Alabama Libertarian Party Files Reply Brief in Case Over Access to List of Registered Voters

On January 20, the Alabama Libertarian Party filed this reply brief in Libertarian Party of Alabama v Merrill, in the Eleventh Circuit, 20-13356. This is the case over the Alabama habit of giving the list of registered voters free to qualified parties, but charging approximately $36,000 to parties that are not on the ballot but which are trying to get on.


Alabama Libertarian Party Files Reply Brief in Case Over Access to List of Registered Voters — 32 Comments

  1. thank you, yes, you are right. I have just now fixed the post. Another example of why I am so glad comments are possible on this website.

  2. Nope, our authoritahs still go by the csa constitution and the 800 pages of the Alabama constitution. This is the state that came closer than a 13 year old girl at the Gadsden mall to having Roy Moore take whatever dignity we still pretended to have, and followed up by electing dumber than rocks coach tubberville because Jeff sessions just wasn’t trumpy enough.

  3. Cyberpig helped spread a lot of lies about Roy Moore. Even if the allegations were true, so what? Age of consent in Alabama is 16.

  4. Oh sorry. Didn’t know I stumbled into the QAnon retard convention. Y’all have fun with your alternate reality.

  5. The only alternate reality is the one where your name is Ray and you don’t weigh 400 lbs and you aren’t a Mongoloid Jew who betrayed his only friend.

  6. Ray, you could clear up this controversy if you would come forward with some proof that you are who you say you are, so how about it?

  7. ANY troll morons ONLY website —

    to leave only adults on BAN ???

    Waiting for usual suspect troll moron response – or likely one more fake name troll moron response.

  8. I provided on topic correction which the author thanked me for and updated the article. And my on the ground assessment of the political situation in my state, in direct response to the again relevant on topic question posed. Someone identified only as Andy then asserted with no evidence that I’m …whoever he thinks I am. A couple of trolls who may or may not also be Andy then agreed that I’m this person. And added their religion/ethnicity as a pejorative which I guess is ok around here along with the idea that 30 something year old county district attorney’s who were banned from the town mall for habitually creeping on high school teen girls among many other things and twice removed from the bench for failure to understand separation of church and state or follow federal law are great candidates for U.S. Senate. But then you’d probably vote for David Dukey too.

    I’ll tell you what. I’ll give more serious consideration to clearing up the controversy which exists in your own mind which you created Andy after you , “fact checker” and “hold me closer tony danza” all prove who you 1, 2 or 3 are. In the meantime I didn’t claim to be anything or anyone special, I don’t care who you are or who you think I am. I don’t even care whether you are one, two or three separate trolls. Which is the tldr version of have fun with your alternate reality.

    As for demo reps suggestions that Andy, fact checked and tony would be better off on their own separate website…while the rest of us would be better off I suspect it would defeat the purpose for them which appears to be, to annoy and distract those of us who want to have an on topic conversation as we were having until they injected their irrelevant conspiracy theories. Ps would you idiots please take ol Roy and coach potatohead and see if they would embarrass your state in the Senate? We done been embarrassed enough. Pretty please?

    Pps I hope none of you raised or will raise daughters, if you did or will my condolences to the ladies.

    Ppps please also take our embarrassing state constitution. We’ll keep coach Saban though. Y’all take coach tubbs.

  9. There are people here, and at Independent Political Report who can verify who I am. Several of them have met or seen me in person.

    Who are you, Ray? Your writing style is very Paul like, and we know Paul has done a lot of trolling here, and at IPR, and other places.

    So given that you sound like Paul, and given that we know Paul has trolled here under fake names, it is not an unreasonable thing to suggest as a possibility.

  10. Demo Rep is the troll. Ray is Demo Rep. You can tell because of the retardedness.

  11. Paul moved to Alabama from New York back in the early 1990’s because his father got a job there. He is supposedly living in some rural area now, so if this is true, I am guessing it is in Alabama, but it could be elsewhere.

    “Ray” probably is him, and it would not surprise me if he is still popping up here even though he claims he quit politics. It is very hard for a junkie to quit a habit, and Paul is a long time political junkie, so he could be back here like a junkie looking for a fix.

    I also suspect that he might get paid to troll online, probably for the Mossad or Yhe JIDF or the ADL or the SPLC.

  12. Yes, Mossad and/or JIDF.
    Maybe they do not pay all that much. And if paulie has no other income, a drug addiction could account for him being tapped out. Living in a tent, no propane for heat or cooking. etc.
    That would explain a lot.
    His binge of the past few months over, HE IS BAAAAAAAK!
    Has not been commenting or posting at IPR recently though.

