Texas Files Appeal in Case Over Law that Makes it a Crime for Election Officials to Suggest Voting by Postal Ballot

On February 14, Texas filed a notice of appeal in Longoria v Paxton. This is the lawsuit in which a U.S. District Court had enjoined the law that makes it a crime for an election official to suggest to a voter that the voter consider applying for a postal ballot.


Texas Files Appeal in Case Over Law that Makes it a Crime for Election Officials to Suggest Voting by Postal Ballot — 20 Comments

  1. Everything is a crime in Texas. Hang em high you backward hicks! One of the last states where a paraplegic on his death bed can go to jail for smoking a joint. What American freedom eh?

  2. Ben: While homosexual conduct being illegal in Texas is still on the books it is unenforceable. The Supreme Court over turned that law in 2003.

    There are many States that have laws on their books that are meaningless because they were trumped by Federal law. Men in Texas can have as much sex with each other as they wish without fear of the law.

  3. Public service announcement:

    Don’t click on Cabbie’s website. I did and instantly regretted it. I feel like it gave me an STD just by looking at it. He promotes one site endorsing cheap hookers and another really nasty porn site where an ugly American guy travels around Asia molesting little oriental girls and shemales. Disgusting!

  4. Robert K Stock,

    That law was temporarily on pause, like some other Texas laws, because a leftist US supreme court exceeded its constitutional authority and invented things in the constitution that are not there instead of interpreting things that could even plausibly have been meant. Now that we finally have a constitutionally attuned Supreme Court at long last, law enforcement officers and judges can once again start enforcement of paused state laws and let the leftists appeal that enforcement all the way to the supreme court just to see those bad leftist precedents thrown out. The legislation doesn’t have to do anything because the statutes on the books were never repealed, and are still there.

    So, local officials can, should, and some will start enforcing the laws now. And when your evil side loses your appeals those local actions will overturn one bad precedent after another. It’s game, set, match, you just don’t know it yet. To hell with the devil!

    It will be fun to watch all those leftist precedents fall. We will start to enforce many, many laws that you evil sinister fools thought were overturned long ago. It will all hold up in court, and the momentum will only increase with time.

  5. Overton: Temporarily on pause is not a thing. The superiority of Federal law versus State law was decided by the sword in 1865. No matter how much you hope and pray, your Christian version of the Taliban will never come to pass.

  6. Stupid Satanist, hope and prayer are no longer all we have. Now it’s time for action, and unlike the Taliban, once your secularist version of communism is swept out, it will stay swept out. Temporarily on pause is indeed a thing.

    Courts can and do reverse themselves, and you’ll have to get used to a groundswell of leftist precedents getting overturned, no matter how much you will hate seeing it happen. Your entire house of cards of leftist court precedents will collapse. You won’t even have prayer to comfort you as you watch all you thought you accomplished being swept away.

    Law enforcement officers can enforce any legal statute on the books. What can you do about it? You can retain all the haven’t-aclu lawyers and sue about it all the way to the supreme court. Whereupon all that will happen is that the bad precedents your legal arguments will rely on will get reversed.

    What will you do when the federal government you rely on is no longer on your side? You better start really thinking about that, because guess what? IT IS NO LONGER ON YOUR SIDE. With the supreme court we have now it’s not a question of whether all the leftist precedents you love, such as forcing states to tolerate sodomy, will fall – it’s only a question of when. And the answer is: sooner than you can imagine.

    But the real kicker in the teeth for you is that our side doesn’t have to wait for those bad precedents to fall. We’ll just start enforcing the laws on the books and let you sue about it. Whatcha gonna do when you discover that the Supreme Court no longer sides with you? You won’t have a prayer, and all your hopes will shatter. You will just have to go to hell, where you belong.

  7. It’s not a dream, it’s a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court. That’s reality. Welcome to your nightmare.

  8. Overton: It is not a nightmare at all. The Supreme Court will follow the Constitution which is a nightmare for President Trump and his ilk. I have faith that they will do the right thing. I have disagreed with some of the rulings of the Court in the past, but on the whole I am happy with the Court. I will most likely disagree with some of the future rulings of the Court, but on the whole I will probably be happy with them. President Trump’s picks are not a bloc of Fascist Christian Taliban that you imagine them to be. I think you will be bitterly disappointed.

  9. More Secession stuff ??? —

    1776-1784 secede from Brit Empire


  10. az: Maybe. I think the United States should come to an end and be replaced by several different independent countries, but I doubt that will happen.

  11. It amazes me everyday how stupid Stock is. His hero Biden is constantly violating the Constitution, so much so that the Supreme Court is striking down some of his garbage. Trump knew and followed the Constitution far more.

    Why did Thomas Jones change his name from Demo Rep to az?

  12. Stock – there is nothing whatsoever in the Constitution that mandates legal sodomy, legal abortion/infanticide, legal miscegenation, etc. Local public schools allowing for teacher led prayer and religious instruction is not the same thing as congress establishing a Church of the United States. You’re right, the court will follow the Constitution as written and intended. It will overturn all the bad court precedents you rely on, which are NOT the Constitution, and which the Court has every right to do.

    So, it remains a fact that you will be the one disappointed, and the living nightmare will be yours. It will be ever so sweet to watch it unfold. No amount of factually false name calling or comparison to fascists or Taliban will change what’s about to happen. Believe me now or believe me later.

  13. Frank – he’s trying to say that he is the alpha and the omega, which is a way of saying the Almighty by reference to the first and last letters of the alphabet, signifying the beginning and the end.

  14. Are you sure? I thought he was just saying that he’s moving to Arizona, like a lot of old people.

  15. How many A2Z troll morons on BAN doing ZERO to end —

    unequal ballot access laws
    minority rule gerrymanders
    party hack execs/judics
    fatal SOP violations ???

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