Pedro Pierluisi, New Governor of Puerto Rico, Will Try to Persuade Congress to Make Puerto Rico a State

The new Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro Pierluisi, was sworn in on January 2, 2021. His inaugural speech included a vow to work for statehood. He is a Democrat. See this story.

The Puerto Rico representative to the U.S. House, Jenniffer Gonzalez, is a Republican, and she also will work for statehood. As noted earlier, on November 3 the ballot question on statehood passed by four percentage points.


Pedro Pierluisi, New Governor of Puerto Rico, Will Try to Persuade Congress to Make Puerto Rico a State — 25 Comments

  1. It [and lots of other RED commie agenda items] depends on gerrymander USA Senate control – 5 Jan 2021 — 2 GA Sens.

  2. Yeah, Trump is doing his darndest to throw away the Republican Senators from Georgia, and give the Democrats the opening they need for statehood for Puerto Rico and DC.

  3. He has a lot of nerve claiming to represent the popular interests of Puerto Rico, considering he got less than a third of the vote…

  4. MO, Puerto Rico should become an associated state, like Micronesia. But, if the Democrats take the Senate, PR statehood will be rushed thru, and it won’t matter.

  5. That’s unlikely. Manchin and a few other democrats probably won’t vote for anything like that, getting rid of filibusters, packing/expanding the courts or any other big moves. With a bare bones 51 vote tiebreaker do not expect any big legislation out of congress. Expect more small time executive orders, many of them reversal of trump executive orders. Actually, for bigger policy changes, look more to the supreme court and appeals courts, as opposed to congress or the incoming president. Biden is a moderate, and even if they win both seats in Georgia the democrats will be one defection or special election away from losing the senate again and only a handful from losing the house. As such, expect moderate democrats and republicans to hold a lot of power if democrats win the 2 ga seats. And expect even less from Biden if republicans win one or both seats.

  6. Which gang has more gerrymander extremists in gerrymander Congress / State legislatures — commie Donkeys or fascist Elephants ???

    CC – P.R. – once a guard base for olde Panama Canal Zone — now obsolete – due to Donkey Prez Carter.

    Make P.R. one more independent regime in Carib Sea.

    If P.R. is made a State- it will be invaded by a zillion invaders from all points south of the USA —

    who will then shortly claim to be USA Citizens.

  7. @ Observation: Given the current mood, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Democrats use a paper thin majority in the Senate to make both DC and PR states. Why risk losing that majority in the next special election?

  8. Because some of them at least are not party drones. Some of them are more worried about whether they’ll win their own personal next reelection than which party holds a majority. Take, again, Manchin as an example. He’s a democrat in a state which has now become heavily republican and has voted with republicans on many otherwise party line votes, such as kavanaugh confirmation. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you rather lose your seat and have democrats hold the majority or keep your seat and either change parties or be in the minority? Regardless of whether he’s in the minority or majority he wields a lot of clout in close votes, so having the majority on either side be a narrow one is to his advantage. He holds outsize ability to change the outcome on narrowly decided votes, and in a tiebreaker scenario has the ultimate power to switch the majority back by changing parties. That gives him the ability to bring home more bacon and otherwise wield influence, and that in turn gives voters an incentive to vote for him even if he remains a democrat.

    There are other democrats in a similar position, although Manchin is the prime example. Again, don’t expect any of the big moves Republicans are afraid democrats might make unless the democrats win at least 55 to 60 seats – and that doesn’t look likely any time soon.

  9. If the Democrats get rid of the filibuster, it’s merely a simple majority. They would have that because of Harris (and her successor when Biden steps down). Do you really wants crazy Bernie Sanders running the budget?

  10. They won’t get rid of the filibuster for that same reason. Nor will they pack the courts. I’d rate the chances of Manchin switching parties in the next two years much higher than him voting to get rid of the filibuster, adding states or expanding the courts, or any other votes that would make it highly unlikely he could win another term. There are probably at least 5 other democrats and maybe closer to 10 who are also unlikely to go along with anything that big, because it would make it unlikely they could get elected again.

