Third Lawsuit Filed Against Parts of Georgia SB 202 That Injure Voting Rights

On March 30, a third federal lawsuit was filed against the parts of Georgia Senate Bill 202 that make it more difficult for voters to vote. Georgia State Conference of NAACP v Raffensperger. Here is the Complaint. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Third Lawsuit Filed Against Parts of Georgia SB 202 That Injure Voting Rights — 96 Comments

  1. There are also a lot of plans to boycott Georgia, move events and conventions to other states and stuff like that.

  2. Sherman was a hero and the insurrectionists for what they deserved. It looks like they’re due for a second helping, too.

  3. It depends on what the insurrection is about. If it’s to keep slavery going or overturn our presidential election, or curtail voting rights for partisan and racist reasons, it needs to be put down. That’s not the same thing as Kurds or other people seeking independence.

  4. It was not a free and fair election like the one we just had. I didn’t know the Kurds tried to assassinate Hussein either, I thought they just tried to leave Iraq and become an independent country.

  5. POSITIVE uniform definition of elector-voter in ALL of the USA.

    USA Citizen, 18 plus years olde, be registered by 28 days before Election Day.

    ALL mail ballots – postage paid to / from voters.
    Plus —

  6. Not the Kurds. Actually it was those in Dujail who attempted an assassination on Saddam and were then massacred in the thousands for their act of insurrection.

  7. Killing tyrants — elected or appointed — always in vogue ???

    1980 Iraq election — like 1934 Germany election making Hitler the *leader* ???

  8. Regarding criminalization of providing voters in long lines with water, I agree with the AME Church’s complaint. It is “inhumane,” vindictive, petty and unnecessarily antagonistic. In itself, it also does nothing to “truth the vote”. That provision should be struck down. Even incarcerated felons are provided water. But not citizens? I’m calling bull on that.

    As to voter ID, I advocate positive identification by all voters before being handed a ballot. I do not view voter identification to be “suppression”. With that said, NAACP does have a point about a disparity of computers and printers in black or American Indian households. Meaning these people cannot provide printouts of IDs, ballot requests and so on.

    A work around could be for NGOs like NAACP to provide transportation to these underprivileged communities in making in-person absentee requests or mail in ballots within the statutory deadline, directly from their respective county or city clerks rather than just GOTV transportation to the physical polls.

    As to the long voter lines, that too is “problematic”…and ignored by the legislation. Georgia should identify the “Suez Canal” blockages in their State’s precincts, and set about “dredging” local polling tables capacity (to deepen them) in under-served areas. That would permit a better flow of voters processing through the polls. This way, there aren’t any long line needing that “criminal” water. Problem solved.

    Pettiness in the Georgia bill, and its apparent indifference in resolving issues with long polling lines in certain communities, makes it seem as if the Georgia Legislature only proves what complainants are accusing them of doing.

  9. Partitioning Georgia might make it a happier place, but this is difficult because politically Georgia is 2 or 3 blue islands surrounded by a seas of red.

  10. More voters doesn’t always mean fraud, it can also mean more people motivated to vote, and more people able to vote because they are not kept from it by their schedule. Voter “safeguards” are really Republican code words for voter suppression, which is what they are really trying to do (as some of them have even admitted it), and it’s a much bigger problem than the much exaggerated voter fraud that they are using as an excuse to make their voter suppression much worse and tilt the playing field towards them by excluding legitimate voters from being able to vote.

  11. Walter, yes, maybe the blue islands should secede and become separate states. That way we would have more Democrats in the Senate, more Democratic electoral votes, and the Republicans in rural Georgia would be happy because they wouldn’t have to share a state or seriously compete with Democrats for statewide office, so we would all be better off.

  12. It is for some people. Tens of Millions of people in fact. And id is only one of many ways Republicans suppress the vote.

  13. “illegitimate votes as occurred in the 2020 presidential election”

    Physical evidence there, Bonny Prince Charlie? No. Of course not.

    Trump lost, and lost badly, in his attempt to install his dictatorial family monarchy over America. And Trump’s Tories still demand a boo hoo hoo parade? Get real.

  14. Yes, what “fact checker” said is bullshit. Even Sidney Powell admits it in her legal defense. She says no reasonable person could have taken her bullshit as facts. Let’s see what legal defense Giuliani, Lindell and other bullshitters come up with. They could have provided their evidence when they were the plaintiffs, but here they will get another chance when they are the defendants. We already know what Powell’s defense is.

