New California Registration Tally

On June 3, the California Secretary of State released a new registration tally. Since the last tally, which was as of April 8, all six qualified parties have gained, and the percentage of people not registered in any qualified party has declined.

The new percentages, which are as of May 23, 2022: Democratic 46,77%; Republican 23.93%; American Independent 3.42%; Libertarian 1.03%; Peace & Freedom .535%; Green .422%; independent, other, and unknown 23.90%.

Percentages in April 2022 were: Democratic 46.75%; Republican 23.92%; American Independent 3.39%; Libertarian 1.02%; Peace & Freedom .530%; Green .418%; independent, other, and unknown 23.97%.

Among the unqualified parties, the Common Sense Party has 20,813, a sharp drop from their last tally, which was 30,882 as of January 4. There was no tally for them in April 2022 because they hadn’t renewed their request for a tally. See the full May 2022 Report here.


New California Registration Tally — 6 Comments

  1. Almost all of the drop in Common Sense registrations were in Los Angeles, where they went from 9467 to 1334. Elsewhere they went from 22,960 to 19,511.

    Was there some sort of campaign to get voters to change their registration online then change it back OR did Dean Logan do something odd.

    It appears that Automatic Voter Registration is helping the minor parties. Voters are registered as Unknown and then sent a form that tells them they can unregister and also update their affiliation. This essentially presents all 6 parties as equivalent. Many of these voters would not have registered after finishing a mind-numbing bureaucratic miasma at the DMV. But if told that their party affiliation is “unknown” they might feel a need to correct it.

    I think an Oooh! Shiny Rock Party would be quite attractive.


    TUES 7 JUNE 2022



  3. The common sense party was a “slam” job. Signature gatherers in CA are known to “slam” voter registration cards. “Slamming” is the act of misrepresenting a petition or voter registration by fraudulent means to gain a registration or petition signed for pay. So these people look like they never intended to join the Common Sense Party. Over time these people move because mainly they are college students who re-registered later and never new they were Common Sense Party in the first place.

    Case in point ——>

  4. @JoeF,

    Thanks for the link. In 2020 when the articles were written, San Diego had 37% of all Common Sense registrations.

    Can an unregistered voter sign petitions in California, or is it common practice to register voters at the time of signing? How did PBS get the actual affidavits? Surely the drivers license and signature are redacted.

    PBS interviewed two persons. One claimed that he had registered to vote but had been given a small card without a party. Either his recollection was faulty, or his responses had been transcribed. Since that would include the signature, I think it was more likely that someone had marked the party.

    If the San Diego Registrar sent a notice to voters of their registration it meant that they had not read it. If confronted by a reporter, people may fib.

    But while Common Sense registration has fallen off almost everywhere, it has fallen off a cliff in Los Angeles.

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