New Hampshire Libertarian Party State Chair Jilletta Jarvis Posts Statement on Internal Party Matters

On June 12, Jilletta Jarvis, chair of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party, posted this statement on the party’s website about a group within the state party.


New Hampshire Libertarian Party State Chair Jilletta Jarvis Posts Statement on Internal Party Matters — 254 Comments

  1. Not only the Republicans and the Democrats are split between those who want bold agendas and those who want more a more gradualist program, but Libertarians as well. These internal differences over messaging and advocacy have been going on for quite a while, and are now coming out into the open in the Age of Trump. All three of these parties might have split up long ago, if plurality voting didn’t keep then all trapped in the same cells.

  2. Any *nonpartisan / neutral* statement of facts/opinions of the machinations going on IN the NH LP ???

    More left vs right stuff ???

    WITHIN all parties and govts.

  3. The statement sounds like bullshit. Is she the dictator of the party, to dismiss the rest of the duly elected officers at will? It sounds like a coup and I want to hear from the other side. It’s like the queen of England went crazy and dismissed parliament. Do their bylaws allow this, or did she just throw a huge tantrum?

    Imagine the president having the power to dismiss congress. Or governors being able to replace their legislature any time they want. I can think of a few who would love to. This sounds just like that.

  4. Word has it this is a Czarwark-Bill Weld CIA globalist Soros New World Order antifa Marxist burn loot murder coup.

  5. The garbage comment at 2:15 am is from the cyberpig aka Andy aka fat chigger aka Egyptian fudd aka tony danza etc etc etc.

  6. She is just a Soros Weld Czarwark puppet who is mad because the Mises Caucus and right-libertarians, meaning real libertarians, are more popular in the Free State and everywhere else than they are and taking back the party from the new world order Marxist pretend libertarians.

  7. I have nothing to do with that comment. I do disagree with the actions of Jilletta Jarvis though.

  8. This chick sounds like a communist. She should be removed from office in a special convention.

    Paging Darryl W. Perry

  9. She does sound like a commie, because that’s what she is. She should be tarred and feathered.

  10. Lmao at the replies to this post. Jarvis is right to take control of the party back from the Mises Caucus. Ending child labor laws, getting rid of the Civil Rights Act, and supporting the Capitol Hill riot are bad and the Mises Caucus should have no power at all.

    Mises was a fascist and his followers just commit endless cope.

  11. So did she have the power to this in the bylaws? If yes, what were they thinking?

  12. If no, shouldn’t she be expelled and permanently banned for abusing her power, along with any miscreants who enabled her?

  13. The national executive committee is meeting on Tuesday. If they are not 100% co-opted by commies in libertarian clothing yet, they will vote to immediately delist the rogue Jarvis faction and recognize the duly elected committee as the actual NHLP.

  14. Czarwark/Soros/CIA puppet “Joe Bishop-Henchman” aka Joe Lackey is bring national into this and abusing hsi authority citing with the Jarvis NWO commie globalist coup. He needs to be fired also over this. Josh Smith as runner up for chair, should become Chair.

  15. Formal Complaint to the LNC in regards to the actions of Jilletta Jarvis in her capacity as Chair of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.

    12 JUN 2021

    Members of the LNC,

    I’m writing to request a formal condemnation of the LNC regarding the actions of Jilletta Jarvis on the 12th of June, 2021, as well as to request formal assistance of the LNC in affirming the rights of the membership of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.

    Mrs. Jarvis posted in her capacity as chair of LPNH, a lengthy blog post on the Party Website detailing her actions, including unilaterally dismissing the duly elected Executive Committee that was elected by membership in Convention, as well as disposing of the party’s bylaws by unilateral decree, without the support of a convention vote by party membership.

    She further announced the formation of a new party, with an interim Executive committee by her appointment, and a new set of bylaws, effective immediately, without a vote of convention delegates or party members.

    The blog post is viewable on the official Party Website at

    As a Lifetime Member of both The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, and The National Libertarian Party, I believe members rights were violated, as the decisions of the convention were not respected and the Chair acted unilaterally, beyond the scope of her authority, to disenfranchise membership and defraud the Members of the party by using the privilege of her elected position to change passwords of social media accounts and lock elected members of the EC out from the resources the Convention voted to entrust them with.

    Furthermore, the chair acted by using a letter from the national Chair, Joe Bishop-Henchman, Jesseas justifications for her actions. This letter was dated the 7th of June, and there was no communication of it’s receipt or intended purpose to the members of the party between its writing and use as justification for the fraudulent take over of the party resources by Mrs. Jarvis. Furthermore, the physical assets of LPNH were removed from the party’s storage unit by members of the “new” committee, prior to the announcement, and Brian Shields posted on facebook that the theft of these party assets was done with the blessing and support of Mr. Bishop-Henchman. These details point to collusion with the National Chair and Mrs. Jarvis, in planning and condoning these actions. I would also request that the Membership of the LNC formally Censure Mr. Bishop-Henchman for overstepping his authority, and abusing his position to influence the internal matters of a state affiliate based on caucus grounds and affiliations.

    Myself and other members of the Libertarian party of New Hampshire are hopeful that The Libertarian National Committee will act accordingly, and reaffirm that the Executive Committee duly elected by delegates at convention as the rightful governing body of The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, alternatively, we will investigate the possibility of legal action concerning the fraud and disenfranchisement of membership should the LNC not reaffirm our affiliation.


    Justin O’Donnell, Lifetime Member LP, LPNH

    Joined in Signing, Additional Members of The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.
    Nolan Pelletier, Vice Chair, LPNH
    Sean Brennan, Treasurer LPNH
    Sean Dempsey, At Large, LPNH
    Stephen Nass, At Large, LPNH
    Jesse Garland
    Derek Proulx
    Derek Vebruge
    Steve Zemanek
    Jeffrey Creem
    Rosa Moura
    Karlyn Borysenko
    William Barger
    Derek Verbrugge – Theft from libertarians shows a fundamental failure to understand the principles of liberty.
    Tabitha Bogardus
    Ryan Bloodworth
    Alex Desmarais
    Gabrielle Desmarais
    Erik Sawyer
    Conrad Nelson
    Patrick Binder
    Mari Fontaine
    Mickey Mullin
    Viviana Figueroa
    Robert Lombardo, previous Treasurer, LPNH
    Chris Cioffi
    Victoria Saucier, Lifetime Member LP, Lifetime LPNH, Bylaws Chair, Platform Chair, JC LPNH
    Kayla Hornbrook
    Seth Hall
    Dr. Joshua Olitzky
    John Elliott
    Dr. Benjamin C. Richards, NHLP Judicial Committee
    Stephen Persico
    Jessica Pelletier
    Rod Dukelow
    Brandon Brush

  16. Joe Stooge-Henchman and Jilletta Jarvis need to both be removed and banned over this. Joshua Smith should be appointed the new National Committee Chair and the duly elected NHLP executive committee should choose its new chair or call a special convention.

  17. Rich Bowen, regional representative for the region that includes New Hampshire to the national committee on there email list:

    “For the record, I want to state that I was unaware of any issues regarding NH until yesterday’s post by Ms. Jarvis.

    I state this because Ms. Jarvis mentioned that she had notified the Regional Rep of issues she was having, but I was never contacted by Ms. Jarvis or (region alternate representative) Mr. Coburn.

    Tucker (Coburn) is unavailable today until after 7pm at which time we are planning to speak.


    The coup plot thickens and sickens

  18. Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, Wh1te countries for EVERYBODY!

    Mass third world immigration is promoted in EVERY wh1te country and ONLY in wh1te countries.

    Wh1tes are forced by law and encouraged by propaganda to integrate with those third worlders so as to “assimilate,” i.e. intermarry and be blended out of existence or reduced to a small minority.

    Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet.

    When it’s done in Wh1te countries it’s called “diversity.”

    Diversity is a code word for Wh1te Genocide.

    Our schools teach Wh1te students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support Wh1te Genocide.

    Their teachers never tell them, “Wh1te self-hatred is SICK!!!“

    Their teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-Wh1te.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-Wh1te.

    No school, no town, no country is allowed to be Wh1te.

    “We have found some Wh1te people, chase ’em down, bring in minorities…”

    “Diversity” means chasing down the last Wh1te person.

  19. From Josh Smith to national committee:

    The membership revocation of Jackie Perry was in line with their bylaws (and RONR). I went over it myself, and I would suggest the rest of the LNC do the same. I would however note that the current bylaws on the LPNH website are the imaginary ones that Mrs. Jarvis made up and posted without any vote of the EC in NH, or authority to do so. Furthermore, she has no authority to do what she is doing now. The current excom of NH was duly elected at their last convention as stated in their official bylaws. I would be very careful about this “making the party the tool of the Republicans” as that is quite possibly an opinion hit job. I know many in NH, and that certainly is not the goal. From any of them.

    None of the excom has resigned, and Mrs. Jarvis has overstepped her organizational authority to tear an affiliate apart. With the help of your letter, which many members now see as you doing the same. My suggestion is to make a statement saying that you do not support a unilateral takeover of a duly elected excom that is an obvious organizational overstep, and then guiding members on their rights.


  20. From the Egyptian God Steven Nekhaila to the national committee:

    Dear All,

    This issue ought to have been brought up to the LNC and not at the unilateral discretion of the Chair. What evidence is available, from reading the LPNH text, that the EC of the LPNH are Republican operatives. Not being happy with messaging is not grounds for expelling an EC, and what grounds that there were Republican operatives in both Rules and Bylaws?

    This situation raises many questions that must be addressed and investigated, appropriate actions will be taken pending the findings of an investigation.

    This is an extremely disturbing development and I want answers.


    Steven Nekhaila
    Region 2 Representative

  21. Joshua Smith isn’t the answer for chair, but he’s better than Sarwark’s puppet.

    This commie chick is a dictator and should be expelled from the party. NH better stand strong for what is right. Otherwise, why eve have bylaws?

  22. Majority of LPNH Excom

    It’s weird how the minority of Libertarians who called 1/6 a coup are the same ones supporting an actual coup

    “The MC is staging a hostile takeover.”

    *MC legitimately votes people into elected positions via standard process

    *non-MC people unilaterally boot everyone from party and demand allegiance and a signed pledge to re-join.

    Projecting, much?

    “I’m done with the LP.”

    If this is too much resistance for you, you were definitely not ready to take on the media, the CIA or the war machine.

    I’ll see you in Reno.

    Justin O’Donnell

    Funny how the new “oath” doesn’t mention committing fraud or stealing the physical assets of the party from the existing committee.


    I wonder how the @LPNational
    would react if a @LPMisesCaucus
    member had sikgehabdedly expelled the rest of a state’s Executive Committee, instilled new bylaws & appointed an entire new Executive Committee against the will of the delegates

    I’m sure nobody would be pitching a fit

    Majority of LPNH Excom

    Can’t wait to see the flood of new members and donations that are going to be pouring in once this whole thing is cleared up and we’re back in the saddle.

    Libertarian Party Mises Caucus

    This is just the latest move by our increasingly-desperate opposition to try to stop us. And just as before, we will not be deterred. This will only further motivate us.

  23. Libertarian-In-Chief

    Remember how Oregon had two competing LPs for years, and the Mises Caucus is who finally helped bridge the divide?

    Now, the Establishment is ripping the NH party in half through a coup

    And, @LPMisesCaucus
    are supposed to be the ones who don’t play well with others?

    Majority of LPNH Excom

    They told us the party belongs to those who show up.

    JR Hoell, state rep ’10-’18

    Maybe @LPNational
    needs to rethink its plan of using force and stealing to get their way.
    The issues of the coup of the @lpnh
    needs to be corrected or it will forever become a useless and untrustworthy group

    Majority of LPNH Excom

    It is absolutely reprehensible for @jbhenchman
    to take these actions against our party unilaterally, without discussion or investigation, and off of completely secret “evidence”

    must investigate this more thoroughly than 1/6

    Dave Smith

    I’d like to publicly invite @jbhenchman
    to appear on my show to explain the situation with @LPNH
    It can’t possibly be as bad as it seems and I think he could shed some light on the situation so the rest of us can understand what happened. It would be a great conversation.

    Majority of LPNH Excom

    Until @LPNational
    restores the accounts unilaterally and illegally stolen from us by ex-chair @Jarvis4Gov
    the LPNH executive and communications committee will be using this account”

    Porcupette Quillington

    “I don’t like what the people around me are choosing to do, so I am going to declare executive authority and act in a totalitarian manner to lock them out of MY party.” -LiBeRtArIaN

    Majority of LPNH Excom

    Not only Twitter but all the social media accounts. Twitter was up over 4,000 followers since we came on board. LPNH membership has more than doubled since November.

  24. has the legitimate LPNH bylaws and constitution which did not authorizer the former chair actions, as she has constructively resigned by taking her coup and thus the Vice Chair becomes the chair at this time. The one elected at convention as she had no authority to fill non existant vacancys. The same logic is accurate for the national committee chair (puppet) who conspire with her, to stage this coup,

  25. ANY NH LP Judicial Committee —

    to rule on legality of all internal NH LP machinations ???

  26. “Joshua Smith isn’t the answer for chair”

    Why not?

    “but he’s better than Sarwark’s puppet.”

    Agree, way better than Czarwark’s Joe “Biden” Lackey-Stooge!

    “This commie chick is a dictator and should be expelled from the party. NH better stand strong for what is right. Otherwise, why eve have bylaws?”

    Agree again and, same logic for Lackey-Stooge for supporting, the coup. If not Josh Smith, than Ken Moellman the vice chair, would take over for Joe Lackey-Stooge as he is expelled, for misconduct.

  27. “Or helicopter rides.”

    That’s based AF if Andy really posted that.