  13. paulie, I would really appreciate your opinion about the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting case.
    Something should happen soon. It has been well over two years.

  14. The ADL and the SPLC have the same interest in trolling as do the Mossad and the JIDF.

    My educated guess is that Paul spends little to no money on drugs. He could be spending a lot of money on some other things though, most notably food.

  15. I am not Paul, but my take on the Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh is that it was a false flag. Most, or maybe even all, of the big hyped up shootings over the last several years have been false flags carried out by the intelligence agencies, which are meant to further the gun control and police state agenda. I suspect that some of these things have been completely faked, but it is possible that some of them could have used real shooters that actually did kill some people. Sound crazy? Read the declassified government document from the 1960’s called Operation Northwoods. This document called for false flag terror events in order to get the American people behind the idea of going to war with Cubans. They proposed that the government stage hijackings of airplanes, bombings, and even shootings, and blaming them on Cuba as a pretext for going to war. The document even talked about having fake funerals for fake victims in order to draw sympathy from the public. Fortunately, these things never ended up getting carried out in order to get a war going with Cuba, but the fact that US government officials were even discussing doing these things should be highly disturbing to people, and it shows you the mindset of a lot of the type of people who get in positions of power in government.

  16. I do not see how the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting was a false flag operation.
    And since I figured out that the Pulse Club shooting was a false flag operation, initially targeting the Gay Caucus at the Libertarian National Convention, I claim a lot of credibility.

  17. I seriously doubt the Pulse nightclub shooting false flag in Orlando had anything to do with the Libertarian National Convention or a gay Libertarian caucus.

    Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting was shady as heck. The Department of Homeland Security visited that synagogue a few months prior to that shooting. It would not surprise me at all if DHS was there to plan staging the shooting incident. If you start peeling back the layers on a lot of these big hyped-up shootings, you will find the fingerprints of the intelligence agencies (DHS, FBI, CIA, etc…).

  18. Last I heard, Bower’s defense counsel Judy Clarke was trying to negotiate a plea bargain.
    If the government in involved-entrapment?-then Bowers has a legitimate defense.
    The defense should not be plea bargaining.

  19. This does not prove anything. Bowers could be a manipulated patsy, like Timothy McVeigh.

    He could also be some whackjob who has FBI or CIA or DHS handlers.

  20. If McVeigh was a manipulated patsy-like Oswald?-then he also had a legitimate defense.
    Why did Omar Mateen shoot up the Pulse Nightclub (gay) when he had a legitimate trigger-USA bombing ISIL? Because he had previously been set up to shoot up the Gay caucus at the Libertarian Convention a few days before.
    It was suspected his wife was his handler.
    Either way, if Bowers is a manipulated patsy or a handled whackjob, he has a legitimate defense.
    The optics now is Bowers is being detained to pressure him into a plea bargain.

  21. 6 Jan 2021 Capitol invasion — a Trump or Biden NOT so false flag operation ???

    Adan eating the apple – an Eve false flag operation ???

    Too many conspiracies to count – esp by govt devil hacks ???

  22. Autism is a spectrum, right. That said it’s baffling how we are forgetting the forgotten minority in our country, which is, by all logical assessement, people with severe autism. People with severe autism or level 3 autism, aka low functioning autism are the most vulnerable people on the spectrum. These are usually people who live with their families, who require 1:1 24/7 CARE OR sometimes 2:1 staffing to keep them safe. That said, this is a minority within the autism spectrum that are often the most neglected and overlooked and which require the most support. That said, wouldn’t it therefore be reasonable and just to say they need the most supuport, right? Support at home, since statistically, there are few homes that can meet the needs of those on this low functioning spectrum, right? Right. Therefore, we need to push for increased caregiving and nursing support for IN HOME services to help them. It’s simply not realistic to push for out of home supports when the majority of research shows out of home services aren’t working and are in scarce supply. Let’s push for more in home respite, in home supports in general, right? Increased medi-cal reimbursements for caregivers and nurses, right? This is a cost effective altnertive to inadequate and costly hospital placements and emergency room visits, right? Right. Let’s be smart about this. Let’s look at California, for example. California is the leader in providing supports for people with severe autism. Yet, they also have a housig shortable for people with severe autism, specifically in the area of providing enhanced behavioral support homes, right? Right. Thus, it makes more sense to target the families who have the property and ability and enhance supports AT HOME to reduce cost and yet at the same time provide cost effective supports through caregivers and nurses AT HOME.

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