Tennessee Alderman Files Federal Lawsuit to Force City to Print Her Party Label on Ballot, Even Though Election is Non-Partisan

On August 17, Jenna Amacher, an Alderman in Tullahoma, Tennessee, filed a federal lawsuit to force the city to print “Republican” next to her name in the next election for Alderman. Amacher v State of Tennessee, m.d., 3:21cv-638. Tennessee law says that unless a city specifies in its charter that it has partisan elections, all city elections will be non-partisan. Here is the Complaint. She is a Republican. On page two, the Complaint says that she “seeks the right to affiliate with her political organization on the voter ballot.”

The Complaint implies that state law prevents the Republican Party from endorsing her, but there is nothing in any state law mentioned in the Complaint that stops a political party from endorsing a candidate in a non-partisan election. The Complaint does not mention the U.S. Supreme Court decision Timmons v Twin Cities Area New Party, which upheld Minnesota’s ban on fusion and which said there is no constitutional right for candidates to have a party label on ballots. Thanks to the Institute for Free Speech for the news of this case.


Tennessee Alderman Files Federal Lawsuit to Force City to Print Her Party Label on Ballot, Even Though Election is Non-Partisan — 2 Comments

    Five-party (and Independents) System!


    California voters are getting ready for the Special September 14th Gubernatorial election.

    The new California Super-state (ss11) is bringing a conference among seven names vying for five seats; Governor of California, San Jose California City Council District #1, Chair, Vice Chair of the USA Libertarian National Committee (LNC) and President of France.

    Rhonda Furin [Republican] for Governor of CA

    The United Coalition USA in Los Angeles is inviting Furin, along with San Jose City Council, LNC Chair and Vice Chair candidates, all six names for equal time and equal treatment on September 5th 2021 at 3 pm Pacific Time.

    Ajmal Khan [Independent] for LNC Vice Chair +93799333074 ajmal23afg@yahoo.com Afghanistan

    John Hudak [Libertarian] for LNC Chair FL

    James Trebiert [Libertarian] for LNC Vice Chair CO

    James Ogle [One] for LNC Chair and Vice Chair CA

    Tim Gildersleeve [Christocrat] 1Libertarian USA-ss11-5 for San Jose City Council District #1 CA

    Jean Yves Metayer Robbes [New Humanist] for President of France
    * * *

    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    A relationship without trust is like a car without gas. You can stay in it .. but .. it won’t go anywhere.
    * * *

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