  28. Offering free helicopter ride for leftists

    ◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤
    █Frog face █ █▄ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬

  29. It is, and they literally do deserve helicopter rides. One way or another there has to be a final resolution here.

  30. I love when people use words that they don’t understand the definitions of words…. Pretty much this entire thread sounds like a bunch uneducated stupid fucks….. That’s Trump people for you tough. Calling someone commie when they blatantly espouse free-market approaches to everything is quite fascinating. This seems to be a slur hurled at people that are socially liberal by the very socially conservative “libertarians” that I was alluding to in my reply to Andy a few days ago in another comment section. Apparently it’s cool to throw this word around, for the uneducated dumb fucks that think they’re libertarian but are in fact socially conservative (authoritarian) and collectivists. Both are at odds with the LP and anybody that holds any of these positions needs to be complete expunged from the party. You people can go fuck off, we don’t need, or want, you in the LP… you are a disgrace to humanity. PISS THE FUCK OFF.

    (Libertarians trace their roots to John Locke and historical liberalism not Christian thought, not any religious thought, not Reagan [who was a totalitarian tyrannical asshole by the way, expansion of the drug war anyone], not Ron Paul (he’s a paleo-conservative), not Rand Paul (again Paleo-conservative), not anyone associated with the Republican Party, nope not Thomas Massie either, not Tom woods, not Joshua Smith, not Dave Smith…. Like I said all this people can piss the fuck off. They’re no allies either.

    Like I said before you people would have a much easier time in the Constitution Party; all you’re doing in the LP is wasting your time.

  31. Alden is a moron. He needs to go back to school, and read the links up near the top of the thread.

  32. I don’t think some of these people really support a free market. I think they just use language that sounds “free market” as a cover for their commie agenda. There are commies in Libertarian clothing, and this was blatantly apparent at the 2018 LP National Convention when an outright communist got on stage for the National Chairman’s race.

  33. Oh yeah, the commie candidate for Chair in 2018 was wearing a Karl Marx T-shirt while on stage running for LP National Chairman.

  34. Notwithstanding Aiden’s vulgar gibberish, I’m proud to see real true libertarians on this page.

  35. Statement by the Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire
    June 13, 2021

    Members of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, Libertarian National Committee and other interested parties:

    The Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire would like to address some assertions made about the conduct of some of the members of the LPNH.

    It was brought to our attention that there is a claim that people were physically threatened at the March convention. We take the threat of violence very seriously and call upon the threatened party to furnish us with a statement, anonymous or otherwise, so the Judicial Committee may investigate the incident. To date, we have not received a single complaint from anyone that they were threatened in any way.

    It was also brought to our attention that some committee members of some committees have not been notified of committee meetings, in an effort to expel those members from those committees. To date we have not heard a report from any member of any committee that they were being maltreated by any committee, or that anyone was expelled from any committee.

    Furthermore, we would like to address the expulsion of a party member by the EC on June 8th. On Tuesday June 8th at approximately 9PM, the Judicial Committee had an informal discussion on whether we should meet, and if so, what action(s), if any, the Judicial Committee might take in response to the Executive Committee’s expulsion of a member from the state party.

    The consensus of the Judicial Committee was that we would meet, discuss, and decide on the matter if the Executive Committee asked our opinion on whether they had the authority to remove a member and if they acted in good faith in doing so. We also agreed that it would be proper to hear the appeal of the expulsed member upon a written or emailed request to do so. At no point was the Judicial Committee contacted by either the Executive Committee or the expulsed member.

    Lastly, we would like to address the failure to file certain required legal paperwork with the State of New Hampshire. We have not yet investigated the matter but take the failure in fiduciary responsibility very seriously. The assertion has been made by Jilletta Jarvis that the paperwork was not filed by the
    treasurer of the party, but if paperwork was not filed Jilletta herself also failed in her fiduciary responsibility as Chair. We will be investigating the matter to determine what steps, if any, the Judicial Committee may need to take in response.

    Ms Victoria Saucier
    Chair, LPNH Judicial Committee

    Mr Conrad Nelson
    Secretary, LPNH Judicial Committee

    Mr Jeffrey Creem
    LPNH Judicial Committee

    Dr Benjamin Richards
    LPNH Judicial Committee

  36. Libertarian Party is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Executive Committee Meeting
    Time: Jun 15, 2021 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 847 3426 9374
    Passcode: 337718
    One tap mobile
    +12532158782,,84734269374#,,,,*337718# US (Tacoma)
    +13017158592,,84734269374#,,,,*337718# US (Washington DC)

    Dial by your location
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    Meeting ID: 847 3426 9374
    Passcode: 337718

  37. “Fact checker,” “Rick” and “Mr. Libertarian” are all the same troll. He’s showing blatant hypocrisy in regards to vulgarity, and trying to cyberbully someone who he (as an adult?) thinks may be underage. That’s when he isn’t busy calling for mass murder of anyone who doesn’t share his views, including socially liberal free market libertarians (helicopter rides, etc), childishly making fun of people’s names, or calling anyone he disagrees with retards and communists.

    He also posts as Andy and Moses and praises his own comments as “based” for calling for political executions. He hasn’t shown evidence that free market supporting libertarians are communist, just an outlier example of a communist running within the Libertarian Party and receiving very few votes for internal office. It’s more likely that he and his ilk are actually “frog face” fascists.

  38. “Jim Lake Jr.” aka Aiden is a commie, almost certainly a Jew homosexual, and probably Paul. Paul is not actually a high school kid, he’s just a retarded commie troll sodomite.

  39. Could be stock too, because he worships the devil and is a retarded communist and a homosexual, as well as possibly a Jew. But it’s more likely to be the cyberpig. One of the two, for sure.

  40. Bill Weld, Nick Sarwark, Joe Henchman, James Weeks and Liz Cheney, are the true Libertarians.

  41. Yep, “Jim Lake Jr” is actually fake libertarian Robert K Stock. Don’t you have a Motel 6 coffee pot you should be cleaning?

  42. Whatever you say “Jim Lake Jr” aka Robert K Stock. Still worshiping Soros and Satan?

  43. FapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfapFapfapfap

  44. “Jim Lake Jr” is freaking out now that his real identity of Robert K Stock has been revealed.

  45. Last week it was Will Klatt. Now it’s Robert Stock. Next week, who will the resident troll blame for his trolling?

  46. I don’t know who is posting nonsense above but I only post with my name and gravatar and website linked. Will Klatt is responsible for some of the trolling on this site and may be posting above to get the accusations off his name.

  47. The garbage comment on June 13, 2021 at 3:26 pm is from Robert K Stock.

  48. Stock is an idiot and a fake libertarian. The people “Jim Lake Jr” agreed are libertarians are the same Stock does. Stock hasn’t posted in his real name in a while and loves George Soros. I don’t think he quit this site cold turkey.

  49. Now the troll is arguing with himself. Nice try, no cigar. “Fact checker” and “stock is a troll” are the same troll.

  50. Can the Moses June 13, 2021 at 1:15 pm helicopter find the many troll MORONS posting their MORON posts on BAN ???

    How many, if any, are LP Members, national/state/local ???

  51. Can the Moses June 13, 2021 helicopter find the many troll MORONS posting their MORON posts on BAN ???

    How many, if any, are LP Members, national/state/local ???

  52. Paul is posting most of the troll comments. He is a life member of the state and national l.p. And has been on their executive committees as well as a local county chair. But he is actually a retarded homosexual commie Jew. Ever since he got strung out on meth again all he does on politics sites is troll.

  53. “Jim Lake Jr” aka Robert K Stock is triggered. He knows he has been uncovered.
    Did you ever clean the Motel 6 coffee pot?

  54. Nice try, troll, but the only one triggered here is you, and you’re the only one pulling your trigger.

  55. The garbage comment on June 13, 2031 at 4:06 pm is from Robert K Stock.

  56. One thing’s for sure, the Jews are behind this. The coup in NH, the trolling here, every last bit of it.

  57. The garbage comment at 4:07 pm is from fact checker aka Andy aka Paul aka too many to name.

  58. Jilletta Jarvis needs to go. Go back to the Democrats where they love dictators.

  59. I can understand why you don’t like yourself or your kind. If you want the trolls to leave, as the lead troll, you should lead the way.

  60. @4:45 so says the guy who loves Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, Duterte, Pinochet, Gaddafi…

  61. The garbage comment on June 13, 2021 at 5:55 pm is from Robert K Stock.

  62. The Mooses Cucks of LPNH oppose running LP candidates for office, want to endorse Republicans, have repeatedly threatened violence, and did not file legally required paperwork to remain recognized by the state after being repeatedly reminded, among other things.

  63. The accurate comment at 5:55 is not from Robert Stock. The garbage comment at 5:58 is from fact checker aka Andy aka Paul.

  64. The garbage comment on June 13, 2021 at 6:02 pm is also from Robert K Stock. You can change your name, but not your trolling or ignorance.

  65. The garbage comment on June 13, 2021 at 6:04 pm is from Robert K Stock.

  66. “Mr. Libertarian” is also not Robert Stock, but he is Factchecker/Andy/Paul. He is the one posting garbage comments, ignorance, and trolling.




  68. As annoying as squabbles in any affiliate state party are they are not a primary obstacle to election success nationwide. This publication, Ballot Access News has thoroughly documented the primary obstacle to resistance to the duopoly parties.

  69. The walrus is Paul. Andy is Paul. Factchucker is Paul. F/A/P is so bored he’s trolling himself. Meanwhile, in the real world:

    The mooses cucks of NH consider any simple condemnation of bigotry to be an attack against them. Let that sink in.

    They don’t inform anyone who is not in their cult of committee meetings, then use absences to remove them from committees.

    They don’t file government required organization paperwork, inviting heavy fines, no matter how many times they are reminded.

    They lie about who all they give account passwords to.

    They plan to run zero candidates, so why do they want to pretend to be a political party? Just to shut it down?

    They want to endorse Republicans and when told national rules don’t allow it they say national sucks and won’t do anything about it. So why do they want to claim they’re the LP again?

    They openly plan to purge and expel anyone and everyone who is not part of their cult from the party.

    Since they hate running candidates, want to endorse Republicans, and hate the national LP, why do they even want to control a state LP at all?

    Apparently so they can troll on the internet, post edgy, bigoted, ridiculous and outrageous shit from official LP accounts, and embarrass LP candidates from around the country. Also, so they can vote at the national convention to do the same thing at the national level. Lastly, to give themselves outside leverage for games they want to play inside the GOP.

    They have always hated the LP and now they want to take it over so as to destroy it. NH is just a beachhead for them.

    Jarvis’ actions were extreme, but they were forced by an extreme existential threat to the party. What would you do if an extreme, malignant cancer invaded your body, or an organization you lived and shed blood, sweat and tears for for years of your life? Reasoning with the cancer sure hadn’t worked. Playing by the rules wasn’t going to work.

    Let’s not forget that the cancer doesn’t play by rules either. They don’t care about national bylaws or state paperwork requirements. They don’t care about rules as to who is allowed to post from party accounts, informing committee members who are not part of their cult of committee meetings. They feel it’s ok to threaten violence and murder against those who stand in their way.

    That’s the mooses cucks for you. At least in NH and probably nationally. And that’s why this is happening.

  70. D. Frank,

    What would you consider a state party that opposes running its own candidates, wants to endorse Republicans regardless of national rules, doesn’t care what those rules are, considers bigotry to be a virtue and intimidation to be an acceptable tactic, purposely ignores state paperwork requirements, aggressively purges anyone who is not part of the ruling clique, gives unauthorized access to party accounts, and purposely uses those accounts to embarrass LP candidates all over the country? Oh, and wants to take this shit show national, together with like-minded people in other states?

    I’d call that a pretty big impediment to election success. Wouldn’t you?

  71. How easy is it in SMALL pop States for commies / fascists / troll morons to take over SMALL parties ???

  72. NHLP mess like the left v right messes in 1919-1939 in many nation-state regimes ???

    or NOW inside USA Donkeys / USA Elephants, Israel, etc, etc.

    in parties and govts.

  73. Thanks for the crazy lies and exaggerations Guy Diamond. We could go point by point but some of us have other things to do. To take just one example you claim that the majority of the party wanted to run zero candidates. Actually there was just some discussion of staying out of the way of one liberty Republican candidate. No vote was taken.

    Secondly you claim there was some plan to purge every member not in the Mises caucus. That is a lie. One member, Jackie Perry, was expelled on June 8 , ironically for doxing jilletta jarvis. There was no plans to purge anyone else. There was a letter ironically dated June 7 from JBH that gave an expulsion that had not happened yet and vague reference to using that as creating a pattern to expel members en masse. Citing secret evidence jbh then sent his letter saying Jarvis is the head of the only nationally recognized affiliate. Almost like this was all orchestrated in advance?

    Jarvis then used JBH letter to file organization paperwork with the Secretary of State office. Then she seized the party website, Twitter and Facebook, redirected the donation page, emptied the storage locker, and unilaterally dismissed all party committees, including the justice committee, bylaws, and unilaterally purged all members of the party unless and until they sign an oath she invented.

    She invented new bylaws making her term 4 years instead of one and giving herself new powers, and making a new executive committee. She had zero authority to do any of this other than jbh letter, which he wrote without consulting anyone on lnc, a total abuse of power as well.

    Well I went on longer than I meant to and that’s just two of your points. I could do this for the rest but you get the idea and I need to get back to work.

  74. One last thing jilletta is acting like the mad queen from Alice in wonderland. And accusing others of purging everyone which is actually what she did. Not anyone else. Maybe to cripple LPNH for porcfest? There’s no way she or jbh are so dumb, to think this will hold up long term.

