Harvard Law & Policy Review Carries Article on How to Combine National Popular Vote Plan and Ranked Choice Voting

The Harvard Law & Policy Review has this article about how the National Popular Vote Plan can be combined with ranked choice voting. Rob Richie of Fairvote is the lead author. The issue is not merely theoretical, given that Maine and Alaska now provide for ranked choice voting in presidential elections.


Harvard Law & Policy Review Carries Article on How to Combine National Popular Vote Plan and Ranked Choice Voting — 84 Comments

  1. You know,if these guys think that NPV is such a great idea, they shouldn’t wait until states with a majority of electoral votes join. They should initiate the compact with the states that have already passed it, and then they can practice working out the details without inflicting it on the whole country.

  2. Inter-state compacts require USA Congress approval.


    Electing a Prez AIN”T trivial —

    regardless of conlaw raving morons.

  3. Don’t like that idea of popular vote plan; however, I would like to see Prez and Vice Prez elected separately. Imagine a GOP President and a Democratic Vice President.

  4. Why does the unoriginal “Andy” keep coming back here after his cover was blown? If that wasn’t a different Andy.

  5. Fake Andy and the Uncle Grandpa/Larry/Nick psyop are designed to associate Trump supporters and patriots with bullshit, incest, superstitions, terrorism, cults, and nonsense. It should be ignored. I am not certain but most likely the cyberpig Paul, Will Klatt, and their (Israeli?) organization are behind it. They want to weaken the United States and ruin discussion on this site and others.

  6. Our Andy and the rest of TEAM VANILLA ISIS are in no way fake or a Psyop. If anything is a psyop it involves the unoriginal and probably take Andy, the fake fact checker, and their associate, rabbi Milnestein, and some others.

  7. We strengthen, not weaken, discussion and we are here to save your souls. You would ignore the lifeline we are trying to throw you at your peril. You are drowning and don’t even realize how close you are to eternal damnation.

    As for israhell, it needs to be destroyed, as we have said many times. We don’t know anything about the people you keep falsely accusing us of being other than what you have told us about them. And any information coming from your little terror / disinformation cell is highly suspect. It’s very likely that, your purpose here is exactly what you accuse us of. You are doing what is known as projecting.


  8. Why does the unoriginal Andy keep sticking up for Rabbi Milnestein in other threads and shield him from questions that expose him as a commie Jew agent? After the question is raised whether the unoriginal and probably fake Andy is himself just pretending to be a right-wing anti Zionist and is really actually a commie Zionist , “fake checker” sticks up for him by attacking us. HMMMMM….

    THIS COMES RIGHT AFTER THE UNORIGINAL ANDY’S HYPOCRISY ON QUESTIONS OF IDENTITY IS EXPOSED. The unoriginal Andy asks for proof of identity but does not provide any, or make similar demands of “fake checker” (probably because he already knows who the “fake checker” is). When asked for proof of his own identity, the unoriginal Andy just says people here have met him. He doesn’t name these people and they HAVE NOT CONFIRMED they met him.

    The only one he names is the forum owner, who multiple people here have said is actually a Jew commie. And whether he is or not, he hasn’t confirmed that he had met the unoriginal Andy either. We only have the unoriginal Andy’s word for it!!!

  9. We have exposed rabbi Milnestein, jewgle the turd, demo crazy and other commies and Zionist agents here. It looks like the unoriginal Andy and the phony fact checker are also commies and Zionist agents. Their game is to accuse us, the real Trump supporters and patriots, of being what they actually are.

  10. Maybe the unoriginal Andy and the phony fact checker are actually the cyberpig Paul and Will Klatt? Maybe they are in a Jewish communist disinformation cell with Rabbi Milnestein and others. Hmmmm…

  11. How does Vanilla Isis reconcile it’s anti-vaccine stance with the fact that Trump wants you to take it? Are you Trump slaves or not?

