Link to California Gubernatorial Recall Election Results

The California Secretary of State’s website has these election returns, which are constantly being updated. Millions of ballots remain to be counted. The candidates are grouped by party, with all Democrats listed first, then all Republicans, then candidates from other parties and independent candidates.


Link to California Gubernatorial Recall Election Results — 62 Comments

  1. Millions of fake ballots were and will be counted. Another stolen selection. Larry Elder got cheated out of a win by the leftist honkies and their Zionist Chicom puppet handlers.

  2. This election was California’s last remaining hope. Now that it has been stolen, they have no hope left. All that remains is for us to pray to Jesus that a massive earthquake sends the coastal areas of California to the bottom of the Pacific and down into the fiery mantle of the earth through tectonic plate subduction. Amen.

  3. No. It must be completely wiped off the map, quite literally. It would be a mercy holocaust.

  4. I don’t trust those mail in ballots. When I was a teenager things were simple with voting: absentee ballot or go in and vote with the lever machines (some places had paper ballots or cardboard ballots, that’s okay). Forget all that stupid stuff they have now: drive thru voting, mail-in ballots, electronic machines, voter dropoff mailboxes etc. It’s stupid how the SYSTEM coddles the voter now. Time to get the voter off the titty. Coddling = cheating.

  5. Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly 2 to 1 in CA. With most of the Dem base riled up, this result was a foregone conclusion, not a “steal”. What I’m more interested in are the results of Kapelovitz and Hewitt, the Green and Libertarian Party nominees. They’re both currently under 1%, but Kapelovitz just barely so. Despite the Dem Establishment’s egotistical “leave it blank” campaign on the second question, I think he might get over 1% once the mail-in ballots are counted, which wouldn’t be bad all things considered and would give the CA Greens some minor momentum going into 2022. Hewitt is probably stuck at sub-1% due to Elder likely drawing some libertarian voter support, but the mail ballots are still to be counted.

  6. I really don’t understand why some people obsess over *how* a voter physically casts a ballot. Personally, so long as that ballot is cast by a registered voter of their own free will, and is counted properly, I don’t think that should matter. Mail-in, drive thru, etc, if it gets more eligible people voting, that should be viewed as a *good* thing by anyone who truly cares about civic participation.

  7. This is a very sad day for California, and for the country in general. The fact that this VILE CRETIN, Gavin Newsom, remained in office, with 63.9% of the vote, shows just how far gone California is. California used to be a Red State. Back in the 1970’s a gun control initiative was placed on the statewide ballot, and it got VOTED DOWN by a super-majority. Also back in the 1970’s, the famous Proposition 13, which was to limit property taxes, got placed on the statewide ballot, and it passed with 62.6% of the vote. Why did California shift from being a Red State to a Blue State? The primary reason is MASSS IMMIGRATION. A super-majority of the foreigners vote Democrat. They LOVE socialism and gun control. They are the ones who mindlessly vote for Democrats like Gavin Newsom. Is it all the fault of the foreigners (and their offspring)? No, there has also been years of Cultural Marxist indoctrination, the Hollywood leftists, and corrupt unions who feed at the trough of the taxpayers, but even with this, it is still the mass post 1965 Immigration Act immigration, much have which has been from 3rd world countries, which has been the main thing pushing California further and further to the left.

    California started turning blue by the 1990’s, but even so, in 2003, Democratic Party Governor Gray Davis was successfully recalled from office by 55.4% of the vote. I remember seeing a breakdown of the vote on a county by county basis after Gray Davis got recalled, and Davis lost every country in California, with the exception of San Francisco, where I believe 80% of the voters voted to keep him, and Los Angeles, but in Los Angeles County, the vote to keep him was actually pretty close, as it was something like 51-53% to 47-49%. What happened in California over the 18 years? Millions more foreigners have poured into the state, both legally and illegally, Millions of those foreigners had millions of children. Millions of these children, many of whom are “anchor babies”, can now vote in elections. Also, at the same time, lots of traditional Americans have either died, or MOVED OUT of California. Lots of traditional Americans who are sick of the high taxes and regulations, sick of the gun control laws, sick of the traffic jams, and sick of all of the foreigners, have been feeing to other states.