  75. It should have been clear to everyone at the convention that JBH is a complete piece of garbage.

  76. I voted against him as a board member in 2018. He’s scum. A third party investigation must occur.

  77. Someone above posted that the Mises caucus “bridged the divide” in Oregon. I’d be interested to know how. Just last year the Burke faction was in court once again, supporting GOP efforts to remove a candidate nominated by the official LP of Oregon from the ballot. That doesn’t sound like much bridging to me…

  78. The United Coalition is launching our effort in New York County Mini-state where United Nations is located on February 1st.

    On January 1st our team will be paying attention to the LP convention in New Hampshire.

    During both January and February our team is trying to nominate two International Parliament (IP) Senators from each of two Chinese Provinces, two of the Earth’s twelve population balanced world Provincial population balanced Provinces.

    The United Coalition USA works on six geo-levels simultaneously of which New Hampshire is one.

    See the annual schedule of the 1Libertarian Caucus in footer of the BoDs home page:

  79. Just shut up Ogle. No one cares about your retarded shit.
    How did your 2014 run for US President go?

  80. Jim Ogle is Paul. Robert Stock is Paul. Jilletta Jarvis is Paul. JBH is Paul. Aiden is Paul. Even Emmanuel Goldstein and Big Brother from the novel 1984…you guessed it, Paul. Richard Winger is probably also Paul.

  81. Who will F/A/P blame for his trolling next? If it’s not Paul it’s Cody Quirk. If it’s not him it’s Will Klatt. If not him, Robert Stock. Who will it be next? Are they all Paul?

  82. Jeff, the someone above who said that was quoting the Twitter feed of the Mises nh group (“majority of the lpnh exec comm”). You could ask them what they meant on Twitter. If you don’t use Twitter they also have a fb page and website which are also linked way up in the conversation.

  83. Demo Rep, the date of the next convention is undetermined or subject to change. Unless the two groups resolve their problems first, they will probably have separate conventions, like what Oregon was doing.

  84. Below is letter that was sent to the LNC by the immediate former LP NH chair.

    From Brian Shields:

    Ms Ebke,

    I have prepared a statement to the entire LNC regarding the recent LPNH activity.

    Hello everyone on the LNC,

    I wanted to share my perspective as to why I assisted Jilletta Jarvis safeguard the name and reputation of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.

    The LPNH Executive Committee has an advisory, non voting position called Prior Chair. It was meant to help with transitions and assist with institutional memory. As the most recent Chair, and as the person who helped set up the CiviCRM and email system with Andy Burns, I offered to be in the position to assist the new Mises EC members with their new roles and with the tech.

    I served with one member, Stephen Nass, on the LPSeacoast county-level affiliate EC, and met two others in operating that affiliate, and felt the Mises slander against them to be overblown.

    I was incorrect.

    My experience sitting on the EC chat and in the meetings was that Steven was acting as a “shadow chair” leader of the other three Mises members and organized votes. They consulted their actions with the NH Mises group chat, and occasionally accidentally posted the wrong comment in the wrong chat.

    They were clearly discussing LPNH business with non-board members, possibly non LPNH members, and taking advice, if not orders, from the group.

    LPNH’s Communications Committee operated outside of the EC’s direction. One time holding a vote to consider if they would abide by the EC’s direction. The vote was tied and asked how to proceed, where I politely reminded them their vote had no authority and the EC should consider wiping the board clear if they didn’t abide. They reluctantly did, and as a result, ignored Jilletta’s directions with future messaging, including a direction that ONLY the Communication Committee Chair and Jilletta have access to the Twitter account. They continued to ignore direction from the Chair, and there were not the votes on the EC to change the makeup of the committee.

    Jackie Perry was a target from the beginning. We had a Members Only Facebook Group, where every time she challenged a Mises-focused post, she was chastised for being unfriendly to new members and when a social justice focused post was published, their supporters were not given equal admonishment for being combative and unfriendly.

    They published new rules for the Group focused on selective enforcement and used them to remove her from the group.

    The next time Jackie stepped out of bounds, by publishing already public contact info in an effort to publicly pressure Jilletta to take action to rein in the Twitter account, they revoked her membership and announced they did so in the Members Only group she was already expelled from. She had no chance to defend her actions, nor was offered any. The party Secretary told Justin O’Donnell at the same time as messaging Jackie, and Justin blasted it over social media before she was even aware of what happened. This was a huge violation of membership rights.

    When I challenged the procedure, I was told by Stephen Nass to “Take it to the JC,” where they knew they had the votes to confirm any action.

    Prior to this, the only other LPNH member who was expelled openly advocated for the preemptive murder of police officers in self defense. The bar was set higher than using public information to publicly pressure a Chair into action. Jackie’s actions were within the bounds of the NAP, in my opinion.

    By this time I had resigned because as an advisor whose advice was constantly ignored, I felt my time on the EC had run its course. Every time I brought up anything contrary to their agenda I was talked down and gaslighted.

    In the past week or so I became aware that Jilletta was the next target for removal, and Jackie’s expulsion was a test run for setting precedent. With Jilletta out of the way, their plan was to systematically expel non-Mises friendly members leading up to the convention in January so they are unchallenged when they vote their Mises friendly delegates to the LNC convention to vote all of you out so they can repeat LPNH’s media strategy with LPNational’s social media.

    In the past weeks, LPNH’s communications unapologetically advocated fraud, torture and murder of political officials, invoked images of children working in coal mines, comparisons of vaccine passports to the Holocaust, and implied threats of violence.

    Every time these were called to attention, we were told they were “satire” and “a joke” and that “bold messaging wins.” Fox News, NPR, and The Boston Globe disagreed.

    In the old bylaws, section IV. F. Describes the Chair’s duties.

    1. The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the State Party, holding the powers of administration pertaining to the ordinary business affairs of the State Party and such other powers as may be delegated by the Board or General Court. The Chair shall serve as presiding officer for meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board, and the General Court.
    2. The Chair shall have the power to appoint persons to leadership roles within the State Party, subject to the confirmation of the Executive Committee, and may make immediate temporary appointments without confirmation if required to carry out tasks that require urgency.

    By using a salt-the-earth offensive Twitter strategy, the “ordinary business affairs of the State Party” were not able to function. The Communications Committee was ruining the reputation of the Libertarian Party and LPNH, making finding and fielding candidates potentially impossible.

    By assigning provisional executive committee members, who will be confirmed or elected at the next convention as she stated in her statement to membership, to perform tasks that required urgency, Jilletta operated within the authority vested in her by unanimously electing her into the Chair position. These are immediate temporary appointments, which she has the full authority to do without confirmation.

    This is why I assisted Jilletta. I know our actions are controversial and if we didn’t, dozens of LPNH members and lifetime members who put years of hard work into this party would have their rights taken away from them, by bad actors with ill intent taking orders from outside of the membership with the plan to disrupt the entire national party. Candidates and volunteers would not step forward, and our party would cease to function.

    Assisting Jilletta in this action was the only way I knew to preserve member rights and the integrity of the Libertarian Party. I know my actions today put my future and reputation with the party at risk, and I will sleep soundly knowing I did everything in my power to retain the image and electability of LPNH and the LNC.

    Thank you for hearing my side of this.

    Brian Shields
    LPNH Chair

  85. How many domestic and foreign GOVT agents in POWER in A-L-L USA minor parties ???

    See olde FBI agents in olde USA commie party in 1930s-1950s.
    Also see current flap about Trump DOJ spying on Congress Dems via Apple.

  86. Hey retard, remember when Obama had his henchmen spy on Republicans? I know common sense eludes you.

    Please take a shower for once in your life.

  87. Demo Rep is a communist retard, which is essentially the same thing.

  88. Here is a letter from the past treasurer.

    Link to RSA 664:

    Political committees are governed under RSA 664.

    RSA 664 is clearly titled “POLITICAL EXPENDITURES AND CONTRIBUTIONS”. It is applicable to elections. It does NOT expressly govern whether an entire organization is legitimate or not. It governs campaign finance.

    RSA 652.11 indeed declares that to be considered a political party, you must have achieved automatic ballot access in the last election. HOWEVER, RSA 664.2.IV explicitly states that for the purposes of RSA 664, the definition of “”party” contained in RSA 652:11 shall not apply” immediately after declaring that “”Political party” or “party” means any political organization or number of persons which can nominate candidates in any manner prescribed by law and has done so for the current election.” This means that as an organization, if we nominate candidates for the current cycle using the petition process, we are a political party in terms of campaign finance requirements, and there is nothing to indicate this designation hinges on also having or being a “political committee”. In fact, it defines “political committee of a political party” (emphasis mine) immediately after defining “political party” in manner that clearly describes the LPNH.

    Registration and reporting requirements for political committees are only triggered if receipt or expenditure limits are met as described in the rest of RSA 664. But remember, this is for campaign finance. Receipts and expenditures are also clearly defined. And based on the definitions and what I just explained, the LPNH is a political party, not a political committee. We can establish and register a political committee, if we have receipts or expenditures that meet the definitions described; In other words, if we raise or spend money specifically for candidates campaigns (Note: Ballot access is not campaigning because you are not advocating for a candidate success or defeat, you are only getting them on the ballot.) A combined reading of RSA 664.3.I and RSA 664.6 indicates that we are not required to register a committee until we reached certain receipt/expenditure limits, though nothing prohibits us from doing so voluntarily like we did in 2019. Once the election cycle ends; unless there are still assets or liabilities with the committee, it simply dissolves. So the committee we registered in 2019 is no more.

    I was Treasurer during the 2019-2020 election cycle. I did not file any reports as described by RSA 664 because none of our receipts or expenditures met the requirements. We did not raise money on behalf of candidates and we did not donate to candidates. I am quite confident in this interpretation because, remember, we had a lawsuit regarding ballot access and a challenge to one of our candidates. If we were in any violation of the basic campaign finance requirements, it would have been easy low-hanging fruit for our opponents to pounce on. They did not. Because we are a political party, not a political committee, and the political committee we registered essential sat dormant.

    The current treasurer, Sean Brennan, has likewise not missed any campaign finance reporting requirements because there are yet to be any campaigns.

    There is, however, an area where LPNH has fallen short in terms of its organization, and that is registration as a business with the state of New Hampshire. We registered in 2019 through the state web site but our application was rejected. No explanation was provided by the Secretary of State. No guidance was given as to how to not be rejected. I do not recall exactly but I remember trying to register again and the site, I believe, stated that we already had an application submitted. When I turned over the treasure to the new treasurer in March of this year, I explained that this was still an outstanding issue that needed to be resolved. However, this was specifically a matter of concern for the treasure only because it was indirectly affecting our Paypal account. Nothing in our bylaws explicitly states that the treasurer is solely responsible for this registration. In fact, the original application in 2019 was filed by Brian Shields; the sitting CHAIR at the time. So I reject the idea that any continuance of this status is a failing of the treasurer, either past or present. Neither do I think it lies solely with the chair. I happen to think the entire party leadership ought to work together to bring it to resolution.

    Hope this helps.

  89. Caryn Ann Harlos forwarded
    Sun, Jun 13, 3:58 PM (1 day ago)
    to lnc-business
    Request for Restoration of Access and meeting tonight at 6pm

    Sean Dempsey

    to Jilletta, Ugga, Stephen, seanbrennan150, chair,
    Dear Jilletta,

    As you are aware, you still hold the position of Chair of the LPNH. No resignation has been tendered as far as we are aware.

    The EC of the LPNH are meeting tonight for an emergency session at 6pm via Zoom and would kindly request you please attend. We recognize this is late notice, but the circumstances make it prudent. We will send the Zoom login url once you confirm receipt you can attend.

    The LPNH EC would also like to formally demand you immediate return access to the following LPNH assets to all current LPNH EC members:

    1) website access
    2) social media accounts for Facebook and Twitter
    3) Google drive for all party business/minutes/marketing assets etc

    Access to these accounts/assets were revoked on June 8 and we request they be restored immediately.

    We understand you have decided to start a separate group/organization—which is fine. But it is not appropriate for you to remove access to the EXISTING party’s digital assets or deny access to materials which pertain to the legacy/existing group. Please confirm receipt of this email as soon as possible.

    Cordially and respectfully,
    -Sean Dempsey, At Large LPNH
    Lifetime Member, LP National
    Lifetime Member, LPNH

  90. Disaffiliate both factions of the LPNH and let them duke it out in the ring. Raise some cash.

  91. Via LNC list

    Hello LNC Members,

    Nolan Pelletier Interim Chair of LPNH. Just wondering when you will return the website to the EC of LPNH? I would like to remind you, we are the elected officials of this state affiliate. Since I have not been contacted directly by you in any manner, I felt it was prudent to give you my personal info. Like many of you, I work full-time, but I will most certainly take time to talk to anyone who wishes to contact me, this is too important to wait. Since my LP email doesn’t work anymore, my personal # and email has been provided to you. I personally feel that you have aided in theft, and would appreciate in the very least an explanation. I have not even received this courtesy yet.
    Nolan Pelletier Interim Chair LPNH

  92. From Caryn Ann Harlos, Secretary LNC:

    As Secretary and an officer of this Party, I demand that the website access be given to the legitimate chair of the legitimate affiliate IMMEDIATELY. We do not own that website and we are jeopardizing the entire project by this. If we hijack the NH party website, why should any party stay with us, and I will be compelled to warn Colorado and ask them to consider withdrawing as I don’t trust the LNC not to do the same to us.

    Nolan Pelletier, Interim Chair LPNH:
    I would just like to add, since the website contains all of our membership info, we cannot conduct proper party business. Furthermore all these contacts are now in the hands of another entity. What is the protocol for this? National has aided in the theft of personal information, and then gave it to another organization. I am not a lawyer, but I feel the membership would have had to consent to this?