  12. This person saying “unoriginal” Andy has either been trolling for a long time, or they have access to some troll data files. I was known for a time on Independent Political Report as The Original Andy.

  13. I have talked to Richard Winger in person at Libertarian National Conventions. I know he was at the 2008 National Convention in Denver. I think he may have been at at least one other which I attended.

  14. I am really Dick of the trolls here posting under fake names and bringing down the level of discussion.

  15. Should read sick, but that too.

    This is of course one of the missions of trolls, that is to ruin discussions.

  16. Andy Gonzalez must’ve been looking up a lot of Dick for that autocorrect to malfunction like that.


    Yes, we are Trump slaves. However, we recognize that He has not achieved total and complete power yet, and has to play the game to a certain extent to get where He needs to get. Therefore, at times He will say what the establishment wants to hear in order to placate them. Over time, through close study of everything Trump says, our Patriarch and Prophet LARRY has determined when we hear, see or read “teleprompter Trump” and when we get a HOLY message from the REAL TRUMP.

    REGARDING THE UNORIGINAL ANDY, you might notice that we only began to refer to him thus recently. That’s because some other commentater mentioned that he used to call himself the “original” Andy years ago. It doesn’t require us to have ourselves been there at the time or dug through some living undead forum’s years old archives. We weren’t, and didn’t. For that matter, it didn’t require us to confirm whether he actually called himself that or not. We just thought it was funny , and came up with a new and more accurate name for him as a result.

  18. Some other commentator here in recent weeks mentioned that he called himself that years ago…

  19. TROLL MORONS are TROLL MORONS whatever they call themselves and each other.

    What percent of such TROLL MORONS are domestic/foreign govt agents ???

    or party hack agents ???

    or simple delusional NUTCASES ???

  20. Unoriginal Andy acknowledges fake checker / Egyptian idol is a troll. But notice the difference in attitude? Unoriginal Andy does not constantly demand to know who he/they are, or accuse them of being his nemeses, or discount everything they say, or accuse them of false motivation, etc, as he does with us.

    Unoriginal Andy saying who he met is unreliable. We would need them to say it to even begin to count as evidence. Then we would have to determine how reliable they actually are (is Winger a commie and a Jew as some here have said?) and if they are reliable, how likely he is to have fooled them. UNORIGINAL ANDY HASN’T EVEN PASSED THE FIRST OF THESE THREE TESTS.

    UNORIGINAL Andy is among those bringing down the level of discussion. Whether his name is real or not has yet to be determined. Even if his first name actually is Andy, so what? That doesn’t tell us anything. So is mine, and a lot of other people’s. There are millions of us. For reasons known only to him, unoriginal Andy hides his last name, acts like he’s the only Andy who is here or could ever be here, and insists on pointing out that it’s not him when any other Andy comments, as if anyone said it was him.

  21. Demo Crazy is a troll moron. I think he’s most likely a delusional nutcase, but he could be one of the other types.

  22. Demo Rep must have broken out of the asylum again. The men in white coats will put him back.

  23. Is unoriginal Andy dick of the trolls? Well, he’s a dick and a troll, so MAYBE.

    Has unoriginal Andy been looking at a lot of dick pics? Probably.

    Is unoriginal Andy’s last name Gonzalez? Maybe definitely but definitely probably.

    Are unoriginal Andy, fake checker/ Egyptian idol, rabbi Milnestein and friends here to ruin discussion? YES!


    He doesn’t offer whatever it is and keeps denying it, so it seems likely.

    Is the unoriginal Andy also fake checker and or Egyptian idol, or at least know who they are? Almost certainly. Working with them? Probably.

    Is the unoriginal Andy Paul? Maybe.

    Is fake checker Paul? Maybe.

    Are any of them Will Klatt? Maybe.

    Is the walrus Paul? Goo goo unoriginal Andy ate the goo g’joob.

    Any more questions?

    Andy from team VANILLA ISIS. KKK!!!

