Anti-Trump Republicans Discuss Forming a New Party

Approximately 120 Republicans recently held a zoom call to discuss forming a new party, which might be called the Integrity Party. Some of the participants are former members of Congress and former high-ranking federal executives. See this story. Thanks to many people who sent the link.


Anti-Trump Republicans Discuss Forming a New Party — 16 Comments

  1. Now if only AOC and others from “the squad” would break away from that old arch-conservative Pelosi and form a new party all would be right with the world.

  2. I hope they at least do well enough in 2022 so that no party has majority control of either house of Congress.

  3. When did the last of olde 1854-1865 GOP pass on ???

    ANTI-Fascist Party ???

    ANTI-Slavery Party ???

    ANTI-Tax Party ???

    ANTI-STATISM Party ???

    ANTI-666 Party ???

  4. Jeff- AOC et al would want a truly progressive party not some watered down neo-capitalist hand puppet of Wall Street!

  5. Being ancient doesn’t make Pelosi an arch-conservative. She’s more like a flat liberal who has lost her fizz.

  6. What about the Demo Rep Party? Only Retards allowed. AOC would fit in quite nicely.

  7. The garbage comments at 537 and 546 are probably both by Nathan Norman although the first one might be Cody Twerp. This garbage comment is not by demo rep or Cody.

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