    Nolan Pelletier
    Interim Chair LPNH

    Caryn Ann Harlos:
    I agree with you and will do everything in my power to make NH whole. This is an outrageous breach by National. In my opinion. Once it was clear that Ms. Jarvis started a competing organization, at a minimum, the switch should have been flipped off. According to Ms. Jarvis, she told the LNC chair this a week ago at a minimum. However, I have not heard from the LNC Chair yet to hear his side. What I have heard via the few emails to the list makes zero sense.

    Nolan Pelletier:

    Thank you Caryn Ann for your quick response. I look forward to hearing from the rest of the LNC members. I implore National to move swiftly on this matter, since it seems the root of this issue might have been caused by someone at National. We would like our property returned, it never should have been taken in the first place. Unlike our other stolen digital assets, you have the power to return the website to us immediately.

    Caryn Ann Harlos:
    None of this should have happened, and while I understand and feel your anger, the LNC made no decision on this – I am still in fact finding mode to figure out how this all happened. But to my view, the legitimate authority of the LNC was bypassed and the duly elected officers of this party were kept in the dark. That is unacceptable.

  93. Also forwarded to LNC

    June 13, 2021
    To the Executive and Judicial Committees of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire:

    My name is Dr. Joshua Olitzky, and I am a current, dues paying member and delegate of both the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH) and the Libertarian Party. This is a formal request in accordance with the LPNH by-laws section VI.N.1-2 for the recall of Jiletta Jarvis from her position as chair of the LPNH.

    Section VI
    N. Officer Recall

    1. A petition to remove a member of the Executive Committee may be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Judicial Committee, provided that the petition:

    1. Contains a statement providing specific reasons why the Executive Committee member should be removed;

    2. Contains the signatures of at least 25% of the delegates who attended the most recent convention who certify that they agree with the statement; 3. Specifies at least one representative from the signatories who may be contacted by the Judicial Committee for additional information regarding the petition.

    2. If a recall petition is submitted, the Judicial Committee shall verify its authenticity, investigate the matter, and render a decision no later than 30 days after the verification of the petition. A 2/3 vote of all Judicial Committee members is required to remove an Executive Committee member.

    Jiletta has violated the LPNH by-laws and unilaterally taken control of party resources, including the website and social media channels; the party’s storage unit has been emptied; and she has declared new by-laws, a platform, and a membership oath, while attempting to remove all duly elected committee members from the LPNH, including the entire Executive and Judicial committees. There was no vote of the body on this matter, no discussion with any committee and no appeal to the judicial committee which is required to remove any officer of the party. I believe this is a willful and severe dereliction of duty.

    According to a public statement made by the chair of the national Libertarian Party, Jiletta has also made false statements, with a claim that all current officers “constructively resigned”, along with the false claim that the goals of the current LPNH Executive Committee were to procedurally expel a wide swath of membership.

    I, along with the undersigned credentialed delegates to the 2021 LPNH convention, respectfully request that you recall Jilletta Jarvis from her position as Chair of the Executive Committee of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party.

    Dr. Joshua D Olitzky
    Erik Sawyer
    Mickey Mullin
    Seth Hall
    Deni O’Leary
    Alex Desmarais
    Gabrielle Desmarais
    John Elliott
    Jessica Pelletier
    William Barger
    Rosa Moura
    Sean Dempsey
    Brandon Brush
    Justin O’Donnell
    Jeremy Kauffman
    Dennis Pratt
    Rodney Dukelow
    Patrick Binder
    Mari Fontaine
    Grace merrell
    Jesse Garland
    Sean Brennan

  94. > On Jun 13, 2021, at 10:18 PM, Sean Dempsey wrote:
    > Jilletta,
    > As requested now multiple times via phone and through emails and online channels, **please return all LPNH assets to the party**.
    > If you have started a NEW coalition or group, fine – do as you please and be well.
    > However, we demand that you immediately:
    > (1) provide access to the website,
    > (2) re-implement the email addresses for all elected LPNH EC members,
    > (3) provide access credentials to the LPNH social media accounts, and
    > (4) re-add everyone on the EC back to the LPNH Google Drive account.
    > These assets do NOT belong to you or any NEW group you have decided to form; these assets belong to the LPNH and its membership. This is non-disputable.
    > This will be our last and final request that party property be returned to party leadership.
    > Please be aware if LPNH digital assets are not returned to LPNH control by Monday at 11am EST then the LPNH will be seeking legal remedies with the state of New Hampshire.
    > We in the EC are giving you this final demand letter and personal warning in good faith to make this egregious situation right by returning stolen digital property back to its owners and rightfully-elected stewards.
    > Thank you,
    > -Sean Dempsey, LPNH At Large


    As stated, I will abide by the decision on Tuesday. To save you some money, waiting one day might be beneficial to you. They belong to National and I will abide by their decision on this.


    Sean Dempsey Replies:


    You are woefully misinformed. Which is mind-boggling to me given your length of time in the party.

    The LPNH affiliate is an *independent organization* that is voluntarily associated with national. The social media accounts are the sole property of the state party.

    If you had done even a modicum of research before pursuit of this plot you would have discovered this immediately.

    The website itself is a slightly different story, only because it’s hosted by national; however, **the namecheap account and the domain name are legal property of the LPNH state party** and not national. The nameservers are just pointed to National’s web hosting to take advantage of the CiviCRM shared data project and their hosting environment.

    I will state this one last time as a final courtesy out of my previous respect for you: **return the property of the party to the party immediately**.

    It is party business how and if/when it deploys funds and IF we need to seek legal guidance and/or assistance to wrestle control back of assets then the party may even name you personally in the lawsuit as the misappropriator of said assets. Is this really what you want?

    How it saddens and sickens me that you would waste time, energy, and money from our membership on this ridiculous mockery of a scene.

    Theft of private property is as anti-libertarian as it gets!!

    We could all be directing this energy and attention into helping to build the party and gain traction for liberty in NH. Instead we are fighting for access in order to mitigate real damages you have caused. How sad. How woefully sad.

    Return party property immediately!

    -Sean Dempsey, At Large, LPNH


    Rich and Tucker,

    Please forward the below correspondence to the public business list reflector.

    Context: There have been numerous formal requests by the LPNH EC to our party’s chair (Jilletta Jarvis) to release assets owned by the party back to the party.

    She has repeatedly refused. Some of these refusals are seen below, where she is under the glass impression that LP National has say over the ownership of LPNH property.

    Ms Jarvis has effectively stolen LPNH digital assets, stopped the ability to bring on new membership and donations via our website, locked the EC out of our official LPNH email accounts, and is not providing access to documentation to rightfully-elected members of the LPNH EC.

    Based on her most recent response (below), Ms Jarvis is confused (or being intentionally obtuse) as to the ownership of these critical LPNH digital assets.

    The ownership of LPNH’s social media accounts, its website domain name (, and party documentation all are private property and owned by the LPNH and not by National.

    In Liberty,
    Sean Dempsey, At Large, LPNH
    Lifetime LPNH Member
    Lifetime LP National Member

  95. Sounds like it might be time to get law enforcement involved. It seems clear Ms Jarvis committed theft and/or embezzlement.

  96. “Sounds like it might be time to get law enforcement involved. It seems clear Ms Jarvis committed theft and/or embezzlement.”

    I agree.

  97. I didn’t find these posted above. My apology if they are duplicate.. Joe Bishop-Henchman posted these to the LNC discussion list.

    Jun 12, 2021, 4:20:21 PM (2 days ago)
    to lnc-business

    I’ve just got off the phone with Ms. Jarvis and am returning other calls. She related that the EC started member expulsions in violation of their Bylaws last week, first with someone no one would object to in order to set the precedent and then to proceed with a wide swath of the membership with a goal of making the party a tool of the state Republicans. She says she has evidence to this effect. Her position is that the EC members who so acted illegally have constructively resigned, and as the only remaining EC member who did not participate in the expulsion, it now falls to her to fill vacancies.


    Jun 12, 2021, 11:51:55 PM (2 days ago)
    to lnc-business

    Addressing the specific allegation about me, I’ve never talked with anyone about a NHLP storage unit or things inside it.

    As Ms. Ebke mentioned earlier, I’m in Wyoming this weekend for our Frontier Summit where 60 attendees from 18 states and all the caucuses are here strategizing for how to elect more Libertarians in 2022. We just announced the first of our ballot initiatives to decriminalize marijuana, with great press coverage – us leading the effort to go to the people because the Republicans killed that legislation. We are closer to success than we realize. I wish that’s where our focus was. But this constant escalation and internal outrage and assuming the worst of everyone else has to stop.

    The national party stands ready to help and support any New Hampshire Libertarian who wants to build up our party to win. To reiterate my statement earlier, my position is that this dispute can only be resolved within New Hampshire. I find this all very distressing but I have every confidence that the party I love and champion will find a constructive way forward.


  98. What a piece of garbage. He’s an accomplice who probably should be arrested as well.





  100. This whole episode illustrates why libertarianism, individualism, anarchy and small government are all morally and practically bankrupt, unworkable, destructive and ill thought out doctrines. There is nothing good to be found anywhere in that direction. Government needs to be bigger, not smaller. Its size and scope need to be expanded. The libertarian party shit show is a good illustration. Imagine these nuts and jokers in government. Thankfully, it will never happen. Republicans need to be kept out too, because they are way too much like libertarians to be allowed in power. We need a strong communalist movement in the Democratic Party, or a communalist party if election laws ever make a third party practical.

  101. From Sean Dempsey:

    LP National,
    As an executive member of the LPNH, as well as an individual member of the same, I am formally requesting a swift acknowledgment of the theft of LPNH assets by currently-suspended LPNH Chair, Jilletta Jarvis, and her co-conspirators; she has performed malfeasance in her role as LPNH Chair by arresting control of state party assets and sensitive member information.

    Most importantly, there are significant privacy concerns with her actions!

    Every LPNH member’s physical address, email address, and other sensitive information is now in the hands of a rogue (new) organization, which the vast majority of its members did not authorize, recognize, or elect.

    This recently-formed organization has an entirely separate leadership, a new set of unofficial and non-affirmed bylaws, a new pledge, and new bank account.

    Jilletta’s alleged new organization would be a **completely separate entity** than the rightful and legacy/affirmed LPNH organization. Its individual members HAVE authorized the legacy/sanctioned LPNH organization be given access to personal/sensitive information.

    No such authorization by members has been provided, individually or in whole, for distribution of private information. Any data taken was without the consent of the members.

    As a paying dues and lifetime member of said established body of LPNH, **I do not authorize** my information be in the hands of any other organization; I do not give consent to this. Until our website is restored to the authorized agents of the LP state party (legacy organization/EC members) my information and others are illegally held without authorization or consent.

    The body of membership of the LPNH at large was not consulted in any manner before their information was stolen and provided to this new group; Jilletta Jarvis acted either by herself and/or with other nefarious actors to deliberately give private and sensitive member information to this new organization, while withholding it from the legacy/standing (and authorized) one.

    Jilletta seems under the impression she has the blessing of National and/or JBH to have done as she did—and has stated in writing she will only restore the stolen LPNH assets with an LNC ruling.

    Even though LNC has no legal standing with respect to LPNH assets, still, I am requesting that you please help resolve this immediately. She appears genuine in her statement that she will listen to National’s opinion regarding this theft of party property.

    Please request that she give back all stolen LPNH assets (its website; its social media accounts [which she or others have deleted data which constitute legal damages]; its email addresses (for standing EC members); and its domain name,

    I urge you to call for the restoration of legally-owned LPNH assets, and reprimand Jilletta for this violation of the NAP and organizational sedition (as well as any/all conspirators involved with the theft and repurposing of LPNH assets, including members’ private information).

    Theft is violence. This is not the way.

    Cordially and respectfully yours,

    In Liberty,
    Sean Dempsey, At Large
    LPNH Executive Committee
    Lifetime LPNH Member
    Lifetime LP Member

  102. JBH sets LNC straight:


    This past weekend I was at the Libertarian Frontier Summit in Wyoming—where I saw elected Libertarians and a thriving, growing party that is fast becoming what I know all of us hope the Libertarian Party could be. We are taking the lead on a ballot initiative, we’ve elected people, and are well on our way to putting more Libertarians in state legislatures. Unfortunately, that is not where the interest and focus of this board and many Libertarians online have been.

    First, some context about New Hampshire. The New Hampshire party was recently taken over by a faction, group, caucus, whatever you want to call it, that has been making insane statements contradicting our platform and principles, that was trampling their own bylaws to purge their opponents, and was openly planning to not even run Libertarian candidates and instead support Republicans. Most egregiously, they even made a statement in support of the pro-Trump mob’s actions on January 6, which I regard as an extremely serious violation of the pledge we have all taken. All this under the control of an individual who does things like tweet about how black people have lower IQs and murdering trans people would be a good trade-off for lower taxes.

    At a breaking point and given the extremity of the situation, LPNH Chair Jilletta Jarvis determined that this blatant subversion of the party’s purposes and lawless actions of the state committee had amounted to their constructive resignation. Little different than if they had all gone out and endorsed Donald Trump or Joe Biden, basically. Thus, she felt she had no choice to reconstitute the organization as best she could, with the people she could, who still supported the mission of the party.

    Prior to this, Ms. Jarvis evidently anticipated a possible fight over control of social media accounts. She asked for, and I gave her, as I have given and would give any state party chair on request, a letter affirming her status as representing the affiliate of the national Libertarian Party: a fact which was not even disputed at the time. These letters can be and are accepted by the FEC, banks, insurance companies, and many others, and I have no authority to refuse to provide a state chair with one.