    So what is Gavin Newsom’s base? Foreigners and their offspring, welfare recipients (many of whom are foreign, or are the offspring of foreigners), unions (many of whom feed out of the public trough), and leftist SJW snowflakes.

    Sad that there were not enough REAL AMERICANS left in California to oust this sociopathic hypocritical socialist gun grabbing career politician parasite, Gavin Newsom, from office.

    One good sign from the recall is that Larry Elder got 46.9% of the vote to be Newsom’s replacement if he had been recalled from office. I thought that the smear campaign against Larry Elder was pretty disgusting, and it clearly showed how biased most of the mainstream news media is. If Elder was a leftist, the mainstream media would have been talking up his chance to become the first black person to become Governor of California. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would have campaigned for him. Black Lives Matter would been marching for him. However, since Larry Elder is not a leftist, and since he OPPSES Affirmative Action, the welfare state, the victicrat mentality, and Critical Race Theory being crammed down people’s throat, Elder was demonized by the mainstream media, even being called “the black face of white supremacy,” which was completely absurd. Some white leftist woman put on a gorilla mask and threw an egg at him. Was this woman demonized in the media? No. Now just imagine if somebody did this to say Barack Obama, even before he became President or a US Senator. It would have been deemed as a “racist” attack, and this women would have been demonized in the media, and likely would have gone to jail or prison for a “hate” crime, yet it happens to Larry Elder, and the media barely cares. This illustrates the DOUBLE STANDARD. Anyone who descents from the Cultural Marxist narrative must be demonized.

    Larry Elder should run for Governor again in 2022. Democrats have a significant lead in the number of registered voters as compared to Republicans, however, there is also a significant number of Decline To State A Political Party registered voters in California, and I think that with Elder could get a lot of these people on his side with a good outreach campaign.

  8. Andy, Gavin Newsom has vetoed the bill to outlaw paying initiative petitions on a per-signature basis in the past. Also he vetoed the bill to force the American Independent Party to change its name.

  9. He should have signed those bills. I wish Larry Elder had not been cheated out of winning. I think and hope he would have signed them.

  10. Advanced ROT in CA with CA gerrymander comm [producing rigged commie gerrymander dists] and top 2 primary and attacks on init petitions and hoards of foreign INVADERS – esp in Los Angeles area.

    Mere 4 strikes and OUT.

    ALL of CA may shortly be like the ruins of Detroit –
    about 70 pct population loss since 1950-1953 peak.

  11. Ethnic groups which don’t vote Republican should be deported in bulk. Preferably back to where they or they ancestors came from, but it really doesn’t matter too much, as long as we get them outta here, and to some place which is not a European or European Based Country.

  12. It’s really not fair to us real American’s meaning European Based people. We have been here for many thousands of years and thus this country belongs to us and nobody else.

    It SHOULD NOT be all that hard to deport everyone else to their own or ancestral country of origin. If there mixed cut them in pieces and ship separate.

    I’ve been thinking on where to sent the Indian tribes to. There ancestors crossed over from Russia, but Russia is now a European Based country, and they don’t need any more non European Based people to sully there demographic. China might work because they already look a lot like the slant eyed Chinese. Or maybe Mongolia. They would probably take them if we offer them some money. Another possibility could be India, since they are already called Indians, so I say why not?

    China or India would make the most sense. Each of them has well over a billion people, so they would be most easily capable of absorbing a few million more without too much trouble. It would be a bonus to them because these whoop whoop Indians are almost all not Muslim. And they both need more people who are not Muslim.

  13. “Andy, Gavin Newsom has vetoed the bill to outlaw paying initiative petitions on a per-signature basis in the past. Also he vetoed the bill to force the American Independent Party to change its name.”

    I am aware of this. Arnold Schwarzenegger also vetoed the bill to make California go to pay by the hour on petitions to put stuff on the ballot rather than pay by signature.