  24. The sentence that begins with he doesn’t offer should be right after the one that starts with is unoriginal Andy’s last name Gonzalez. My apologies to TEAM VANILLA ISIS and the readers for the error.

  25. We are happy to answer questions, but we have some too. RABBI Milnestein has not answered them. How about some other people answer them? Like UNORIGINAL Andy and fake checker for example? Or really anyone.

  26. I have attended multiple Libertarian National Convention. I am on stage at the 2020 LP National Convention in Orlando endorsing Ken Moellman for Vice Chairman. The video is on YouTube.

  27. You know, it would be entirely possible for all the pro-Republican states to form their own compact, and award all of their electoral votes to the candidates who win overall in just their own states.

  28. Who’s going to comb through hours of looneytoonitarian convention tapes to find the person you claim is you endorsing some other looneytooneytarian? People have lives. It’s as useless as saying you posted your last name in some unidentified threads here years ago without saying which ones, and you know that.

    Post an exact link to an exact short clip. Then explain how it is that we are supposed to know that is actually you. Does the clip even provide your last name? If you are a public person, who has posted his last name before, why don’t you post it now? Maybe it’s not in the video clip you claim exists, or maybe you are counting on the fact that no one will do multiple hours of research to find it. Or maybe that isn’t you at all.

    And even if you did provide your last name and prove you went to Looney toons conventions, what does it prove? Correct me if I’m wrong, at least one or two or maybe more of the people you accuse of being paid trolls, posting with multiple names, being us, and being secret agents of the Jewish Communist international globalist conspiracy are real people …with real last names…and at least some of them have attended Looney toons conventions. Did I get any of that wrong?

    So, if you ever did prove that you are the person you claim you are. And provides your last name. And proved that you attend Looney toony conventions…ALL THOSE SAME THINGS COULD STILL APPLY TO YOU!!!!


  29. All the states should form a compact to always provide all their votes to TRUMP!

  30. Yes, people are going to watch through a whole day of Looneytooneytarian nutjobbery on YouTube to supposedly find a few minutes if someone you claim is you endorsing some other looneytoon …yeah right. In the words of the imposter currently squatting in Trump’s rightful place…c’mon, man.

    You’d have to start by providing a link to the video and a time stamp so it could be easily found, if someone did want to look. Then if you did, does the clip provide a last name? And how would we know that this person is actually you? If you’re lying, do we get contact information for the individual in the clip at the Looney tunes convention so we can verify with him that he is you?

    Then if you get past all that…well my team mate Nick already explained it, so I don’t have to repeat what he already said.

  31. I am in multiple videos on YouTube. Lots of people know who I am.

    A much better question is who are you.

  32. No, a much better question is who you are. Those statements are vague and unverifiable.

    Which videos? Which people? Why aren’t those people stepping forward? Why is your last name a secret, if you’re a well known public person?

    Lots of people know who we are, too. We’ve been to many Trump rallies. We are active in our churches, neighborhoods, many local organizations, law enforcement fraternities, our local KKK, and so on. If you don’t know who we are, that’s your problem. We don’t know who you are either, much less your real motives, or who might be paying you. Although we do have our suspicions.

  33. Uncle Larry, wouldn’t it be even more accurate to call him Unoriginal Andy, the Limp Micropenis of Trolls?

  34. Ann Dee gurl
    You make us hurl
    You’re a special ed freak
    A real short bus trick

    Ann Dee gurl
    All I want to say
    Is when you’re here
    You make this place so gay

  35. The many troll morons should take their troll moron act to Saturday Night Live

    — to entertain the USA/world with their troll moron comments about whatever.

  36. You can try, demo crazy, but I don’t think you’d make the cut. You are just not entertaining enough. Sorry to break it to you but if you don’t believe me, go ahead and try your luck.

  37. “…. designed to associate Trump supporters and patriots with bullshit, incest, superstitions, terrorism, cults, and nonsense.”