    Second, what did I know? I’m on the phone with state chairs, LNC members, donors, and activists for hours a day and there are always ten or twenty crises going on, some real and some imagined. I had heard for some time rumors and various reports that New Hampshire was headed for some sort of schism, almost on a weekly basis. And frankly that didn’t take any inside information to guess at. This ongoing fiasco was happening in full view of the entire LNC, and the country. I note that several members raised the issue as a concern at the Chicago meeting and were told in no uncertain terms that the LNC should not intervene (or even discuss options) by people who are now demanding precisely that.

    Claims that I was some kind of co-conspirator are false. I do not as LNC Chair tell state chairs and officers what they should do. But neither was I terribly surprised by what happened, and frankly nobody on this committee should have been, either. The details and timing, sure. But not at all that something like this was coming.

    Third, what should we do? The actions taken by the New Hampshire party and its individual members and officers here were theirs to make and this dispute is ultimately theirs to sort out. It is not our job as the LNC to impose our commands as to who should do what or work with whom or how this should ultimately be resolved. It is certainly not our place to adjudicate state party bylaws disputes. We have no such jurisdiction. Ultimately, if disputed slates of delegates are sent to the national convention, that’s for the convention to make a decision on.

    Fourth, what do I think, as an individual? I’ve been reluctant to share this because any of us rushing out a personal position is at odds with this Committee engaging in deliberation and sober judgment. But now that Ms. Harlos has poisoned the well with a kangaroo court interrogation of Ms. Jarvis, and public wild accusations have escalated this situation to make it an existential crisis, means we are past that point. So here is some of the tone I normally save for IRS attorneys or Republicans and Democrats.

    What was happening around Ms. Jarvis was indefensible, untenable, and at odds with the fundamental principles of what our party stands for. I sympathize entirely with her immense pain and frustration at being held to blame for decisions that were being made over her objection. And now, I know she has been the subject of violent threats (as have I) and as a result has serious, substantial concerns for her safety and that of her family. The people doing that to her are not merely misguided or having a difference of opinion. Their actions are evil. To be perfectly clear: there is no equivalence on that, no “both sides are doing it.” I cannot pretend otherwise. Do I personally think Ms. Jarvis was wrong? It’s not my place to decide, but as a former state chair I empathize with the difficult position she was in.

    The reality is that our party faces a binary choice between two very different visions and some very different, mutually exclusive principles. On the one hand is—it’s been called a takeover, but more honestly it is the destruction of the party as we know it, the end of a Libertarian Party worthy of that name. On the other hand are Libertarians—from across the entire spectrum of the party, prags and radicals and audacious and even many Mises rank and file—who oppose takeovers and destructive messaging and purging those who defy such demands, and instead want to focus on building up the party and electing principled Libertarians. And I have no problem saying: I am with them, and so long as I am Chair I will support them. Because the alternative is not just bad for the party. It means the party becoming something I could not and would not support, and would not tell others they should support.

    Throughout this, I have tried to stay positive. I ran for Chair promising that I would not engage in social media flamewars and endlessly denounce other Libertarians, and that is what I have stuck to. I don’t do two-hour videos denouncing my LNC colleagues, I don’t engage in abusive twitter threads, I don’t disparage the party in public interviews, and when I hold the gavel it is to ensure every voice is heard and every motion with a second gets a full vote. I have worked to support electing more Libertarians, professionalizing the party’s operations, developing our fundraising capabilities, and all the other priorities which our delegates endorsed with my election. I wanted to unite the party around that vision. I did not seek this position, and all the hard work it entails, to spite and fight other Libertarians. Unlike some members of this committee, I have not spent my energies trying to fuel bitter, destructive factionalism and an internal politics of personal destruction. Bombs are still falling, kids are still in cages, and here we are arguing this nonsense.

    In short, I did not run for chair of the third-largest political party in the United States so we can argue over who controls the damn Twitter accounts.

    Ms. Harlos and a few others have tried to somehow make this about attacking me. It’s obvious what she is doing and why. But the fact is, at this point, she has obviously, clearly, substantively interfered in New Hampshire more than I have. The only action I have taken here was indisputably proper and even routine—providing a letter I would provide to any state chair, that I couldn’t not provide, stating a fact that no one disputed on the date I issued it. The rest of the accusations are that I have opinions about what happened that she and others disagree with. Or, perhaps, that I didn’t immediately call them every time I hear rumors or hints about some state party drama brewing. If the national committee would like to remove me for that, it certainly can. But I think that’s a pretty silly digression from the matter at hand, which is what if anything we should do about the situation in New Hampshire now.

    Thank you,

  103. Thank you Mr. Chair, for injecting a dose of sanity into the poisoned waters.

  104. New Hampshire has threatened to go rogue before. In the Presidential election of 2008, I seem to recall they threatened to keep their stand-in candidate on the ballot, George Phillies, rather than switch their electors to Bob Barr.

    There have been several state affiliates that went rogue over the years. Most notably was Arizona,which had two competing Libertarian Parties up until the naughties.

  105. The Liberal International has some countries with several affiliate parties.

    Maybe the Libertarian Party should authorize multiple affiliates in any state to satisfy each faction.

  106. The stand in candidate, George Phillies, did remain on the ballot, not because the LP of NH went rogue, but rather because the New Hampshire Secretary of State did not allow stand ins, or candidates to withdraw once they were certified for the ballot, so another petition drive was done to put Bob Barr on the ballot, which was successful.

  107. This talk that the Mises Caucus only wants to endorse Republicans for partisan office is a LIE. Since the Mises Caucus has existed, they have not even done this one time. IF they were to do something like this, the Republican would have to meet a very strong pro-liberty litmus test. They would not run somebody against say Rand Paul or Tom Massie in Kentucky, but that would be it. The Mises Caucus most definitely wants people to run as big “L” Libertarians at all levels of government, and anyone who says otherwise is a LIAR.

  108. Pretty ironic for anyone who supported Bob Barr or Gary Johnson or Bill Weld to complain that the Mises Caucus is a Republican takeover.

  109. Funny how most of the people who are freaking out over the Mises Caucus and FALSELY claiming that it is a “Republican takeover” expressed no outrage in 2020, when then sitting Libertarian Party National Chairman, Nicholas Sarwark, publicly ENDORSED Bill Weld in the Republican presidential primary, and VOTED for him in the Republican presidential primary.

  110. Earl is obviously a fascist/communist who supports fraud. Jarvis is telling the truth. “Mr. Libertarian” above is a fascist liar and should be more honest and call himself Mr. Fascist.

    Andy (this Andy? )says

    “Pretty ironic for anyone who supported Bob Barr or Gary Johnson or Bill Weld to complain that the Mises Caucus is a Republican takeover.”

    Former Republicans are not necessarily a Republican takeover. The key question is whether they continue to advocate for reactionary socially regressive policies through government coercion, as Republicans do, when they switch parties, and if they seek to change the Libertarian Party to one that seeks to implement those coercive big government social authoritarian positions. I understand that you agree with them on issues like abortion, LGBT equal rights, immigration, etc., so I would consider you to be part of an attempted Republican takeover, even if you have never been a Republican in your life.

    The Meeses Cucks have in fact called for keeping the Libertarian Party out of the way of, or even for endorsing, so called “liberty Republicans” who advocate these socially repressive policies. Some of them have expressly called for not running LP candidates, even knowing this would cost the party ballot access. Some of them have talked about taking over the Libertarian Party so they can use it as outside leverage to help them take over the Republican Party. Their preferred strategy is outrageous and disgusting social media “macho flashing,” which hurts candidate recruitment and existing candidates all over the country. Sometimes this social media strategy veers into open bigotry, and they consider condemning bigotry to be an attack on them, even when they are not mentioned.

    Nick Sarwark did not and does not advocate for bringing Trumptard, social authoritarian or neofascist policies into the Libertarian Party. He did support Bill Weld’s quixotic efforts to bring in libertarian viewpoints and challenge fascism and the cult of the omnipotent Trump in the Republican Party.

  111. The sign and caption in that picture are lies. I never said that, and it was from the 2018 LP National Convention, not a Mises Caucus event.

  112. Bob Barr, Gary Johnson, and Bill Weld were NEVER strong libertarians, and I would say they were never really libertarians at all.

  113. LOL!!! Bill Weld NEVER brought libertarian views to the Libertarian Party, or the Republican Party. Maybe at best Bill Weld was just as bad as Donald Trump, but I actually think he was WORSE than Donald Trump.

  114. From Brian Shields:

    Please forward this letter to the public LNC list.

    Hello members of the LNC,

    On June 12th, the following people signed a letter supporting the Republican sympathizer infiltrators of LPNH and supported the recall of Chair Jilletta Jarvis.

    The dates of their LPNH memberships are as follows

    1/7/2021 – Dr. Joshua D Olitzky
    12/23/2020 – Erik Sawyer
    1/25/2021 – Mickey Mullin
    1/13/2021 – Seth Hall
    12/13/2020 – Deni O’Leary
    1/31/2021 – Alex Desmarais
    1/31/2021 – Gabrielle Desmarais
    1/15/2021 – John Elliott
    1/11/2021 – Jessica Pelletier
    2/12/2021 – William Barger
    2/9/2021 – Rosa Moura
    3/20/2021 – Sean Dempsey – the day of the Convention
    2/2/2021 – Brandon Brush
    3/28/2019 – Justin O’Donnell
    1/6/2021 – Jeremy Kauffman
    1/13/2021 – Dennis Pratt
    2/10/2021 – Rodney Dukelow
    2/2/2021 – Patrick Binder
    2/2/2021 – Mari Fontaine
    1/30/2021 – Grace Merrell
    1/24/2021 – Jesse Garland
    12/17/2020 – Sean Brennan

    Aside from Justin O’Donnell, who most of you have served with on the LNC and probably know from experience he hasn’t seen a wave of public opinion he wouldn’t exploit for profit, every one of the people in support of the expelled Executive Committee members has not been in the LPNH for longer than 7 months, and are part of the infiltration and takeover efforts.

    Meanwhile here are the LPNH member start dates for:

    Jilletta Jarvis – 9/3/2016 LPNational member since 2016
    Brian Shields – 5/28/2018 (Lifetime LPNH Member date) LPNational member since 2009.
    Leslee Petersen – 10/20/2017, LPNational member since 2012
    George Carpenter – 4/4/2019 (Lifetime LPNH Member date) also Lifetime LPNational member, joining in 2016.

    We’re fighting for the soul of the Libertarian Party and the very definition of the word Libertarian here.

    These membership start dates speak for themselves. Jilletta, George, and I worked together on the Johnson campaign in 2016. Jilletta and I were two of 12 people at the LPNH Convention in 2016 when Darryl W Perry reinvigorated a dormant affiliate and have been involved ever since. Leslee has been a staunch supporter of GSM issues and anti-bigotry issues in the party and is a key member of Outright Libertarians.

    Jilletta was our ballot access candidate in 2018, party Secretary in 2017, Johnson/Weld volunteer in 2016, two-time LPNH delegate to the LNC convention, and a Women in Politics panelist at the 2018 LNC Convention. Jilletta has received three Liberty Awards from LPNH membership. I have five. Jilletta spearheaded the 2020 Ballot Access lawsuit and won, granting us ballot access during Covid.

    Ron Paul pulled me into the movement in 2009, where I joined the Libertarian Party of Delaware and quickly was named Sussex County Chair. I was the treasurer for the first transgender candidate to run for Delaware Senate later that year. There is now a transgender Delaware state Senator in office. A divorce pulled me out of politics until the Johnson/Weld campaign in 2016, where I volunteered and was a county representative. I joined our county-level affiliate and was Vice-Chair in 2017, later running in a special election for the NH House. I was elected Chair of LPSeacoast and Vice-Chair of LPNH in 2018, presiding over the LPNH Bylaws revision in the 2018 Special Convention. The next year I was elected Chair of LPNH.

    We’re not a bunch of random rogues. We’ve been fighting for the Libertarian Party for years, and these people have no idea what this party is all about. Their intentions are not good and they will damage LPNH permanently in NH if they continue.

    This is not a coup. The coup happened in March at the convention when dozens of activists who moved to New Hampshire with intent to disrupt the political scene joined the party before the delegate deadline, changed the bylaws to nominate their people into power on all committees, and start to tarnish the image of LPNH and LPNational with their communications strategy designed to alienate the public with offensive communications that violate the NAP, Statement of Principles, and the Platform so they can pave the way for Republican candidates they openly support.

    This is a rescue mission.

    Brian Shields

    LPNH Chair 2019-2020
    LPNH Vice Chair 2018
    LPSeacoast Chair 2018
    NH House of Reps Candidate 2017
    LPSeacoast Vice Chair 2017
    Johnson/Weld Strafford County Rep 2016
    Campaign Treasurer 2009
    Sussex County, DE Chair 2009

  115. The Mises Caucus have been the top recruiters for the Libertarian Party. Dues paying membership in the LP is the highest it has been in more than 10 years, and this is thanks to the recruitment efforts of the Mises Caucus.

  116. “The sign and caption in that picture are lies. I never said that, and it was from the 2018 LP National Convention, not a Mises Caucus event.”

    It’s obviously satire, and I think it strikes its mark.

    “Bob Barr, Gary Johnson, and Bill Weld were NEVER strong libertarians, and I would say they were never really libertarians at all.”

    You have a highly distorted view of what real libertarians are. The definition is not paleoconservatives or paleoanything.

    “Bill Weld NEVER brought libertarian views to the Libertarian Party, or the Republican Party.”

    He brought libertarian views into both.

    “Maybe at best Bill Weld was just as bad as Donald Trump, but I actually think he was WORSE than Donald Trump.”

    Trump was and is much, much worse. There’s no legitimate comparison.