    This alone was not enough reason to keep him in office.

    I happen to know that one of the top petition coordinators in California, who is a Democrat, and whose family has been tied in with Democrats for many years, personally talked to Gavin Newsom and asked him to veto the bill to make petitions pay by the hour instead of pay by signature. He explained how much harder it would make ballot access, and that it would make things harder for Democrats when they want to place any issue on the ballot.

    If Larry Elder had been elected Governor, I do not believe that he would have signed that bill either.

    You should not just look at one issue. You have to look at the big picture.

  14. I think Elder would have signed because nobody wants annoying pimple faced political majors and hobos with clipboards trying to save the whales while you’re out grocery shopping.

  15. A lot of times they ask you on the way in to the store too, causing people to forget what they went to the store to get. It’s really out of control in California. The migrant signature harvesters often camp out in store parking lots, use meth, and don’t shower, causing really bad rodent problems around the grocery areas.

  16. “I think Elder would have signed because nobody wants annoying pimple faced political majors and hobos with clipboards trying to save the whales while you’re out grocery shopping.”

    This sounds like it could be Paul trolling (again).

    I do not think that Larry Elder would have signed the bill because, a) he would know, or find out, that paying by the hour instead of by the signature would make ballot access more difficult, b) he would have made into office because of the recall petition, and although the recall petition got lots of volunteer signatures, they did end up paying for some of the signatures by paying people by the signature, and, c) Elder is generally in favor of less regulation, and free market competition.

  17. ANY inits in CA for REAL reforms –

    PR in ALL legis bodies
    NONpartisan execs/judics via AppV
    TOTAL SOP ???

  18. “A lot of times they ask you on the way in to the store too, causing people to forget what they went to the store to get.”

    Anyone who is that stupid that they forget why they went to a store because somebody asked them to sign a petition has bigger problems than being asked to sign a petition.

    “The migrant signature harvesters”

    The petition circulators in California have to be American citizens in order to sign off on the petition circulator declarations on the petitions.

    A foreign migrant would not really do well as a petition circulator unless they speak English and do not have a thick foreign accent.

  19. Well a lot of them are not from California. And even many of the ones who are, are migrant hobos who don’t really have a place to live. They steal people’s identities, use the addresses to rob and rape people or peek in Windows, breathe fentanyl residue in people’s faces, spread covid and other diseases, and spread rodents, lice, and other vermin everywhere they go, along with used condoms, dirty needles, and other health hazards.

  20. “Well a lot of them are not from California”

    They don’t have to be from California. They just have to be American citizens. They are not voting in the election, they are just asking people to sign the petition.

  21. California is the number one state for petitions, and it is the number one state for paid petitions, so most of the petitioners are from California.

  22. You will also find petition bums from counties like LA, Sandy agro, and Riverside, invading peacefull counties like Trinity and Mendocino in search of signatures, weed, and blondes to impregnate and leave. Many of them carry hiv among many other, stds.

  23. People who support free enterprise don’t support the state forcing shopping centers to host these parasites and annoy paying customers.

  24. TO Andy Candy

    What percent of CA humans must be removed to make CA RED commie free ???

    See olde nazi Jew free stuff — firing squads / death camps / etc.

    Will CA red commies remove all NON-red commies [or keep some as zoo exhibits – a few evil savers / capitalists / investors ] ???

  25. Just because someone speaks English, it does not mean they are not a foreigner either. They could be a crafty canuck who snuck across the border, eh? Or they could be from England, Ireland, Scotland, or even Wales.

    They could be from any of the many countries where English is spoken commonly, like India, Pakistan, Jamaica, Nigeria, South Africa, among many others. Most Europeans and many people on other continents study English as a foreign language.

    Then there are all the anchor babies and wetback nightmare dreamers who learn English after they get here. Some of them sell dope or their ass, some sell oranges on street corners, and some harvest signatures, addresses, and identities, in store parking lots, especially in California.