    This itself is bullshit and nonsense, which we never post. We’ve never said anything supporting superstition or incest, so what is the fact chucker babbling about there??? Unless “superstition” is atheist pabulum for Christian faith? We also don’t advocate for cults. Our religion is explicitly Christian. If fact chucker is saying that Christianity is “superstition” and a “cult,” he or she would have to explain that a bit better. Speaking of which, what is the fact chucker’s religion???

    This leaves terrorism. One man’s patriot or heroic revolutionary is another man’s terrorist. We advocate fighting fire with fire.

  38. I think that’s you. Now the only question is if you’re Klatt or Frankel. You have not done anything to demonstrate that we promote any idiocy. I’ve noticed fact chucker has not answered what religion he is, much less provided evidence of any of his claims.

    Fact chucker jumps in to defend the unoriginal Ann Dee , little anal anus of the trolls, while she is defending rabbi Milnestein on another thread where he is avoiding questions which expose him as a commie Jew. HMMMM!!!

  39. I should tell the story of my last experiences with Paul, which was in Arkansas in 2019, sometime. The last time I saw him he was shouting like a deranged lunatic. I wish I had it on video. This was after I had called him out for his disloyalty. I actually did try to reach out to him shortly after this, and he lacked the common decency to respond. This was in June of 2019.

  40. I don’t know what you idiots are babbling about. We notice your continued inability to answer questions, another sure sign that you are actually the undercover Jew commies you accuse us of being.

    As for your idiocy: DEPUTY LARRY is the PROPHET and Patriarch. His name or initials have nothing to do with “Fuck my life.” The area of Florida we are in, right near the Georgia line, has mostly Braves fans. We do have some Rays fans out here, but there more south and east of us. And even most of them are cheering for the Braves right now in the World Series, especially with the leftist scum being all triggered by the chop and the excellent new Georgia voting law.

    Objective proof of your ignorance:


    None of us have been to Alabama since the Trump rally in Cullman.

    As for Ann Dee Gurl not using her last name, it wouldn’t be an issue if she wasn’t so obsessed with asking anyone she doesn’t know for license, registration, and proof of insurance. A last name and badge number should be available in such situations according to the law enforcement code of conduct.

    In short, you all are guilty of everything you accuse us of – projecting to deflect from your own guilt. We answer questions. You don’t. You defend each other, and Ann Dee Gurl defends Rabbi Milnestein, who we have exposed as an agent of Jew communism. It wouldn’t be surprising if you two were these Frankel and Klatt characters you keep obsessing over.

    GO BRAVES!!!

  41. I think “Andy” at 5:51 and “fact checker” are actually Paul and Will Klatt. They accuse everyone else of being themselves to try to throw the suspicion off them.

  42. This is the first time I posted in this thread. I did NOT post ANY of the other comments by “Andy” because I am the only real Andy here, all other Andys are just imitating, and I just felt compelled to tell you that. Like some other celebrities such as Madonna, Cher, Bono, and Sting, I don’t really need a last name. People know me, and I have been in youtube videos. That’s all you need to know. I also have a little puppy dog named fact checker who follows me around and does my bidding, and I feed him table scraps and pet him. Now you all need to give me all your information like name, address, phone number, date of birth, home and mailing address, and whatever else you got. If you don’t, my puppy dog will bite you in the ass, and if he doesn’t, I will.

  43. It’s either Klatt or someone who knows his email address since his gravatar shows up. Most likely it’s him.

    Whoever is bringing up Stock is an asshole spreading disinformation.

  44. Fap chicken posted all the last garbage comments starting with the one by “Will klatt” except possibly the one by the unoriginal Andy, unless he is the unoriginal Andy, which also seems very likely probable. He has Klatt email address. Duh.

    Their garbage comments, identity games, and nonsense and bullshit, are all designed to deflect attention away from the questions they can’t answer and the total demolishment of all their nonsense by those bad ass crackers from team vanilla ISIS.

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