  117. I have been an LP member since 1996, and I am vehemently opposed to the Jilletta Jarvis coup faction in New Hampshire.

  118. Even if you think Trump was worse than Weld, Weld was not, is not, and has never been, even remotely libertarian.

  119. ” Dues paying membership in the LP is the highest it has been in more than 10 years, and this is thanks to the recruitment efforts of the Mises Caucus.”

    It’s mostly due to the campaigns of Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen. To the much more minor extent to which the Meeses Cucks recruited members, it’s been in an effort to hijack the party into a paleorightist or alt right direction – authoritarian nationalism, right wing populism and neofascism.

  120. “I have been an LP member since 1996, and I am vehemently opposed to the Jilletta Jarvis coup faction in New Hampshire.”

    The Meeses Cucks are the coup, and Jarvis and Shields are the countercoup.

    ” Weld was not, is not, and has never been, even remotely libertarian.”

    I think he’s more libertarian than you are, despite paying membership dues and calling yourself a libertarian all these years.

  121. Libertarianism has existed for hundreds and maybe thousands of years, so a quarter century of membership doesn’t make you the definer or real libertarianism. For all that time, long before there was ever a Libertarian Party, libertarianism was part of the classical liberal tradition. Rothbard’s sad and weird little cult has attempted to redefine libertarianism outside of the liberal tradition, with hideous results compounded by the ugly direction in which Rothbardianism has evolved after Rothbard died, continuing a path he pursued towards the end of his life when he left and denounced the Libertarian Party. Now his mutant ideological children and back 30 years later with a vengeance to stage a hostile takeover of the Libertarians as a stepping stone to additional games they want to play in the Republican Party. They are a deviation from libertarianism, not its definition.

  122. From Sasha Cohen:

    Members of the LNC,

    I want to share my thoughts on the ongoing issue of LPNH. As an elected libertarian I find it important to have a functioning party behind me, where leadership and staff can focus on the mission of our party -electing Libertarians, rather than on putting out fires being started by our own membership.

    First, before diving into the issue itself, I want to take a moment to express my disgust with the behavior of some members of this body over the last several days. The bickering, unfounded accusations, and snide remarks must stop. In particular, the presumption made by Mr. Moellman that 2 minutes and 44 seconds is sufficient time to determine the chair is absent, and make a ruling in his stead, followed by the comments of Mr. Moellman and Mr Nanna are so out of line they are deserving of censure.

    The way I see it, there are two issues at hand, of which only one seems to be under discussion. Issue 1 is the offensive messaging, which has caused national embarrassment to an extent severe enough that 15 elected libertarians were prepared to issue an open letter condemning the messaging strategy. Issue 2 is the actions of NH Chair Jilletta Jarvis. Only issue 2 appears to be the subject of LNC discussion. So I will begin by focusing on that.

    Ms. Jarvis has asserted that the executive committee constructively resigned by their actions, both the improper expulsion of a member, and other contraventions of the bylaws, including an excom member pushing to support a republican gubernatorial candidate. I believe this argument holds water, and should be sufficiently strong for the LNC to stand down, accept the decision of a state chair as valid, and move forward with the new executive committee.

    Some of you may disagree.

    In that case, we move on to the cessation of existence of the previous executive committee as a result of the wanton negligence of the former treasurer, causing the organization to cease existing. In that case, the LNC should immediately affiliate the newly formed LPNH. After that vote, the LNC should stand down, accept the state chair and excom, and move forward.

    Some of you may disagree

    Which leads to the final prospective path forward- wherein we revisit the issue that originated national attention on LPNH. If for some reason the case presented by Ms. Jarvis has failed to satisfy you, then it is my belief that the damage being caused by the LPNH messaging strategy (including the use of an individual promoting disgusting racial iq ‘science’ as a twitter manager) has risen to the level that the LNC would be justified to disaffiliate the ‘old’ LPNH, and should do so. In which case- yet again, the LNC should immediately affiliate the newly formed LPNH so as to maintain a continuous affiliate presence in all 50 states plus DC.

    The simple reality is, there are myriad valid paths by which this issue can be gone through, but all roads lead to the same place: the LNC must recognize the new LPNH executive committee as the recognized affiliate. To do anything else would be a capitulation to the individuals advocating ‘stacking bodies’ and ‘if she struggles punch her until she stops’. We must reject their threats and stand firm, or else why even bother having a party?

    For liberty,

    Sasha Cohen
    LIbertarian Party of Illinois
    Dekalb City Clerk

  123. Joe Bishop-Henchman

    Mon, Jun 14, 11:38 PM (13 hours ago)

    to lnc-business

    We have three upcoming meetings that have been properly called and are therefore on our schedule.

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021 – 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 7pm MT / 6pm PT

    Called by: Moellman, Harlos, Phillips

    1. Status and identity of the LPNH affiliate, status of its assets, and use of the “Libertarian Party” brand
    2. Circumstances, timeline, and authority of the national party’s knowledge and involvement in the recent events in New Hampshire.

    Meeting ID: 847 3426 9374
    Passcode: 337718
    One tap mobile
    +12532158782,,84734269374#,,,,*337718# US (Tacoma)
    +13017158592,,84734269374#,,,,*337718# US (Washington DC)

    Friday, June 18, 2021 – 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 7pm MT / 6pm PT

    Called by: Hogarth, Longstreth, Luchini, Phillips, Sarwark

    1. To discuss the latest concerns in the New Hampshire affiliate.

    Meeting ID: 846 7330 7844
    Passcode: 822523
    One tap mobile
    +13017158592,,84673307844#,,,,*822523# US (Washington DC)
    +13126266799,,84673307844#,,,,*822523# US (Chicago)

    Saturday, June 19, 2021 – 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 7pm MT / 6pm PT

    Called by: Luchini, Moellman, Nanna, Phillips

    1. Status and identity of the LPNH affiliate, status of its assets, and use of the “Libertarian Party” brand.

    2. Circumstances, timeline, and authority of the national party’s knowledge and involvement in the recent events in New Hampshire.

    Meeting ID: 854 6904 9148
    Passcode: 763130
    One tap mobile
    +16465588656,,85469049148#,,,,*763130# US (New York)
    +13017158592,,85469049148#,,,,*763130# US (Washington DC)


    I am available to attend all the meetings and therefore plan to chair them. I know not everyone can make each meeting but all have been properly called with sufficient sponsors.


  124. How many LP LNC members look at BAN ???

    and are NOT amused by the number of troll MORON posts ???

    ie are putting ANY pressure on RW to —

    PURGE ALL troll MORONS off of BAN.

  125. ———- Forwarded message ———
    From: Stephen Nass
    Date: Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 1:31 PM
    Subject: Statement from Stephen Nass, EC At Large LPNH
    To: Caryn Ann Harlos , ,

    Please see the attached PDF for the same message.

    To: Members of the LNC

    My name is Stephen Nass. These past few days you’ve been publicly publishing various narratives about the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire as well as slander from individuals against my own name, I feel compelled to write to you in order to clear my name of wrongdoing and correct the record. I apologize for the lengthy bit about my personal life, but since seeing how much the LNC Chair has dragged me and my community through the mud I am compelled to defend them.

    First, a little bit about my role in the liberty movement. I am a second generation Libertarian, and I have been active for liberty my entire adult life. I have brought an “end the fed” sign to Occupy Wall Street protests, started and ran LP affiliates, held LP protests at city hall, door knocked, gathered petitions, was an LP campaign manager, etc. I am the currently elected At-Large member of the Executive Committee of The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. I was also given the role by our EC of LPNH Membership Director and IT Director. I have spent these past months in the role of fixing our website, expanding membership, and creating outreach events. I’ve been really happy with my Membership & Outreach Committee as we have had numerous events, rapidly expanded membership, and we were projected to absolutely smash all of our goals.

    Outside of the Libertarian Party I have founded and now preside as the Board President of a libertarian community center called The Shell (an acronym for “Seacoast Harbors Every Liberty Lover”). Per our bylaws: “The Shell is a private, members-run, invite-only, welcoming, active, social club for liberty lovers in New Hampshire. The purpose of The Shell is to provide a community space in the Seacoast region for liberty lovers and their guests, and to share a love of liberty with the broader world.” We focus on welcoming self-described libertarians of all stripes. On one wall in our center we have a map of the world. We encourage any newcomers to place a pin on where they are from, and we love it when they tell us about how they came to the ideas of liberty. People who join us have commonly just left all their family, friends, and community behind. They commonly also have never been a part of a community before, and are truly seeking their tribe of libertarians. In addition to standard classes/discussions/activism our community center has regular potlucks, movie nights and hang-outs. We celebrate births, graduations, and attend to members’ weddings. We are working on adopting a park, because we don’t think it should be the domain of the government. You can read more about The Shell and our goals at

    Other organizations I volunteer with include SWELL (Seacoast Welcomes Every Liberty Lover, which promotes any and all liberty friendly events on the seacoast region of new hampshire, the Free State Project (which has a goal of getting 20,000 liberty lovers to New Hampshire), and the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance which does bill reviews and provides a libertarian report card on politicians in our state. You can learn more about these organizations at,, and Members of The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire are also very active with all these organizations.

    When members of the Libertarian Party talk about us as being destructive to the liberty movement, these are the people they are disparaging. It has been especially heartbreaking for us when someone as highly regarded as Jilletta Jarvis talks negatively about our motives.

    Hopefully you can gather with that bit of background that my peers and I…

    are trying to push the ideas of liberty forward in New Hampshire

    are trying to get anyone who is libertarian to join us in this mission

    and are fully committed to these ideas. For us it is truly a lifestyle.

    With that out of the way. Lets refute some claims by Jilletta and her team of insurrectionist libertarians.

    Claim: The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire was taken over by The Mises Caucus in a “hostile takeover.”

    Reality: The Executive Committee was elected by the body at our annual convention. Of the 6 members of the Executive Committee, 3 were and as far as I know are still members of the Mises Caucus. I am not one of those three. Until Jilletta left, if the Mises Caucus members were to band together they still would not have enough votes without convincing one of the other members of the EC. Regardless of all that, our votes as EC were nearly always unanimous.

    Claim: Members of our excom were trying to kick members out of the party.

    Reality: We have been doing everything we can to get our members more active. Also, we set a very ambitious goal of getting our membership to 200 people by the end of July. We were taking as many steps as we could to achieve this goal.

    We added many events to get people active where the previous year there were none at all (a networking Gala, a family day at the a liberty friendly arcade, weekly meetups in Manchester and the lakes region) with more events on the calendar.

    We fixed our website so we could actually accept new memberships again.

    We set up our automated emails so that members actually were reminded regularly to renew their membership, and then when they did they were sent an email that showed them how they could get more involved.

    We created and purchased 750 new pieces of recruitment material to be distributed at Bike Week and the Porcupine Freedom Festival.

    Until Jilletta initiated her coup, I can recall no discussion of trying to kick anyone out of the party, with Jackie Perry’s dismissal being the sole exception. We certainly didn’t want to kick Jilletta out and actually saw our team banding together to defend Jilletta as a good bonding moment for our group.

    As far as Brian Shields’ paranoia of us trying to oust him, he doesn’t need our help with that.

    Shields has resigned from working with the LPNH Executive Committee thrice in the past 12 months. Once, he quit while elected chair after having let the party fall into disarray. Then we invited him back to council as Past Chair. At one point he got frustrated, had a trademark Facebook tantrum instead of working on his concerns, and quit. We all gave him the courtesy of having him back when he cooled down. Within a few weeks he was ghosting meetings (which we rescheduled to accommodate his schedule), was not responding and eventually he publicly quit again.

    Claim: That I simply told Brian Shields to complain to the Judicial Committee if he disagreed with our removal of Jackie Perry.

    Reality: I quoted the section of the LPNH bylaws that I believed enabled us to carry out this decision. Then, I said if he disagreed with my interpretation that he should take that matter up with the Judicial Committee for their deliberation. He has declined to do so. Jackie has declined to do so. I acted in what I felt was good faith towards our bylaws. Our EC has since chosen to send it to the Judicial Committee of our own accord.

    Claim: Stephen Nass is a “Shadow Chair”

    Reality: As cool as a nickname “Shadow Chair” is, the very idea is ludacris. I communicate with all members of the Executive Committee and have no secret agenda. I certainly never told anyone what to do. The actions I have taken while on the Excom were at the direction and behest of either the chair or the membership at large.

    Claim: That anyone was saying that we either shouldnt run any candidates, or should support a candidate of another party.

    Truth: I, and just myself, made a Facebook post suggesting that we as a party not endorse a candidate for Governor this next election cycle, if a specific candidate were running. I first made a post stating this in our Members Only LPNH group, and then copied it into the NH Mises Caucus group. After some discussion it was briefly discussed in our EC chat. I am not in control of whom our party endorses. To my knowledge, only the membership at the annual convention can do so.

    Both groups had a very mixed reaction, and I had exactly the pushback that I thought I did. The reason why I made this post are as follows:

    I received a tip from a different liberty group in New Hampshire (not a political party) that someone who was objectively ranked “A” by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance would be running for the governor position and would have a good chance at winning. If we run against him we’ll lose any volunteer from our expansive liberty community who is focused on increasing liberty over increasing the name recognition of the LP.

    We do not have any clear strong candidates for governor.

    If that person was to run, all the libertarian volunteers in the state would be helping him.

    The last Governor candidate we had was unable to drive, made no effort at campaigning, had known debilitating health issues.

    Since I have been in LPNH we have had a history of endorsing anyone who wants to run for any position at all without any debate. I would like us to actually plan ahead this time and get people into races they can win.

    We can have an easier time getting ballot access running for senate, where we would be competing against the tyrannical current governor Sununu.

