Montana Lawsuit Against New Law that Prohibits Petitioning in College Residence Halls

On October 12, the Montana Democratic Party filed a federal lawsuit against a new Montana law that prohibits any political committee from petitioning inside a public college residence hall, dining facility, or athletic facility. The new law, SB 319, also bans voter registration drives inside such places. Montana Democratic Party v Jacobsen, 9:21cv-119.

The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Donald W. Molloy, a Clinton appointee. Thanks to the Institute for Free Speech for the link.


Montana Lawsuit Against New Law that Prohibits Petitioning in College Residence Halls — 30 Comments

  1. ANY rank order lists of ANTI-Democracy commie/fascist States in the NON-united USA ???

    MT near top of fascist States list ???

  2. It’s just plain bull to ban petitioning in a place where residents are. What’s their excuse here?

  3. The legislator who proposed the provision said that college students are too impressionable to allow this sort of activity.

  4. What’s the fed punishment for subversion of 1 and 14 Amdts by State legis hacks ???

    Congress hacks too stupid to enact any such punishment ???

  5. If I caught them in my daughter’s residence hall, dining hall, or athletic facility, I’d beat the tar out of them, arrest them for disorderly conduct and other charges, or both.

  6. Nick I heard your daughter lets strange men into her dorm room, even Andy Gonzalez.

  7. Maybe yours does, but my daughter was raised better than that. Besides which, Andy Gonzalez is a homosexual and has no interest in women.

  8. And you believed him?

    How would you know what Andy Gonzalez really found, UNLESS YOU ARE HIM???


  9. Nick’s daughter does not have a dick, and her hymen is intact. I am her gynecologist and youth minister, and believe me, I do check, several times every day and night.

    You’re going to believe a known homosexual like Andy Gonzalez, a criminal who is not even in this country legally? What is wrong with you,bro?

  10. How can you call yourself a gynecologist when you can’t tell the difference between a clitoris and a penis? I moonlight as a gynecologist so I can tell the difference. Your “daughter” has a PENIS, not a clitoris. And what you call external ovaries are clearly testicles. Your “daughter” is PRETENDING to be a girl named Lola. Andy Gonzalez isn’t the world’s most masculine man but he knows what he am and he’s glad he’s a man and so is Lola.

  11. You must be some kind of confused h3/sh3 traannny fr3ak, as well as by, your own admission, a QUAK playing doctor without a license from the holy STATE of FLORIDA, the only State which matters, and the greatest State that ever has been or ever will be, Amen.

    Let me clear up some confusion for the readers.

    First of all, she is NOT MY DAUGHTER!!! Given the nature of our doctor-patient and minister-lamb of God relationship, that would be extremely s1ck and perv3rted. Nick is a good friend, and as a law enforcement officer, has kept my own wayward daughter out of trouble more times than I can count. We trust each other with our daughters implicitly.

    Second, I am a bored certified Professional Gynecologist. I graduated from medical school here in FLORIDA ,interned in internal international gynecology during my tours of duty in places like the Ph1lippines and Iraq, treated everyone from enemy combatants to civilian friendlies to our own brave service females, while at the same time completing my second Doctorate in Theology from a reputable online Bible College, and thus my professional credentials as you, can see, are impeccable,kind of like my pecs.

    Third, Nicks daughter is not LOLa. She doesn’t even have any friends named Lola as far as I know because she is a proud Wh1te Christian young Florida woman from near the Georgia line, and that’s not a popular name with young ladies of her age in our part of Trump Country.

    I should know ,since many of her girl friends are also patients, lambs of God, or both, of mine. They are all very fine, beautiful, thin, but not too thin, naturally blonde or redheaded, right handed, cross wearing, v1rginal, super straight, blue or green eyed, perfect little angels. I love them all, spiritually, anatomically and platonically, of course.

    I don’t EVEN know who Lola is. Maybe some border jump3r or anch0r baby? Or maybe sh3/h3 is from some godforsaken sh1thole like JEW YORK SH1TTY. One thing for sure, she and her kind have nothing to do with my, I mean nicks, DAUGHTER. We don’t mix with h1s/h3r kind . No Sir! That is not the KKK WAY, SO IT SURE AIN’T OK!!!

    H3/SH3/IT sounds like the sort of fr3ak that a border hopping, w3t backed, deg3nerate, like Andy Gonzalez, would f0rnicate with while doing nasty things like spilling warm y0gurt on each other’s bare backs and eating it with t0ssed salad.

    I dont even want to know what there d0gs think about it, because whoever it was that let the d0gs out it sure, wasn’t Andy Gonzalez or his LOLa, if you catch my drift, and I recon even an amateur like yourself would Knott miss it.

    Look, let’s face it: God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! And most definitely not Andy and LOLa!!! No, they are clearly the handiwork of the dev1l, like all other br0wn skinned savages and sexual perv3rts and leftists and city folks and stuff.

  12. Demo Rep, I’m not a troll moron, although perhaps you are. My very real medical degree is from a non-troll medical school. I’m board certified and licensed in Florida. My doctorate in Theology is separate, and is from a reputable online Bible College. I earned that, as I mentioned, while I was active duty in the military and stationed in different places around the world.

    I’m not sure what you are asking about cities , or why. Early cities and early citizens from thousands of years ago have very little to do with how city folks in the US behave nowadays, and why those of us in small town and rural America are increasingly tired of feeding and supporting them. I believe there is mass demonic possession in American cities now, and that a time of reckoning when most of the city folks in this country will die from starvation, disease, and violence is coming soon.