  15. Floyd, partially true. Trump lost by 7 plus million votes, which is big by recent standards. But given the electoral college he really only lost by about 43,000 votes total in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin. The electoral college is a ticking time bomb and one of many ways Republicans are tilting the playing field and subverting democracy, along with the many ways they suppress the vote and are seeking to do so even more thanks to their own election lies.

  16. Alrighty then abortionist Floyd Whitley. I was going to go easy on you but now you’ve pissed me off with your lies and bullshit.

    There’s been mountains of evidence but you’re too dense to look beyond the deep state and media lies and so you parrot them yourself. You’re a brainwashed idiot who tries to make himself feel better about his own political irrelevance by defaming the greatest president in over a century.

    You are nothing. In Idaho alone you are but a tapeworm inside a flea on the back of a great Dane. You are a mealy-mouthed, timid old man who offers nothing of use to society and never did.

    You voted for Joe Biden because he reminds you of yourself: a senile dementia patient who repeats the lies he is told and cowardly allows society to collapse around him.

  17. Donald Trump won more votes than any sitting president. The election was stolen with fraudulent votes. Trump won on election night and then the fake votes came in around 2 am.

    In Atlanta, the fake votes were in crates under the table. It was all captured on video. The votes were brought in and placed under the table while counting was ongoing. Officials conveniently stopped the counting and sent the watchers away and then came back and counted the fake votes. In another state, a truck driver testified he drove a truck filled with fake votes.

    In one small county in Michigan the program Dominion was found to have misread 6,000 ballots and reported them as votes for Biden rather than Trump. This program was used in 47 Michigan counties as well as in 30 states. If this program misread votes at the same rate then Trump actually won the election on a massive scale.

    In other states they did not even check voter IDs so fraud was very easy to achieve. It’s almost like people are more likely to cheat if they have more options to do so.

    There are countless instances if you care to research it yourself though much of the information has been censored. There are affidavits from those who witnessed the fraud first hand. There are statistical studies showing fraud. Evidence of dead voters. Evidence of fake voters. Evidence of illegals voting. Evidence of underage people voting. Evidence of people voting who live in other states.

    The news media, the judicial system, and the other elites in this nation corruptly colluded to steal the election from an outsider they couldn’t control in favor of a senile dementia patient they could mold and shape as they please. They know the evidence is there but they do not care. Corrupt courts ignored mountains of evidence of fraud.

    They’ll call you crazy, conspiracy theorist, whatever. If you have a brain you can look at it yourself and see what’s going on and how you’ve been lied to and manipulated.

  18. LOL @ the mountain of bullshit from “fact checker.” I could explain how he’s full of shit point by point, but it’s sufficient to just point out that multiple attorneys in multiple cases brought by his side had plenty of opportunities to introduce their alleged evidence, and did not. They now have another chance to do so, in the cases where their side are the defendants. We know what Powell’s defense is. Let’s see Giuliani’s, Lindell’s and the rest. Popcorn time!

  19. Fact Checker: I know it will be difficult for you to accept, but you and all the other Trump supporters are the ones who have been lied to and manipulated.

  20. “Patrick” AKA cyberpig cannot even use his real name.

    All those who parrot (paulie want a cracker?) the deep state and fake news media lies about the 2020 election are just like those who parrot the the deep state and fake news media lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the fake documents connecting Saddam Hussein to 9/11.

  21. “Fact Checker: I know it will be difficult for you to accept, but you and all the other Trump supporters are the ones who have been lied to and manipulated.”


  22. Just like those who parrot the the deep state and fake news media lies about George Floyd being some model citizen and saint when in fact he was a drugged up loser who robbed a woman at gun point and died from a Fentanyl overdose.

  23. @3:18 is how you can tell “fact checker” has lost an argument. I’m sure “fact checker” is his real name, as if that matters. The facts are the facts despite his attempts to serve as a check against him. He has no legitimate response to the obvious legal facts I pointed out, so he tries to deflect with the pathetic and irrelevant nonsense and parroting Kremlin propaganda phrases. BTW, I correctly said the Republican lies about WMDs in Iraq were bullshit at the time. I am calling bullshit again on the Trump fake news about large scale election fraud, the Trumpublican attempts to suppress the vote and tilt the electoral playing field, and the Kremlin deep state from which they originate. “Fact checker”, face it, you got trumped with fact chess.

  24. “Just like those (WHO) who parrot the Chinese lie about COVID-19 not escaping from a lab in Wuhan.”