    Claim: The communications committee was out of control, and/or some of the EC was enabling this.

    Reality: All of the EC regularly discussed how our communications were ran. For my part, I am not on that committee but still tried to offer advice when I could. Very early on I recommended they narrow the number of people posting down to one or two, and I provided them with a template for scheduling posts so that they could plan properly. As a group, our EC had planned a meeting for Monday, June 14 to formalize guidelines for the communications committee. Individually, our chair Jilletta Jarvis had the reigns of the communications committee. The Twitter account is attached to her email and she could pull the plug on it whenever she liked. Personally, I tried not involving myself in worrying about Twitter posts because I am not on that committee. One of the screenshots provided by Jilletta demonstrates my frustration of our EC chat being spammed with daily discussions and critique of individual tweets. I suggested that Jilletta take a more active hand in the committee if she was so determined to micromanage.

    Claim: No physical assets were stolen from the party.

    Reality: We have a storage unit which contains physical party property. As of this moment our EC is unsure as to the status of the items contained in that storage unit. When Jilletta announced her take over of the LPNH digital resources I quickly rushed to our storage unit to see its status. I found it completely emptied out. The week prior it was overflowing with more supplies than could be needed for any event. The status of these items is still being investigated, but out of the responsibility to our members, our EC was compelled to get the police involved and file a report.

  126. Joshua Smith

    12:43 PM (1 hour ago)

    to lnc-business
    I’m unhappy with some on the LNC that the delegates voted in, so I’m gonna go ahead and unilaterally fire most of you, rewrite all the bylaws, and deem myself chair for the next 4 years. I’m sure you guys will argue about it for awhile, but likely my 4 year term will be up by then.

    If you want to join my LP, you will sign this pledge that I just created out of thin air.

    Glad to be the new chair of this completely imaginary LNC, and I appreciate your time.

  127. Ken Moellman

    12:13 AM (13 hours ago)

    to lnc-business
    With the call to cancel the EC meeting, and this letter to the open list, here is the dump of data collected so far:


    6/7/2021 – Jilletta ready to resign as chair over child labor tweet – per Jilletta

    — “someone” reached out with another option, Jilletta unwilling to say who

    6/7/2021 – Joe’s letter authored to Jilletta

    — Per Jilletta, JBH gave letter as part of the plan, JBH knew the plan, per Jilletta

    6/8/2021 – Jackie bounced, per everyone

    6/9/2021 – New LPNH political committee filed for campaign finance, per NH SOS ***

    6/11/2021 – “March” LPNH ExCom members informed website work was going to happen, per “March” ExCom

    6/11/2021 – Jilletta/Carpenter files new entity per Jilletta ***

    6/11/2021 – “June” Committee begins logging into CRM

    6/12/2021 – LPNH “March” faction access removed from website

    6/12/2021 – JBH called Jilletta to create a statement, per Jilletta

    6/12/2021 – LPNH website updated with new bylaws

    Question: Does an organization follow its chair, or does an organization follow the Constitution and Bylaws from a noticed convention of members?

    Answer: The chair is a role, not a king, in an organization. If the chair abandons the organization, the organization continues onward in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws.

    Question: Does the threshold by which someone gets elected make any difference at all?

    Answer: No.

    Question: Does LPNH have the authority to expel a member? (Rationale previously publicly given for supporting the action)

    Answer: They have done it in the past, which set the precedent that they could expel members, per previous chair and now June-faction ExCom member Brian Sheilds:

    Question: Does the state recognize the “March” LPNH? Did the LPNH administratively dissolve due to a lack of paperwork?

    Answer: SOS has a registration which started in 2019 and ending in 2024.



    Democrats (county party):

    Question: What filing was missed?

    Answer: A campaign finance filing was possibly (but maybe not) missed. Board of Elections paperwork not filed in 2014, 2016, or 2018 election cycles. Filed 7/1/19 for 2020 election cycle. “June” committee filed 6/9/21. Link:

    Question: Is compliance with the state a requirement in the bylaws?

    Answer: Nowhere in the National or “March” State Party bylaws is there a requirement for a state affiliate to be in good standing with the state.

    Question: Did the previous LPNH dissolve?

    Answer: No. Both the bylaws as existed after the March convention under Article II, and the new bylaws circulated on June 12th, read “The duration of the State Party shall be perpetual.”

    Ms Jarvis herself said the “old” organization still exists, and her new organization is a new organization.

    Question: Does the LPNH Executive Committee, as a body or as any individual member, have the right to dissolve the LPNH?

    Answer: No. As this has been created by members in convention, even the executive committee lacks the authority to dissolve the organization. Amendments to the bylaws can only be made in convention.

    Question: When were new version of the bylaws crafted? When was the new committee elected?

    Answer: Unknown. Campaign finance paperwork filed on 6/9, 1 day after Jackie Perry expulsion on 6/8. Seems like a lot of organization within one day, but lack data.

    Question: What are the functional differences between “March” committee’s bylaws, last amended in convention, and “June” committee’s bylaws, which were created in June?

    Answer: Every single previous LPNH member would not qualify as a member under the “June” committee’s bylaws, including the June committee themselves. Under Membership, there is a requirement for “Sustaining Members shall be persons who have affirmed the membership oath and have paid annual dues, in an amount to set by the Executive Committee not to exceed $100, for at least two years.” However, since the oath is new wording never used before, there cannot be any person who has signed that oath two years ago.

    Question: Could Jarvis have filed the paperwork for the pre-existing LPNH? (Narrative that LPNH treasurer was the problem)

    Answer: It appears as though the answer is yes; it is an online form that could have been filled out for “March” committee. Does not appear to have to be filled out by the Treasurer.

    Question: How is any such organization typically formed?

    Answer: A duly-noticed organizational convention, which has as its business the election of convention officers, election of officers, creation of bylaws by the body. A filing with some state agency may be required to protect the name from use by others, and the same or additional filings may be required to raise/expend funds, depending on the laws in a particular state.

    Question: Did the “June” faction follow the typical procedure for forming a political organization outlined above?

    Answer: Per Jarvis, the “June” faction has not held an organizing convention.

    Question: How does LP National recognize affiliates?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 2 reads: “The National Committee shall charter state-level affiliate parties from any qualifying organization requesting such status in each state, territory, and the District of Columbia (hereinafter, state). Organizations which wish to become state-level affiliate parties shall apply for such status on a standard petition form as adopted by the National Committee, which petition shall be signed by no fewer than ten members of the Party residing in the appropriate state.”

    Question: How does LP National stop recognizing an affiliate?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 6 reads: “The National Committee shall have the power to revoke the status of any affiliate party, for cause, by a vote of 3/4 of the entire National Committee.”

    Question: Can two state organizations exist?

    Answer: No. LP National Bylaws Article 5 Section 3 reads: “There shall be no more than one state-level affiliate party in any one state.”

    Question: Can the chair unilaterally decide which organization is the official one?

    Answer: No. See previous on how affiliation and disaffiliation occur.

    Question: Does the June committee actually exist? Can members of this committee exist?

    Answer: Most likely, no. The Bylaws were created outside convention with no notice, and no person qualifies to be a member for 2 years after they sign the new oath, which contains new wording. If adopted on its face, the 6 or 7 positions listed at the end of the bylaws may exist with those persons in those seats even though they are technically not members; it’s a conflict in their bylaws.

    Ken Moellman
    Libertarian National Committee
    Vice Chair

  128. Ken Moellman

    12:13 AM (13 hours ago)

    to lnc-business
    With the call to cancel the EC meeting, and this letter to the open list, here is the dump of data collected so far:


    6/7/2021 – Jilletta ready to resign as chair over child labor tweet – per Jilletta

    — “someone” reached out with another option, Jilletta unwilling to say who

    6/7/2021 – Joe’s letter authored to Jilletta

    — Per Jilletta, JBH gave letter as part of the plan, JBH knew the plan, per Jilletta

    6/8/2021 – Jackie bounced, per everyone

    6/9/2021 – New LPNH political committee filed for campaign finance, per NH SOS ***

    6/11/2021 – “March” LPNH ExCom members informed website work was going to happen, per “March” ExCom

    6/11/2021 – Jilletta/Carpenter files new entity per Jilletta ***

    6/11/2021 – “June” Committee begins logging into CRM

    6/12/2021 – LPNH “March” faction access removed from website

    6/12/2021 – JBH called Jilletta to create a statement, per Jilletta

    6/12/2021 – LPNH website updated with new bylaws

    Question: Does an organization follow its chair, or does an organization follow the Constitution and Bylaws from a noticed convention of members?

    Answer: The chair is a role, not a king, in an organization. If the chair abandons the organization, the organization continues onward in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws.

    Question: Does the threshold by which someone gets elected make any difference at all?

    Answer: No.

    Question: Does LPNH have the authority to expel a member? (Rationale previously publicly given for supporting the action)

    Answer: They have done it in the past, which set the precedent that they could expel members, per previous chair and now June-faction ExCom member Brian Sheilds:

    Question: Does the state recognize the “March” LPNH? Did the LPNH administratively dissolve due to a lack of paperwork?

    Answer: SOS has a registration which started in 2019 and ending in 2024.

    Libertarian: [redacted because this messageboard censors comments with more than one link, see separate message]

    Republican: ” ”

    Democrats (county party): ” ”

    Question: What filing was missed?

    Answer: A campaign finance filing was possibly (but maybe not) missed. Board of Elections paperwork not filed in 2014, 2016, or 2018 election cycles. Filed 7/1/19 for 2020 election cycle. “June” committee filed 6/9/21. Link:

    Question: Is compliance with the state a requirement in the bylaws?

    Answer: Nowhere in the National or “March” State Party bylaws is there a requirement for a state affiliate to be in good standing with the state.

    Question: Did the previous LPNH dissolve?

    Answer: No. Both the bylaws as existed after the March convention under Article II, and the new bylaws circulated on June 12th, read “The duration of the State Party shall be perpetual.”

    Ms Jarvis herself said the “old” organization still exists, and her new organization is a new organization.

    Question: Does the LPNH Executive Committee, as a body or as any individual member, have the right to dissolve the LPNH?

    Answer: No. As this has been created by members in convention, even the executive committee lacks the authority to dissolve the organization. Amendments to the bylaws can only be made in convention.

    Question: When were new version of the bylaws crafted? When was the new committee elected?

    Answer: Unknown. Campaign finance paperwork filed on 6/9, 1 day after Jackie Perry expulsion on 6/8. Seems like a lot of organization within one day, but lack data.

    Question: What are the functional differences between “March” committee’s bylaws, last amended in convention, and “June” committee’s bylaws, which were created in June?

    Answer: Every single previous LPNH member would not qualify as a member under the “June” committee’s bylaws, including the June committee themselves. Under Membership, there is a requirement for “Sustaining Members shall be persons who have affirmed the membership oath and have paid annual dues, in an amount to set by the Executive Committee not to exceed $100, for at least two years.” However, since the oath is new wording never used before, there cannot be any person who has signed that oath two years ago.

    Question: Could Jarvis have filed the paperwork for the pre-existing LPNH? (Narrative that LPNH treasurer was the problem)

    Answer: It appears as though the answer is yes; it is an online form that could have been filled out for “March” committee. Does not appear to have to be filled out by the Treasurer.

    Question: How is any such organization typically formed?

    Answer: A duly-noticed organizational convention, which has as its business the election of convention officers, election of officers, creation of bylaws by the body. A filing with some state agency may be required to protect the name from use by others, and the same or additional filings may be required to raise/expend funds, depending on the laws in a particular state.

    Question: Did the “June” faction follow the typical procedure for forming a political organization outlined above?

    Answer: Per Jarvis, the “June” faction has not held an organizing convention.

    Question: How does LP National recognize affiliates?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 2 reads: “The National Committee shall charter state-level affiliate parties from any qualifying organization requesting such status in each state, territory, and the District of Columbia (hereinafter, state). Organizations which wish to become state-level affiliate parties shall apply for such status on a standard petition form as adopted by the National Committee, which petition shall be signed by no fewer than ten members of the Party residing in the appropriate state.”

    Question: How does LP National stop recognizing an affiliate?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 6 reads: “The National Committee shall have the power to revoke the status of any affiliate party, for cause, by a vote of 3/4 of the entire National Committee.”

    Question: Can two state organizations exist?

    Answer: No. LP National Bylaws Article 5 Section 3 reads: “There shall be no more than one state-level affiliate party in any one state.”

    Question: Can the chair unilaterally decide which organization is the official one?

    Answer: No. See previous on how affiliation and disaffiliation occur.

    Question: Does the June committee actually exist? Can members of this committee exist?

    Answer: Most likely, no. The Bylaws were created outside convention with no notice, and no person qualifies to be a member for 2 years after they sign the new oath, which contains new wording. If adopted on its face, the 6 or 7 positions listed at the end of the bylaws may exist with those persons in those seats even though they are technically not members; it’s a conflict in their bylaws.

    Ken Moellman
    Libertarian National Committee
    Vice Chair

  129. LOL! Great comment from Joshua Smith. He hit the nail on the head with this situation.

  130. Ken Moellman

    12:13 AM (13 hours ago)

    to lnc-business
    With the call to cancel the EC meeting, and this letter to the open list, here is the dump of data collected so far:


    6/7/2021 – Jilletta ready to resign as chair over child labor tweet – per Jilletta

    — “someone” reached out with another option, Jilletta unwilling to say who

    6/7/2021 – Joe’s letter authored to Jilletta

    — Per Jilletta, JBH gave letter as part of the plan, JBH knew the plan, per Jilletta

    6/8/2021 – Jackie bounced, per everyone

    6/9/2021 – New LPNH political committee filed for campaign finance, per NH SOS ***

    6/11/2021 – “March” LPNH ExCom members informed website work was going to happen, per “March” ExCom

    6/11/2021 – Jilletta/Carpenter files new entity per Jilletta ***

    6/11/2021 – “June” Committee begins logging into CRM

    6/12/2021 – LPNH “March” faction access removed from website

    6/12/2021 – JBH called Jilletta to create a statement, per Jilletta

    6/12/2021 – LPNH website updated with new bylaws

    Question: Does an organization follow its chair, or does an organization follow the Constitution and Bylaws from a noticed convention of members?

