Virginia Constitution Party Will Petition for Virginia Statewide 2021 Offices

The Virginia Constitution Party has nominated a full slate of statewide candidates, and is about to start petitioning to get them on the ballot. The Constitution Party has never before completed a statewide petition in Virginia, except for President. The nominees each need their own separate petition. They are Timothy Phipps for Governor, Sheila Tittle for Lieutenant Governor, and David A. McKelvey for Attorney General. Each petition needs 2,000 signatures.

The number of signatures was reduced last month by a lawsuit in state court. The number of signatures is lower this year than at any time since 1969. Back before 1970, the statewide non-presidential petitions was 250 signatures.


Virginia Constitution Party Will Petition for Virginia Statewide 2021 Offices — 15 Comments

  1. Wow, only 2000 for each of those? That IS low. Next door in West Virginia where we have one fifth the population, we’ll need almost four times that many signatures in ’24. Governor: 7,876, AG: 7,641. I concur with what Tom said – yep, a nutty bunch, but I too hope they get it.

  2. Solo soy un perro inútil que no tiene nada mejor que hacer que andar orinando por todo este lugar.

  3. Why not just have it set at 5,000 signatures and the party can run an entire slate of candidates?

  4. Me hablas? Me hablas? Me hablas? Entonces, ¿con quién diablos estás hablando? Bueno soy el único aquí. ¿Con quién diablos crees que estás hablando?

  5. Escucha, estúpido maricón. No importa qué idioma uses, sigues siendo un pedazo de mierda sin valor.

  6. BAN Spanish person trying to retake Florida and SW States for Spain

    and even the olde LA Purchase Territory ??? ???

  7. Oh Christ, THAT’S not the right link. That’s the listing for my house. How embarrassing. Something is wrong with my computer whereby it takes three tries to get something copied to stick to my clipboard. Anyway, let’s try this again. HERE is the link to the Maryland blanket party petitioning legislation. Again, 10,000 signatures. Oh, and put the lotion on!! Now I have to go work on my tuck.:

  8. North Dakota has 5,000 signatures and you can run a slate of candidates for federal/statewide office.

    Minnesota has a process to form a new party that no one has completed.

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