    On that one you may have a point, actually. I think it may well have been deliberate Chinese government biowarfare. They certainly did better at dealing with it both economically and as far as the actual deaths from the virus, even after you account for them lying about their numbers.

  25. “died from a Fentanyl overdose.”

    I’m sure 9 minutes of kneeling on his neck had nothing to do with it. Do you ever think for yourself or are you just a Trump fake news media drone?

  26. ” The facts are the facts despite his attempts to serve as a check against him”

    *against them

  27. Hey, Bonny Prince: Look. Trump selling “victimhood” at this late hour is laughable.

    You Trump Tories should reconsider Nova Scotia…or something. Perhaps Buckingham along side the Windsor’s…Sympatico in pointless pomposity.

    Even so, as you insist on an endless boo hoo hoo parade, then to demonstrate my own kind extension of assistance, might I suggest that you fetch your best Beefeater outfit?

    Cram your head so far up it that you firmly mount into a lopsided cow skull. Paint your face. I suggest orange. And thusly festooned in your finest bearskin regalia shout: “Q Shaman!”

  28. “There’s been mountains of evidence…”

    In the vastness of the northern Great Plains, a wagon train aimed westward at the Rockies. Day after day they did not seem to get any closer. Finally this broke the mind of a woman on the train. She took off after those mountains, being so convinced she was that they were: “Right there! Right there!”

    She never returned. Was never heard from again. To this day they call them the Crazy Woman Mountains.

    The moral: your fantasized mountains do not exist as you seem to believe them to be.

  29. 64 percent of the people in your state voted for Trump. Maybe you should move. Perhaps to China. They really like brain dead sheep over there.

  30. @Patrick: “The electoral college is a ticking time bomb”

    I do not agree with your opinion regarding the Electoral College (EC). Nor do I agree with Demo Rep’s.

    In my view, the EC is crucial for maintaining a democratic republic in that it permits the minority states equal footing with the most populous in the choice (however limited that may be) of the executive.

    Nor do I agree with abolishing state sovereignty; nor for that matter national sovereignty including physical borders. These are about the only bulwarks existing against the oppression of a majority.

    Might I remind, the epitome of a democratic government is the lynch mob.

  31. Gerrymander Math 0001 — again for the many dummies —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas [States / districts] = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy.

    Much, much, much worse primary math — as in coming 2022.

    ALL State regimes since 1776 / 1888.

    ALL USA regimes since 1788 / 1888 >>>>> the 3 USA gerrymander systems — H Reps, Senate, EC-Prez/VP.

    EVIL and vicious monarch/oligarch statist gangs in their WAR games for POWER – esp ballot access laws and gerrymanders.

  32. Troll Poster taking up half the thread here. And, he would know brain-dead sheep by being one.

  33. Fact Checker–either didn’t really check or he didn’t understand the definition of “fact”. Either way, if anyone is being lied to and manipulated, that’d be the rubes in the Trumpetista band.

    It’s absurd. It’s like a hallucinatory rewrite of history…it’s Muhammed Ali dressed up to look like Tropicana Trump in the orange puffy trunks with midget boxing gloves, declaring “Ah am da greatest! Ah am da greatest!”

    Greatest what…that’s for the MAGA groupies to bleat about.

  34. I see you’re repeating Lincoln Project talking points. Are you aware it’s run by pedophiles? Or is that an issue like abortion that you’re willing to overlook?

  35. Over look abortion? No. For example, Trump was for abortion, until he says he was against it.

    He was against it, apparently, when he figured he could take the Republican nomination rather than have to compete for the Democrat nomination in a party that wasn’t buying what he was trying to sell.

  36. By voting for Biden who is pro- choice in 2021 versus Trump who was pro-choice in 1999 and has been pro-life since at least 2009, you are morally responsible for the deaths of millions of babies.

  37. “By voting for Biden”

    Well, now ye’r making yerse’f out to be a liar. Pro-Life my ass. Trump is pro-Trump, and only pro-Trump. He gives a damn less about anybody or anything else.

  38. How am I liar? Every indication you’ve given is that you voted for Biden.

    Questioning Trump’s pro-life views after he governed for four years as a pro-life president is beyond delusional.

  39. “Questioning Trump’s pro-life views after he governed for four years as a pro-life president is beyond delusional.”

    Is it? Did Trump end the practice of abortion in these United States? Yes or no. So in other words, he did diddly squat other than yap.