    Answer: The chair is a role, not a king, in an organization. If the chair abandons the organization, the organization continues onward in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws.

    Question: Does the threshold by which someone gets elected make any difference at all?

    Answer: No.

    Question: Does LPNH have the authority to expel a member? (Rationale previously publicly given for supporting the action)

    Answer: They have done it in the past, which set the precedent that they could expel members, per previous chair and now June-faction ExCom member Brian Sheilds:

    Question: Does the state recognize the “March” LPNH? Did the LPNH administratively dissolve due to a lack of paperwork?

    Answer: SOS has a registration which started in 2019 and ending in 2024.

    Libertarian: [redacted because this messageboard censors comments with more than one link, see separate message]

    Republican: ” ”

    Democrats (county party): ” ”

    Question: What filing was missed?

    Answer: A campaign finance filing was possibly (but maybe not) missed. Board of Elections paperwork not filed in 2014, 2016, or 2018 election cycles. Filed 7/1/19 for 2020 election cycle. “June” committee filed 6/9/21. Link:

    Question: Is compliance with the state a requirement in the bylaws?

    Answer: Nowhere in the National or “March” State Party bylaws is there a requirement for a state affiliate to be in good standing with the state.

    Question: Did the previous LPNH dissolve?

    Answer: No. Both the bylaws as existed after the March convention under Article II, and the new bylaws circulated on June 12th, read “The duration of the State Party shall be perpetual.”

    Ms Jarvis herself said the “old” organization still exists, and her new organization is a new organization.

    Question: Does the LPNH Executive Committee, as a body or as any individual member, have the right to dissolve the LPNH?

    Answer: No. As this has been created by members in convention, even the executive committee lacks the authority to dissolve the organization. Amendments to the bylaws can only be made in convention.

    Question: When were new version of the bylaws crafted? When was the new committee elected?

    Answer: Unknown. Campaign finance paperwork filed on 6/9, 1 day after Jackie Perry expulsion on 6/8. Seems like a lot of organization within one day, but lack data.

    Question: What are the functional differences between “March” committee’s bylaws, last amended in convention, and “June” committee’s bylaws, which were created in June?

    Answer: Every single previous LPNH member would not qualify as a member under the “June” committee’s bylaws, including the June committee themselves. Under Membership, there is a requirement for “Sustaining Members shall be persons who have affirmed the membership oath and have paid annual dues, in an amount to set by the Executive Committee not to exceed $100, for at least two years.” However, since the oath is new wording never used before, there cannot be any person who has signed that oath two years ago.

    Question: Could Jarvis have filed the paperwork for the pre-existing LPNH? (Narrative that LPNH treasurer was the problem)

    Answer: It appears as though the answer is yes; it is an online form that could have been filled out for “March” committee. Does not appear to have to be filled out by the Treasurer. [redacted because this messageboard censors comments with more than one link, see separate message]

    Question: How is any such organization typically formed?

    Answer: A duly-noticed organizational convention, which has as its business the election of convention officers, election of officers, creation of bylaws by the body. A filing with some state agency may be required to protect the name from use by others, and the same or additional filings may be required to raise/expend funds, depending on the laws in a particular state.

    Question: Did the “June” faction follow the typical procedure for forming a political organization outlined above?

    Answer: Per Jarvis, the “June” faction has not held an organizing convention.

    Question: How does LP National recognize affiliates?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 2 reads: “The National Committee shall charter state-level affiliate parties from any qualifying organization requesting such status in each state, territory, and the District of Columbia (hereinafter, state). Organizations which wish to become state-level affiliate parties shall apply for such status on a standard petition form as adopted by the National Committee, which petition shall be signed by no fewer than ten members of the Party residing in the appropriate state.”

    Question: How does LP National stop recognizing an affiliate?

    Answer: Article 5 Section 6 reads: “The National Committee shall have the power to revoke the status of any affiliate party, for cause, by a vote of 3/4 of the entire National Committee.”

    Question: Can two state organizations exist?

    Answer: No. LP National Bylaws Article 5 Section 3 reads: “There shall be no more than one state-level affiliate party in any one state.”

    Question: Can the chair unilaterally decide which organization is the official one?

    Answer: No. See previous on how affiliation and disaffiliation occur.

    Question: Does the June committee actually exist? Can members of this committee exist?

    Answer: Most likely, no. The Bylaws were created outside convention with no notice, and no person qualifies to be a member for 2 years after they sign the new oath, which contains new wording. If adopted on its face, the 6 or 7 positions listed at the end of the bylaws may exist with those persons in those seats even though they are technically not members; it’s a conflict in their bylaws.

    Ken Moellman
    Libertarian National Committee
    Vice Chair

  131. Where it says image.png above Shields is quoted as saying:

    Prior to this, the only other LPNH member who was expelled openly advocated for the preemptive murder of police officers in self defense.

  132. Most of the new LP members that have come in, have come in because of Tom Woods, Dave Smith, Joshua Smith, and Michael Heise. All Mises Caucus. The Mises Caucus is the largest, and fastest growing, caucus in the Libertarian Party.

  133. From Jeremy Kauffman:

    Hi. I’m the guy who did the tweets.

    It’s been strange to see all of this happening without anyone, at any time, even trying to talk to me. Neither Joe Bishop-Henchman, nor Jilletta Jarvis, at any time, sent me so much as a single direct sentence. So I guess it’s on me to speak first:

    1. It was never my intent to put any of you in this situation. I’m sorry that this is happening.
    2. I am a committed libertarian that cares deeply about the Libertarian Party. Everything I’ve done comes out of a sincere intent to further the most beautiful political philosophy ever considered.
    3. I’m a father of 3 in a ten-year stable, committed relationship, an inventor, and a successful businessman. My actions come out of a place of considered strategy, not to be an ‘edge lord’.
    4. I am not a racist or a bigot. I’m not even socially conservative. Prejudice is irrational and repugnant.

    You may have seen carefully curated screenshots or pictures that lack context or are outright lies. There may also be reasons why things were done that, if you heard the context or strategy behind them, would help you appreciate why they happened.

    (I’ll also pause to note that as libertarians we ought to primarily be concerned with whether the contractually agreed to rules were followed, but I understand that when power is at stake even many libertarians will not care about this.)

    If any of you would like to talk to me, I’m available via email ( and Signal/text/phone at 1-267-210-4292. If calling, please text first so that I answer. I’m also happy to come testify directly to the LNC.

    No outcome will deter me from continuing to work towards liberty in my lifetime.

  134. “Most of the new LP members that have come in, have come in because of Tom Woods, Dave Smith, Joshua Smith, and Michael Heise. All Mises Caucus. The Mises Caucus is the largest, and fastest growing, caucus in the Libertarian Party.”

    This claim sounds like wishful thinking. Party membership always grows in presidential years, mostly due to the added visibility and focus on politics of the presidential campaigns. Additionally, there has been a major shakeout in the Republican Party with many members driven away by the slavish kowtowing to Trump and support for the January 6 insurrection, his big lie about nonexistent widespread election fraud and him supposedly “winning” the 2020 election, and so on. While it’s true that some noisy and attention seeking members have been brought in by the Meeses Cucks, taking credit for party growth during a presidential election year and in the wake of January 6 is far too much bragging on their part.

  135. “LOL! Great comment from Joshua Smith. He hit the nail on the head with this situation.”

    Unfortunately, it was his own head that he hit the nail on. But then that’s nothing new.

  136. Jim Lake Jr is probably Robert K Stock. Both love fake libertarians like Bill Weld and are communists like the guy who ran for chair in 2018.
    Guy Diamond is a different troll, probably a communist.

  137. You’re a fascist. Bill Weld is a real libertarian. No communists have posted here, except possibly Dave.

  138. Sorry Robert K Stock, but grabbing guns and supporting the CFR is not libertarian, nor is stumping for Mrs Clinton.

  139. It would not surprise me if Robert K. Stock is one of the trolls here. He’s a devil worshipping former fake Libertarian turned Democrat Joe Biden supporter. That is several red flags.

  140. You’re the troll F/A/P. I don’t need lessons from a supporter of Putin, Trump, Lukashenko, Duterte, Gaddafi, Pinochet, David Duke, Daily Stormer, etc.

  141. It would not surprise me if Andy is many of the trolls here. He’s an antisemitic racist islamophobic immigrant bashing conspiracy wacko among other things. That is several red flags.

  142. Neither is your accusation against Mr. Stock, whoever he is, which is equally based or baseless as the one against you.

  143. You don’t even have the courage to post under your real name. You are a coward and have no credibility.

  144. Neither do you. A first name doesn’t count. You’re not Cher or Madonna. Your other personalities such as “fact checker,” “egyptian god” etc don’t post under their real names. Someone posting under their real name doesn’t keep you from claiming they are also posting under fake names. First you state it as a fact under one of your handles like Fact Checker then you chime in as Andy and say “it wouldn’t surprise me.” How many times are you going to play that same game before it’s too obvious?

  145. I never said Stock was trolling. I haven’t seen any evidence of that. I believe, based on evidence, the trolling on this page is mostly a cyberpig/Klatt operation to discredit Mises.

  146. Your different personalities make different accusations. All of them are pulled straight out of your ass. Then you come in as Andy and say it wouldn’t surprise you.

  147. Robert K Stock is trolling, sometimes during his Motel 6 “shift” (which in reality is sitting around watching TV and not helping guests, which he has admitted).

  148. Some/Much of the ROT in the LP is due to copying some/much of the 1970 GOP USA Bylaws into the original LP USA Bylaws –

    then with State LPs copying the LP USA Bylaws into State LP Bylaws.

    Remedy above —

    Demo Rep on June 15, 2021 at 12:03 pm.

  149. Retard, your “remedy” is just mindless gibberish and abbreviations no one understands. Go troll somewhere else, namely the mental institution.

  150. Andy: Since I changed my voter registration to the Democratic Party over a year ago. I no longer comment about what happens in the Libertarian Party. This is the only comment that I have made on this thread. And I will not comment on this thread again. All those dropping my name are mistaken.

  151. Stop lying Robert K Stock. You are part of the trolling. It’s so obvious.
    Don’t you have a Motel 6 coffee pot to clean?

  152. Andy is the one behind all the fascist trolling here. Love the hittler haircut and half formed Nazzi salute in that Photoshop of you linked above, bro. You probably had it made into a poster for your wall in your mom’s bassement and chokedachicken to it every nite. Also loved how they shut down the video Feed when you was screaming at the end after the meeting tonite. Cope harder, beeyotch.

  153. Wow, that devolved quickly, glad I missed out on the major infighting. Understanding that there are many different factions within the Party, I am in support of the Bylaws, and adhering to them to resolve the issues. We can sit here and infight about some rather ridiculous arguments, or we could actually pose a threat to the Duopoly. Personally, I’m in favor of the latter, and adhering to the bylaws maintains consistency and Garnishes it’s own respect from those who are looking for a Party of Principal. While I would have to agree that both Left and Right wing philosophical stances should be abandoned altogether. While we’re at it, maybe it would help to understand what being a Libertarian is, by understanding what Authoritarian is? For those of us who don’t already understand the difference, there is a difference between Communism and Socialism. While I believe the sentiment expressed is directed at Socialists (Authoritarian), the comments themselves refer to Commies, whereby Communism is a form of Libertarianism, and Socialism is Not, both being a form of Collectivism, as Opposed to Capitalism. The argument of Collectivism vs Capitalism is a Local Issue, and has no bearing upon a Libertarian Nation State. The Goal here being to Unite People together to Oppose the Duopoly on their Authoritarian Agendas, not Segregate ourselves into further Factions of what it specifically means to be a Libertarian.. Do you think the Government is imposing itself upon your life, and would like Government to stop Abusing it’s Authority? Then you’re an Anti-Authoritarian, I mean Libertarian. If we cannot get it together here, what do you think a National Debate would do? History is full dead Scientists, they were right, and they were killed for it. Libertarian is about limiting Government, that’s the only thing we HAVE TO get Right, Ostracizing other Libertarians for not agreeing with your values, is against the Libertarian Core Values. We Protect the Right of others to have opinions that are different than ours. In many instances, these difference of opinion are a moot point that doesn’t really amount to much if the Goal is to Eliminate the Overreach of the Federal/State Governments, and should be left to Local Representation to solve Independently. If the Commies want to have their Commune, we protect that too. What we do Not Support is the Authoritarian Impositions of those who are Socialist, or any other Authoritarian Impositions, Left or Right. We are Not Alt-Left, nor Alt-Right, we are Pro-Liberty. If we ever hope to win more than 2% of the vote, we should learn more tolerance for others. That doesn’t mean conceding your values, but does mean that we can agree to disagree. Now, just like I’ve told other Libertarians, as a FB Moderator for several LP Groups, Attack the Argument, Not the Person. When you attack the Person instead of the Argument, it makes your Argument appear less Valid to others, and actually reinforces that the Attacked Person has a better Argument. Whether or not the EC is an invasion, they followed the rules and worked the system from the inside. Throwing a Tantrum and Changing Bylaws without Committee approval, validates the claim that they do not belong in Leadership Positions.

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