 strikes- USA almost OUT and politically DEAD — with lurking wannabee tyrant killers/enslavers exploiting ALL 6 items.

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