Write-in Candidate Byron Brown Leading in Race for Buffalo, New York Mayor

Buffalo holds a mayoral election on November 2, 2021. Write-in candidate Byron Brown (the incumbent) has a strong lead, even though he is not on the ballot. The poll forced respondents to volunteer the name of Byron Brown if they intend to vote for him; the only candidate named in the poll was the Democratic nominee, India Walton. See this story.

The Board of Elections will be forced to do a great deal of extra work to canvass so many write-in votes. The Board would have been better off if it had not appealed the decision of the U.S. District Court, putting Brown on the November ballot as an independent candidate. The issue was the early petition deadline. The U.S. District Court followed precedent and ruled the early deadline unconstitutional, but then the Second Circuit stayed that order, without writing any text of its own. The deadline was in May, although before 2019 it had always been in October, September or August.


Write-in Candidate Byron Brown Leading in Race for Buffalo, New York Mayor — 18 Comments

  1. I guess he is winning. He has done everything to get voters to elect him short of giving them magic carpet rides. Mayor of Buffalo isn’t anything to brag about. It’s the State of New York’s biggest cesspool. PUKE!

  2. If voters use block letter printing to write in their choices on the ballot today’s optical character recognition technology is rigorous enough to process ballots accurately and kick out ambiguous ballots for human evaluation.

  3. How baaaad is New Age handwriting ???

    How many New Age ballots with illegal votes / markings [esp outside of boxes/ovals] ???

  4. Disgusting. Even when you beat Democrats in their own damn primary, they refuse to back down. They’ll fight even a modicum of socialism tooth and nail.

  5. Don’t let the commie fool you. It’s just a turf war between different commie gangs. Demon rats and socialists are all different types of commies, but not really different when it comes to anything that matters to everyone else.

  6. They may just be pretending to hate each other. Or they may actually hate each other, like different criminal gangs. Which is all they are when you get right down to it.

  7. Not once in his campaign does he talk about, even negatively, about his opponent. That socialist, on the other hand, does nothing but sling mud. Looking forward to Brown getting re-elected.

  8. Mahoney, Brown, and Brown’s opponent, are all commies. Maybe longtime reader is too?

  9. Thanks for at least owning up to it, unlike a lot of the other commies here who play games instead.

  10. I’d rather be a communist than a right-wing nut like you proport to be. However, Brown and Walton, and almost all elected Democrats, aren’t communist, and you pretending they are in every post doesn’t make it true.

  11. I don’t think every Democrat is a Communist. But I do believe every Communist is a Democrat.

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