Oklahoma Libertarian Wins Local Election by Default

Anthony Garcia, a registered Libertarian, has been elected to the School Board that runs the Francis Tuttle Technology Center. The Board is responsible for a tech college, in cooperation with six local school boards. Garcia had been appointed to the board, but now an election is being held to fill the five seats on the board. Garcia is the only candidate who filed for the zone four seat, so he is automatically elected. Thanks to Chris Powell for this news.


Oklahoma Libertarian Wins Local Election by Default — 18 Comments

  1. It’s a non-partisan election. Most voters know school boards are elected positions but don’t think much about them, far fewer realize that these vo-techs also have elected boards. In my view Mr. Garcia holding this office is significant because it’s an example of being a registered Libertarian becoming common enough in the state to be found in any non-partisan elected office.

  2. Call me when a libertarian actually wins a partisan race. The party especially at the national level has become a corrupt joke.

  3. Another case where a Libertarian gets elected to a irrelevant LOCAL body. In what decade will ANY Libertarian get elected to: 1.) A statewide office in ANY state, 2.) a seat in the U.S. House or Senate, or b.) ANYTHING ABOVE a state legislative seat in insignificant states like NH and AK. The Libertarian Party has been in existence for 50 years, and is proving to have next to NO IMPACT in electing its members to partisan office. it is proving, like all third parties are, to be a COMPLETE WASTE OF BALLOT SPACE! When Democrats that DO NOT LISTEN, Republicans that DO NOT CARE, and third party candidates like Libertarians are proving to be a WASTE OF BALLOT SPACE, “None of the Above” becomes a viable option. But they cannot even advocate for that.

  4. The Libertarian Party has won legislative elections in four states. The Green Party has won legislative elections in three states. The Constitution Party has won a legislative election in one state.

    But no nationally-organized third party has won a seat in congress since 1948.

  5. Libertarian complainers: We should stop running a candidate for President and focus more on local elections, building the party from the ground up.

    Same Libertarian complainers as above, whenever a Libertarian gets elected to local office: It was just a non-partisan local election. Call me when they win something important.

  6. The Libertarian Party has did great activism in the courts for obtaining ballot access not only for themselves; but, set a precedent for other third political parties to obtain easier ballot access. I remember as a teenager, in the 1970’s, the Libertarian Party had a stand at about every outdoor festival event in Baltimore that I attended. That’s enthusiasm.

  7. School board members have been under attack from both sides regarding pandemic response, history education, and other issues, so good luck!

  8. So if a party is successful in overcoming the ballot access hurdles they still suck? What exactly would they have to do to not suck? Why are you even here if you hate the democratic process that much?

  9. SUDCCIV pointed out things they would have to do to not suck, above. They could also stop being leftists and go back to being libertarians. That would also not suck. Your last question is way too loaded with erroneous presumptions to make any sense.

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