  13. Magic population density when demonic possession takes over ???

    over 4 per olde 40 acres = over 64 per sq mile ???

    Many olde *civilized* cities in USA had 10,000 plus per sq mile.

  14. There’s no magic density. If you look at the state, county, and especially zip code distribution maps of Trump versus Biden votes, you get a pretty good approximation of where the demon-crats are most concentrated.

  15. Statist = demon possessed by control freak statism —

    in any precinct — urban / suburban / rural

    Donkey / Elephant / other.

  16. Statist is a meaningless term. It’s what anarchists call everyone who does not share their particular mental illness. It stems from a perspective of solipsistic individualism, irrational egoism, and hubristic narcissism, and often also megalomania, sociopathy, and associated complexes.

    If one is not an anarchist, and accepts a state or nation-state as inevitable and necessary, as almost everyone does, one is also a statist, as literally defined. Femo rep claims to support “true democracy, ” whatever that is. Actual democracy of any sort is also statist, if the assembly has any sort of power to enforce its decisions, and particularly if it has a territorial monopoly, the power to collect any kind of taxes, defend its territory with force, regulate behavior or commerce in any way, provide for an official medium of exchange, or any of the other hallmarks of a state or nation.

    There is also the absurdity of nightwatchman statism. A highly theoretical or at best unstable concept, it came out of hubristic “enlightenment ” liberalism. This particular form of mental illness is in no way sustainable in the long term, to whatever limited extent it’s even possible to begin with. It’s especially absurd to fantasize that it can be sustainably paired with democracy, especially “true” democracy, whatever that is.

    To a realist and traditionalist, this absurdity can be translated or analogized thusly:

    Limited night watchman lynch mob

    Limited night watch of two wolves and a sheep voting on breakfast

    Limited night watch Donner party

    One hopes an intelligent reader would get the concept at this point.

    An empiricist would seek proof that such conditions have ever existed in the real world. If they have, how successfully or sustainably have they ever been paired? If they haven’t, what makes demo crap and anyone else sharing similar delusions insist that it’s possible?

  17. Government by its nature is somewhat limited. How limited, and how sustainable the limitations are, is an open question.

    Democracy, particularly as it approaches “true” democracy, tends to act as an acid to dissolve the ties and binds of any such limitations. The assembly wishes to continuously increase its power, and its unelected enforcers to increase theirs. Limitations quickly prove to be highly theoretical and absurd under such circumstances. Actual true democracy is the absolute tyranny of the majority. Making it a representative democracy only makes that tyranny one of a manipulative elite, using a majority as pawns.

    So how can power actually be limited to prevent tyranny in the real world, given our imperfect and fallen nature as human beings? Empirically, over thousands of years, we have found that traditional religious faith, rootedness in family, kith, Kin, blood, soil, race, nation, patriarchy, feudalism, White Supremacy, an agrarian based society, theocracy, hereditary based hierarchy, mercantilism etc provide the most grounded, rooted safeguards against tyranny.

    These safeguards are highly imperfect, but because they are extremely resistant to rapid change, tyranny does not develop as quickly. The noble elite, military elite, priestly elite and ultimately the peasantry serve as a check on the power of the monarch. Each elite serves as a check on the power of the other. Monarchs serve as a check on each other, as excessive weakness leads to outside invasion and conquest.

    Hereditary elites are motivated by the desire to pass their wealth and power to their heirs. The check on their power is the possibility of literal decapitation and the dispossession of their heirs. Contrast this with democracy, where charlatans and demagogues are motivated by short term greed, majorities are motivated by lies, envy, and grift, and the consequences can be passed off on the next lizards to slither into power in an election by manipulated pawns.

    All the problems of this form of government compound, and compound quickly. As tradition, faith, and other safeguards are chucked to the side, the proponents of dangerous delusional lies convince increasingly fearful and greedy majorities, that their particular brand of snake oil will cure the increasingly severe consequences of the last batch.

    Some of these manipulators are conscious charlatans, but even worse are the ideologues and zealots. When they sweep into power, the consequences tend to be the most disastrous. They quickly convince themselves and others that the ends justify the means.

    And yes, demonic possession spreads most rapidly in such a poisoned environment.

    This is particularly true in societies suffering under the burden of multiculti, egalitarianism, rapid migration, lack of grounding in faith, abolitionism, liberalism, secularism, feminism, and all the other demonic real time social experiments rooted in the “enlightened” delusional belief that we can know better than God and tradition. When you toss God out, you let the devil and his demons in.

    Enlightenment promises a light at the end of the tunnel, a heaven on earth not ruled by God. But the light at the end of that tunnel is an oncoming train. It is the light from the fires of hell. Instead of heaven on earth that it promises, hell on earth is what it delivers. The god of the enlightenment is Lucifer, the fallen angel of light, Satan, the father of lies and hubris.

    In the cities, people tend to be the most divorced from nature, the least grounded in faith, the most liberal and secular, the most leftist (Latin translation: sinister), the least wedded to tradition, the most unaccountable to their neighbors, the most multiculti, the least bonded to their extended families. They are the most susceptible to every form of disease described herein and, yes, demonic possession.

    Look at what’s happening to the cities to see the results. And then consider who feeds who, and at whose expense.

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