    In my view, that privileged Fat Boy did nothing but jack his mouth…whether on abortion, or Chinese trade, or US manufacturing, or infrastructure, or America’s allies or anything else.

    i.e. Trump is all hat, no cattle. You try to haul in a herd, and by mob action paste frosting on his bullshit pile, to call that a cake. Fine. Ye’r welcome to all of it you can possibly swallow. Bon appetite. Trump was, is and will always be nothing but a blowhard.

  40. Trump added three pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and countless pro-life judges to the lower federal courts.

    Your hatred and envy has blinded you to everything Trump accomplished in his four years in office.

  41. Never mind the tactless and factless checker player. Apparently he doesn’t understand how kneeling on someone’s neck for 9 minutes impacts their health. Don’t try it at home, kids. He parrots every insurrectionist talking point so automatically his brain may as well be attached to the tip of Putin’s foreskin as it’s burrowed all the way inside the Orange Trump’s rectum.

    Floyd: you can’t both defend the electoral college and say Trump lost big. 43,000 votes out of 157 million plus is not anyone winning or losing big, it’s razor thin. Those are the numbers which would have yielded a 269-269 tie, which given the composition of the last congress would have meant a second term for Orange We All Glad He Lost. If you want to quibble about that last part, throw in a few thousand more in Nebraska’s 2nd. Any way you slice it, it was less than one voter in a thousand who ended up making the decision.

  42. Accomplishments:

    -secured the border
    -drew down soldiers abroad
    -did not start new wars
    -fostered peace in the Middle East and with North Korea
    -ended NAFTA and TPP
    -brought forth economic prosperity
    -nominated three strict constructionist justices to the Supreme Court
    -Project Warp Speed

  43. “tip of Putin’s foreskin”

    Is Putin uncircumcised? Is it common for Russian men to be uncircumcised? You should know since you originally came from the USSR.


    Appeals court upholds constitutionality of terror watchlist

    Matthew Barakat, Associated Press Published 9:26 p.m. ET March 30, 2021

    Falls Church, Va. – A federal appeals court on Tuesday overturned a challenge to the constitutionality of the government’s terrorist watchlist, ruling that the government deserves wide latitude in establishing programs designed to protect national security.

    ALL posters on BAN — threats to ***national security*** ???
    Ready for 4 AM doors broken ???

  45. No, I didn’t. I don’t know where you got that delusional bit of nonsense. Probably the same dim, stinky passage where you get the rest of what you claim to know. But yes, boys in the USSR were not routinely circumcised. You don’t have to be from there to learn that.

  46. “Floyd: you can’t both defend the electoral college and say Trump lost big.”

    Biden won by a majority of 56.9% of the EC. (306 to 232.) He also won the popular voter by over 7 million votes. I can indeed say that Trump lost big. Aggregated, it was not even close.

    Do we have battleground states? Yes. Are elections in them close? Yes. But overall in 2020, Trump lost his rotund tail “uuuge”. He lost 72 EC votes election-to-election.

    Under no circumstance do I agree the EC should be removed by a constitutional amendment.

  47. “secured the border” So, ye’r saying no illegals entered the US while Trump was golfing? In ye’r dreams.

    “nominated three strict constructionist justices to the Supreme Court” And they refused to entertain Trump’s big lie of voter fraud to overturn the results? So, will you praise them now for following the Constitution versus submitting to Trump’s power grab? Or are they too to be hung and shot as you boys demand as traitors just becuase you didn’t get your way?

    “fostered peace in the Middle East and with North Korea” So it was all crumpets and cream? No violence at all in the Middle East during Tropicana Tempest’s tenure? North Korea played Trump like the chump he is. So again, in your dreams.

    “brought forth economic prosperity” By jacking the federal debt which he claimed he could “fix” in a few months but never did? By riding the economic improvement from the Obama years? Our roads, bridges, power and communications infrastructure is nearly in ruins, farms have folded big time. Manufasturers continued to close, and the chinese trade deficit was higher than Obama’s. Those roads did not just fail in two months under Biden. Trump just didn’t really care. If it ain’t a golf course green, it ain’t infrastructure he’s concerned about. Besides, the economy tanked in 2020 because Trump was an idiot with the COVID disaster…Warp Speed my ass. Pfizer did their work on their own. Snopes even said Trump’s claim about funding them was another his lies.

    But, I do get the fact that you like having the personality cult thing. Some people. like you, want to be used. “Ah am the greatest!” A right regular hee-row. Keep believing, rube.

