Only Two Unqualified Parties File to Appear on Minnesota Statewide Ballot

Filing for the Minnesota election has closed. The only unqualified parties that petitioned for a statewide or U.S. House race in Minnesota this year are the Socialist Workers Party, and the Independence-Alliance Party.

The four qualified parties are Democratic-Farmer-Labor, Republican, Legal Marijuana Now, and Grassroots Legalize Cannabis.

This is the first election since 2010 with no Libertarians on the statewide ballot. It is the first election since 1994 with no Green Party nominees on the statewide ballot. Here is a link to the Minnesota Secretary of State’s list of candidates. The state statewide offices are listed at the very end, following the legislative candidates.


Only Two Unqualified Parties File to Appear on Minnesota Statewide Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. I know that in the Minnesota 7th Congressional District their is a candidate with strong libertarian/Constitutionalist views. He failed to get on the ballot as an Independent, but is on the ballot under the Legal Marijuana Now party.

  2. Glad the SWP is running someone. I know the SEP ran someone in Michigan’s 12 Congressional district in 2018 (Niles Niemuth), but I don’t see many socialist parties running around this area. Hoping their campaign goes okay.

  3. The big problem in MN is that you can only circulate the petition during a two-week window in the summer, when college students (often open to sighning) go elsewhere and the time frame should be like 60 days.

  4. There are socialist and communist parties running in every state. They’re called Democrats.

  5. No libertarians? Corrupt Whitney Bilyeu and her minions once again failed to do her job and help affiliates. McArdle will be so much better.

  6. @Eddie
    The reason there are no Libertarians on the ballot is because the Mises Caucus delegates at the LPMN convention voted to not run anyone. The chair who had just been elected then resigned because of this vote to not run candidates.

  7. “There are socialist and communist parties running in every state. They’re called Democrats.”


  8. Darryl sold out and became a communist even though he still calls himself a libertarian. He used to actually be a real libertarian until he got corrupted and pussywhipped.

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