Vermont Governor Signs Bill to Provide that All Active Registered Voters Will Receive a Postal Ballot Automatically

On June 7, Vermont Governor Phil Scott, a Republican, signed SB 15. It provides that all active registered voters will automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Vermont used that system in 2020 but it was under a law that said it was only temporary. But now it is in place for all future elections.


Vermont Governor Signs Bill to Provide that All Active Registered Voters Will Receive a Postal Ballot Automatically — 80 Comments

  1. When I lived in Oregon fromm 2000 to 2004 all of the elections were done by mail. I really liked it. Voter participation was over 85%. I hope other States follow the example of Vermont and mail ballots to all registered voters.

  2. Who is paying for this! Who will verify?

    No surprise communist Stock loves this, as he supports fraud and doesn’t think you need an ID to vote.

  3. Welcome back Robert K Stock. Did you ever clean the Motel 6 coffee pot?

  4. Stockless,

    It costs less than in person voting, Oregon and other states which already have it are not known for higher fraud, and if there’s a communist here it’s you.

  5. Oregon has plenty of communists. Look at Portland and Eugene. Look at their governor.

    What about verification? What’s stopping someone from voting 50 times?

  6. Oregon, Colorado and other states which already have all mail voting don’t have a fraud problem that’s any worse than in person voting states. They have plenty good procedures for making sure people don’t vote more than once per each election.

  7. Demo rep is right, except for I don’t understand what he meant in the last sentence.

  8. Yep, let’s prop up a dying, archaic, bloated industry in the USPS. Once again Demo Rep shows what a retard he is. It isn’t 1970- USPS is useless.

  9. He meant we should reverse evolution and become snails. And also that you’re a communist.

  10. Even if USPS is useless, competitive mail companies could deliver mail ballots if there was no USPS. There are many other reasons to vote by mail besides saving USPS. It works great in the states that do it, and vote fraud is not more of a problem in those states than in those which still have in person voting.

  11. Richard, I think it’s time to ban Mr. Will Klatt. His goal is to disrupt discussion on this site and he’s gone absolutely bonkers after being exposed.

  12. Much like your orange fuehrer, you accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself.

  13. In all states that mail a postal ballot to all active registered voters, every single voted ballot that arrives has an external envelope that is signed by the voter. All ballots are checked; the signature on the outer envelope is compared to the signature on the voter registration rolls. If the signatures appear not to match, the voter is contacted so to investigate. It is one of the safest methods of voting.

  14. Also, no one is forced to vote by postal mail. All the states with all-postal balloting also provide satellite offices where people who don’t trust the mail, or who don’t have reliable postal service, can vote in person.

  15. Right Richard, because no one can forge a signature and mail trucks never have ballots dumped in ditches. Oh wait, they do.

  16. I don’t think voting should be too easy. There has to be some initiative by the voter to make an effort and get out of their armchair. I don’t believe ballots should be mailed if no initiative is made by the voter. I don’t see any problem with voter ID. Why not? It eliminates most fraud. I like the idea of a paper trail to back up any electronic voting. If the System ever straightens out its voting procedures where elections are fair and honest than it should concentrate on educating and making smart voters.

  17. I like voting in person on election day. But I’m not opposed to this if it can be done securely. Having worked as a poll inspector for my county, I’ve seen lots of situations where voters are completely clueless about what they are supposed to do with the ballot. Maybe this will force people to educate themselves a little before filling in the ovals. Or maybe not. There is no perfect system.

  18. Jo –

    Many olde election day precinct workers NOT needed with all mail ballots —

    can collect sigs for candidates / issues pets.

  19. People do not forge signatures on mail ballots. Voter impersonation is dangerous; the offender is very likely to get caught; and the reward, to cause just one more ballot to be cast, isn’t worth the danger. That is reality. In any given election year, there are virtually no such cases. Generally when someone does do that, he or she is doing it for their spouse or parent, and they get caught.

  20. Richard, just stop. You are telling me not one person has ever forged a signature on a ballot?

    You are telling me not one person has ever gotten away with impersonation?

  21. For NON-troll morons —

    Basic problem is registration of LEGAL Electors/Voters.

    1. PROOF they are USA citizens

    — mere birth certificates do NOT show nation-state allegiance of alleged father of kids.

    2. PROOF they legally reside in a precinct

    — esp ***politically IN-correct*** election day registrations and votes

    — by folks who magically disappear after election days.

  22. Richard,
    Don’t you think that with a mail in system there’s a greater possibility that a disengaged voter acting from a sense of civic responsibility rather than personal investment (and there are many) will take the ballot to someone else and ask that person how they should fill it out? Including which candidates to vote for?

  23. There are far more problems with vote suppression than voter fraud. The big lie that vote fraud is widespread is one of the two leading causes of worsening vote suppression. The other is often honestly stated Republican partisanship at any and all cost.

  24. What part of no evidence of greater incidence of vote fraud in mail in voting states versus in person voting states (or within states) are some people having trouble understanding, or pretending to not understand?

  25. One of the great benefits of our federal system is that different states can try different methods of voting, and make comparisons. There is no need for a “one size fits all” national system.

    Some places have even tried blockchain voting, altho that presents new issues to consider:

    One reason that I’m against the National Popular Vote for President (whether by amendment or interstate compact) is that it would require a uniform, national voting method. And. I seriously doubt that one could be agreed upon by all states or imposed by Congress.

  26. States can still regulate many details if voting even with npv. However, while decentralization is generally a good principle, there are times when it’s bad…slavery and segregation come to mind. The current GOP push for voter suppression is bad for those same reasons. And like those other episodes, it requires a federal response.

  27. “States can still regulate many details if voting even with npv”

    Over time, the general tendancy will be to impose national standards.