  48. 306 to 232 may sound yuge. At least until you realize 43,000 votes in 3 states would have wiped out 37 electors and tied it up, and a Republican Senate along with more Republican state majorities in the House than Democratic ones would have endured a second term for Orange Rump. On the scale of 157 million that’s basically a coin toss. It was, if I’m not mistaken, the smallest popular vote spread that could have overturned the electoral college since 2000. In 2016, the equivalent number was 77,000 in PA, WI and MI.

  49. “until you realize 43,000 votes in 3 states would have…” woulda coulda shoulda.

    I don’t care. It didn’t. The EC worked just fine. The states retained control of their own election processes, and they canvassed properly. Going forward, the EC will work even better because of the massive wake up call created by the megalomaniac Trump. Voters are finally getting it. You have no say, if you do not vote. And guys like Trump do NOT have your interests at heart. You cannot trust them (billionaires) to represent your interests. He didn’t, and yet had every opportunity to do so. To actually and truly be great. But he ended up a nothing.

    So, no more idiotic constitutional amendments. The 17th Amendment did not remove money and partisanship in Congressional politics, nor did it create greater turn over in tenure. The reformers tore out load bearing walls by direct Senate elections and killed the bicameral structure of the Congress. It in turn instituted even more corruption via the entrenched duopoly. Keep the EC. I’m not arguing more over it. Done.

  50. “By riding the economic improvement from the Obama years?”

    The main reason for any growth during the Obama years was the improvement in fracking technology, which made the U.S. the top producer of oil in the world. Obama heavily regulated it and so the economy could not explode like it did under Trump until many of Obama’s regulations were lifted.

  51. “Gaetz at CPAC” According to the NYT, Gaetz is possibly looking like a sex trafficker. Uh oh. Holier than thou Republicans are back in the news…and not in a good way.

    What is it with those guys? Is being a pervert a political requirement for office?

  52. “Obama heavily regulated it” Oh, so we should just turn over aquifers to the frackers and injection wells, waste and so forth, without regulations?

    Yeah boy. Fracking…doubtless the answer to every ill under the Sun. Just ignore the Oklahoma and now Kansas earth shakes, and forget about the New Madrid. Pay no attention to the sulfur and arsenic metal in the tap water.

    Ah well. You seem to believe that bullshit can be turned into a birthday cake just by pasting sugar on it.

    To be honest, ye’r eat up with hate. You delight after hurt, in vengeance. You don’t so much want to take back your country as you do to pay back, to get even. By the time you boys get done taking, there won’t be nothing left worth living in. And somehow, in your twisted mind, it’s everybody else’s fault that you lead a morbid voyeuristic virtual life.

    Pathetic. But true.

  53. Snowflake says: “predictably passes judgment”. What I actually said was: “According to the NYT, Gaetz is possibly looking like a sex trafficker.” I make no judgment, beyond the obvious fact that Gaetz is a jackwagon.

    Whether or not Gaetz he traffics underaged young women, as the paper reports, remains to be seen.

    But predictably, Trump’s Tory Fact No-Check tried to cover it up.

  54. Abortionist Floyd Whitley is a hated-filled loser. He’s in for a rude awakening when the EC helps elect Trump in 2024 when more states pass laws like this one in GA and remove ability to easily commit fraud.

  55. Republicans must have to work at being such lowlifes. That or it’s genetic.

  56. “when the EC helps elect Trump in 2024” How likely is it that an incarcerated felon can run for President?

    I mean maybe Trump can issue five dozen more court challenges. Giuliani has such a sterling record. Or, perhaps he can dispatch another riotous mob and ride their shoulders to be seated in office–or at least a respectable golf cart…assuming they make it in plus plus size that will fit he fat backside.

    Likely, though? Don’t think so. Besides, golf carts in Hummer size sort of mess up the greens, don’t they?

  57. “How likely is it that an incarcerated felon can run for President?”

    Eugene Debs did in 1920. He was a political prisoner as you fantasize Trump would be.

  58. Abortionist? No, I didn’t vote for Trump, who is the guy who was for abortion before he was against it…the John Kerry of Planned Parenthood.

    If you voted for Trump, that makes you morally responsible for the elimination of millions of babies’s lives. What’s that you say? Swallow Trump’s bullshit cake before you speak. You’ll be easier to understand.

  59. “Whether Gaetz had sex with 17 year olds or not doesn’t really matter to me.” Righteous of you. Holy. Saintly.

    Is that sort of hypocrisy required to be in the Trump Fan Club?

