Another U.S. House Roll Call Vote Debunks Idea that Closed Primaries Produce Extreme Politicians

On April 5, the U.S. House passed H.Res.831, to establish a Center for Democratic Resilience in NATO. Only 63 U.S. House members voted “no”. They are all Republicans.

Here is the roll-call vote. Among the 63 “no” votes were only 14 members from states in which independent voters could not vote in Republican primaries (Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania).

Many journalists routinely assert that closed primaries produce extreme politicians, whereas letting independents vote in primaries causes moderate politicians to be elected. This is not true; it has been rebutted in many political science studies.

This post does not take a position on whether H.Res.831 is good or bad policy. It merely points out that voting against strengthening democracy inside NATO is considered an “extreme” position, compared to the post-war consensus in the United States.


Another U.S. House Roll Call Vote Debunks Idea that Closed Primaries Produce Extreme Politicians — 12 Comments

  1. What does this have to do with ballot access? It sounds more like Richard Winger is pro NATO and is using this to slam anyone voting against this.

  2. If open primaries lead to the rejection of the globalist NATO “demo(no)cracy” agenda, we need more open primaries.

  3. Most European/NATO countries already have far more democratic election systems than we do, with proportional representation/ranked choice voting, fair ballot access requirements, and more than two parties represented in government. I think it more likely that the aim of the folks who drafted this bill is to try and export American style “democracy”, ie, two-party systems propped up by rigged ballot access laws and judiciaries.

  4. It’s actually to punish people who have a slightly different POV from the globalist “consensus” such as Viktor Orban, who was just re-elected in a massive victory for the Hungarian people and Western, Christian civilization.

  5. This post is closely associated with ballot access. The biggest setbacks to ballot access in this century have been the attempts to end the ability of parties to nominate candidates. This inevitably results in a general election ballot limited to candidates form the two major parties. This movement is endlessly fueled by claims that closed primaries are “bad”. Andrew Yang is an example of someone who expresses this view.

  6. In this case, despite being a commie…He’s right. I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. I’d rather beat the far left on the field of battle than face them in the dishonest guise of the mushy center.

    The 63 Republicans who voted no were the only ones who voted correctly on this bill. We need more Republicans like that in Congress. We need them to take over Congress, legislative and judicial branches, and state and local governments. We need the kind of leaders Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Serbia have. Ones who will stand up to the leftist globalization and third world population replacement scheme and gender benders and secularism and socialism.

    We the people need Trump back in office. We need to send the “centrists” packing. Then we can beat the Bernies and AOCs cleanly. If more open primaries speeds up getting to that final battle, let’s have more open primaries! Then beat global communism and its domestic fifth column once and for all!

  7. One of the most common, true, and extremely successful arguments against socialism was its tendency toward authoritarianism. There was no shortage of high profile examples: Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, etc. They were all justifiably reviled by Republicans, in part because they were authoritarians. Trump and his supporters have weakened the Republican party’s supposed opposition to socialism by advocating their own form of authoritarian rule.

  8. Trump is not authoritarian. Saying he is is psycho liberal projection. Biden is far more authoritarian.

  9. Trump is way beyond authoritarian

    — one more power M-A-D wannabee absolute tyrant

    – with his tyrant contempt for ANY limits on his POWER – Constitutional / statutory.

  10. What are you babbling about? That is total nonsense, unsupported by any scintilla of evidence. Are you even capable of formulating an argument of any rudimentary sort?

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