  11. Also for the same reasons don’t expect any nominations of Sanders/Cortez type democrats to judicial or executive positions that have to be approved by the Senate even if democrats win both seats in ga. You’re far more likely to see Biden appoint some moderate republicans than any far left democrats to anything.

  12. These aren’t your Democrats of years ago. They are far left wackos who vote party line. Manchin is one of the few “moderates” but still votes with the party.

    Biden isn’t the one doing the appointing. He barely knows who he is these days.

  13. You have my prediction and my reasoning. Manchin broke with democrats on kavanaugh and any number of other votes. Bookmark this discussion and come back in six months, a year or two years. You’ll see that no states have been added, the filibuster is still in place, and no seats have been added to the supreme court or any federal court. You’ll also see that no Sanders type democrats got nominated for anything significant, if anything at all. In all likelihood you’ll see that some moderate republicans did get nominated and confirmed to some cabinet posts, federal judgeships and other high level positions. That will be true regardless of who wins the Georgia seats tomorrow. Anyone telling you otherwise is either trying to make money off fundraising commissions or ad revenue or trying to pad their Pac slush funds, or have fallen for the bs the aforementioned folks are peddling and is repeating it. Should you happen upon thus four years from now I expect that none of those changes will take place by then either.

  14. Puerto Rico and D.C. should be kicked out of the USA. Build a walk around D.C. No foreign aid to either and no special privileges. Treat them like any other third world shithole.

  15. This would be s bad idea in practice, because Puerto Rico would no doubt be a Democrat super-majority state, which would mean two Democrat US Senators, and, since Puerto Rico has something like 3 million plus people, it would mean several new US House members, and most, or all, of them are likely to be Democrats. We are already dangerously close to more gun control laws being passed. More Democrats in the US Senate and US House will just facilitate this.

  16. Trump revolution is taking place in D.C., Senate attempt to steal the election for Biden suspended as crowds outside are going wild and storming the gates. This is just the beginning.

  17. As I see it three areas are trying for the 51st State status.

    Some Republicans are pushing for Greenland, while some Democrats are either pushing for DC or PR for that 51st State status.

    It was at a meeting on 17 December 1883 that Senator Benjamin Harrison proposed that in the future Greenland be added to Alaska. On 13 September 1871 at 11:00 am
    a landing party from the USS POLARIS came ashore at
    Thank-God Harbor on Greenland and took formal possession of that land in the name of POTUS and the SECNAV for the United States. Therefore Greenland and Puerto Rico have the same status as an Insular Possession and not a Territory of these United States.

    This year is the Sesquicentennial of Greenland becoming and insular possession of these United States.

    It was Charles F. Hall that lead the landing party from the USS POLARIS at Thank-God Harbor on Greenland.

  18. By adding Greenland to Alaska as suggested by Senator Benjamin Harrison on 17 December 1883, there would be no change in the representation in the House of Representatives for Alaska. Alaska will then have a higher ranking than North Dakota with no change of representation in Congress.

  19. Section 1 of the Harrison Alaska Organic Act of 17
    May 1884 would allow Greenland to be added to Alaska
    with out an additional Act or Joint Resolution of Congress.

    It would follow the New York Plan when territory was added to New York State, that was ceded from Great Britain to the United States.

  20. First, Greenland is owned by Denmark so unless you plan on starting a war Greenland is not becoming part of the US, as a state or anything else. Second, anyone who lets the political leanings of a territory’s population influence whether they think they have a right to become a state is neither being objective nor American.

  21. Brandon Lyon

    There was an argument between the Johnson and Grant administration as to the status of Greenland. Greenland has never been owned by Denmark. Seward wanted to purchase Danish pretensions over Greenland. Charles F. Hall disagreed with purchasing the Danish Pretensions over Greenland.

    POTUS Grant rejected Seward’s view and support the view of Hall.

    The US rejected the view of Danish-Norwegian monopoly over Greenland in 1776. Note the Windsor Affair.

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