  60. Unlike you, I can assure you I do not “fantasize” about Trump. But then, unlike you, I’m no groupie of his.

    Just curious though. What sort of initiation do you Trump groupies have to do? Does it involve trafficking 17 year olds?

    Or, does it involve crushing the ribs of police officers at the Capitol, beating them with flagpoles (respectfully of course). Or do you have to threaten to hang the sitting Vice President? I’m just gathering facts, Fact Checker…in case you go all Jonestown on the world.

  61. What kind of initiation did you have to go through to become a member of Antifa? Did you have to perform a few ritual abortions? What did it take for you to become a Soros zombie? Did you have to drink a pint of his semen?

  62. Appeals court upholds constitutionality of terror watchlist

    Matthew Barakat, Associated Press Published 9:26 p.m. ET March 30, 2021

    Falls Church, Va. – A federal appeals court on Tuesday overturned a challenge to the constitutionality of the government’s terrorist watchlist, ruling that the government deserves wide latitude in establishing programs designed to protect national security.

    ALL BAN folks on Biden T list ???

    How many $$$ trillions added to USA national debt by Trump ???
    Enough to have instant super-eon crash each Monday AM ???

  63. By an interesting coincidence, the electoral votes in 2016 won by Trump (306) v Clinton (232) (excluding faithless electors) were the mirror of the electoral votes in 2020 won by Biden (306) v Trump (232).

    Also interesting in the three states that tipped the election to Trump in 2016 (MI, PA, and WI), as well as in the three states that tipped the election to Biden in 2020 (AZ, GA, and WI), the vote margin was smaller than the vote totals of the Libertarian candidates. SO, just who do Libertarian candidates hurt? Without ranked choice voting, we can never tell.

    As to those who think the electoral college is a “time bomb” I must disagree. In fact, the electoral college exerts a calming effect on the election, picking a clear winner when the election is highly contested. In fact, there has only been ONE election in which the electoral college failed to elect a candidate who had a MAJORITY (n.b. NOT a mere plurality)of the popular vote: 1876. And, even in that election, Tilden had a majority of the electoral votes on election night, until votes were taken away thru disqualifications.

    In a sense, the electoral college is a kind of “automatic runoff” when no candidate gets a majority of the popular vote, with the outcome weighted toward smaller states. Getting rid of the electoral college, or just adopting NPV, would be the “time bomb” that could throw an election into chaos.

    Better reforms of the electoral college would be: 1. adopting the Wyoming Rule for apportioning the House of Reps (this would also make the electoral college more proportional to population.) and 2. using ranked choice voting, at least in the swing states, to minimize the “spoiler effect” of 3rd party candidates. Also something to consider in hotly contested “swing states” would be to chose electors by district so that large number of electoral votes don’t hang on tiny margins, and raise questions about vote integrity.

  64. EC = one more ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander system

    1/2 or less votes x gerrymander areas having 1/2+1 of total EC votes = 1/4 or less of all votes can and do elect a Prez/VP.

    Mere 6 of 435 rigged EC USA Rep gerrymander dists in 2020 – 2ME+4NE.

    Many more in 2024 (?????) – esp in any marginal GOP State —
    esp If no RR statewide winner, then EC gerrymander dists apply.
    NONPARTISAN APPV – pending Condorcet – RCV done right.

    Sorry – USA Prez is Prez of ALL legal folks in the USA – NOT a hack figurehead monarch/tyrant of Dems or GOP only.

    The one person-one vote stuff got started in 1963 — mere 58 years ago —

    END of the electoral college type machination in GA for electing the GA state guv.

  65. I don’t think we have to look any further than the election of 2020 to realize that without the electoral college, the election would have ended in chaos, chaos more profound than the Capitol riot of Jan 6.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the electoral college saved the country in 2020.

  66. EC 1860 = 750,000 plus DEAD in 1861-1866.

    Abolish the minority rule EC and USA Senate.

    2020 EC timebomb election ain’t over —
    all sorts of 6 Jan 2021 Capitol invasion trials yet to come — with hoards/armies marching in the streets.


  67. @ DR:

    It was not the electoral college that lead to the crisis of 1860. It was the stubborn refusal of the Southern Democrats to accept Douglas. Had they supported Douglas, and not split the Democratic vote, he might have won the election. The electoral college cannot fix stupid.

  68. Is Whitley still holding political conventions that have a whopping two people attending? Does Whitley ever plan on updating the CP Idaho website? No wonder the CP is a joke. Blankenship was their worst candidate in history.

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