U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin Endorse Federal Bill to Revive the Voting Rights Preclearance Law

On May 17, U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) issued a joint letter, endorsing the idea of reviving the federal voting rights Act’s preclearance provision. That idea would require all states to pre-clear election law changes with the U.S. Justice Department.

The preclearance portion of the Federal Voting Rights Act was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court some years ago, on the grounds that the criteria for determining which states had to pre-clear election law changes was arbitrary and depended on very old evidence. The new idea would treat all states equally.

The Voting Rights Act pre-clearance provision, while it was in effect, was somewhat helpful to minor party and independent candidate ballot access. For example, in 1966, the Justice Department refused to pre-clear a Mississippi law that raised the number of signatures for statewide independent candidates from 1,000 to 10,000 signatures. Also in 1982 the Justice Department told Alabama that it could not raise the vote test for parties from zero to 20% if the change was going to be made effective immediately. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the news about the Manchin-Murkowski letter. Those two Senators do not support HR 1, the Democratic Party’s election law bill that injures minor party ballot access.


U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin Endorse Federal Bill to Revive the Voting Rights Preclearance Law — 24 Comments

  1. I don’t trust either one of them. Do you have a link to the bill number/text, Richard?

  2. The federal government needs to butt out. This is a states rights issue. This is like when the feds fought against states rights and property rights in the war of northern aggression and reconstruction with carpetbaggers. Then they done it again on account of separate but equal.

    Now you got leftist antiwhyte webmasters like this here censoring even the very word whyte. The next thing they’re gonna do is start taking away our land like what happened in Rhodesia and step up trying to genocide us out of existence. Look at what happened to South Africa. They’re going to do that to us next.

    It’s already happening, and this bill is part of the effort to have the Zionist occupied federal government swoop in and crush state efforts for election integrity and making sure only legitimate votes count. Well they want to do the opposite because they want to replace us.
    I say we need to take up arms and fight back. We can’t allow them to make us into a third world craphole with heinous bills like this.

  3. I think it’s HR 4 in the House and S4 in the Senate. Go to congress.gov and read any bill.

  4. Eminem should stop being an antiwhyte leftist Whyte and stand up for our race.

  5. Mess is one giant RED commie machination to pervert the 15th Amdt even more —

    RED commie RESULTS = more RED commies in POWER – esp making RED commie laws / *mandates* / court ops / etc.
    NOOO preclearance stuff in orig USA Const and all Amdts – regardless of SCOTUS UN-con ops.

    If an invisable *State* or State hacks violate 15 Amdt, then Congress can have USA courts bankrupt the State and hacks and put the hacks in jail for 200 years as examples.

  6. I believe in state rights regarding voting; but,the problem is that states do a lousy job sometimes. Every state is different when it comes to ballot access. Every state is different when it comes to voting. The best gauge is probably go with what is honest and fair. Candidates should be able to get on the ballot with ease by signatures or paying a small fee and voters should be able to legitimately vote with no corruption and votes counted right with plenty of eyeballs watching them being counted.

  7. The federal government does not do a better job than the states. It would only monkey things up. We got too many monkeys voting and counting votes as it is. Demo rep is right, this is a communist race mixing scheme hatched in the bowels of Soros by the synagogue of Satan.

  8. So, it would presumably apply to states like New York, Massachusetts, Illinois and California?

    If so, maybe not such a bad idea.

  9. If it was an earthquake on the west coast, a giant tsunami wave on the east, and a giant fire in Chicago, taking out most of the urban population in those states, it wouldn’t be a bad idea. The trouble is this would apply to decent, God fearing states like Mississippi, too.

  10. Once,Americans believed in Manifest Destiny. Now, some Americans want to lope off parts of the country.

    The Romans once believed in an expansive Empire, too. Every Emperor aspired to annex a new province. Until Hadrian. Hadrian decided that the Empire was big enough, so he start building walls to keep out the barbarians. Well, the barbarians wanted in, and that didn’t end well. Maybe he should have expanded the Empire some more, instead.

  11. Expanding the empire was good at one point, but then we ended up with a bunch of Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, and then all sorts of other third world mud people. Once the barbarians start getting citizenship rights, the empire is on its way into the dust bin.

  12. See the book –

    Outline of History by HG Wells

    has a map of invasions of olde W. Roman Empire esp after 180 AD –

    leading to DOOM end in 476 AD — then mere 1,000 plus years of DARK AGE in W. Europe

    — perhaps even to 1945 – end of Hitler monarch /tyrant regime.
    Stop 666 monarch/tyrant regimes —

  13. There is mo reason that Jefferson’s Empire of Liberty cannot encompass the whole world.

  14. @WZ,

    Preclearance did apply to some counties in California and New York.

    One of the tests was whether a state had a literacy test and low voter turnout. California and New York both had literacy tests. California’s had been abolished but the effective date of the elimination was after the test date, and California had not been administering the literacy test.

    In a few smaller counties which had military bases like Monterrey and Merced, there were enough people shipping out for Vietnam who did not vote that it pushed the overall turnout below some threshold. The Feds said that these soldiers could have gone to the courthouse and signed an affidavit that they had voted in their home state.

    When Abel Maldanado became Lieutenant Governor, the Senate tried to time his confirmation so that the special election for his Senate seat could not be held in June with the primary, and delayed so a runoff would have to be in November. But they messed up and Governor Schwarzenegger called the special election for the earliest possible date in July.

    The Democrats sued under Section 5, claiming on information and belief (disinformation and speculation) that the county would not seek preclearance, and they would close polling places in the Salinas Valley. In actuality the county had phoned the DOJ immediately and sent the paperwork a day or two later.

    Two polling places were moved. One was in Carmel, because there was a wedding scheduled at a church which had been used for the June election. The other was on Big Sur.

    In Shelby County, one of the California counties testified that they had spent a million dollars attempting to bail out.

  15. Liberty is a concept which rarely makes sense outside of a specific cultural context, mainly Anglosaxon and almost exclusively northwest European. The vast majority of the world doesn’t want or understand it.

  16. Cotton: Japanese, South Koreans, and Taiwanese appreciate liberty. All 3 have thriving democracies.

    Imagining that Anglo-Saxon or Northern European people are different from any other people on Earth is racist bullshit.

  17. No. You are racist bullshit. You are a Satanist. You are the worst of humanity so shut the fuck up and go back to poorly running the El Reno Motel 6.

  18. Cotton is correct. Liberty is an Anglo-Saxon concept and any Asiatic derivative is a bad case of cultural appropriation.

  19. Sometimes we emphasize on easing the restrictive ballot access laws in this country; but, we need to focus also on educating and making voters smart about casting a vote. There are such things as dumb voters just as there are dumb juries too.

  20. @Jim IIRC, preclearance also applied to a few counties in the Dakotas, ie, ones encompassing some of the Sioux reservations.

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