  26. “People who support free enterprise don’t support the state forcing shopping centers to host these parasites and annoy paying customers.”

    If you are talking about petition circulators, a) petition circulators are in no way interfering with the trading of goods and services, or anything else, at any location, b) the venues in question are all open to the general public to come and go, c) the vast majority, or maybe all, of the venues in question receive taxpayer funding of some sort, and many are built on land which was seized via Eminent Domain, which is supposed to be for public use, and d) both the California State Supreme Court, as well as the US Constitution, have ruled that corporate properties open to the public have to allow free speech activities.

  27. “Just because someone speaks English, it does not mean they are not a foreigner either. They could be a crafty canuck who snuck across the border, eh? Or they could be from England, Ireland, Scotland, or even Wales.”

    This is true. Some foreigners do speak English and can be understood by most Americans. Even so, in California, and a lot of other states, the petition circulators to place an issue or candidate or party on the ballot do have to be American citizens.

  28. People who vote are also supposed to be American citizens, and yet we know many of them are not..

  29. Nobody actually checks if a signature harvester is a citizen. They can very easily commit fraud and claim they are. Since most of them lie constantly to solicit signatures, money, drugs, sex, ect, lying on a form and signing off , is not exactly a high bar for them.

  30. “Nobody actually checks if a signature harvester is a citizen. They can very easily commit fraud and claim they are. ”

    If they get caught their signatures could be disqualified, and there could be criminal charges pressed against them. I don’t think that there is any great demand from non-citizens to work as petition circulators. Most of them have no interest in doing the job, and a lot of them would not be able to do it due to their lack of English language skills.

  31. The chance of getting caught is very low, and then there are all the citizen’s of other States, counties, and drifters and bums who hustle as signature harvesters.

  32. I think “Andy Candy” is either the homosexual who used to comment as “Paulie Cannoli” or the homosexual who used to comment as “Nathan Norman.” He could also be the homosexual who used to comment as “Darcy Richardson,” the bisexual who used to comment as “Tom Knapp,” or the bisexual who used to comment as “GE Smith ” aka Jason Seagraves.

  33. Of course, he could also be Andy no last name Andy. There will probably be a meaningless denial now.

  34. Apparently Andy no last name seriously believes State Courts were right to effectively eminent domain all store parking lots and sidewalks on behalf of disease spreading criminal hobos with clipboards to harvest signatures. What next? Grocery aisles? Check out lines? Store courtesy rest rooms?

  35. I don’t go to grocery or big box stores anymore because of the crazy, annoying and possibly dangerous signature hunter gatherer bums. I’ve noticed they are not usually at malls, or at gas station convenience stores, and they don’t come out with instacart, uber eats, or Amazon, so I’ve switched to those other shopping methods. My neighborhood grocery manager says he will miss me, and wishes he could do something to bring customers like me back, but the heartless communist scum on the state supreme court have tied his and police officers hands. I told him I understand, goodbeye and good luck.

  36. The American Independence party skates by almost completely on their deceptive name. That bill should of also got signed.

  37. ONE voter nom / init pet forms —

    via internet, junk mail, etc.

    CA >>> even more un-employed bums

  38. Hi, over the past few months i’ve noticed this happening more and more often, when i go to the bathroom and have to strain on the toilet due to constipation there is a sticky mucus-like substance that comes from my penis. At first i thought it was possibly threadworms and i thought it was coming from my anus but i realised a week or so ago it’s actually coming from my penis. It’s a whitish colour but looks and feels like mucus compared to semen, is this normal? it’s pretty large amounts at times but only happens when i have to strain on the toilet with hard stools. thanks

  39. Anyone else here on board? Let’s make it happen!

    Trump-Elder 2024

    Trump-Elder 2024

    Trump-Elder 2024

  40. Genocide of original American Indians – 1607-1890

    Multiple treaties violated by USA govt / civilians.

    Few survivors made naturalized USA citizens in 1924/1940 USA laws.

    Possible control in OK or new State in E OK – see recent SCOTUS opin.

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