Some Colorado Republicans File Lawsuit Against State Law that Allows Independent Voters to Vote in Primaries

On February 24, some Republican candidates and party officials filed a federal lawsuit against the 2016 Colorado law that virtually forces parties that nominate by primary to let independent voters vote in their primaries. Parable v Griswold, 1:22cv-477. The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Phillip Brimmer, a Bush Jr. appointee.

The case is being expedited. A fatal flaw in this case may be that no political party is challenging the law. Here is the Complaint. Thanks to Michael McCorkle for this news.


Some Colorado Republicans File Lawsuit Against State Law that Allows Independent Voters to Vote in Primaries — 14 Comments

  1. PUBLIC offices
    PUBLIC Electors – in subgroups
    PUBLIC nominations

    One more mess due to SCOTUS hacks too stupid to detect above.

  2. Watch here for latest updates from hard core systemic racists who implemented RCV in single-winner election districts in city of SF, Alaska, Maine, city of Oakland!

    Now that go-ogle is worldwide and since Americans can legally spend money in foreign elections, watch as the entire world struggles with one-party dictatorships that the “click the ad” and “click the search” will bring to BAN.

    Join the parliament store and help us bring pure proportional representation;

  3. What does jewgle the turd do for a living? Ad revenue from the fantasy politics spam sites he spends almost all his time spamming out. So jewgle the punk bitch commie turd is not just a troll, moron, nutjob piece of shiite. He’s also a full time professional commercial spammer.

    Jewgle the turd punk bitch commie also has a useless hobby where he moves dirty p00p from his sharts across toilet paper or casts it in bronze. But by his own admission he gets no money for this, so it has nothing to do with what he does for a living.

    Like all the incorrect math he has spent decades spreading for pay, the sharts and j1zz he spreads for free mean nothing. He has no case against his fellow California commies at Google and he knows it, which is why he has not sued them. They probably have a good defamation / slander case against him, but he’s too insignificant, and they probably don’t want to give him the unearned publicity.

    He sounds gay when he talks but I heard he had sexual relations with the ugly nigress Tiffany Briscoe and masturbates himself while thinking about Roseanne Barr.

    This is what it must be like if Jewgle the turd ever comes home to visit family in Alabama:

    James Orlando Ogle Sr. Is probably rolling over in his grave because of this punk commie bitch spammer turd carrying his name.

  4. IMO, a party could restrict a primary to its own members, provided that the state could then make the party pay for it.

  5. Didn’t the supreme court rule on this issue, or something similar?

  6. These attacks on the honorable MP James Ogle (One) are atrocious, horrendous, and racist! You belong in prison! You are worse than Putin!

  7. The US Supreme Court ruled that if a party doesn’t want members of other parties helping choose its nominees, it need not be forced to do that. Cal. Dem. Party v Jones (2000). The US Supreme Court also ruled in 1986 that if a party wants independents to vote in its primary, it can insist on it.

    But the US Supreme Court has never had a case in which a party was being forced to let independent voters vote in its primary, against its will.

  8. Putin is actually very good. As far as joogle the turd I guess truth hurts.

  9. Ivanka would be more beautiful if she had a big beautiful eight inch dick and two nice sized testicles.

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