    For one thing, it wouldn’t be possible for states to use alternative voting methods like ranked choice, approval or cumulative voting separate from the rest of the country. At the very least, all of the states in any compact would have to agree on a common method for their votes to be comparable, and also have an agreement on whether to include or exclude votes from states with alternative voting methods.

    If the agreed upon default is the currently commonly used plurality voting system, then basic problems with that method (such as the spoiled vote problem) could be magnified to the national level, and make for electoral chaos far worse than we have experienced thus far.

  28. How many standards for railroad widths, inter-state highways, electrical voltages, etc, etc ???

    This AIN’T 1492.

  29. I agree that one problem with postal balloting, in effect makes “proxy voting” possible. I once asked my barber how he voted on a ballot measure, and he said he has his wife fill out his ballot so he didn’t know how he had voted. Of course he signed his ballot and presumably gave her some instructions about his wishes.

    In France, proxy voting is legally recognized and permitted.

  30. See the *standards* section in the USA 2002 HAVA

    — esp written for ALL the legis / exec / judic election law MORONS in FL in 2000 Prez election [Bush vs Gore].

    Various other *standards* in olde USA election laws in Title 2 US code.

  31. Voter supression? You’re kidding right? Asking for ID is not supression.

  32. You are a lying piece of shit and you know as well as any of us that there are many different ways votes are suppressed.

  33. Some people go in to vote with a slip of paper from someone else telling them who to vote for, too. So what?

    Funny thing is, many Republicans, including Trump, voted by mail before 2020 and it was never controversial before. Trump made a mountain out of a molehill because he has literally claimed he got cheated every time he lost at anything his whole entire life. Also, because his daddy Putin wants to undermine the credibility of US elections so he can’t be criticized as easily for his own tilted elections.

  34. How about federal standards for federal elections, and state standards for state elections? Have a federal commission to draw federal districts based on the federal census. Legislatures or commissions could keep drawing state districts. I think it would be a reasonable compromise.

  35. There’s a difference between requesting a mail in ballot and being sent one arbitrarily. Sending them to dead people and those who have moved out of state is fraud, but maybe not to Richard Winger and the other communists.

  36. Now you’re just making stupid shit up because you have no legitimate arguments.

  37. No commie, my arguments are genuine and apparently you think it’s OK to vote 50 times and have dead people and non citizens vote.

  38. Fash commie, you’re lying, you know you’re lying, and everyone else knows you’re lying. Calling everyone to the left of Pinochet a communist and bizarre bullshit about people voting 50 times are cases in point.

  39. 52 USC 21081


    Each State shall adopt uniform and nondiscriminatory standards that define what constitutes a vote and what will be counted as a vote for each category of voting system used in the State.

    Added in  the 2002 USA HAVA Law Sec. 301 due to ALL Florida legis / exec / judic MORONS in 2000 Bush v Gore.

  40. Of course, because no one has ever voted more than once, right?

    Demo Rep is ofd his meds again.

  41. A tiny handful of people have voted more than once. Millions of votes are suppressed in dozens of different ways. And you know this, as does everyone else here.

  42. “A tiny handful of people have voted more than once. Millions of votes are suppressed in dozens of different ways. And you know this, as does everyone else here”

    Can you quantify each of those statements?

  43. If you want you can also use a search engine, wiki, Google news search, or whatever your preferred quick reference method is. The information on this is easy to find. I could recommend some starting points, but a certain troll here will be calling every mainstream or left of centre source “communist” and “fake news.”

  44. It’s equally easy to find articles on how rare any documented case of double or multiple voting or any of the other boogeymen the fascist right trots out in the service of their nakedly partisan and bigoted vote suppression and antidemocracy efforts are..

  45. Yes, follow the last link. You can almost count the documented cases on your fingers and toes.

  46. Would we know how much voter impersonation takes place without voter ID laws?

  47. Dennis is a dumbass. Look at the talk sections and follow the source links. Encyclopedia experts have found it’s actually more accurate than standard reference encyclopedias. As mentioned previously it’s one of many ways to start your search journey. But keep living on your Putin troll trumptard alt right information bubble instead.

  48. Many states have had lax voter id enforcement and yet voter impersonation hardly ever happens. Vote suppression and voter intimidation happens constantly and is getting worse.

  49. Could it be that voter impersonation rarely takes place BECAUSE of voter ID laws?

  50. No. It rarely happens even in states where you don’t have to show an ID when you vote.

  51. “It rarely happens even in states where you don’t have to show an ID when you vote.”

    It’s not checked. How would you know?

  52. Fraud Watch (in Michigan):

    Per Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.

    1. We have been lied to.

    The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.

    Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY

    2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election.

    These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon.

    Again . . . REMOTELY

    3. But we were told there was no internet connection.

    In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific user name and password to utilize the system.

    4. We were told there was no internet connection. We were told there was no remote access. We were told this was human error. All lies.

    This is fraud. This decertifies the Antrim County election.

    SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.

  53. We know because sleazebags like you are constantly on the lookout, along with legitimate law enforcement.

  54. Your weird and unproven conspiracy tweet has nothing to do with the actual subject being discussed. Electronic vote fraud is a separate subject and has nothing to do with whether ballots get mailed out.

  55. How many spy items in each person’s govt dossier —-

    birth, skoool, draft, tax, property owner, power/gas/water user, gets mail, car owner / driver, biz owner/ licenses, checking/saving accounts, etc etc etc ??????

  56. I favor blockchain voting for all elections. Until then, I would support an election system where a voter would mark their ballot using their finger print. You can try and forge a penciled-in oval but not with a finger print.

  57. “ANY Hollywood TV/movies with fake fingerprints ???”

    National Treasure?

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