Law Professor Jerry Goldfeder Scholarly Article Suggests Easing New York Petitioning Rules

Law professor Jerry H. Goldfeder, the acknowledged expert on New York election law, has published this article about New York’s continuing habit of disqualifying candidate petitions for trivial reasons. This has been a problem in New York state for almost a century. Goldfeder suggests that New York institute candidate filing fees as a substitute for petitions, or to use campaign finance data as a substitute for a petition.


Law Professor Jerry Goldfeder Scholarly Article Suggests Easing New York Petitioning Rules — 8 Comments

  1. Who is the expert about NY ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders —
    USA / state/ locals ???

  2. I’ve been proposing that for decades. Get rid of those petitions and just do a fee for ballot access. Of course, the two major tyranny parties don’t want easier ballot access especially if its a third political party. Remember, “Americans are too stupid when it comes to voting if the ballot has too many candidates listed. That’s why we need just two parties”. Duh. This is how the Dems and GOP thinks.

  3. How many adult illiterate folks now in NY esp —

    can NOT read a ballot ??? — thus do NOT vote.

  4. DEMP REP. You raised a good point. Perhaps, we are looking at ballot access from a wrong angle. Maybe we need to make the voters smarter and wiser before they vote. No need to get on the ballot if illerates can’t read the ballot to vote.

  5. The real problem is not actual illiteracy, because most of those people are either not allowed to vote, don’t want to, or both. It’s more functional illiteracy or low level literacy. There used to be safeguards against that, such as limiting voting to property owning White men over 21, literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses. Unfortunately, over time those safeguards have fallen away, and even been banned from being implemented at the local level.

    We are now faced with the very situation the founders warned about: an increasing number of non property owners, immature people, deviants, emotional women, idiots and criminals, as well as foreigners, children, and those not culturally grounded in Christendom and Western European civilization gradually voting themselves the property of the job creator’s without earning it. Why work, when they can just vote themselves welfare? As a result, more working men get tired of bearing an ever growing burden, shirk it off, and join the ranks of the criminals and parasites.

    Add the destructive effects of population replacement, illegal invaders, the destruction of the family, welfare supported breeding, feminism, cultural Marxism, and generations of Marxist propaganda in education, “news” and entertainment chipping away at our nation’s character, and we have a very serious crisis indeed. The vast majority of those voting don’t belong within a mile of a ballot.

    It’s looking more and more like the answer will be found in our Bibles and our guns, and not in the rigged and manipulated voting process. Pray hard, and get ready.

  6. Those illiterate folks may have major problems learning about Western *civilization* —

    Rise and fall of Democracy in olde Greece
    Items such as John Locke, Second Treatise of Govt 1690
    Blackstone’s Commentaries about Brit legal system 1760s
    The 1776-1791 State/USA Consts
    Current Consts and election reforms – even reading BAN.

  7. Nowadays they are told all that stuff is racist. Better to be a couch potato, watch reality tv shows, pop out kids and collect welfare checks. Don’t forget to vote.

  8. Most illiterates self decide not to vote, unless they are pressured by activists who will “assist” them to cast their ballots.

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